Is "smut" a synonym for "erotica?"


Literotica Guru
Feb 19, 2021
This isn't meant to be a question for substantive philosophical discussion. I just want to understand how intelligent writers of erotica (as the participants in Author's Hangout seem to be) use the term. In other words, I don't want to argue that "smut" should mean one thing or another. I just want to know how it's widely understood.

I got back into the world of erotica after a 50 year absence. Back in the day I don't think I encountered the word "smut," but, of course, with no internet I didn't encounter much talk about erotica at all. Just stories.

In the last few years I've been a little startled to see people using "smut" in what seems to be a synonym for erotica, and sometimes as a synonym for the passages in a story meant to provoke arousal in the reader. For me "smut" has connotations of something dirty or shameful. I don't think of myself as an author of "dirty" stories.

On the other hand, it's clear that some people do, indeed, use it in a dismissive, even contemptuous way.

Is there a consensus on the use/connotations of the word?

For those of you who use "smut" to refer to less than intelligent kinds of erotica, what term do you use for passages that are intended to elicit arousal in the reader?

Here are some examples I've bumped into over the last week or two (note - I see "smut" used widely in other discussion boards, most notably Reddit. The quotes here are from recent Lit threads I've participated in)


I write smut to amuse myself, and I publish it here because why the hell not? If I find it sexy, someone else might too.

The writing I do to polish my craft and connect with others is totally G-rated.
I never said that writing pure smut equals pandering. If you write what you feel like writing, the stories that are in your heart, and that happens to be pure stroke material, it's not pandering.
So you write a great plot (because most of us here in the AH are into plot and characters with our smut, that's why we like to talk literary here) and the majority of your comments and feedback is overwhelmingly positive, and based on that you conclude that plot is popular.
Most of the folks in chat have been lurking reading the stories for years until they one day realize that there's a chat, so they wander into chat looking for the exact same smut that they're looking for in the stories. Now there are all kinds in the chat, but there is an overwhelming tendency to get to the fapping and dispense with the buildup.
And I’ve done some crazy things in my time as a smut writer. [shakes head]
Cut back on your plot, keep the smut ratio up. Personally, my smut ratio hovers between 10 and 30%. This is much too low. The knuckle on the scroll wheel finger gets tired and I get dropped. I know this. They've told me so. Get that up over 50%, over 70% if you can. Heck if you can pull off 100%.
I think you're right about this. Most people have a pretty low bar with smut. They have a few generic things that turn them on: blondes with big tits, sexy cheerleaders, high heels, butt-fucking.
I think smut encompasses XXX writing in general, but there is also a case to be made that when people say smut they're talking about strokers and one handed reads whereas 'erotica' is more slow burn and has more depth in story and character.

Then there is "literary erotica"....those people are just snobs.
Anyone who futzes around with language in their creativities knows most bring their own individual meaning even the most widely understood terms.

If I say "dog" the odds you and most of those AHers imagine the same one is nearly nil.

"Smut" is sometimes a placeholder. Sometimes a substitution. Sometimes a deliberate choice (usually shaded towards sex forward vs. narrative focused stories)

And by its nature it is highly contentious so many limit it to mean their narrow definition and associated sexual proclivities.

I generally view it as a shorthand first then try to suss out more context if it appears to be part of a bigger idea, concept, higher level discussion.
Then there is "literary erotica"....those people are just snobs.
You are generalizing.

Sometimes it's just about adding more context.

Human beings are driven to categorize things. Apple is an apple but so too is a MacIntosh, Jazz, Fiji, Braeburn, etc. That categorizing is helpful to me in finding my preferences.

If somebody is truly a pompous ass, they'll show themselves far beyond one specific word choice.
I have my own nomenclature. “Porn” is visual. “Smut” is written. Both exist so the reader can get off.

“Erotica” is smut with its pinky finger extended so it looks classy.

Calling what I write “smut” is just an acknowledgement that I don’t have any literary pretensions. I expect people to stroke to it.
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Words evolve, obviously.

Connotations for 'smut' from five decades ago are, I'm sure (can't speak from personal experience), quite different to now. Same as slut, gay, cloud, stream, meme, viral, literally, troll, cool, organic...

Personally I would see 'erotica' and 'smut' as broadly synonymous, though perhaps 'smut' refers more to the sexual aspects of the story and 'erotica' to the story as a whole. My own subjective interpretation.
I like the word smut because I love the 'sm' consonant blend. It's... fun and euphonious, let's say.
It seems to have been used pejoratively in the past, but so are a lot of words related to human sexuality. So people using it more broadly is possibly a way of trying to destigmatize so-called dirty words. Dick and cunt and so forth are good examples of other words seen often here that probably seem much less out of place or abrasive than they would elsewhere.
I have my own nomenclature. “Porn” is visual. “Smut” is written. Both exist so the reader can get off.

“Erotica” is smut with its pinky ginger extended so it looks classy.

Calling what I write “smut” is just an acknowledgement that I don’t have any literary pretensions. I expect people to stroke to it.
"That's no pinky. It's a micropenis."
For years the tag line under my for sale pen name has been "My smut has depth"

A claim it doesn't always live up to.
I’ve become obsessed with synonyms lately, I don’t like using the same word too many times in a story.

Tell that guy on the bookmark to ask his buddy SeaMan about the definition if he needs one. His girlfriend might know too. The one he saved from stoning in some stories I’ve read.
Anyone who futzes around with language in their creativities knows most bring their own individual meaning even the most widely understood terms.

If I say "dog" the odds you and most of those AHers imagine the same one is nearly nil.

"Smut" is sometimes a placeholder. Sometimes a substitution. Sometimes a deliberate choice (usually shaded towards sex forward vs. narrative focused stories)

And by its nature it is highly contentious so many limit it to mean their narrow definition and associated sexual proclivities.

I generally view it as a shorthand first then try to suss out more context if it appears to be part of a bigger idea, concept, higher level discussion.
Remember, I was asking for individual understandings.
I did that and was told I was generalizing.

But here's an example I've given to people before-my opinion as I have to make that clear it seems

Smut-Laura's on the couch naked under her robe, she's horny. Ups guy rings the bell, she answers, pulls him in and they have torrid sex with a bunch of big package jokes and deliveries in the rear comments tossed in. He came, she came, show is over.

Erotica-Laura is on the couch, naked under her robe. She is frustrated and upset because she found out the reason her husband has been neglecting her is because he's having an affair with his young intern.
Laura is hurt, betrayed and pissed off...also horny due to lack of sex. UPS guy shows up with a large heavy package(yeah, there is no avoiding these jokes, they write themselves) and he brings it in for her. She can't help noticing how hot he is and he's half her age, nor the fact he's eying her and liking what he sees. Laura is torn, he's just what she needs, and she gets a measure of revenge on two timing hubs, but do two wrong make a right?

She looks down at her wedding ring, and leans towards taking the high road and being better than cheating dog husband. which is when the UPS guy asks her if the girl who accepted the delivery last time he was here was her daughter?

Now, blinded by rage and lust, Laura says fuck it all and fucks his brains out...

Not an award winning story, and honestly not something I'd write, but the point is in the first example its cue cheesy porn music and get to the fucking, in the second we get to know Laura, her emotions, motivations and she's no longer a cardboard cutout porn star, but a scorned and hurt woman trying-and failing-to the right thing, but damn if wrong didn't feel so fucking right.
I did that and was told I was generalizing.

But here's an example I've given to people before-my opinion as I have to make that clear it seems

Smut-Laura's on the couch naked under her robe, she's horny. Ups guy rings the bell, she answers, pulls him in and they have torrid sex with a bunch of big package jokes and deliveries in the rear comments tossed in. He came, she came, show is over.

Erotica-Laura is on the couch, naked under her robe. She is frustrated and upset because she found out the reason her husband has been neglecting her is because he's having an affair with his young intern.
Laura is hurt, betrayed and pissed off...also horny due to lack of sex. UPS guy shows up with a large heavy package(yeah, there is no avoiding these jokes, they write themselves) and he brings it in for her. She can't help noticing how hot he is and he's half her age, nor the fact he's eying her and liking what he sees. Laura is torn, he's just what she needs, and she gets a measure of revenge on two timing hubs, but do two wrong make a right?

She looks down at her wedding ring, and leans towards taking the high road and being better than cheating dog husband. which is when the UPS guy asks her if the girl who accepted the delivery last time he was here was her daughter?

Now, blinded by rage and lust, Laura says fuck it all and fucks his brains out...

Not an award winning story, and honestly not something I'd write, but the point is in the first example its cue cheesy porn music and get to the fucking, in the second we get to know Laura, her emotions, motivations and she's no longer a cardboard cutout porn star, but a scorned and hurt woman trying-and failing-to the right thing, but damn if wrong didn't feel so fucking right.
I'm going to work on articulating a third option. Haven't got it yet. But it has to do with not knowing why Laura wants the UPS guy, but building up to their coupling in a detailed, evocotive way that doesn't involve cheesy porn music.

So, back to the question in the OP, it sounds like for some folks there's smut (no character/backstory) and not-smut (significant character/back story). I just disagree that there are only those two options.
So, back to the question in the OP, it sounds like for some folks there's smut (no character/backstory) and not-smut (significant character/back story). I just disagree that there are only those two options.
Hence the importance of context.

That's how language works. "I love you" to my grandma, my long term partner v. someone I'm newly dating, or one of a thousand others scenarios, all have their own nuances and context is how we navigate.

Same speaker, same word, completely different meaning (and suggested understanding)