Home for the summer... Closed for whisperwish19


Feb 26, 2020
The sound of a fingernail tapping upon a metal surface could be heard a few feet away by anyone who just happened to walk by the irritated young woman. Brooke Masters, A striving young woman who made the mistake of wanting to go into law, at least that was what she was thinking at the moment. She was summoned her with a parchment stating ASSP capitalized at the bottom of the 'demand for her appearance' notification.

Brooke looked upon the aging man with a few mixed feelings, one of the worse feelings she had was to stab the man with the pencil that she was eyeing on the lecturing platform. She shook her head to rid herself of the thought when the imagery of the New York Times front-page headline appeared in her head.

She rolled her perfectly chocolate-colored orbs to the back of her head. Here it was ten minutes later after her arrival, and the old man was still writing something in his ledger or his living will as for as old as he was. She inhaled a deep intake of air and exhaled heavily, not with the intention of getting the old man's attention mind you! Well, okay, maybe just a little.

The pen was tactfully placed down upon the desk. Aging hands lifted up to the wrinkled face where they took hold of the 'back in the eighteen hundred glasses' was removed and placed down next to the pen. Arctic White or gray orbs lifted from the ledger, as the aging head was turning along with the man's body. Those piercing gray orbs sent a shiver down Brooke's spine when he focused upon her. "Yes, Miss Masters?" The old man glanced at her with his typical grumbly face. His hands interlocked together and rested on the top of his outward curving stomach.

Brooke's face cringed up, "You summoned me?" She gave him the 'As if I would be here if I wasn't summoned' look to him. That sarcastic look fell to one of embarrassment when the only thing the professor said to her was. "What date is the summoning date Miss Masters?"

Brooke darted out of the building. It was a good thing that summer vacation started this weekend for she needed the break. She'd been putting in a lot of hours studying as of late, and she was getting to the point of having the major burnout syndrome.

On the plane trip home, Brooke began wondering about how things were. Did her father Dave, still have the law firm going? It was in trouble when she left for Harvard a year ago. She hadn't spoken to him since her parents separated. She didn't care if her dad was lonely, and it was just a one-night thing, it was wrong; mom had all the right to leave him.

Her mind drifted over other things of life as she was getting closer to home. She thought about all of her friends and wondered what was new and happening for them. She even wondered if the ice cream parlor was still open! She was just happy to be going home for a while.

Upon arriving at her mothers', everything was frantic with hugs and questions about how everything was going on, but there was an added bonus to the first day back. All her relatives were there! By the time Saturday morning came. She needed a cup of coffee, but then it was only to find out that her mother was out!

She walked up and into the small cafe, the sent only made her need more needed. She took her cup of coffee and moved to the window seating and took a leisurely gander over the town. It was good to be back! ...
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Chloe wasn't used to waking up early, in fact she usually slept til at least noon, but this morning she had a doctor's appointment. Being awake early enough to see the sunrise was an occasion that called for a coffee, a very large coffee, she decided as she left her apartment and started walking. The platinum blonde checked the time on her phone and saw that she had enough time to stop by the café and which was just down the street from the doctor's office.

The twenty one year old had decided she would hit the gym after her doctor's visit, so she had worn a new workout outfit she'd purchased the week before. The black pants were relatively loose fitting with white stripes down the sides, but the long sleeve top that she wore over her sports bra was stretched tight over her ample breasts.

As she crossed from the neighborhood where her apartment complex was to the commercial district, Chloe began to pass more and more pedestrians, and she couldn't help but notice the looks she got. She was used to it. She'd bee used to it since she was about fourteen or fifteen and her breasts had first really blossomed, so to speak. It was okay, she wasn't shy. If they wanted to look, let 'em look, she thought as she turned down the street where the café was.

She was still half a block away from the café when she saw a familiar figure walking into that same café. Chloe hadn't seen Brooke in almost three years, but she was sure it was her. There wasn't a large Asian American population in the small town, and even among that group, Brooke had always stood out. That bright, almost blinding smile, the twinkle in her eyes, her slender, petite frame, her flawless skin. Chloe felt her heart skip a beat at the sight of her. And she couldn't help but think about the last time the two girls had been together.

They had known each other growing up of course, it was a small town afterall, and their families had been acquaintances, but Chloe and Brooke hadn't really ever been close. They'd never really talked, not until that night. That night had been special. Not the kind of special like most people have, no that night had been the kind of special only a handful of people ever experience. The kind that leaves you breathless. The kind that they make movies about and sing songs about and the kind that you spend lonely nights thinking about. Chloe had spent her share of lonely nights thinking about that night, about that kiss, about what could have been if Brooke hadn't gone away to school.

Approaching the entrance to the café, Chloe actually felt nervous for the first time in a long time. It was silly, she told herself as she stepped into the small, cozy café. She'd be lucky if Brooke even remembered that night, or that kiss. Chloe had kissed her share of straight girls to know that most of them either were too drunk too remember it in the morning, or too ashamed to admit they remembered it. Either way, she thought, no use getting your hopes up.

As she moved toward the counter to place her order, Chloe let her eyes casually scan the tables until she saw Brooke sitting near the window. She was by herself. And if it was possible, she looked even more beautiful than Chloe remembered. After placing her order, the blonde milled around near the counter, trying to resist the urge to look Brooke's direction. She stared mindlessly at her phone until they called out her name. After grabbing her coffee, Chloe walked directly over to Brooke's table and stepped into the dark haired girl's eyeline.

"Brooke is that you? Hi, it's Chloe, Chloe Wells," she said, smiling brightly.
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Brooke looked out the window while her mind played memories past. It seemed like everywhere she looked in this small town, there was a memory to recall. Some were great, some were not, a little more of the latter but it was all part of growing up, a part that, if she could she would have changed a few things that would have benefitted her.

She bit the inside of her cheek when her mind drifted back to that night when she had her first and only kiss with another female. That, that moment would have been one thing she would have changed for that night has haunted and still does haunt her. She has compared every kiss to that night, and none has ever had that wanton feeling from a kisser than what Chloe put into that kiss that night.

She felt her face grow warm and she knew she was blushing. She tried to push that moment, that feeling away or she would never look normal! She closed her eyes, remembered that night, and then with a smile she gently pushed it back down to where it belonged. She then opened her eyes only to have a shocking discovery standing before her!

At this very moment, the woman that has haunted her life in evaluating kisses was now standing in front of her. She gasped, her eyes went wide as she was lost for words when Chloe offered her a hello.

"Umm, Yeah ... Umm HI! ..." She managed to get out to the woman. She instantly did the thing that all people do when there is a long period between seeing each other. She took a gander at chole from head to toe, and it was the same old Chloe, looking the look! It took Brooke a few moments before she smiled and offered, "You still look amazing!" She compared the woman's attire to her own comfort ones. Brooke was wearing black cavin shorts, a white, long shoulder tank top with a black tube bra on. Comfort was the name of the game this day!
Chloe could tell that she had startled Brooke a bit so she didn't take the awkward response personally. She waited patiently, giving the other girl a chance to compose herself as Brooke checked her out then responded with a compliment. The truth was, Chloe was used to compliments, though usually from guys, many of whom were pretty crude about it. That was to be expected in her line of work though. Hearing Brooke tell her that she looked 'amazing' was totally different. She actually felt herself blush slightly, which was not something Chloe did often.

"So do you. I guess college life agrees with you," the blonde replied with a smile. "Gosh its been soooo long since we saw each other..." she trailed off, realizing it might make the other girl uncomfortable to reference the last time they had seen each other.

"Are you just in town to visit the family?" Chloe asked, trying to act casual. "How long are you staying?" The blonde took a sip of her coffee, but never let her eyes leave Brooke's face, fearing if she looked away the beautiful girl would disappear.