Emily’s NEW positivity and being nice to each other thread

Yes, very phlegmish.
Just when this thread was starting to come to life again, my Flemish joke seems to have killed it.

I'd feel bad, if it wasn't such an excellent pun.
I could do a follow up…
My previous comment could be read that I'm not quite a woman or not quite a lady. Both would be true.
FWIW, There are those that would say I wasn't much of a man or even a gentleman when that would have applied either. ☺️

And in the spirit of this thread, serious kudos to @EmilyMiller for caring enough to ask. 🥰 🥰 🥰
My previous comment could be read that I'm not quite a woman or not quite a lady. Both would be true.
FWIW, There are those that would say I wasn't much of a man or even a gentleman when that would have applied either. ☺️

And in the spirit of this thread, serious kudos to @EmilyMiller for caring enough to ask. 🥰 🥰 🥰

Live how you're happy! That's what counts.

For the naysayers, kick em in pisser.
Two stories posting tomorrow after a burnout hiatus and some angst. That’s worth some positivity, I hope.

If you like world building, these stories will have it in spades. Also softball, cops and college athletes vs androids, and group sex during college in the first one. Second has a hookup in a Soho love hotel to settle a saucy redhead’s emotions. Fun times all around.

Both in my most recurring category of Celebrity if anyone asks.
Just wanted to give @EmilyMiller a shout out, she gave some really good advice about how to format stories on Lit.

As a result of her advice, my latest story seems to be doing well with its new format, making it much clearer that it is part of a series, and also putting in space for later edits once the whole novel is published.

So Emily, thank you. I really appreciate the help you gave me. Hopefully this looks more professional and will help readers too!