ABSTRUSIONS: A Bohemian hangout.

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Colleen Thomas said:
The cahracters from each are just speaking to me now and I am trying as hard as I can to get all they have to say down before they go silent on me :)

hehehe You sound just like a friend of mine. She's always crouched around over her notebooks, scribbling away, and she says her main way of working is to relax and let the inner voices of all the characters fight out who's going to have their story or what they have to say recorded at that moment.

(Her working name is Brenna Lyons, btw. She's really good.)
cheerful_deviant said:
Mmmm... debating the meaning of life and the nature of the universe over an ice cold Corona on the beach... sounds like a little peice of heaven. :)

Think Vella has any Coronas?

Corona's for you , Sam Adams for me, she'll get it...or...she'll get it.
perdita said:
Very alright, Rem. Yes, I'll have another; I've faked work before ;) . Shall we talk about Grendel's mum?

Certainly...<settling back and sipping at drink>

How's this for a modern twist (possible perversion)? Grendel is monstrous, but still resembles the chieftain (Hrothgar?). Yes, yes...the love interest for the movie *is* Grendel's mother.

See, we can work a little sex into the violence, plus the whole tragedy of Beowulf having to slay his love because...well...she's a monster. <VEG><wink>
Sometimes something very minor can make such a difference in your day. When the words flow and the characters speak to you it's such a thrill. Add to that kind words from a kind lady and communications from a person you long ago though had forgotten you and even without sunshine, the day is positively radient :)

Drinks all around :)

Remec said:
Certainly...<settling back and sipping at drink>

How's this for a modern twist (possible perversion)? Grendel is monstrous, but still resembles the chieftain (Hrothgar?). Yes, yes...the love interest for the movie *is* Grendel's mother.

See, we can work a little sex into the violence, plus the whole tragedy of Beowulf having to slay his love because...well...she's a monster. <VEG><wink>

Not to mention having to slay his own son first - maybe before he realizes that Grendel's his son.

That's a really soap opera-like twist.
Colleen Thomas said:
Sometimes something very minor can make such a difference in your day. When the words flow and the characters speak to you it's such a thrill. Add to that kind words from a kind lady and communications from a person you long ago though had forgotten you and even without sunshine, the day is positively radient :)

Drinks all around :)


Now that's the Colly I remember!!

I remember when the characters spoke through me, but then the exorcist came and well.....

I'll get the drinks.:rolleyes:
Remec said:
How's this for a modern twist (possible perversion)? Grendel is monstrous, but still resembles the chieftain (Hrothgar?). Yes, yes...the love interest for the movie *is* Grendel's mother.
See, we can work a little sex into the violence, plus the whole tragedy of Beowulf having to slay his love because...well...she's a monster. <VEG><wink>
Well, I'm bored now. Let's just talk about sex.

Perdita :p

p.s. what is <VEG>?
Svenskaflicka said:
Very Evil Grin.
Thanks, Flicka. I thought he was trying to convert me to vegetarianism or something.

Join us, let me massage your feet. P.
Svenskaflicka said:
Very Evil Grin.

Hand me a double cider, ABS! I need it. I had a rough evening at work.

A double coming up, blueberry okay? and what's with the face?:confused:

Sex talk with Perdita in the corner there, Colly's buying rounds, cloudy and remec are Grendling.
Hey everybody. One of these Remecs is a fake. On Abby's other thread he's offering massage, etc. I'm gonna go sit with the dyke. Colly?

Perdita :kiss:
perdita said:
Hey everybody. One of these Remecs is a fake. On Abby's other thread he's offering massage, etc. I'm gonna go sit with the dyke. Colly?

Perdita :kiss:

Welcome any time Lovely lady :)

So, ya think Colly might want to share some of that inspiration burst with me? I just wrote away happily on my olympics story, when the characters stopped talking to me.

Or at least, hand me a silly drink with a straw and a colorful umbrella in it.
Awww, yes! Blueberry cider and a foot massage! Just what I need - well, 2 out of 3, anyway...;)

Work was awful. I had such a great night yesterday, selling 8(!) computer games, and tonight - only 2. I called over 160 people, I only got to speak to about 30 of them, and I only managed to sell 2 of those damned games!

One little girl answered in Spanish, and I tried to show off in front of my coworkers and talk to the girl in Spanish - BIG mistake. The kid was so happy to hear that I spoke Spanish that she turned up the speed of her speech with 200%, and I sat there trying to explain that I called from "La Universidad de los Niños" and wanted to talk to her mother. After a lot of mistakes on my part, I managed to make it clear that I would call back another time.This time, though, I'll stick to Swedish.

I went on a shopping spree with M, and managed to make her son cry from pain after I nearly rubbed his ear off. Luckily, M is understanding of the fact that I'm not too sure of the limits on manhandling kids, but I still felt very ashamed.

And now I'm having trouble with setting up a new Webserver account(there's a thread about it).

*downs cider in one swoop*

Refill, please.
perdita said:
Hey everybody. One of these Remecs is a fake. On Abby's other thread he's offering massage, etc. I'm gonna go sit with the dyke. Colly?

Perdita :kiss:

Shame on you P, dyke is the wrong word! She's heterochallenged.
Shame on you P, dyke is the wrong word! She's heterochallenged.
How patronizing, Mz. Abby. Perhaps it's us who are "sapphically challenged". P.

C'mon, Colly babe, let's find a private booth. :kiss:
perdita said:
How patronizing, Mz. Abby. Perhaps it's us who are "sapphically challenged". P.

C'mon, Colly babe, let's find a private booth. :kiss:

WHoo hooo!

Can this day get an better????? :)

Colleen Thomas said:
WHoo hooo!

Can this day get an better????? :)


P and I can don cat suits and fight over you? But we have to stop periodically to smoke.
P and I can don cat suits and fight over you? But we have to stop periodically to smoke.
Uh, Abs., you called her het-challenged. I think you lost the fight already.

C'mon, Coll. Your place or mine? :cool:
perdita said:
Uh, Abs., you called her het-challenged. I think you lost the fight already.

C'mon, Coll. Your place or mine? :cool:

You old slag, I love you....LOL:heart:
perdita said:
Uh, Abs., you called her het-challenged. I think you lost the fight already.

C'mon, Coll. Your place or mine? :cool:

Yours. Sf is neat, lots to do between bouts of working on getting you unsaphically challenged :p

~sides, someone has to feed the bunny :)
Colleen Thomas said:
~sides, someone has to feed the bunny :)
Awe... that did it, I'm coming un-hetered. I'll fix the bed and vacuum when I get home. Oh, and put the potatoes in the oven. I hope you like unsalted butter.

P. :) :rose:
Ho hum. You got a drink for me there, Abs? Something strong, oh and chuck a straw in.
Yeah, what Tat said.. but I'll just have a Labatt's Blue (minus the straw)
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