🎵 Monthly Song Challenge 🎵

Day 16: A cover song that’s by the opposite gender of the original artist

Back in 2001, Joey Ramone passed away from cancer. In 2002, we lost Dee Dee to an overdose. And in 2004, Johnny passed due to cancer as well. A terrible end to a tragic band. They'd struggled for decades, trying to become mainstream popular, trying to make money, trying and failing to even get along with each other.

Johnny was a dick. He was something of a genius, but he was a dick. While Joey was dying he started planning a tribute album to the Ramones. But instead of consulting the rest of the band, he went with Rob Zombie for production.

The name of the album was taken from their 1977 hit, much more aptly named 25 years prior;
We're a happy family.
Released in 2003 just after Joey and Dee Dee passed. Without ever giving their blessings.

A happy family? No, Johnny, you really weren't.
But god damn it, it's one banger of an album.

The Pretenders - Something to Believe In

Day 16: A cover song that’s by the opposite gender of the original artist

(If this was a contest, I win today!) 😄
Day 16: A cover song that’s by the opposite gender of the original artist

This whole movie (Across The Universe) is full of great Beatles covers. I’ve posted one or two others before.

Dana Fuchs - Helter Skelter

I love Dana Fuchs. Saw her live at a blues festival, and she tore it up. There are some videos of her singing with Mike Zito and the Wheel that are just brilliant.
Day 16: A cover song that’s by the opposite gender of the original artist
Original by Lynn Anderson (who would ever think that Morrisey would preform this AT the Grand Ole Opry in 2015)
I prefer the cover/remix by Kon Kan
That is honestly the happiest I have ever heard him.
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