The story of Cindy and George


Loves Spam
Jan 9, 2013

"Cindy, I hope to God that Casey doesn't bring up the fact that we invited her to become part of our sex lives when she turned eighteen."


"Listen, would that be a good strategy to say that my parents started having sex with me when I turned eighteen?"


"George, she fucking told them. What are we going to do now? Should we tell the truth and say that she killed her daughter, or should we along with this and redirect the jury to another avenue."

"Cindy, let's stop by the Pawn Shop on the way home. I suddenly feel the desire to own a hand gun."
Jose Baez says to Casey Anthony, "I don't think eighteen years old is young enough. Let's tell the jury that you were twelve."


Casey Anthony replies, "That sound like a good idea. I love you Jose."

Jose Baez says, "I love you too Casey. By the way, if for some reason that you are convicted and sent to prison for twenty years, would you accept conjugal visits from me."

Casey Anthony, "Sure, all you have to do is change my last name to Baez. You are an attorney and can do that. I don't really know how to say this, but I was thinking of having another child. If I was ever sent away to prison, would you consider being the father?"

Jose Baez, "Not really. I would like to see my daughter get older than two."

Evidently, you got the dark humor.


It's just a tragedy.

What on earth went terribly wrong here?

Nobody will ever know unless Casey decided to tell another lie.

Then, it will be another story again.

A never ending saga without the possibility of parole.
Evidently, you got the dark humor.


It's just a tragedy.

What on earth went terribly wrong here?

Nobody will ever know unless Casey decided to tell another lie.

Then, it will be another story again.

A never ending saga without the possibility of parole.