Pictures of collars

Merelan said:
You should wear on, presented to yourself, by yourself. In a ceremony. make it special.

But then you have to share details of the night.
TantaLiza, I have a bracelet with little bells love it. Want the collar and anklet to match. Might try making them though. In my copious amounts of spare time.

As I have 3 toe rings already, I wouldn't mind adding the whole set to my collection either.... I'm a bit of an artsy/craftsy person and think it would be fun to find the supplies and work on it myself... will see what comes with the future....

there's this store called "hot topic" that otherwise sucks, but they used to carry things like my collar. that's where i got it, but they stopped selling anything like that about a month after they opened. they basically suck now.
Re: Just a pic to share

Hecate said:
a collar I am rather attached to *smiles*

Which of the two pieces is the collar?
Where did you get it?
well, i used to wear it all the time, only take it off to shower. this went on for about two years. after all this time, my skin finally becomes belligerant and irritated - i got a rash. so i can't wear it for long periods of time now, or the rash comes right back. i'll wear it out to dance in the club, or for other special occasions, but i can't keep it as part of my everyday attire.
The little one is patent leather. I tried twice to sell it on ebay for 5 dollars and no one bid, so I guess I'll just keep it.


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Kitte, that's a wonderful collar! Love it! If only it came in a thicker weave, i'd be all over it!

And bunny, love the collar. Pity you can't wear it for extended periods. What did people think of it when you could wear it?

Cheers all!

i got a good amount of nasty stares, but it was worth it. it acted as a symbol of who i am, and i liked the way it jingles when i walk.
You know Bunny, the other night I found that collar you gave me for my, I think it was my 15th, birthday and now that I look back on it, after 7 years of friendship, I'm thinking- Wow, did she have plans for me? -
Hai Hai- I couldn't resist posting a few replies so I grabbed a name to say Hi. So Hi- it's Amber. Call me.

And I thought I was obvious.
bunny bondage said:
there's this store called "hot topic" that otherwise sucks, but they used to carry things like my collar. that's where i got it, but they stopped selling anything like that about a month after they opened. they basically suck now.

you must have a shitty hot topic where you are...all my favorite stuff comes from there..including my collar...but it's not one my Dom gave me...i'm still waiting for that one *grins*.
The Hot topic near me sells them too. Here's the website which has even more stuff.
es, you have to dig past the trendy "gothy" stuff but they have some cool things.
bunny bondage said:
there's this store called "hot topic" that otherwise sucks, but they used to carry things like my collar. that's where i got it, but they stopped selling anything like that about a month after they opened. they basically suck now.

you poor thing... the one by Us still has collars and cuffs - as long as We don't mind fighting past the teeny boppers that think they are cool to get to them.
aerofreak said:
you poor thing... the one by Us still has collars and cuffs - as long as We don't mind fighting past the teeny boppers that think they are cool to get to them.

*laughs* most of the time when i go in, people think i'm in the wrong clothes aren't exactly the norm for them...i'm a big oversized t-shirt and khaki person myself...and everyone's dolled up in black makeup and ripped shirts...i'm very out of place w/o any makeup...the only thing that is remotely "hot topic esqu" is the occational wearing of a collar just cause it makes my neck feel loved ^_^ heh...i'm still waiting to get one from my Dom that i can wear all the time...*dreamy sigh* ok, i've rambled enough.
WriterDom said:
The little one is patent leather. I tried twice to sell it on ebay for 5 dollars and no one bid, so I guess I'll just keep it.

Bondagebunni said:
*laughs* most of the time when i go in, people think i'm in the wrong clothes aren't exactly the norm for them...i'm a big oversized t-shirt and khaki person myself...and everyone's dolled up in black makeup and ripped shirts...i'm very out of place w/o any makeup...the only thing that is remotely "hot topic esqu" is the occational wearing of a collar just cause it makes my neck feel loved ^_^ heh...i'm still waiting to get one from my Dom that i can wear all the time...*dreamy sigh* ok, i've rambled enough.

well, I swear I already posted this, but now I don't see it, so if it does appear twice, I'm sorry...

anyway, My Girlfriend and I don't exactly fit in there either, although She comes closer than I do - She at least wears Ozzy t-shirts. We just like to go in there and scare the "normals" who like to think that they are goth... it's great fun :D

oh yeah, and thanks Merelan for posting the website... I hadn't thought to look there yet. I went and got a really cute collar for My Girlfriend... and just in time for christmas too. :D ;)

Miss Karen
:D :rose:
bunny bondage said:
well, i used to wear it all the time, only take it off to shower. this went on for about two years. after all this time, my skin finally becomes belligerant and irritated - i got a rash. so i can't wear it for long periods of time now, or the rash comes right back. i'll wear it out to dance in the club, or for other special occasions, but i can't keep it as part of my everyday attire.
I have the same problem with my collars. I am allergic to the metal. All you have to do though is coat the metal with clear finger nail polish. ;)