I want to get to know you.


Looking for the way
Feb 4, 2001
Okay i've seen people come and go from lit, and some peole I've just never converced with.

so for all of those that don't know you,
let's get to know each other and answer these simple questions.

Ethnic background:
age you lost your virginity (hay it's lit):
Eyes opened, or closed:
Why did you come to lit:
Why did you stay:
Freinds at lit:
Anything else you want people to know about you that makes you exciting and.... you:

I'll answer later if this thread actualy lifts off.
all answers are optional but..... lets get to know each other a little better
Name: Yes, I have one.

Gender: I have that too.

eyes: Ditto

Hair: Ditto

Age: The one I am at at the time.

Occupation: More like preoccupation.

Ethnic background: Hmmm. I have a back yard. I guess that's ground and in the back. And I am ethnic. So I have that too.

Hobbys: Yes.

Status: Yes. Now how high or low it is is subject to debate.

Prefrance: Pre nothing involving the foul and most foreign French and their country.

age you lost your virginity (hay it's lit): I never found it.

Eyes opened, or closed: Open. Otherwise I couldn't see to type this.

Why did you come to lit: I have never been to lit.

Why did you stay: See above.

Freinds at lit: No freinds.

Anything else you want people to know about you that makes you exciting and.... you: I am a purveyor of fine recreational pharmaceuticals to the king.
Name: Doodle
Gender: F
Eyes: change blue at the moment
Hair: changes too, blond at the moment
Age: 27
Occupation: Mom
Ethnic background: Army brat (American mutt)
Hobbies: love cross-stitch and playing w/ my breasts
Status: just about divorced :)
Preference: male, but i am dying to try female
Age you lost your virginity (hay it's lit): 20
Eyes opened, or closed: depends
Why did you come to lit: a friend invited me
Why did you stay: I like it around here
Friends at lit: way too many too list
Anything else you want people to know about you that makes you exciting and.... you: I like my nipples clamped
Lit Name: Arc da Rat
Gender: Female (at last check)
eyes: Dark Brown
Hair: Curly Dark Brown
Age: Olde than some Younger than most
Occupation: Retail Associate
Ethnic background: Japanese
Hobbys: Reading, Vid Games, Shopping, etc
Status: Single
Prefrance: Guys
age you lost your virginity (hay it's lit): About a decade ago
Eyes opened, or closed: ???
Why did you come to lit: to read stories
Why did you stay: to write & meet people
Friends at lit: (lots)
Anything else you want people to know about you that makes you exciting and.... you: uh, nothing else I can think of at this early moring hour.
Name: Sabby
Gender: Female
eyes: Green
Hair: Black/Red/Blonde, subject to change
Age: 29
Occupation: Tech support
Ethnic background: blurry is the best description ;)
Hobbys: RPGs, computers, online gaming, torture :devil:
Status: sane although there are days I doubt it
Prefrance: men although I am bicurious
age you lost your virginity (hay it's lit): 16
Eyes opened, or closed: opened
Why did you come to lit: the stories first and then I found the boards
Why did you stay: interesting people
Freinds at lit: dlj, vixenshe, Gunner, Shameless, LTGR, alltherage, Kindread, Tyrael and probably a hell of a lot more that I'm going to edit and put in later :D
Name : DK here. Once I get to know you, I'll tell you my real name or my nickname
Gender : Presumably male
eyes : Two, blue
Hair : Countless and blonde, although my beard usually comes in more brunette
Age : 47
Occupation : Printer
Ethnic background : Irish / English
Hobbies : Music and movies. I also manage an online e-zine, write for the associated site and manage a Disney website
Status : In limbo; emotionally separated and working on the divorce
Preference : Female, but also bi-curious. I suppose a pre-op transexual would be heaven.
Age you lost your virginity (hey it's lit) : 30 (late bloomer here)
Eyes opened, or closed : Right now? Open.
Why did you come to lit : I'm an MB addict anyway. I was always a fan of the stories at Lit and just realized they had an MB recently.
Why did you stay : Inertia.
Freinds at lit : As someone else said, I wouldn't want to hurt anyone's feelings by leaving someone out. But if you've PM'd with me, I consider you a friend. And if not, you're probably just a friend that I haven't made yet.
Anything else you want people to know about you that makes you exciting and.... you : Nope, but feel free to ask me anything.
Fly_On_Wall said:
Okay i've seen people come and go from lit, and some peole I've just never converced with.

so for all of those that don't know you,
let's get to know each other and answer these simple questions.

I'll answer later if this thread actualy lifts off.
all answers are optional but..... lets get to know each other a little better

Name: Bob will do
Gender: Male
eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown...short
Age: 34
Occupation: Full-time cynic...full-time stay-at-home dad
Ethnic background: Scottish/Irish
Hobbys: Computer games, sports w/ my son, path walking w/ the family, Lit
Status: Open marriage
Prefrance: Hetero...but not homophobic
age you lost your virginity (hey, it's lit): 15
Eyes opened, or closed: kissing - closed....sex - always open
Why did you come to lit: To meet like-minded adults...people who don't judge others based on their beliefs
Why did you stay: Stupidity :)
Freinds at lit: For them to know
Anything else you want people to know about you that makes you exciting and.... you: Well, I tend to be the type who others can share secrets with if they don't want them spread around. I also try to be as dependable as possible.

I'll answer later if this thread actualy lifts off.
all answers are optional but..... lets get to know each other a little better
Name: you can call me peachy

Gender: fabulously female

eyes: two, both brown

Hair: presently reddish and blondish

Age: 33

Occupation: oh gawd don't get me started on that. Well, at heart, I suppose I will always be a teacher, but that sure aint what I'm doing at the moment.

Ethnic background: all-American mutt

Hobbys: reading, writing, wines, walks, yoga and photography

Status: According to my passport, On Leave To Remain Until August 2006.

Prefrance: Reds generally, although a nice chilled Sancerre on a hot day is a fine thing indeed.

age you lost your virginity (hay it's lit): by choice, 16, by force much younger

Eyes opened, or closed: When I close them, it's much harder to type, so, open.

Why did you come to lit: to read and submit stories

Why did you stay: I had a lot of free time and like flirting

Freinds at lit: You are all generally well regarded acquaintances. Those of you who are more to me know it without me having to list you here.

Anything else you want people to know about you that makes you exciting and.... you: Nope. Not gonna tell y'all, you'll have to figure it out for yourselves. If you have to tell people why you're exciting, I'm guessing, you're probably not.
Name: Lovepotion69
Gender: Female
eyes: Dark brown
Hair: Dark brown
Age: 23
Occupation: Inbetween student and jobs
Ethnic background: Swedish/Thai
Hobbys: Reading, writing, drawing, music
Status: Have a partner but not exclusive
Prefrance: Males but bi-curious
age you lost your virginity (hay it's lit): 19
Eyes opened, or closed: Depends on the situation
Why did you come to lit: Had read the stories before, realised there was a MB too.
Why did you stay: I got addicted.
Freinds at lit: Have a few and they know who they are.
Anything else you want people to know about you that makes you exciting and.... you: I'm easily corrupted. :D
Name: Irish will do. Mick, to some.
Gender: Male
eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown...going handsomely silver at the temples.
Age: 45
Occupation: Risk management
Ethnic background: Hybrid Celt...mostly Irish
Hobbys: Reading, jazz
Status: Almost divorced
Prefrance: Yes...and I hope to stay pre-france. Never want to go there. Well...maybe Provence.
age you lost your virginity (hay it's lit): 16
Eyes opened, or closed: Open
Why did you come to lit: Ref'd by someone on a chat site.
Why did you stay: Addiction
Freinds at lit: Too many to list, I'm afraid. And most would deny ever knowing me.
Anything else you want people to know about you that makes you exciting and.... you: I think I'm well known enough around here. Smart-ass with a soul.
Name: Trish
Gender: Female
eyes: green
Hair: Black Cherry (that's the color name on the box)
Age: 37
Occupation: Mom
Ethnic background: A bit of this and a bit of that
Hobbys: Sewing, baking, shopping
Status: Married
Prefrance: Bi
age you lost your virginity (hey it's lit): 15
Eyes opened, or closed: It all depends on what I'm doing at the time.
Why did you come to lit: Stories
Why did you stay: Stories and the people I've 'met' here
Freinds at lit: I have a few
Anything else you want people to know about you that makes you exciting and.... you: I can't think of a thing to out here.
You are fabo Peachy.

I hope you know I stalk you around just a bit

I'll play too. I'm usually pretty quiet though.

Name: Soblue, blue, or anything else friendly you want to call me.
Gender: All girl
eyes: Blue
Hair: Blonde
Age: It's a number. I'm an adult, complete with experience.
Occupation: Administrtative, accounting, office-y stuff.
Ethnic background: A big mix. From French to Swedish to Polish.
Hobbys: Reading, people watching, birdwatching, music, games of all sorts. Scrabble anyone?
Status: Marital? Seperated.
Prefrance: Men, but I lust after women too. They're prettier.
age you lost your virginity (hay it's lit): 15
Eyes opened, or closed: I alternate.
Why did you come to lit: I like message boards. I was looking for a new home when I outgrew the one I started out on. It's PG, and I'm not.
Why did you stay: The many cool people here.
Freinds at lit: A few
Anything else you want people to know about you that makes you exciting and.... I am friendly! and a decent speller!
Fly_On_Wall said:
Okay i've seen people come and go from lit, and some peole I've just never converced with.

so for all of those that don't know you,
let's get to know each other and answer these simple questions.

Name: Kate
Gender: Female
eyes: green/gold
Hair: reddish brown
Age: 29
Occupation: Military
Ethnic background: Irish
Hobbys: Camping, reading, riding, computer games
Status: Married
Prefrance: In what?
age you lost your virginity (hay it's lit): 16
Why did you come to lit: Bob said it was a cool site
Why did you stay: Lots of sexy people and great conversations!
Friends at lit: Spicecake, crystalizedjoy, Bob...and a few others..tired of typing:( (How did I miss this question the first time?)
Anything else you want people to know about you that makes you exciting and.... you: I am just me...naughty and horny all the time!*grins wickedly*

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Fly_On_Wall said:
Okay i've seen people come and go from lit, and some peole I've just never converced with.

so for all of those that don't know you,
let's get to know each other and answer these simple questions.

Name:mrs chrisophe
Occupation:work parttime
Ethnic background:american
Hobbys:sewing, painting
age you lost your virginity (hay it's lit):15
Eyes opened, or closed:eek:pened
Why did you come to lit:for a spark
Why did you stay:fun
Freinds at lit:several
Anything else you want people to know about you that makes you exciting and.... you:

I'll answer later if this thread actualy lifts off.
all answers are optional but..... lets get to know each other a little better
Name: dave

Gender: male

eyes: blue

Hair: brown

Age: uh...45

Occupation: industrial mechanic

Ethnic background: white, german, scotch, danish, irish

Hobbys: shooting,LIT, hunting, LIT,fishing,LIT, woodworking, LIT, playing guitar/piano/airguitar, and of course LIT.


Prefrance: preference? hmmm. Lesbian trapped in a mans body.

age you lost your virginity (hay it's lit): I'm still a virgin. No, really 15

Eyes opened, or closed: opened very wide

Why did you come to lit: curious2c :0

Why did you stay: found a new home and extended family.

Freinds at lit: I hope so.

Anything else you want people to know about you that makes you exciting and.... you: not right now. thanks anyway.

Name: Crystalized Joy
Gender: MAle *checks* yeah, im a dude..
eyes: golden brown
Hair: red / brown
Age: 21
Occupation: theatre / troll handler
Ethnic background: Iroquois / Irish (figure out how THAT happened)

Hobbys: Lit, training Hanns, reading..
Status: not married
Prefrance: either / or, mostly women
age you lost your virginity (hay it's lit): 17
Eyes opened, or closed: closed, i think. what are we talkin about?
Why did you come to lit: stories
Why did you stay: made friends
Freinds at lit: of top of my head, spicecake, luna, trish, rude, kate, and others...
Anything else you want people to know about you that makes you exciting and.... you:
umm... am I supposed to say something here?
just for you babe....

Name: Rachel
Gender: female
eyes: blue
Hair: brown
Age: 20 (for a few more weeks)
Occupation: college student
Ethnic background: Irish, English, German
Hobbys: computers, music, movies, chess
Status: dating someone atm
Prefrance: men
age you lost your virginity (hay it's lit): yes
Eyes opened, or closed: depends on what I'm doing
Why did you come to lit: dont remember
Why did you stay: dunno
Freinds at lit: a few
Anything else you want people to know about you that makes you exciting and.... you: not that I can think of right now
Name: Muffin, but you can call me killer.
Gender: Female
eyes: Two of 'em
Hair: On my head, but I shave my legs.
Age: Legal
Occupation: I'm usually occupied with writing.
Ethnic background: Diversity rocks.
Hobbys: Writing.
Status: I'm a writer.
Preference: I prefer to write, usually.
age you lost your virginity (hey, it's Lit): I was 29 when I reached 30 posts.
Eyes open or closed: Open, otherwise I couldn't read this.
Why did you come to Lit: Chatwars on IRC drove me off.
Why did you stay: Smutters are fun people.
Freinds at Lit: Yep, I've got friends at Lit.
Anything else you want people to know about you that makes you exciting and.... you: It's a little known fact, but I write porno.
Name: Manxy
Gender: Male
Eyes: Green
Hair: Sorta striped
Age: 46
Occupation: Technical Writing
Ethnic background: Feral
Hobbys: Besides erotica? That's just too personal...
Status: Attached
Preference: Pussy
Age you lost your virginity (hay it's Lit): 18
Eyes opened, or closed: Open when I'm awake, closed when I sleep.
Why did you come to lit: I liked the stories and wanted to write.
Why did you stay: I like the GB and the stories and want to write.
Friends at Lit: Yes (Online only)

Anything else you want people to know about you that makes you exciting and.... you: I read KillerMuffin's porno.