For the want of a baby (closed)

Organic chemistry was more concrete, but biochemistry was a struggle from the start. What a dry subject. And it just felt like rote memorization. Breaking chemicals down, adding them together, combining a new one. I found myself trying to make sentences from the letters to remember the compounds and then drew out the chemical breakdown and equations. Oh well. At least I knew what I wasn’t—a chemist! Best to focus on my strengths—Journalism and English.

I closed up the biochem syllabus and knew I was as prepared as I could be for Professor Miller’s class. Some kids seemed to have a natural grasp for it, and others, like me, just struggled to comprehend what Prof Miller was explaining.

I set my alarm for 6am and looked at my calendar for Monday:

6am-8:00 Coffee/Workout/Shower

9a-10:30 Social Media and Public Relations

11a-12:30 Statistics

Lunch break

1p-2:30 Biochem

Phew. Just three classes, and my favorite was first.

I shut off the light, set my alarm, and fell asleep wondering what Mr. and Mrs. Miller were doing in bed together, would they have morning sex . . . what Melissa thought about all this. . .and . . .could I be pregnant right now???

Mr. Miller and I had been fucking, no doubt about it. I had to admit that was the hottest experience I’d ever had.

I fell asleep on my side, nude in my robe, with one hand tucked under my pillow and the other between my legs, where I had lightly been cupping my sex, as if to soothe it from all the intense stimulation.
Grabbing a quick shower, I had a talk with Melissa. It seemed best to discuss the ongoing situation and making sure we were both on the same page. Afterwards, a bit of dinner, and then isolating myself in the office to prepare for the morning's classes. A quick review of the readings and then a runthrough of the lecture notes, making sure the powerpoints didn't contain any egregious errors.

And early bedtime led to an early wakeup. A decent breakfast with a larger than normal glass of orange juice for the fluids and energy. A deeper than normal kiss for Melissa, and a pinch on her bottom, and then off for the university. Time to get the work day started.
The morning flew by, and without time for breakfast, I was light-headed and ravenous by 12:30pm.

Since it was sunny, Sara, Delia and I decided to get food from Compadres and eat outside with our taco, rice, and bean platters. Sara and Delia were both Comm. Majors from my Social Media/PR class. The class was interesting and easy, and the three of us had worked well together on “group” projects.

“Carly, you sure are hungry today. You usually just have one large taco. Look at you with your salsa, sour cream, guacamole. . .would you like a tequila with that?” Delia joked.

“Yeah, that’s all I need before Biochem. Maybe afterwards? I worked out early and didn’t have time to eat. My schedule is really tight today. If I eat any faster, I’m going to gas out the class,” I said, chuckling.

“Yep, we’re glad we’re not in that one with you. I’ve heard that class is tough,” Sara said.

“Yes, I have to really review the material multiple times. Oh crap—It’s nearly 1pm—I’m sorry, amigas—I will catch up with you later. I cannot be late for this class. Have a good rest of the day!”

In fact, I need to get there early and hide in the back or middle.

I ran to class, but by the time I arrived, the only seats available were in front. Oh God. Oh well.

I glanced around as other students made quiet conversation. I quickly reviewed last week’s material and waited for Professor Miller to arrive. I wondered if I’d see a hint of recognition if he caught my eye.
Getting to the office I went about my usual routine...a couple greetings of colleagues and checking email with a bottle of water. The nice thing about being senior faculty was that I didn't have to have an 8 am class if I didn't want one. And I've never liked 8 am. I didn't mind being here, but being productive at 8? No thank you.

My 9 am and 10:30 am classes went well, no major problems, no traumatized students, no one falling asleep. All pluses. A quick lunch and grading of papers followed, so that my 1 o'clock came as something as a continuation of the day.

Walking into the class, I looked around, noting that the seats were mostly full, as always. Not many absentees in biochemistry, and those that were, would get the grades they deserved. As I took my place in the front of the room, I noticed Carly sitting there, in the first row, looking at me expectantly. A week earlier, she was just another student...attentive, attractive, but one of the crowd. Now she stood out like a beacon. And it wasn't how she dressed, with that long dress and the denim jacket snugged over what I knew now was a large, beautiful bosom. No, she stood out due to what we'd been doing, and would continue to do, at least for a while. When I saw her face, I immediately pictured it under me, moaning and writhing in pleasure. A definite distraction to my focus. And my damned cock...seeing Carly woke it up...not seriously, but it reminded me it was down there.

Shaking my head, I started. "Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. Glad you could all make it. I hope you all did the readings. Now...proteins...the good, the bad and the ugly...." And so it went.
Fortunately, Professor Miller had dimmed the lights so he could illustrate and explain every detail of the citric acid cycle. So many compounds to remember.

I rubbed my temple, as if that would help me remember how the molecules were combined and broken down. My stomach was cramping, and I could feel myself getting warm and slightly dizzy.
Thirty more minutes.

I relinquished trying to memorize compounds and instead focused on their molecular geometry. My attention wandered and I stared in amazement at how many complex chemical reactions were taking place constantly, without our conscious control. We were never chemically stagnant; at every moment we are transforming. And then my stomach cramped again and I began to break out in a sweat.

I eased my jean jacket off and quickly and quietly exited the room when Professor Miller was pausing between slides.

Rushing for the bathroom, I didn’t make it, lunging instead for the nearest trash can, puking my entire lunch. I balled up the trash, carried the contents to the ladies room where I ditched it into another trash.

I rinsed my mouth, splashed my pale greenish face with cold water and tied my hair back with a band on my wrist. Wow. I’d eaten at that cart a million times. Was it the run? Stress? I couldn’t imagine being pregnant already.

Huddling over the sink, I remained still until I was confident that my stomach had mostly settled. I headed back to class but waited outside until the class departed.

As students exited, I snuck back in to retrieve my things, hoping no one would ask about my departure.
The lecture went well, the projection equipment working well, for change. All those eager little faces absorbing all the information, or at least copying my words down as fast as they could into their notebooks. I was startled to see a bit of movement. I glanced over to see someone walking from the room. I was even more startled to realize it was Carly. Hard to miss someone in the front row rushing toward the door. Still, I had to continue as if nothing was wrong.

I finished up the lecture, answering the questions that inevitably popped up. After clearing up all the confusion, I dismissed the class. As they filed out, no doubt burgling with happiness about the knowledge that I'd imparted, I saw Carly slipping back in. Tucking my notes back into my briefcase, I looked at her, glancing at the few students still walking out the door.

"Miss you have a problem with protein interactions? I don't think I've ever had anyone bolt during that lecture. Some of the others, but not that one."
Carly blushed, wondering how to explain her behavior.

“Um, no, in fact I wish I hadn’t missed that content. This subject does not come easy for me. But, I think I ate too much protein - I had Mexican before your class - or ate too hastily, and it was creating havoc inside of me. I thought it best to leave until I felt more settled. Please excuse my sudden departure. I’m feeling better now, though.”

I slipped my jean jacket back on, swung my backpack across my shoulder and walked up to Professor Miller. I didn’t want to have to discuss anything further across the room in earshot of my peers.
My eyes flicked to the few remaining students. "Well, I understand that campus food can be a risky proposition. And you're a good student. If you want to come by during my office hours, I can give you an outline of what you missed. If you feel up to it, of course."

I smiled, watching her approach. The dress was slightly tighter than I'd first appreciated. It looked nice on her. But I couldn't tell her that. Not here, not now. I watched as she walked up to the podium.
I nodded, not wanting to go into the details.

“Thank you, I think I’m just going to take it easy for the rest of the day. When would it be convenient for me to pick up the outline?”
"My office hours are 3-4, as you know. Any time in there would be fine, Miss Peterson."

I gave a brief glance up and down her again, closing my briefcase and turning toward the door. "I will see you then." I headed off for my office, perplexed about what was up with the young woman.
“Uh-ok, I’m asking in case you had an appointment with someone else. Great, I’ll pick up the outline in a half-hour.”

I waited outside on a bench, inhaling the fresh Spring air, and reviewed the biochem notes that I had taken in class.

Miss Peterson had sounded ridiculous, but I had let it go. We both had bigger fish to fry and hopefully this semester would be over soon.

At 3:05 pm, I knocked on Professor Miller’s door.
I'd headed back to my office and started on some paperwork. I had a lot to get done and at least working on it would keep my mind from speculating on what was up with Carly. She would tell me soon enough.

That 'soon enough' came 'soon enough'. At the knock on the door, I called out, "Come in." And waited to see who it was.
“Hi,” I said, waving and entering the office. “I’m just here to pick up the outline from today’s class. And also. . . here’s my schedule for the week, in case you and Melissa want to set up another appointment. I should be feeling better tomorrow.”
I pushed my notes across the desk as Carly came in, but then frowned when she mentioned 'feeling better'.

"You're not well? What's wrong?" I gestured her to a chair and stood, coming around my desk and leaning against the front of it, closer to her so we could converse with lowered voices. "Are you sick?"
“Oh no, just some GI thing, I suspect. I really do think it was just the Mexican. I just can’t imagine that I’d be pregnant yet. But, if it persists, I promise I will see my doctor. I truly did eat quickly, and ran to class, and I might have been nervous about seeing you today. But, this isn’t as uncomfortable as I had thought it might be. I’m really okay; but I appreciate your concern.”

A warmth shot through me from Professor Miller’s soft tone. Part of me couldn’t wait to feel his breath on my skin.
I nodded slowly. "All right. So long as you'll keep your doctor in the loop. We don't want anything to happen to you. Even a silly stomach virus can go south in some circumstances." I smiled slightly. "Do we need to put you on a strict diet? No more nasty cafeteria food? There's a reason I go off campus for lunch. Or bring my own. Or have something delivered."

I shook my head. "Ok, well, I feel better about that. It's rare that someone leaves my class voluntarily, and when I saw it was you.... I'd be concerned about any of my students, but you, you've made yourself special. So, I'm not expecting anyone else. Would you like to just sit and rest yourself a bit? I've got some papers to work on, so I won't bother you. It's a nice quiet office." Smiling, "That's why I like it."
It was surprising to see this warmer side to Professor Miller, although I had certainly seen it as his client.

“No, it just might be a while before I eat Mexican food again, though,” I said with a laugh. “I was supposed to get together with some girlfriends, but I think I’m just going to have a quiet night and focus on my studies and going to bed early. I know your hours vary, but I want to always have a few evening appointments available to you.”

Professor Miller’s office was at the end of a hallway, and larger than I expected, but there wasn’t a lounger or sofa. Part of me wanted to just stay there and rest while he worked, but I couldn’t imagine myself taking a nap in a chair.

“Thank you for your offer to rest, but I should probably head home. My stomach is settled for now.”

I glanced down at my stomach and placed my hand over it, caressing it in slow circles.

“It’s sort of exciting to think about creating a baby. . . not knowing exactly when it’s going to happen, if it’s happened already, imagining a life growing inside of me. I hope I can give you the gift of good news soon. So, just let me know when it’s best to schedule another session and I’ll be available.”
I smiled at my sick little student. "I understand. We always feel better in our own environments." I walked over to her chair, starting to reach out, but then thought better of it. Better to maintain a certain distance here at school. Instead, I squatted down next to the chair, to look at Carly on her level.

" is open. And if you're ovulating, then we'd best be about" smiling " soon as possible, right? So why don't we say tomorrow night, if you're feeling better, unless you have a different suggestion. Sooner we get this baby made the better, right?" I smiled at her, but I deep down doubted it. It had only been twice, but I was really starting to appreciate having intercourse with this young woman. That wasn't fair to her or to Melissa, but...well...emotions were emotions. Emotions that I tried to keep locked down just now.

"So, you let me know what works best for you. Maybe give me a call tomorrow to let me know, one way or the other. Sound good?"
“That sounds great,” I sighed, nodding, my body limp with relief. My heart fluttered with excitement. . .imagining how we’d “do it” again. I had never had such an uncomplicated, unromantic, straightforward sex life.

“Ok, then, thank you for the outline,” I said, standing and walking toward the door. " I’ll plan to see you tomorrow after touching base.”

Professor Miller smiled and waved and I watched him return to his computer work as I shut the door. I realized it couldn’t have been easy for him to see me at school and be reminded of the odd circumstances of his personal life.


Tues, 3:00 pm

Text: Robert—I’m feeling better today. Would you still like to meet this evening? Just let me know what time to be over. . . I'm presuming you'd like me at your house. Hope you are well, too. Carly
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Text: We would love to see you tonight. Somewhere around 7 would be good, if that works for you. You can come here...I hadn't thought about meeting elsewhere. Where were you thinking?
I blushed, what had I been thinking? Sinking onto my bed, I shut my eyes and tried to imagine myself and where I’d like to be with Mr. Miller. Part of me wanted him to myself, entirely, no words, no talk, outside, on a blanket, in a private place. Part of me wanted to be fucked, filled, and have a shuddering, screaming orgasm to the heavens.

I shook my head, remembering my responsibilities to Derek and to the Millers and that I really did like the Millers’ house. I did love that cozy bedroom and bed.

And, we? We would love to see you tonight? My pussy throbbed at the idea that Robert and I might be watched again. It would be a fun challenge to see how I could let myself go in front of an audience, again, if that was the case.

Text: 7pm sounds perfect. I will simply be wearing a baby-doll style of lingerie, held together by thin hand ties, no underwear, and a raincoat over that. This will save us time. ;) I hope you don’t mind. If you do, just let me know, and I can dress more appropriately. I’ve never done anything like this and I find it a bit exciting! I’m looking forward to meeting with you and Melissa. Carly
Text: The time sounds good. I look forward to seeing you then. Regarding the rest... I hope we can make it upstairs with you dressed like that. :)
I grinned, imagining Robert untying each pair of strings on the side that held the cherry red slip together as I ascended his stairs. Union had given me suggestions and pointers on lingerie and a sizable budget. It was something I had never really worn with my last boyfriend. But, Derek had insisted that men were very visual and many enjoyed lingerie even if they wouldn’t admit it.

Mr. Miller had struck me as being no-nonsense, albeit polite and appreciative. He was probably in the latter category. In any case, I was finding it fun to "dress up" regardless!


I showered, shaved, and blew out my long auburn curls until my hair hung long and smooth. I applied a bit of blush, mascara, and a very light nude-colored lipstick. The slip was more than enough. Black lace edged the neckline and hemline. Only my cleavage was barely visible, but a simple black tie would give him full access. I hoped Robert would like it.

Fortunately, it was raining, so the taupe raincoat and Wellies went unnoticed by the taxi driver.

My heart fluttered with a mix of excitement at how we’d mate; and for the first time, I felt truly nervous. . . wondering if Robert was becoming bored with this process and interruption into his domestic life.

Shaking off the nerves, I rang the doorbell under their small, covered front porch.
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The anticipation of Carly's arrival again had me pacing. I'd shared with Melissa her texts, and she approved, knowing my appreciation of lingerie. Melissa pointed out, not for the first time, that we'd done well with this young woman from the Agency, for compatibility and energy. She was an eager little creature, with a fabulous body and the ability to draw out my seed again and again. A very good quality for a woman in her position.

As I saw the cab draw up, I made a mental note not to mention her previous gastrointestinal distress. Nothing would kill the mood faster. After the doorbell rang, I gave her a few moments before going to the door and opening. Wouldn't do to seem too eager, right? Opening it, I smiled, "Good evening Carly. Why don't you get in out of that rain?" I gave her my hand to lead her in, pausing in the foyer. "Can I take your coat?"
“Hi, good evening, Robert,” I said, taking his hand, as I stepped inside. It felt warm and soft as it gripped my chilled fingers. I immediately took my boots off on the mat before stepping deeper into the foyer entry.

“Yes, of course you can take my coat,” I said, glancing around trying to see if Robert and I were alone or not. I slowly untied the belt, undid the buttons, and handed my raincoat to Robert.

“Okay, here’s your special delivery,” I said, laughing, twirling slowly around to model the red number.

“This. . . isn’t something I normally wear for anyone. But, I liked the color and style, the silk and lace, and I had to choose something,” I explained, shrugging.

“It’s all just window dressing, right? I guess lingerie is meant to be a tease. And believe me, I feel like a partially wrapped, or unwrapped package depending on your point of view. In any case, I hope it helps you. . .get in the mood.”