For the want of a baby (closed)


Literotica Guru
Nov 4, 2013
I paced the foyer, checking my watch for the 10th time. There was not really any reason to be so nervous, but still…. This meeting would be the culmination of 6 months of interviews and forms. Checking the mirror again, I smoothed back my dark hair, graying a bit at the temples and studied the look in my blue eyes. Apprehensive, I would say. I’d been in stranger situations, but how often did one meet the proposed mother of your children…when you were already married?

I rubbed at my temple. All those forms …’Name – Robert Miller … Occupation – College Professor … Height – 5’10 … Weight – 160 lbs’ … and the medical histories…. And helping Melissa with her forms, same thing … ‘Name – Melissa Miller … Occupation – VP of Marketing, Werner Corp … Height – 5’4 … Weight – 130 lbs’ … and all of her medical histories, including her diagnosed infertility. My own tests came back positive, while hers came back overwhelmingly negative. That had caused a great deal of anguish and a lot of arguing and tears beyond count. All of the options had been considered…adoption, surrogacy, to invitro insemination. The doctors weren’t convinced that Melissa’s eggs were viable or that she’d be able to carry an invitro baby to term. In fact, not one of them offered odds better than 50/50. And that just didn’t work. Even though money was no object, no one could offer better odds.

It had taken some work to find the Union Agency, out of New York. For their fee, they would take all of our desires and requirements and find us a young woman willing to be inseminated, the old fashioned way, to carry a child to term for Melissa and I. Not your usual sort of situation, but we’d gone beyond usual. And tonight we were to meet Allison. She’d met every one of our criteria and she even lived locally. She was bringing the contract with her tonight. It was the only step remaining in our journey to become parents.
A flash of light caught my eye and I went to the window. Sure enough.

Turning my head, I called out, “Melissa…the taxi’s here. Come to meet Allison.” Waiting for my wife to join me, I unlocked the door, giving my clothes a last look…same thing I lectured in…dress slacks, button down shirt, tie and a jacket. Straightening my tie, I heard Melissa enter the foyer behind me. Turning, I looked at her, smiling. Her blonde hair was bobbed short to frame her round face and green eyes. And that dress…a very nice blue cocktail dress to show off her trim figure and what I considered to be ample breasts. Reaching out to take her hand, I opened the front door.
Derek, my agent, had given me explicit instructions- dress professionally, neither above nor below the income bracket of the family that I’ll be serving. When in doubt, dress conservatively.

Fortunately, it had only taken a month after being accepted into Union Agency for Derek to match me with a couple. I had undergone rigorous testing—medical and physical exams, intelligence exams, social exams, and numerous behavioral and sexual questionnaires. I’d also had to model numerous styles of clothing and lingerie for the upper level management and role-play an interview process. During the past month, I had weekly visits at the agency for drug testing and physical exams to ensure that my weight and measurements were accurate. I was prohibited from drinking, smoking, recreational drugs, and sex. Basically, I needed to be a healthy, consistent incubator for my chosen couple. Robert and Melissa Miller.

I had chosen a thin, snug, wrap-style sweater dress in ivory. With my light skin, auburn hair, and hazel eyes, I knew it was a striking look. A thin gold necklace with a pendant was my only accessory, right above my cleavage. For shoes, I had chosen 3 inch pumps in nude patent. I wore minimal make-up in a classic style.

It was early evening, but I could see that the lawn was well-manicured. I admired the large, red, weeping Japanese maple by the entry. The Miller’s door was a bright red and I could see the light on in the entry.

I took a breath, straightened my posture, and rang the doorbell.
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We watched the figure moving up the walk, taking in what details we could. She was dressed in light colors that didn't hide the swell of her hips, or the swell of her chest. She had longish hair and was wearing heels, so her height wasn't deterimable with any accuracy. I looked at Melissa and smiled. "You ready?" She squeezed my hand. "You're the one doing all the work." I chuckled and squeezed back.

When the doorbell rang, I opened it, stepping back. "Allison, please come in." We both got our first good look at the woman who was going to be the mother of our child. Eyes flicked up and down her trim form, noting details and taking in everything. She was classily made up, but there was something about her face...something very familiar. I studied it as my wife welcomed her into our home. "We're so glad you're here, Allison. May I take your wrap?"

I stared at her, focused. Allison...that was the name we'd been given, but that just didn't sound right. Not at all. Looking closer, past the makeup, past the composure.... Then I saw it, clear as it would be in the third row of my 8 am class, second seat. "Oh my god!" I blurted. "Carly?!"
Stay cool, Carly. Handle everything with grace. I could hear Derek’s voice echoing from our session two weeks ago.

I flushed; this was my chemistry teacher! I slowly unwrapped myself, buying time to formulate an intelligent response.

I smiled, extending my hand to him, “Yes, hello, I’m Carly Peterson,” I said, glancing at Professor Miller and then quickly over to his attractive, blond-haired wife in a striking blue dress, who shook my hand, her expression registering confusion.

“The Union Agency encourages us to use a pseudonym as a means to disassociate yourself from the couple and to prevent emotional ties. So, I used the name Allison Andrews. I'm in your husband's chemistry class, but he was not aware that I was employed at Union. But, I assure you, I’m here to help you and everything in my profile is accurate. I was a match to all of your specifications. The agency is very thorough. Your privacy and discretion are of utmost concern to the agency and there are discretionary clauses written into this contract, along with many other clauses.”

I hoped that this would put the Millers at ease. I certainly didn’t want to blow my first contract.
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I stood and stared for a moment. This young woman standing in my foyer was definitely my student, but she was a far cry from the girl who conscientiously attended my class. The girl who sat there in her bluejeans and sweatshirts, hair pulled back in a ponytail, assiduously taking notes. I don't think I'd ever noticed how pretty she was or how well formed. My eyes flicked up and down her body. She might even be more well endowed than Melissa, who was no slouch in the breast department herself.

Melissa noticed my hesitation. She recovered more quickly than I did, likely because she didn't see you in class every week. "Please come in, Carly. Robert seems to have lost his manners for the moment." She reached to take your arm, drawing you into the house, leaving me to shut and lock the door. I followed as she led you to the living room, seating you in the middle of the sofa, leaving spaces for us to either side of you. "So, Carly, or would you prefer Allison, do you have the contract the agency was sending over?"

I sat to Carly's other side, still a bit stunned. This was the young woman that I was going to create a baby with? What were the odds that someone I knew would be the one to match all of our requirements and criteria? This was...peculiar, bizarre, uncanny...I couldn't come up with the right adjective. Sexual relations with one of my students? I'm pretty sure that was grounds for dismissal from the University. Breathing deeply, I took a moment to compose my mind on this matter. Melissa had things in hand for the moment.
Allison Andrews/ Carly Peterson

“I think since your husband knows me in a different context, it may be more comfortable for you both to call me “Allison”. Please do not refer to my real name with the agency or that will be grounds for my dismissal. But, if you both prefer to call me “Carly”, I’d be honored. I am amenable to either name.”

I glanced at Professor Miller, his legs tightly crossed over one another.

“Mr. Miller, I’m going to encourage you to look past your perceptions of me. This arrangement is of mutual benefit to both of us. Assuming you’re still comfortable with inseminating me. . . .I’ll review the contract.”

I reached for my black tote and handed a copy to both Mr. and Mrs. Miller.

“As you can see, there are certain commitments to you that I must keep. . .and there are certain commitments that you must agree to for me.”

I allowed the Millers to follow along with me.

“You agree to provide for all my health care during the insemination, pregnancy, and immediate post-partum period. If there are any special foods, for example, organic foods that you’d like me to eat . . .you will need to provide an additional stipend or arrange for a delivery.

In turn, I agree to keep myself in top physical condition. You should have received my medical and fitness records. I agree to attend all recommended doctor appointments and it is at my discretion whether I allow you to participate in those visits.

That’s essentially the health clause.

The breeding process, if you forgive my term, is as follows:

It is up to your husband to arrange a mutually convenient time for sexual relations at least once a week. You will have a schedule of when I am ovulating, and during that period, I will make myself available as often as possible. It is to our mutual benefit for me to be impregnated as soon as possible. I will allow a 1-3 hour window of time for sexual relations, although it can be shorter if that suits your taste. I will be prohibited from having sexual relations with any man, except for Mr. Miller, until our contract officially ends.”

Mrs. Miller was writing notes on her contract, circling certain words. Mr. Miller had placed his glasses on and I knew I had his focused attention, too.

The breeding process can not be filmed. If Mrs. Miller would like to be present during the insemination process, then an extra $250 will be charged for that session. I am merely the vehicle for your love for one another.

The delivery is at my discretion. I may opt to allow you to be present in the birthing room. We will need to negotiate whether you’d prefer a natural birth or a controlled setting. Of course, the details may hinge on my health status at the time.

In addition, there is a post-partum option. I can breast feed your baby for the first week following his/her birth. That will require me to stay at your home, however. Henceforth, I can pump fresh breast milk and have it delivered to your home via a courier. These are all just extra options.

But, for the basic insemination process and delivery, you agree to the charge of $150,000 until I conceive and deliver a healthy child to you.

I know this is a lot of information. You are both welcome to ask me any questions. If I can’t answer, then I will refer you to my agent, Derek Larson.”

I shifted position on the sofa, facing slightly towards Mr. Miller, wrapping my arm around a pillow. I knew he was trying to imagine himself naked, mating with me. . .if he could really do it.
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We listened as Carly read through the agreement. We'd seen it before and had our lawyer look over it. He thought we could make some small alterations without breaking the contract, if Carly was amenable and signed off on it. But otherwise, it was pretty straight forward. Of course, that was all before it turned out that our breeder was one of my current students. That put a whole new spin on things, and I sat there, staring at her as Melissa took notes, adding comments that we'd discussed, and highlighting important clauses.

When she finished and looked to me, I felt I had to say something, keep us on track. "That's all very good, Allison." I shook my head. "No, sorry, that sounds wrong to me. It would feel like play acting and this is kinda serious. I'm going to have to call you Carly." I shrugged apologetically. "I'll apologize now -- your being who you are has thrown me for a bit of a loop, and I may be a bit scattered in my thoughts."

I looked past her to Melissa, smiling, and then back to Carly. "This is something we both want and we're ready to do. I mean, the money's already in the agreed-to escrow account. And we do have some set aside for other expenses. We did make some notes of things to address." I gestured to Melissa. "Would you like to begin?"

Melissa smiled, and nodded. "Of course. Most of what falls under the health clause is just fine. All we can add there is if you'd like me to accompany you, woman to woman, I'd be happy to. Robert doesn't need to go with you for something like that." She blushed. "I was about to say something so intimate, but...." She shrugged helplessly. "But, if you'd like another woman there for support, I'd be happy to, if you'd just let me know when. And, of course, the same applies when you give birth, if you'd prefer a woman to a man being present. But, as you say, the contract gives you that discretion."

She paused, then blushed again. "As for being present during the...process...itself, I don't know about that. It seems a bit strange to pay to watch you have relations with my husband. I mean, I am very supportive of what we're doing, and if I can help in any way...." Melissa spread her hands. "I will contribute however you need."

I cleared my throat, drawing your attention back away from my wife. "And that brings us to the...breeding process. We want you to know, on those days when you're here are more than welcome to spend the night or the day or whatever it is. We have more than enough room. And honestly, I've been working on my own health and taking vitamins and generally keeping a good diet to build...well, build stamina and a good sperm count." I paused, then smiled. "Damn, does it feel weird to you to be discussing this with me? Talking about us...well, call it what it is...fucking?"
Carly Peterson

“Calling me Carly is fine. I’d actually prefer to go alone to my medical appointments, but thank you. And of course you don’t need to be present while I copulate with your husband. It’s just an option. I’d probably love to spend the night, occasionally, thank you. I just don’t want to interfere any more than necessary in your marital relations."

Carly didn’t want to break it to Mrs. Miller that she would have preferred that Mr. Miller was there to guide his baby into the world. After all, he would be the one to knock her up.

“Mr. Miller, this entire process is a turn-on for me. . .or, I wouldn’t do it. I hope it turns out to be an enjoyable experience for you as well.
"Well, that's good to hear, Carly. I...we...want this to be enjoyable for you as well. Which begs the question. And there's really no delicate way to put this. Do you have any special desires or requirements on those days or nights you come over for the....fucking? I mean, it would help if we knew of anything you needed or wanted in particular. Any kinks we need to know about?" I looked over you again, eyes lingering on your chest.

"Now Robert, there's plenty of time for that. Next thing you're going to tell her is that you'd like for me to be there, to observe." Melissa giggled. "And I'll be honest, being part of our baby being made...that was of interest, until that clause got added to the contract. I understand your reasoning, though. I mean, it's strange enough to have the wife of the man impregnating you in the house, much less in the same room."
Carly Peterson

I was so focused on being the “professional” that Derek had molded me into, that I hadn’t had time to register the kindness that Melissa—Mrs. Miller-- was offering—to accompany me through the medical and birth process . I knew it would probably be encouraging for her to see the fetus at ultra-sounds. . . but, I also wasn’t certain if it was in my emotional best interest. I’d have to discuss this with Derek in the future.

I smiled with amusement and genuine warmth at the Millers. They were so hospitable and considerate of me. I knew once we became more familiar, I’d likely relax some of the boundaries. The conversation felt easy and natural now.

“Mr. Miller—and I will call you ‘Mr. Miller’ until you tell me to call you otherwise—it will be ‘Professor Miller’ at school—you should have received my sexual profile, which includes all this background information. I think this would be a perfect topic to take a few minutes to discuss during our first session when we’re alone. And, of course, you can discuss our sessions with Mrs. Miller at a later time.

I am very open and creative sexually. . . but, if you’d prefer to keep the insemination to a mechanical act. . . then, I will require a lot of lubricant. But, if you are able to include some fore-play. . . or, if I am excited just by my own anticipation of fucking you and being fucked by you. . . then that won’t be necessary. And naturally, there will be foreplay as you desire, to get you sufficiently erect. It will all depend on our sexual chemistry together.

It would be helpful if you had a large pitcher of water at the bedside. . . and if lingerie is a big turn-on for you. . .then, just let me know whether you’d prefer I surprise you. . . .or, you can have your own outfit for me to wear as a prelude. I am sure you will have different moods and positions that you’d like to try. From what the agency has told me, many men often prefer to tie the inseminee to the bed, or vice versa. But, this is your experience for the most part. A pitcher of water, 68 degrees, a solo venture at least for the first time, a comfortable bed and room, dim lights or candle-light, perhaps some fresh flowers would all create a cozy, comfortable atmosphere for me. And I need to be free to be vocal if I orgasm. . .knowing I won’t hurt your wife’s feelings. . . that would be helpful to me. But, none of these things are essential. I truly am here to help you both bring a baby into this world.”

Both the Millers’ eyes widened when I mentioned “orgasm”. Perhaps they weren’t expecting that I might be turned on during the process.

“Mrs. Miller, as I become more familiar with both you and your husband, I’m sure I will be more comfortable with any of your requests to participate in this process. I hope you understand that this is my first time doing this, too. . . and just for this first encounter with your husband. . .I’d like to be alone in the bedroom. But, I’d be happy to discuss the experience with you afterwards, if you’d like. The Agency encourages us to have a very open communication with our clients.”

I sighed and exhaled slowly. I couldn't wait to get started with this couple. I hadn't had sex in weeks, if not months, and I was horny as hell.
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"Well, that was very...frank, Carly." I smiled slowly, forming my thoughts. "I would like for this to be a pleasant experience for you, as well. With that in mind, we'd like for this to be as natural an experience as possible for you." I locked eyes with Melissa, who nodded. "So, we can pretty up the bedroom, though I think you'll find that it's already pretty nice...Melissa had a major hand in decorating. As for the rest..." I shrugged "we'll have to see how things we mesh."

I looked at the young woman again, shaking my head. "This is going to be odd...having our relations and seeing you in class. At least the semester is over in another month and a half. So it won't be odd for too long. Just don't expect any special tutoring." I smiled, venturing a small joke.

"I suppose we can work out the details the first time you come over for that. Speaking of you have a calendar of your ovulation cycle? When can we begin this? Sooner we begin, sooner we make a baby."
Carly Peterson

“Please don’t do any re-decorating for me. And, of course, I don’t expect any special treatment in your classroom. But, if my grades slip, you’ll know why. Don’t worry- it shouldn’t be a problem.”

I handed the Millers a calendar of my forecasted ovulation dates and recommended fertile periods over the next 3 months.

“As you can see, I should be ovulating in 3 days. So, as soon as you both sign those contracts, we can get started. According to Dr. Davis at Union, I’ll be fertile over the next week. Ovulation varies slightly and that’s why it’s recommended that we have regular intercourse. That's what the Agency recommends, anyway. . .”

I couldn’t believe I was saying all this to Professor Miller. . .a chemistry Professor, and his beautiful wife.

“I know you must know all of this. . .but, I don’t want to make any assumptions.”
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I smiled. "Oh, no redecorating is necessary. It already has a womanly feel." Giving Melissa a wink. "But, I had also thought that it might be best, at least initially, to use one of the guest bedrooms. Might make it easier all around."

Looking at each other, in silent agreement, first Melissa, then I signed the contract, and the second copy with it, handing you the first. "Well, I guess we're pretty much committed, aren't we? This does have quite a surreal feel to it." I chuckled self consciously. "You know I never have this problem in academia...I have the subjects down cold...but this is quite the new field for me...I...."

Melissa cut in. "You're starting to babble. We've signed the forms and we have her charts here...why don't we set a time and let this young woman get back about her life?"

I nodded. "Yes, of course. Sorry, Carly." I looked at your ovulation chart. "Well, as they say, soonest begun is soonest completed." Looking up into your eyes. "What do you say about tomorrow evening? Would that work for you? Nothing elaborate, preparation wise, though..." shrugging "I certainly would not object if you were to wear or bring something in the lingerie or nightie realm. It couldn't hurt and might help. Not that I expect to have problems, but the first time might be a bit...awkward."

Again stepping in, Melissa said, "Is there anything we can do to make it easier on you, anything you'd like...if tomorrow works for you?"
Carly Peterson

I tried not to appeared confused when Mr. Miller mentioned the guest room. . . as I had assumed that I would be in their guest room during our breeding sessions. I couldn’t imagine Mrs. Miller would even want to be home. . .no less want me in her marital bed. But, Derek had warned me to be open and prepared for any scenario.

After the Millers signed the contract and gave me a copy, I shook each of their hands. I could tell that Mrs. Miller was excited to begin. . . and Mr. Miller was eager to please his wife, but a bit nervous about the process.

“Well, this will be a ‘first’ for both of us, Mr. Miller. But, I am committed to you both. . . and you have it in writing. And I assure you. . . almost all of Union Agency’s clients have had successful experiences.”

You will not recognize the student in your classroom as the same woman in your guest room.

I debated whether I should show Mr. Miller the portfolio that Union’s photographer had assembled of me in all different types of lingerie, background scenes, nudes, partial nudes. . .and let him decide which “Allison Andrews” he found the most stimulating.

No, I’ll surprise him and perhaps let him choose a “mood” on a follow-up session, I thought.

“Tomorrow, anytime after 6pm would work for me. I will do my best to wear something that I think you might find . . .arousing. I’ve been photographed in many styles of clothing, and have been given feedback by the Agency.

In regards to preparation, some massage oil might be enjoyable as we get to know each other. We can massage each other and take turns talking about what we like and how we feel. . .and I think you’ll be surprised how easy it is to have an erection with a relative stranger. Or, we can just follow our instincts. Some men prefer to just get down to business, so to speak. It will all depend on your mood, I suppose. I'm open to everything that is mentioned in my profile.” I winked.

“And by all means, feel free to mention anything that appeals to you. We’re all here for a mutually beneficial purpose. We may as well enjoy the process, right?” I half-joked.

I hoped I had put both Mr. and Mrs. Miller at ease. I couldn’t wait to figure out what I’d wear tomorrow night.

I stared into Mr. Miller's eyes, imagining myself bouncing on top of his hard cock.

Yes, I could see it.

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We both shook Carly's hand, warmly. Oddly, I could feel myself growing hard as I stood and looked at her, knowing what was coming. But that was a feeling to put time to waste that seed.

"Why don't we say 8 pm, then? That work for you?" I looked at her closely, trying to imagine the body under that sheathe-like dress. I didn't think it would be hard for me to desire here, at least not instinctively, primally. The only question was whether my conscious mind, my "married" mind would get in the way. Oh, and of course, my professor mind, seeing my student coming into my bed.

Melissa gave Carly a brief hug. "We will see you tomorrow evening...unless you'd prefer I not be here. I don't know if it would make you uncomfortable for me to be in the house. If so, just say so and I'll make plans. I need for you and Robert to be comfortable. This is our baby you're creating, after all." She smiled at the smaller woman.

"Until tomorrow, then. And we'll see how the process works." As we walked Carly to the door.
“Eight p.m. will be fine. Since this is our first breeding session, and we really don’t know how anyone will react. . .it may be best for me to be alone with your husband. I think we will both feel less inhibited. But, after this first session, I will leave it to your discretion whether you prefer to stay or leave your home. The Agency has instructed me to be flexible and creative with each breeding session. Some women find it a huge turn-on to watch their husbands inseminate another woman with his seed. This may or may not be the case with you. Perhaps you’d just like to listen. . .or, you may not want to know anything until I’m pregnant. But, I’m available to help you in any way that I can through this delicate process.”

I hugged Melissa good-bye, sniffing in her rich perfume, and shook Mr. Miller’s hand and gave him a wink.

“I’ll see you at 8pm tomorrow. I will be prepared and well-rested. I hope you will be, too, ” I said, smiling, wondering how long our first session would last. I’d have to let Mr. Miller determine that since I had forgotten to establish a time boundary.

I stepped outside into the taxi that was waiting in their driveway.


8pm ~ Friday

I had methodically prepared myself for my first breeding session with Mr. Miller. At 6pm, I had eaten a light dinner, soaked in a bubble bath, and then shaved my legs and armpits. I applied unscented moisturizer everywhere.

I had decided to wear a gorgeous, well-formed aqua push- up corset/slip with a lace overlay. The design only covered the bottom part of my D-cups and was a good contrast to my pale skin and auburn hair. It had been a favorite among Union’s management for accenting my cleavage and breast shape.

I went panty-less but the lace design covered my mound. The slip came to my mid-thigh. I completed the look with a simple black garter and hose.

Over this, I layered a simple black turtleneck mini-dress that covered my lingerie by 2 inches and high black heels. I applied my make-up with more detail, playing up my eyes with eyeliner, deepening the blush, and keeping a nude colored lip. I decided to twist my hair up into a tight bun held together by a clip. If Mr. Miller preferred my hair down … he could always unclip it. On the outside, I appeared as a fashionable young, professional woman.

I lightly spritzed myelf with a soft floral scent.

I was surprised to find myself so eager for the novelty of helping a couple to conceive. . .to want my body to be used for breeding. . . to be chosen.

As I rode in the taxi to the Millers. . . I wondered if Mr. Miller was as excited about our session as I was. I had fantasized about all different scenarios since I had left their home.

We turned into their driveway, I tipped the taxi driver, and walked carefully in my heels to their front door. I rang the bell, holding a black bag with my purse and accoutrements.
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The day had passed in a mixture of fast and slow. My morning office hours dragged on, but the afternoon classes zipped by. Fortunately, I didn't have any labs. I think that I might have been distracted enough to combine things that shouldn't be combined. That could have been bad.

As it was, I grabbed a light salad on the way home and quickly ate it as I checked the house for neatness. Not really a requirement...the maid had been there that morning. But, you never know unless you check for yourself. Clean linens in the guest room, flowers, candles, the whole shebang, just as discussed. With everything as it should be, I paced for a bit, then had a much better idea. I took a nap. I wasn't quite so old and senile I needed one, but I thought it couldn't hurt, and frankly, it made time go faster.

When I awoke, I threw together a quick fruit salad, figuring it was reasonably light and that the natural sugars would be better for me than a heavy meal. Give me energy. Grabbing a quick shower, I hesitated over what to wear. Finally deciding I was just being stupid, I pulled on a nice pair of boxer briefs, a pair of khakis, and a buttondown shirt. And then I waited.

When I heard the taxi pull up, I headed for the door. When Carly rang the bell, I opened it, smiling. "Hello." That's as far as I got, because I was staring. She looked even more gorgeous than yesterday. The outfit she was wearing was...flattering, in the extreme. My eyes ran from her pulled back hair to the bosom emphasizing dress, down to her stocking-clad legs and high heels. Coming back to myself, I coughed lightly. "I'm sorry, I'm staring. Please come in." I ushered her into the house, following her to the living room. "Please, have a seat."
I sat on the sofa, crossed my legs and looked into Mr. Miller’s eyes, who sat in the chair across from me, waiting for him to get his bearings.

“It’s okay to stare, take your time.”
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I laughed, sitting opposite Carly. "Not like it's something I could do in class, right? Of course, you never look like this in class." I leaned back, openly appraising her, since she allowed it. "At your suggestion, it's just me and you. Melissa is out, staying over with her sister tonight. So...the only discomforts will be what we bring to it." I smiled to demonstrate my amusement with that statement.

"That means we can take this at whatever pace works for us. Can I get you a refreshment?" I indicated the glass of iced tea at my elbow.
Carly Peterson

I laughed along with Mr. Miller, wondering if he wanted to make me uncomfortable or vice versa.

“Well, we have plenty of time to pace ourselves, then. . . and I don’t know about you, but I’m planning on enjoying every minute with you. I would love a glass of iced tea, thank you.”

I slipped off my heels and and reclined against the large, paisley pillows on the sofa.

“I hope you don’t mind if I make myself comfortable while we get acquainted,” I said, stretching my feet to relieve the restriction from the high heels. My dress eased up, just enough to show a hint of my black garter clips.

“So, this is your free pass, so to speak. This is your chance to do what you can’t do with your wife. Do you have a fantasy that you can’t share with your wife? Also, you don’t have to answer, of course, but I’m curious why you chose me for breeding.”

“And you’re right. . .Professor Miller would never recognize me like this. And he won’t recognize me later tonight, either,” I said, with a grin, trying to imagine his shock at my lingerie-clad body underneath the black turtleneck mini-dress.
Smiling, I stood and, avoiding her questions for the moment, went into the kitchen and poured Carly a glass of tea. Coming back, I set it at her elbow, getting another glimpse of her thighs and the obvious stockings and garters underneath. I could feel a surge in my groin. I loved that look on a woman.

Resuming my seat, I gazed across at her again. "Fantasy? And I thought you were just here to make a baby. Now you're offering to do it in a fun and interesting fashion? I am shocked." My smile said otherwise. "As if a teacher/student liaison wasn't naughty enough?

"As for why we chose you...well, you met our criteria...healthy, smart, good genetics, no history of insanity...." I smiled. "And you were willing to do it in the fashion that we desired. There's just the artificial methods, even if you're having someone else carry your baby. It seems wrong, somehow. And while it may be a violation of the marriage contract, creating a baby naturally is much more 'right', don't you think?"

Chuckling, "And I've thought about this, if I had had to choose someone from all of my classes to impregnate, I probably would have picked you. You're smart, you're engaged in class, you want to learn, you seem healthy, and of courses, you're very pretty. And while I didn't realize what a fabulous body you have, that would have been a plus, as well.

"So tell me, what are you looking to get out of tonight? I'm looking to make a baby. What about you?"
Carly Peterson

I swirled the ice with the straw and took a long swallow.

“Well, I’m choosing to compartmentalize the idea that I’m your student, but that is certainly a very naughty concept, isn't it? I choose to do everything in a fun and interesting fashion if I can, Mr. Miller. And when I’m interested in a subject, I’m fully engaged."

“My only reason for being here is to help you have that healthy baby.”

And I’m horny as hell at the idea of being impregnated and from not having sex for months. . .

I stood up and moved closer to Mr. Miller’s chair. I was tempted to straddle him, to lean in closer to him, but it wasn’t the right chair for it.

“Just let me know when and how you’d like to get started. . .because I’m ready when you are,” I said, twirling in my dress, unable to hide the repressed, flirtacious schoolgirl in me.
I watched Carly moving to me, swirling about, eyes on the curves her small dress weren't hiding, feeling my penis starting to swell. "I'm ready when you are," I agreed. "But I have to tell you that I've been...doing without for a while, and even when I've not been abstaining, I can often be...what would you call it...multi-orgasmic?" I gave a self-deprecating grin. "Just to let you know."

I looked up at her, wanting to fondle what I could only assume were fabulous tits. "So, wherever you want to do this, or at least start this is fine. Like I said yesterday, the guest room is all fixed up and of course, the rest of the house is empty. If that gets your motor going faster. I'd say I'm here to please you, but I guess we're here to please each other."
Carly Peterson

I couldn’t believe my good fortune upon hearing about Mr. Miller’s sexual prowess. I was also touched at his kindness in making me as comfortable as possible. He genuinely seemed to care. Although all the applicants were carefully screened, one never could fully anticipate the chemistry.

My pussy twitched at the idea of an extended session with him.

“I would love to see the guest room,” I said, hoping Mr. Miller didn’t mind. “Can we start there?”
I stood, smiling. "We certainly can."

Pausing for half a beat. "I'm looking forward to this...on a couple levels."

I started for the stairs, then hesitated. Turning back, I reached out to take Carly's hand. "This way." I led the sexily clad young woman to the stairs and then walked up them beside her, holding her hand the entire way. It was dry and warm.

Reaching the door of the guest room, I gestured grandly inside, releasing her hand to allow her to precede me. It was polite, courteous, and let me get a look at her hips and buttocks in that tight minidress. Like I needed the additional motivation.

The room itself was good sized, nearly master suite in dimension, with sizeable windows looking out onto the back lawn. It was dominated by a queen sized bed, with an indeterminately colored spread somewhere in the 'red' zone...not quite red, not quite pink, at once feminine and earthy. Fresh flowers in vases dominated the nightstands and the one clothes dresser, visually, as well as spreading a light floral scent over everything. The hardwood floor was a blond wood that complimented the cream colored walls. Watercolors of outdoor spring topics brightened those walls.

"Well, what do you think?" I smiled.
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