Dark past, Still Married (Closed for Lovingfingers)

She thought him leaving the first time had been hard. This was worse, it was worse because he had finally opened up to her, he told her he loved her, and he gave her part of himself... maybe she just wasn't enough, she thought as she cried.

She hadn't really heard him come in, she was to consumed in her sadness, she was feeling worthless, stupid, and maybe even a little crazy, it was one night she thought and didn't she promise herself that if that was all there was, that would be more than enough. No she thought she was only lying to herself, she thought she could handle it.. but this time she just couldn't.

She heard his voice, then heard her name and every emotion she felt came to surface, she wanted to smile, but she was still so sad, was it always going to be like this, would she always fear the worse.

Seeing him there though only seemed to make her cry harder, was he real she thought to herself before opening her arms to him, wanting to make sure this was indeed not a dream. She held onto him for dear life, he was real, he hadn't left her. She wanted to say yes she was okay, but it was hard to say, cause part of her wasn't, she didn't want to feel this way everytime he went to do something.

She whispered in a sniffle. "I thought you left me again." It was a hard thing for her to admit, and now she felt foolish. She looked at him and slowly the tears went away. He hadn't left, she thought he was right there with her. She wanted him forever, she thought when he said he was there for as long as she wanted him.

She started to kiss his chest and his shoulder, just needing to know he was real and he was there. She smiled as he said he'd never make coffee again, she felt foolish for freaking out the way she had. She giggled then at his comment, then she thought of a commercial. "Guess the best part of waking up isn't always folgers in a cup." She knew it was a pretty lame joke yet she didn't care.

She smiled, nothing would please her more than getting back into bed, with him. She looked at him, and felt a little embarrassed him seeing her that way. She sighed softly when he gently picked her up. She got a comfortable spot when he laid her down. She laughed as he mentioned that cup of coffee, and she looked at him serious.

"Then we can make love?" She questioned in a desperate tone, she needed him.
John stopped midway on his way to the tray. He turned, looking back at her, naked in bed. He set his hands on the end of the bed, and crawled onto it. Muttering, "coffee can wait," he crawled up to her, bringing his lips to hers. It was not a soft kiss. He still stung from the hurt she had felt, and the need to get close again after that brief parting. They were both hungry, both needy, and their kiss was deep and hot. His face gently pressed forward, causing Ashley to lean back and then lay down flat on the mattress as John moved on top of her.

Her arms reached for him, curling under his arms to his shoulders, pulling him down upon her. His body met hers, and their kisses became more frantic. Her hands roamed over his back, clasping him, feeling him, as her hips pressed up, grinding against him. He felt the head of his hard cock against her hips. He lowered his hips, and the base of his cock caressed her mons. They both groaned, aching for each other.

Part of him wanted to take time, to be gentle, to truly make love to her. But as he heard her beg, "please," he knew they both needed to be one again in the flesh. He shifted his hips back, dragging his cock down her hips. He shifted further and the head dropped down, met wetness and heat.

Ashley almost cried at the sensation, her hips starting to rock faster. They both gasped when the head slipped into place and he entered her. He groaned and rocked and pressed further. His length thrust deep into her. She immediately responded by rocking her hips, as though her cunt was trying to swallow him whole. He gave her what she wanted, and started to fuck her, matching her rhythm. Each stroke penetrated completely, the head tapping her cervix, his balls slapping against her ass. It was desperate and primal, an animal union. He could feel every inch of her, the rim of the head of his cock rubbing over the folds and muscles inside her. Part of him ached to be longer, to penetrate her more deeply, even if that was not physically possible. His eyes met hers as he felt his climax approaching. He gasped wordlessly to her and she somehow understood. Her hips went wild, bucking against his, as she started to cum. He rode her hard, driving into her, as his cock exploded inside her. Their groans filled the room, until the slowed, gasping, holding each other for dear life.
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She knew how desperate she must have sounded, but in this moment she didn't really care.. she was desperate for him. She smiled softly as he turned and looked at her. She watched every move he made, her heart racing, and her thoughts that had threatened her before were gone. She smiled at his comment that coffee could wait, and when his lips met hers, she sighed deeply.

The kiss was not soft, but it was just what she needed and wanted. She felt a little stupid in her complete display of falling apart, she hated for anyone to ever see her that way. She didn't hide the want in her kiss, she sought out his tongue with her own wanting and needing to taste him. She whimpered lightly into his kiss, as she was soon flat against her mattress, as John moved atop of her.

She needed to touch him, to really feel that he was there with her. There kisses became more frantic, more needy. She ran her hands along his back, across his shoulders, needing to just feel as much of him as she could. She felt the steady beat of her heart, could hear there breathing, and could feel the want they both felt for one another.

When she felt his cock barely touch her flesh, she sighed, she ached to feel him inside of her once more. Hearing his groans, urged her on for more, she needed him.

She had so many thoughts going through her mind, if this was going to work she couldn't think he was going to leave everytime he wasn't with her. She couldn't wait she needed him inside of her.. she moaned out a desperate plea. Every time he moved and got closer to her pussy, she sighed so heavy with need for him.

She sighed deeply when his cock met her wetness.

She gasped the feeling so very intense, and emotional for her. Once he was completely inside of her, she held onto him for dear life. The further he went inside of her the more she raised her own hips to meet him. Her eyes closed wanting to just feel the moment, feel him deep inside of her. She held tight her nails slightly digging into his back, as she raised to meet his thrust wanting to feel him deep inside of her.

She breathed deeply when he started to fuck her deeper, meeting her thrust, as she raised more and more to meet him. She was so lost inside of him, she was sure no woman had ever loved a man as much as she loved him. They met each other thrust for thrust, needing andf aching for each other. His cock felt so good deep inside of her and she was sure it had never been this good before.. this emotional, this intense.

She was close now, so close to the edge and he was slowly pushing her over. There eyes met and it only made the moment that much more intense for her. The look in his eyes showed that he was as close as she was. The intensity of the moment took her over and she gasped and bucked beneath him.. her orgasm taking her over.

She moaned as he continued to ride her, her orgasm leaving her gasping for air. Slowly they both came back down from there orgasmic bliss.

She looked up at him softly, as he came back into view. "Sorry, I freaked out." She whispered and nuzzled into his neck.
He would have forgiven her anything at this moment. He was still embedded deep within her, both of them hyper sensitive. Each movement of their bodies sent a sensual shockwave through them.

"I am sorry that I caused you so much pain," he said sadly, "I.. I was not in my right mind."

He brought his lips to hers and they kissed softly, as though physically forgiving each other.

John paused, as he felt a sudden gush of their juices drip down his balls. He could not remember this feeling, and he recalled again that he had always used protection before.

Not this morning and not last night... He stiffened, as he thought, "what if?"

With his childhood, how could he ever possibly raise a child? He would probably turn out to be an abuser, or worse.

Ashley asked him what was wrong. John started to sweat, fighting off fear and panic, "I.. I shouldn't have cum inside you."

He looked at her pained expression, and hurried to explain, "No, no, please don't misunderstand. It felt wonderful. You are wonderful. Its just.. that I.. would be a terrible father. As much as I love you, I am terrified of what I would do to a child."

He started to tremble as he felt more of his semen drip out of Ashley's pussy, "I'm sorry baby. I guess I am freaking out now..."
She was sorry because the last thing she wanted was for him to feel guilty for anything. It felt good having him inside of her, it felt right, like he always belonged there, if she believed in the saying that there was someone out there for everyone, she was sure she was made for him. She was thankful that he was still there, that her dreams were just that dreams, John wasn't leaving her.

She looked up at him and smiled softly.. "I don't blame you, nor am I upset anymore, I just.. I love you so much, and I panicked." She whispered.

His kiss was soft and gentle, and she returned it the same way, so many different thoughts and feelings going through her head.

She wished she would not have freaked out so much, she didn't like anyone to see her when she was weak, but it had happened and she couldn't take it back, and the last thing she wanted was for him to be with her because he didn't want to hurt her, now that was in the back of her mind.. she was scared now that he would stay with her out of obligation but she kept that to herself.

She felt him tense up, but at the moment she didn't really think much of it, her head was a whirlwind of her own thoughts, and she was feeling foolish for acting the way she had.

She wondered what he was thinking, if he was thinking she was crazy, she had wished she would have waited to let him see her weak, but at the same time, she was hurt once, perhaps she had a right to feel this way, but John she remembered wasn't the type to leave without a word, he at least told her the last time, so she knew she had acted irrationally.

She took a long deep breath and could sense something wasn't right with her husband, her husband she thought to herself it was such a simple word, yet it meant everything to her.

Finally she asked him what was wrong, she could see it in his face, that something was bothering him, and she didn't want there to be any secrets between them. She could feel how tense his muscles had became, and could see the panic and fear in his eyes, oh no she thought, she didn't like seeing this in his eyes at all.

His words bothered her and she felt guilty, she hadn't really thought of using protection, but then they had been so careful before, and they had just found one another again, she wasn't really using common sense when it came to them making love.

She couldn't hide the hurt in her eyes, she hadn't even really thought of pregnancy or the after math, all she had been thinking about was him and having him inside of her, becoming one with him again. She listened carefully as he spoke, trying to understand.. she didn't want him to have regrets for anything they had done.

She didn't think he would be a terrible father, but then again she understood why he would feel that way, and it broke her heart. She wasn't sure what to say to his admissions, she knew she wasn't really ready to be a mom herself, but she had thought of children, she would be lying if she said she didn't think about children, she presumed most woman did.

She felt horrible now, in the past they had both been safe, she had been on birth control and he always insisited on protection.

She was unsure really of what to say to his words. She could understand his freaking out. "I doubt after two times we will... I will get pregnant anyway..." She wanted to say that it would be okay if they did, she trusted him and knew he would be a good dad, but she didn't want to freak him out any more than he already was.

"I love you." She whispered softly and leaned in to kiss him, anything to ease his fears, and the tense feeling of his tight muscles, and the pain in his eyes, she touched his face lightly.. she felt like crying at the pain he had went through and wanted to kill the monsters who made him feel so low of himself. "Tomorrow's monday." She said changing the subject, fact was is they had to face that hurdle as well.
He took a deep breath, and while part of him reminded him that it only took one time, he agreed with her. He relaxed a little, "yeah, you're probably right."

He looked at her, seeing the hurt in her eyes, and felt his heart bleed a little, "I'm sorry Ashley. I guess we all have our fears. Thank you for understanding."

Her declaration of love and kiss warmed him. She touched him, in so many ways, and it made everything better. "You," he replied softly, "are so good to me."

He groaned when she mentioned monday. He growled playfully in her ear, "Never mention monday when we are in bed or I will give you such a spanking."

She giggled and their lips came together again, happily, playfully, joyfully. He lifted himself up from her, not looking down to see the gush of semen draining from her pussy. "And now Woman," he ordered, "since I may no longer do it, you will get me some Coffee!"
She didn't want to make him worry more than he already was, she knew he would make a great father, because he knew what not to do to a child, but she knew now wasn't the time or the place to talk about this... she didn't want to ruin there day all over again. She smiled tenderly at him as he seemed to relax after what she had to say, though it broke her heart that he felt that way about himself, she completely understood.

She was never very good at hiding the feelings she felt from her eyes, and she knew he would be able to see it, but then again, she knew now probably wasn't the best time for them to have children in the first place, they had a lot to figure out and a lot more to talk about. She did understand, did that make it easier, no.. she had to say something. "I start taking the pill again." She whispered softly wanting to reassure him.

She would do anything to make him feel better, she leaned in and kissed him, and gave her admission of her love. She wanted to ease his mind, and take away the rampant thoughts that he may be having. "I love you, John I always have I always will, no matter what." She whispered softly and looked at him tenderly.

She didn't want to mention monday, but she knew one of them had to. She loved hearing his growl, it sent shivers throughout her entire body. The thought of him spanking her, appealed to her in ways that seemed to surprise her, yet she was excited for more of what he had to offer her to come.

She didn't hide her giggles, as they once again found one anothers lips, she hadn't smiled this much in a very long time, and she feared she would lose it all again, there were still so many hurdles for them to overcome. She looked up at him and still sould sense some of his unease, she would do anything to take all of that pain away from him.

She didn't hide her gleeful laughter, and her blush. "I can manage that, are you hungry?" She asked as she kicked her legs over her bed and then stood up.
"As a matter of fact, I am," he admitted, watching his wife rise from bed. His eyes moved over her body. She was so pretty, fit and yet curvy in all the ways he liked. He swung his legs over the edge of the bed and sat up, extending his arm to her. Ashley took the couple steps between them and stood next to the bed, between his spread knees.

He took ahold of her hips and looked a little into her face, "I was just thinking how perfect you are, and I have a hard time believing that you are mine."

Ashley assured him that she was his and bent to kiss him. He nearly pulled her back into bed with him, but chose instead to hold her closer, "I know that we have some things we need to do, but... if you want to... I hope you will marry me again some day. It seems only right, sorta starting over."

It was Ashley that nearly bowled him over at that point, kissing him with abandon. He chuckled after a minute, "may I take that as a yes?"

She giggled, "Yes!" and pulled him up and out of bed. She told him how much she had missed him, how she was going to feed him, then take him back to bed and start making up for lost time. He smiled broadly, "sounds like a plan."

They walked into the kitchen and Ashley set to work, as John made fresh coffee. He felt a little odd at first being naked, but looked out the windows and saw only country. He relaxed, and commented how much he loved it here. Ashley finished making breakfast and set plates on the table. They settled down to eat, talking about her house and what she wanted to do with it.

Soon, they finished, relaxing and enjoying coffee, each of them glancing at the other. The glances turned to looks, and then to hunger. Ashley rose from her chair, walking around the table. Her hard nipples and the flush of her skin speaking her want. John pushed back his chair from the table, and sat waiting for her, his hard cock pointing skyward. Ashley straddled his legs, pressing her mons up against the base of his cock. John put his arms around her waist and pulled her closer, his cock pressed between them. Ashley took his face and kissed him, first softly and then more passionately. Her hips ground against him, each of them panting from the stimulation.

John spoke brokenly into her mouth, "I... I know what... I said .. earlier,.. but...I need... to be ..inside you."

Ashley didn't speak, but simply pressed her feet against the floor. Her hips rose and shifted forward. As she looked at her husband's eyes, she lowered herself onto his cock.
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She loved to cook and he admitted that he enjoyed her cooking on numerous ocassions. She felt vunerable naked, and she had bared her soul to him, and he had seen her at her lowest. She still felt like part of her was dreaming that he was there, but he was really there. She smiled at him tenderly as he opened his arms for her.

She readily went to him and stood between his legs, she felt a little shy all of a sudden after all it had been a long time since anyone had shared her bed.

She wanted to say she was far from perfect, but she remembered that he hated when she put herself down. He was right about that, she was his, she was always his.

"I have been yours since I was 16 that first time I saw you on my families farm." She said and smiled at the memory. She leaned in and kissed him tenderly. He was holding her tightly as she looked up into his eyes. She wasn't sure if she had heard him right, no he definantly said he wanted to marry her again, her heart was so full of love and adoration for the man that held her close.

She just couldn't contain her excitement, she all but took him out, and then showered him with sweet kisses. She loved the chuckle in his tone, as her face turned beat red.

"I would marry you a thousand times again." She whisped and smiled after a high pitched yes. She pulled him from the bed with slight regret, she'd rather spend the whole day making love, and being in his arms. "I missed you so much, and as much as I tried to move on I never could." She admitted as she also told him she was feeding him, then taking him back to bed, and she meant it, she wanted nothing more than to be in bed with him.

In the kitchen Ashley took out frying pans for bacon and eggs, and took what she needed out for pancakes, she wanted him to eat well. It was so peaceful and him being there was right, he fit well, he was the missing piece to her puzzle. She smiled at him as she fried the eggs, she loved it there too. She finished up making breakfast then placed the plates on the table.

She had explained what she wanted to do with her house, she had alot of plans for her house, she wanted to repaint the porch, and redo the office, and finally set up the spare rooms, she told him she never really had time, her job kept her busy, she thought about the future than, they both had seperate lives now, could they really make this work.

She adored talking to him. They finished eating and she decided she could clean up later. As they looked over at one another, she craved for more.. he was so damn sexy. She wanted him, she stood from her chair and walked over to him. She was already aroused, she was wet and her nipples were hard as pebbles.

She was grateful that he was already hard and ready for her, cause she needed him inside of her. She straddled him carefully, her pussy rubbing gently against his hard length, eliciting a moan. She smiled when he pulled her closer and his cock rubbed her pussy, her wetness apparent. She took his face in her hands and kissed him, softly and gently at first, themm feverishly searching for his tongue with her own.

She moved against him, she wanted and needed him, like the desert needed the rain.

His words stunned her.. so she looked at him serious. "You can pull out.." She said soflty.

There were no more need for words, she needed him inside of her now, she pressed her feet flat on the floor. She shifted her body forward, she ached for him to be deep inside of her. She looked into his eyes, the lust pure in her own, the want and the need, she lowered herself onto his cock, and groaned as she slowly started to move.
She lowered herself slowly, her hands on his shoulders, her legs straddling his. He felt his cock flex slightly as the head pressed between her soft labia and opened the outermost ring of muscle. Heat and wetness engulfed the head as that ring yielded, and the head popped inside her. Ashley gasped, raising and lowering herself a number of times, both of them enjoying him entering her again and again.

Then she lowered herself a little further, taking part of his length inside her. John moaned throatily, as he felt his cock being swallowed by her cunt. The rim of the head played over her inner folds. Ashley swiveled her hips as she moved, causing him to press different ways into her. Around and around she moved, as John's face pressed against her upper chest, his lips against her skin.

She kept circling, taking only part of him. He looked up at her, finding a smile on her flushed face. "Want me?" she teased joyfully?

"Yes!" he shuddered. A moment later, they both groaned loudly as Ashley dropped down on him, his cock spearing up into her. They both shuddered at the sudden union. Ashley started circling her hips again, his cock moving deep inside her, penetrating at different angles. Their lips met hungrily, as they gasped and moaned into each others' mouths.

Ashley's movements became less controlled as she started to move faster. She started bouncing up and down, riding John's cock hard. He could feel the head bottoming out against her cervix, as the walls of her pussy squeezed him tighter and tighter.
She wanted to feel as much of him as she could, she also wanted to take her sweet time with him. She slowly started to take him inside of her hungry and ready pussy, she was so wet for him. She sighed as first the head of his cock slowly slipped inside of her. She slowly raised and lowered herself on his cock, he felt so good this way, but she didn't want to rush things.. she knew monday would be fast approaching and she wanted as much of him as she could get.

She slowly started lowering herself more and more, taking his length into her, nice and easy, she had to repeat that in her mind, cause right now she wanted nothing more than to ride the hell out of him. She loved hearing his moans, it only edged her on more. Slowly she teased his cock with her pussy. She moved her hips on his cock, as if she were dancing seductively, it felt so damn good, it was hard for her not to just lean and grab his hair and ride him like there was no tomorrow.

She continued her slow circles around his cock. She smiled when he looked up at her, her face red and flushed, she asked him softly if he wanted her, and was pleased by his yes, cause she wanted him just as much.

She finally lowered herself on his cock taking him deep inside of her, it caused a ripple of pleasure to shoot through her. He felt so good, she never wanted this to end. She started circling her hips again, moaning at all the different sensations she felt from her movements. She loved the taste of him, when there lips found the others, and they moaned and gasped.

She was so deep into it, she started to move faster, wanting to feel each and every part of his cock deep inside of her. She started moving against his cock, faster and harder, she was needy for more, and she knew she wasn't going to last much longer herself. His cock felt so good deep inside of her, and her pussy tightened and she wanted to tell him she was close, but she was lost in her own pleasure.
John felt such an emotional rush to feel Ashley abandoning herself to the pleasures she felt. He smiled and panted as she got close. Her pussy clamping tight on his cock, the erratic frenzy with which she moved on him, the moans and little squeaks that escaped her lips, the hardness of her nipples as her breasts bounced against his chest, all screamed that she was close.

John grabbed the cheeks of her ass, feeling the toned gluts moving. He grabbed her hard and started moving her hips faster back and forth. Ashley cried out and started to tremble. John felt her pussy clamp and pulse around his manhood as she came, hard. It was a beautiful climax. It rolled on and on, as John kept her hips moving. Her breath was hot against his face as she gasped for air.

Soon, she relaxed and collapsed against him. He raised his arms up and held her, telling her how beautiful she was, how beautiful that had just been. He just held her for several minutes, until she raised her head and kissed him.

She smiled as she set her feet on the floor again and began to move. She moved her pussy up and down his cock in long firm strokes. John had been on the edge before, and his cock had remained rock hard inside her the entire time. Now she was moving again, fucking him hungrily. In short order, he felt his balls tightening. God, he wanted to cum, to cum inside her, but he knew he couldn't. Ashley slow accelerated, until he knew he was moving too close.

He looked at her, wide eyed, "Babe, I'm... so... close."
She didn't care how she must look, she was lost inside of him, and she never wanted to be found. She was so close to the edge, that it would not take much to really push her over. Every part of her body was tight and tense, her pussy was throbbing for release, her mind was screaming for more, her heart was pounding, and she was in a frenzy.

She gasped as he grabbed her tight ass, each touch only sent her closer to the brink. The harder he grabbed her hips and moved her body against his cock, sent shockwaves of pleasure through her whole body. She felt all of her muscles tighten more and more, as she rode him without abandoment, it felt so damn good.

She cried out and her entire body trembled and shook atop of him. Her pussy tightened around his cock, and she moaned and whimpered and screamed his name, all at the same time. She had her eyes closed enjoying the sensations, the way his cock felt against her as she came undone for him. It seemed like her orgasm would never slow, and he continued moving her hips slowly as she rode it out.

Her breathing was ragged, as she gasped to come back down to earth. She finally came down, and leaned forward against him catching the rest of her breath. His words, were sweet and loving, as he held her, and hearing him tell her she was beautiful, brought tears of joy to her eyes, she needed and wanted more of him.

She felt safe and loved in his arms, and she stayed there content, for a few moments before she opened her eyes, and smiled and then leaned in and kissed him softly and passionantly, her tongue searching for his. She bit her lip in a seductive way and smiled shyly at him as she started to move her hips against him once more.

She rode him slow this time, wanting him to feel all of her, wanting to milk his cock with her pussy. She wanted, no she needed him to cum, and as much as she knew she she shouldn't want him to cum inside of her she did, she was so lost in the moment, so lost in wanting all of him, that she was not really thinking of the after math.

She started to move against him, a little harder now, her arms holding onto his shoulders, it was such a pleasure to be able to touch him. She wanted all he had to give her... she felt so good, he felt so good. She continued moving against him, leaning forward every so often so her breast would brush against his chest.

She slowed, but didn't stop moving, she started rotating her hips, wanting to feel him hit her in every which way. ''Please..." She whimpered for him to cum inside of her.. "I need you.. all of you.. please cum inside of me." She said her words surprising her and she hoped this wouldn't turn him off, or make him stop.
John shuddered. Her words, her love and desire, washed over him, washed his fears from his consciousness, leaving only the aching want to fill her. He clasped her hips again, and pulled her down fully upon his cock. Buried deep inside her, he started moving her hips back and forth. Ashley immediately caught on and started rocking with him. Their lips met and they shared gasping, sloppy kisses.

He felt Ashley's cunt tighten as she whispered into his mouth, "Cum for me, please John, cum..."

He didn't need to be asked. He ached for this too. His back arched as she bucked and rode him. His hips rose off the chair as he started to cum, his cock fountaining his living seed inside her. Ashley kept pace, grinding against him, moving her sex, milking every drop from him.

Eventually she slowed. John opened his eyes and looked into her. He took her face in his hands and kissed her hard, "God I love you!"
She was not to keen on being soft spoken about what she wanted. She needed this, she needed to feel completely connected to him, and for some reason this simple request, didn't seem like such a bad thing, even if she was not thinking about what may come out of it. She moaned deeply when he grabbed her hips, and brought her fully down on his hard cock again.

It drove her crazy him moving her hips in slow motion back and forth. It didn't take her long to start moving with him. He felt so good, like coming home she thought to herself, as she moved against him, he had never let her this close before and she didn't want that to stop now, her breathing was rapid, as there lips found one another's.

She was close all over again, so deliciously close and she wanted him to cum with her, to cum inside of her.. and she whispered just those words into his lips. She wasn't trying to trap him, hell at this point she wasn't thinking of anything but feeling him cum deep inside of her. The more he arched the deeper inside of her he went and she could feel every sensation, so deep and so fucking good.

She gasped when his hips rose, and she felt the intensity of his own orgasm, she closed her eyes, enjoying the moment. She continued to move against him, her own orgasm taking over, not as intense as the last but intense never the less, she was to focused on him, on milking him for what he was worth.

She slowed her movements wanting to see him, to just be one with him. His eyes were so captivating when he opened them and she smiled. She sighed in contentment into his lips. "I will always love you." She whispered
They simply held one another. He stroked her back gently. Her head was resting on his shoulder. He tightened the muscles in his groin and "flexed" his cock. Ashley immediately inhaled, feeling the subtle movement inside her. Then she exhaled and tightened her muscles, giving his cock a squeeze, almost giggling.

He had cum inside her, again. And as he considered it, and the fear he had felt earlier, he knew his anxiety was just his old programming kicking in. He was no longer that abused child. He could be someone else, someone better, stronger.

He thought of what Ashley had said, and he knew that she wanted a child, his child. She had forgiven him, waited years for him, and still loved him. Facing his own fears for her, for their family, was the least he could do, and the more he thought about it, what he wanted too.

He brought his hands to her head and tilted it upright, so that he could look into her eyes. He kissed her softly, and then whispered, "Please don't go on birth control. Let's let whatever will happen, happen."
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Being in his arms felt like her own slice of heaven. She sighed in complete contentment, and love as he gently stroked her back. She leaned into him, and held her head on his strong shoulder.. she wondered how she lived these few years without him. The way he flexed his cock inside of her, made her shiver. It felt wonderful, just the feeling of him being inside of her.

She wanted to do the same, and get the same sigh out of him, as she tightened her pussy around his cock, and sighed and slightly giggled at the moment, feeling so at ease and one with him. She hadn't really given thought too the fact that she had begged him to cum inside of her. She didn't think much about them having children together, yet she knew she yearned to start a life and a family with him, but she also would never force such a thing on him.

She knew he would never ever harm there child or any child for that matter, she trusted him more than any other person in her entire life, and she would choose him over and over again. She knew that from now until the day one of them took there last breath, he would ever be the only man for her. She bit her lip, at the thoughts that raced through her mind, she wished she could explain to him how much she loved him, but there weren't even enough words.

She would have forgiven him anything, she would have taken him any way that she could have him, she was sure that no other woman ever loved a man as much as she had loved John, she waited for him, never really moving on because she only ever wanted to be with him, the first time she laid eyes on him, her life as she knew it was just starting, and she wanted noone to share it with more than him, and she was no longer that scrawny 16 year old, or that young girl he married, she was a woman, and she knew what she wanted, and she knew he was the man to give it all to her.

She snuggled into his neck, she was feeling so many different emotions... she wanted to be his wife, the mother of his child, the person that took every fear he felt away, his best friend, his lover.. she knew she would do anything for him. She looked into his eyes, her eyes soft and tender as they looked back into his as he held her small face in his hands.

His kiss was soft, yet full of need and love. ''Are you sure? I don't want you to feel like I am pushing you... I love you so, much." She could feel tears spring to her eyes. ''John your my everything... my whole life I've only ever wanted one man, I've loved you since I was 16 and I want to give you all of me... but I don't want to push you either..." She whispered a tear rolling down her cheek, as she leaned in and kissed him softly.
He had to chuckle, grabbing your hips and pulling her towards him, "Honey, you can push yourself on me anytime."

John smiled at her, as a tear rolled down herr cheek. I leaned my head and kissed that tear, tasting your saltiness.

"Ashley," he said quietly, "you are not pushing me. As always, you are just waiting until I get a clue. And I have been getting a lot the last 24 hours."

"I was in a bad space for a lotta years, despairing that I would ever have a wife, family, be happy. I couldn't see that it was always there, that you were always there."

He swallowed, his own eyes wet, "I've missed so much of your life, of what we could have had, that I don't want to wait another moment."

He pulled her head closer for a firm kiss, "I have lost time to make up."
She giggled at his comment, this felt so right like coming home after a long hard day, she knew that home wasn't just a house, home was the person you shared said house with or said life with, she wasn't going to let him go again, she lost him once she'd never go through that again. She sighed as he pulled her hips towards him, she was still very aroused and wanted more.

She was finding it hard containing how she felt, the last thing she wanted was for John to think that she was weak. She smiled when he kissed her tear away, making her only love him that much more. The way he said her name was sweet and loving and she wanted to hear him say it again and again, she listened intently as he spoke.

She smiled at his comment, she would wait for him forever, she knew that much to be true, she loved him that much. His words touched her so very much, he was everything to her, and she wanted to be everything to him, she wanted to give him everything he didn't think he deserved, cause he deserved a family, he deserved a loving wife, he deserved happiness and real love.. and she wanted to give it all to him.

She looked into his eyes, and smiled so content and so happy. "I will be yours as long as you want me.'' She whispered, he kissed her lips firmly, and she sighed into the kiss when he told her he had lost time to make up for... ''Wait... I have to get something don't move.'' She whispered and hopped of him and half sprinted to the bedroom, she got to her box, that she kept keep sakes in and pulled out her wedding ring, then rushed back to him, and climbed back into his lap.

''John will you put this back on my finger?'' She asked and held the ring in her hand showing it to him.
He felt a little silly, sitting naked in the kitchen. He glanced down at his now flaccid cock, his balls and the chair wet with their juices. Goddess willing, he would have a family some day. He rubbed his eyes, wondering how this could all be real.

As he sipped some more coffee, Ashley dashed back into the kitchen and hopped back on his lap. I rush went through his frame. Goddess, she was a beautiful woman...

He looked at the ring and smiled, "I kept mine too."

He held it for a second. It was a simple gold band, bought at the time without much thought. He looked at Ashley for a second, "Are you sure you don't want something a little fancier?"

When she told him she didn't, he resolved to buy her an engagement ring before he saw her next. He took the ring and set it to her finger, repeating the words he had spoken years ago, "With this ring, I thee wed."

They both trembled a little as he slid the ring back on her finger. John stood up, lifting Ashley bodily, and carried her towards the bedroom.
She hated leaving him, but she needed her ring back on her finger. She needed him to put her ring back on her finger, she wanted him back fully, completely. She smiled as she practically skipped back into the kitchen. She was still surprised at the turn of events, and she hoped they would be able to have a long happy life with one another.

She hopped back into his lap, kissing his cheek quickly with a big bright smile on her face. She wanted him again, needed him again, but it could wait a few more moments, he was worth the wait. She couldn't contain her happiness, even if she tried. She blushed as she held her ring up, and then sighed when he told her he had kept his also, a sudden rush of joy ran through her.

She softly looked at him as he held her small riing in his hand. It was simple and small kind of like her she thought to herself, and yet it had meant everything to her. She looked into his eyes thoughtfully. "I love this ring, I wouldn't trade it for any other ring in the world..." She said and meant it, this ring stood for so much of her past, and now she would have it in her future as well.

Fancy had never been her style, she was a simple country girl, with a simple fulfilling life. She smiled so bright when he put her ring back on her finger, and then repeated his vow. "I love you so much." She said her heart overflowing with love. Her hands were shaking a little as he placed the ring completely onto her finger.

She sighed when he picked her up with ease and carried her to the bedroom.
Carrying his wife to the bedroom. It was something romantic, out of a movie. Until a day ago, he might have snorted at the idea. That never happens in real life. And yet, he was doing it and his heart pounded at how good it felt.

As he laid Ashley gently on the bed, all the sheets and covers akimbo from their earlier play, he found himself half singing an old song, "I wanna kiss you all over, and over again. I wanna kiss you all over, til' the night closes in, til' the night closes in..."

He lay down beside her and thought, "why not?"

He smiled at her, "Turn over for me, please. There's something I want to do."

Ashley looked at him curiously and then rolled over onto her belly, and looked at him. John moved on top of her, on all fours, barely touching her body. He kissed the top of her head, and then started kissing her hair, moving down gradually to the back of her neck, pleased that he felt goosebumps on her skin. He fanned out over her shoulders, moving slowly, kissing each little feature of her back, her shoulder blades, her spine, moving down. He shifted and kissed her waist, loving the way it curved in, and chuckling as Ashley giggled as he kissed her sides. He hadn't known she was ticklish. So much he had missed.

He had to resist taking a bite as he kissed the cheeks of her ass, pausing briefly to say, "Forgive my French, but you have a great ass!"

As he moved lower, the scent of her sex filled his nose. He could feel his manhood swell in chemical response, but persisted, kissing the backs of her legs, moving down. He ran his tongue over her toned calves, before returning to kiss her feet. He was surprised at just how ticklish her feet were. Despite his best efforts, Ashley shrieked and turned over, crying enough.

John laughed, "Hey, I'm only half done. Can't stop now!"

He returned to kissing each of her toes and then the top of her feet. As he kissed her ankles, he could hear her breath getting heavier. As he passed her knees, Ashley's legs parted for him. He paused. He knew what she wanted, but he had never actually done it before.

As he kissed up her inner thighs, he could hear her pant softly. He paused, blushing, saying softly, "I.. uh.. haven't done this much.... Would you tell me what you like?"

He felt Ashley's hands reach for his head, curling in his hair, pulling him higher, "just kiss like you have been doing."

John looked at her pussy, open like a flower, drenched, and lowered his lips softly, kissing her flesh. Her scent filled his being. He eased his tongue from his mouth and began to lap her softly. He knew that much.

Ashley guided his head, "Yes.. just.. like that... softly..."
She sighed as he carried her to the bedroom, anticipation of what was to come. This was sweet, and gentle, and she knew he loved her, he had given her so much of himself, to her in the last 24 hours. She had so much love in her heart for him, it was a powerful thing. Her heart was racing. She knew she would never feel the way she felt about John with anyone else.. she was sure he was made for her.

She was not really used to this side of John, and she loved it, she loved everything about him, what he stood for, what he believed in, the man he was inside and out, just everything. She smiled up at him and blushed as he sang, she was a goner everytime she looked into his eyes. She was content and at ease with him, as he laid down beside her.

Her face was already flushed and she was already wet and ready for him, when he asked her to turn over. She looked at him curious but then turned over onto her stomach. Just the anticipation alone was enough to make her crazy with want and need. She smiled to herself when he kissed her head, it was sweet and loving, when he kissed the back of her neck, goosebumps lined along her body.

This was new to her, and she was loving every second of it, she wondered if he could hear the rapid beating of her heart. Once he reached her waist and kissed her sides, she giggled, she was so ticklish, and so sensative. She loved this, the way he was taking his time, as if he was learning each part of her body.

She sighed as he kissed the globes of her tight ass. She laughed at his comment. ''Good my yoga tapes paid off." She said with a giggle. The lower he got, the more rapid her heart would race. She closed her eyes and enjoyed every little kiss. She gasped when he kissed her feet, thank god for pedicures she thought.

Her feet were so ticklish, yet each kiss ran shivers through her entire body. She couldn't handle it, and shrieked and turned over. She smiled warmly at his comment, knowing the last thing she wanted was for him to stop. She sighed and leaned her head back, her body was feeling things she had never felt before.

Her breathing was getting heavier and her mind was a whirlwind of emotions and passion rising. She wasn't shy about parting her legs, she was nervous however, why she wasn't really all that sure. Maybe it was because each time they were together it felt like the first time and she supposed in a sense it was.

She opened her eyes to see him, she needed to see him, to see his eyes on her, he made her feel wanted, sexy and needed. The higher he went the more she craved, and the heavier her breathing got, causing her chest to rise and fall. She was surprised at his words, she found herself blushing, as she bit her lip, she knew he had never with her but she was sure with other woman.. and the revelation was so hot to her.

She shyly reached down and grabbed his hair gently, as she pulled him higher and higher, she was so wet and so so aroused at this point. She told him gently to do just as he had been. Her body felt like it was in fire, she was sure she had never been this turned on in her life. When he kissed her flesh she gasped, and sighed.

Her hands stayed in his hair, she loved the feel of being able to actually touch him. When she felt his tounge at her pussy she closed her eyes briefly savouring the moment. She was so wet, so drenched for him. She guided his head gently, and told him just like that, and her hands moved from his head so she could find her clit, with her hands and gently asked him to lick her there.
John was grateful for the hand in his hair, guiding him. He felt a bit like a virgin again, unsure of what he was doing and desparate to do it right. And he so wanted to be right for Ashley.

He kept his licks slow and soft, keeping an even pace. He exhaled a joyous "mmmm," as her hips started to rock beneath his face. He felt her fingers in his hair pulling him, and took that to mean lick harder, and the rock of her hips to mean faster. He did both and heard Ashley's breath catch and soft moans escape her lips. She guided him to the right, and then a little to the left.

She started to tremble, panting, "yes.. right there...John nnnn..."

The volume of her cries as she came surprised and delighted him. It was the first time he had given her a climax without his own physical pleasure, and it was beautiful... He continued to lick until her hands pulled his face off of her, gasping that it was too much. John grinned like he had won something, and relished the feelings running through him. This was really making love.

He lowered his wet face to the sheet and brushed it side to side, drying himself a little, then began kissing her mons and hips, working his way up...
She sighed as she held her hand gently in his hair guiding him. He was doing just fine, and she felt as if she were in pure bliss. He was giving her more and more of hisself and she would never be more grateful for that, she was sure it had been a long journey for him, yet he was willing to try for her, he loved her as much as she loved him.

She moaned lightly at the slow and soft pace, he may have never had done this before, but you'd never know. She couldn't really control her movements, as her hips started to rock beneath him. She pulled him in a little more, tugging on his hair gently, as he picked up the pace, soft low moans escaped her lips, as she enjoyed the moment.

She continued to guide him, his tongue against her tender flesh, was almost to much for her to handle. She trembled beneath him, and told him just like that moaning and sighing. She couldn't hold back her orgasm, and she came hard and fast and she moaned and sighed, and gasped. He continued to lick her after her orgasm had subsided.

She cried out, telling him it was to much. It took her a few moments to recover. All of this was so new and so amazing to her. She smiled tenderly as he cleaned his face on her blankets and then began to kiss back up her body. "I need you John.. please." She whimpered with a sob and a plea.