Dark past, Still Married (Closed for Lovingfingers)

His eyes widened when Ashley told him she didn't want a divorce. After how he had treated her, after all this time, after showing her who he was, how could she not want a divorce? His mind was just starting to work out the ramifications of what that meant, when she repeated herself, and then kissed him. His lips had been slightly parted, on the verge of words, when he felt hers, warm and soft. He froze for just an instant, then kissed her back, softly. It wasn't a long kiss, but he felt like breathless when she retreated.

They both sat on the swing for a moment, and then he half chuckled, half exhaled. He shook his head, then looked at her, "Of all the ways I saw this going, I never imagined this. Are you sure?"

When she affirmed that she was, he smiled at her, the familiar smile shared between loves and spouses, and gently said, "Then you are a fool, and I am a fool for allowing it.. but maybe.. just maybe, we can be foolish together?"

Her face lit up and John felt his heart swell. He saw her head move, and this time, he met her half way for a more earnest kiss.
She was stunned herself that she admitted she didn't want a divorce, but she meant it. She may be crazy, she was sure the town would talk, not that any of them knew why they divorced, but it was a small town and people talked, but she didn't care, matter of fact noone mattered beside the two of them. She usually was a very keep it to yourself type of person, but John always had a way, of making all of her walls fall down.

She then admitted that she didn't want the divorce the first time, and she knew she didn't want it now, couldn't a love as strong as her's save them, save him... she didn't know, she didn't care, she was laying it all on the line, and if things didn't work out, she wanted a chance to at least try, and she didn't hesitate to kiss him, she was much more shy back when they were married, but she changed, she wanted him, no she needed him to know exactly what and how she felt.

She wanted him, and she didn't just want to talk she wanted so much more.. and she would take John however she could have him, she wasn't sure how he felt about her, and at the moment, she didn't care, she was putting herself out there, they had only been married for a year, and where he never really told her he loved her, she told him often, and even if tomorrow came and he ran again, she was damn sure he was going to know just how she felt about him tonight.

His lips on hers, gave her goosebumps all over, she hadn't felt that feeling for quite some time. She pulled away, and looked at him softly, and intensly. She wasn't sure what to say.. so she decided the ball was in his court. Oh yes she was sure, matter of fact, she had never been more sure of anything in her entire life. She knew she still loved him the minute she opened her door and he was standing there looking all wet, and handsome, and so much of what she had missed, and maybe she was insane, or maybe she was just setting herself up for a big fall she didn't know... but she knew she needed him, she wanted him, she loved him, and even if he wouldn't confirm it, he needed her just as much.

She always did love his smile, when he actually showed it... she had missed him, more than she realized. He might be right, she might be a fool... but she was a fool for him, but what he said touched her in so many ways, that even if she tried putting it into words, she would never be able to. She knew her face lit up like the fourth of july.

She didn't hesitate at all this time, she wanted and needed his lips on hers, she needed to taste him, feel him.
John felt like a virgin teenager on his first real date. He kissed Ashley softly. It was the word he kept repeating to himself, soft, slow. He had come to realize that he had been a pretty miserable lover in their marriage. Always taking her, rough, unable to deal with his own demons, much less aware of her needs and wants.

He wanted to apologize for that too, but as their lips pressed together, he decided it could wait. She was giving him a chance, a second chance, and like his friend had admonished him, he didn't want to fuck it up.

He didn't know where they are going tonight. He hadn't expected any of this and was flying by the seat of his pants, or living in the moment, as they say.

So as their kiss ended and their lips parted, he eased his hand over her shoulders to the back of her neck, and gently pulled her closer again for a third. Ashley whimpered into his mouth, and he wondered if he was being too aggressive, but the kiss she gave him was eager and hungry. He felt her hands on his thigh, and then a brief slide up. He inhaled and stiffened in anticipation that she would touch his torso, fearing how he would react.

But Ashley brought her hands up to his face, and took hold of him, and kissed him hard, repeatedly. His hand slid down her back, pulling her closer. He matched the intensity of her kisses, figuring that if she was giving them harder, she would want them in return.

He straightened one of his legs unconsciously and the swing moved, surprising them both. "Whoa," he chuckled, and they parted to a safe distance.

"Maybe we should take this inside, or to more stable ground?" he suggested. And for the second time in the evening, Ashley took his hand and led him to a better place.
She stopped thinking so much and only focused on him and his lips on her. His kiss was sweet and unexpected. It was new and welcome, and it was heady he tasted so good. Yes she had missed him, and until now she didn't realize just how much she missed him. She also knew this was not how she expected her day to go and she knew she never wanted it to end, she didn't know how it would all pan out, but now she had him, and that was all that mattered.

She closed her eyes just savouring the taste of him, and the feel of his lips pressed tightly against her own. Even if things didn't work out, she loved him and she wanted him, no she needed him, hell she hadn't slept with anyone since him, so she was aching for him just as much.

She wanted to be closer to him, this was not nearly close enough, he was not close enough. She wanted to be everything he wanted and everything that he needed, she wanted to love him, to take all of his pain away... she wouldn't dare ever push him, and she knew that no matter what, she wanted him, and she wanted the best parts, and the worst parts of him.

When they came up for air, she realized how heavy she was breathing, and just how much more she wanted from him. She was grateful, when he pulled her in once again, and she craved him, his taste, his scent, just everything about him. She knew she was needy, and she practically all but whined into his kiss, but she didn't care, she wanted him to know how much she needed this, needed him. She leaned more into him and gently placed her hands on his thighs, and then slowly slide up.

She wouldn't touch him, as much as she yearned to, she just wanted him, and she wanted him to feel that he could trust her. She could feel him tense, and she felt sad for a moment, but she didn't touch any part of his chest, she just placed her hands on his face, his sexy, and hot face. She was not ashamed of herself one bit, she pulled him closer to her and feverishly sought out his lips, for more.

She felt good pressed against him, safe, wanted. She didn't care how hungry she seemed for him, but she was so hungry and she ached for so much more. When he slightly moved and the swing moved with them, he was brought back to some sense of reality. She smiled as they parted, yet she was still breathing heavy.

She agreed by shaking her head, and standing up her legs quite shaky still. She smiled up at him and took his hand and led the way to her bedroom.

She opened the door and led him in then turned and looked at him softly. ''John, please tell me you want this as much as I do." She said looking at him her gaze hungry.
This day had held more surprises than he could possibly have imagined. He felt like he was on a rollercoaster and on a plunge down. There was no stopping now, nor did he want to. As sudden as this all was, it also felt so right, like coming home.

He had thought they would go to her living room or kitchen, but Ashley had led him straight to the bedroom. She stood facing him, her eyes full of desire, asking him if he wanted this.

John took a deep breath, drinking in the beautiful, strong woman before him. He gave her a sad smile, "more than you will ever know..."

"Ashley, I've spent my entire life keeping people distant, literally, trying not to get hurt. I never let anyone, let you, touch me. I've fucked women, but never made love to anyone. I...I never told anyone, never told You, that I love you."

He paused, tears wetting his cheeks, "I want all those things, from you. I want you."

He looked into her eyes, ache and shame and pain and want and love in his, and did something he had never done before. He reached down, took her hand, and set it softly on his chest, right over the top button of his shirt. He sensed her hesitancy and placed his hand over hers, pressing it lightly against his chest.

A myriad of sensations moved through him. He started to sweat lightly. His eyes never leaving hers, he asked, "please?"
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Ashley hesitated for a moment, and John almost lost heart, wondering if she found his scars repellant. He remembered what she had said earlier though, and held himself together emotionally, and waited.

When he said, "please," he saw her other hand rise to his chest, touching him carefully, and then joining the other in undoing his button. She moved slow, as though she might hurt him, as she undid the next button, and the next. She opened his shirt as much as she could, and lean her head to his chest, kissing the scar over his collarbone. It was a light, soft kiss, lingering, until she lifted her head and moved to the next scar.

John's breathing came unevenly, and he kept his mouth closed, fearing what sounds would come out unbidden. He trembled as she kissed his chest, both terrified and terribly aroused. His hands clenched and unclenched, and tears started streaming down his face. His mind warred between the loving sensual act and brutal memories. And as much as he wanted Ashley to win, to save him from his past, he didn't know who would win...
She had never felt this way with anyone before and she wondered if he knew that yes she dated since him, but he was the last person she was really with.. no there was no need for him to know that she thought. Her thoughts and her feelings were all over the place, and she wondered if she would wake in the morning and he was not there, could she move on again, probably not, but she didn't care if things didn't work, she needed him, she loved him, and she wanted him more than she had ever wanted anything in her entire life.

She didn't know how he felt, she just knew she wouldn't hurt him, and if the only relationship they could have was one where he had to be rough with her or not allow her to touch him, she knew she would give him that, she knew she would give or do anything he asked of her, he meant that much to her.

She was not shy about taking him to her bedroom, that was painted a dark green color, her room reminded her of the sea a little, of all the things to think of she thought to herself, but she knew why she was thinking these things, she was worried about his answer, what if he didn't want this, want her? She didn't want to push him away when she had just gotten him back.

She kept her eyes intent on him, she never turned away not much. She realized she was chewing on her lip, and quickly stopped herself.. as she waited for his answer. The sadness in his eyes nearly killed her, how could someone so tough, be so sad? How could anyone... no she wasn't going to think of that, and he wouldn't want her to feel sorry for him, which she didn't she felt for him, she felt his pain.

His answer was like soft music to her ears, and before she could say anything in response he started to speak, she could feel her heart pounding.

His words knocked the breath right out of her, he literally took her breath away... she blinked several times wondering if she had heard him right, she was sad that he was so closed off to people, he was so wonderful and he deserved to know how wonderful he was. But did he really say he loved her, how long had she waited to hear those words from him, and she wondered, no she hoped he wasn't just saying what he felt she needed or wanted to hear.

Her heart broke even more when she seen the tears in his eyes, it was as if she could feel all of what he felt, it was a odd and yet touching feeling to have, was it cause she loved him so much, or was it that they were connected, she didn't know she just knew she felt his pain, and it hurt her heart, but she wanted him and needed him to know she was not out to hurt him, she was there to love him, to be his, to make him see the wonderful man she knew him to be.

She hated the look in his eyes, and she was rendered speechless... so much hurt, and regret, and sorrow in such beautiful eyes. She watched him carefully when he gently took her hand in his, and she could feel her breath hitch, when he placed her hand on his chest over the top button of his shirt, she looked up into his eyes as if to ask are you sure, she didn't want him to leave, and she didn't want him to feel as if she were pushing him.

When she felt his hand over her own, and pressed lightly against his chest, she could also feel the pounding of his heart and thought to herself.. please don't leave me again.

She didn't leave his gaze, but she didn't move her hand either even though it was shaking. She hoped like hell he would trust her. When he asked please, she ached for him all over, god she wanted to show him real love, that through pain there could be love, that together they could overcome this, or she hoped they could...

She hesitated afraid of what he might be feeling, but he is the one that initiated it and she wanted to take away his pain, and show him her love. She looked down at his hand covering hers, and then back up to him gently. "Trust me." She whispered so softly.

She slowly and gently started to undo the buttons on his shirt, she was concentrating on not going to fast, to where she might cause him more emotional pain. She focused on her hands undoing each button, but she wanted to try something else. She parted his shirt slightly and gently and then kissed the first scar, and if he could read her mind, he would hear her saying let me love you, let me take all of your pain away, but thankfully he was no mind reader, and yes she believed in mind readers.

Gently she moved on to the next scar, telling herself that even if he wanted her to stop, or needed her to stop she would understand, she wanted him to trust her.

She could pratically hear the fast beating of his heart, and she was sure this was the hardest thing he ever had to do, could she love him more than she did in this moment, he was so brave allowing her to at least try. She could fel him trembling and more of her heart broke, how could anyone harm her John. She stopped for a moment and looked up at him, seeing tears roll down his cheeks was almost to much for her to bare.

She placed her hand over his heart, and whispered. "I can stop, and we can do whatever you want, I don't want to lose you again, I don't want to be the cause of your pain... I want to bring you joy, and pleasure, and show you just how much I love you, I would never hurt you, and I will be with you any way I can have you, John, because I have been in love with you since I was 16.." She didn't move her hand, she realized she had tears in her own dark eyes.

She meant every word, and she realized she left herself wide open for a world of hurt, she didn't care. Her hands were shaking, and her emotions were on overdrive.. but nothing hurt her more than seeing the pain in his eyes, and knowing that her touching him, brought up bad memories, she would do anything to take that look out of his eyes.
He could see the distress in her eyes as she looked into his. Goddess, he must be a sorry sight. Her hands had stilled as she spoke, letting him know she would stop if he wanted her to and that she loved him.

In that moment, part of the puzzle fell into place for him. She would stop. All he had to do was say, "stop." Unlike his childhood, he had control and could make it stop. He didn't have to hold or bind her. She would never hurt him, whatever her desires. That was love, or at least part of love. She really loved him, and he was astonished to realize that he felt the same about her.

"I love you," he said softly. He saw her lip quaver and descended to kiss her. It was a firm kiss, full of love battling hurt and fear, and a slowly reawakening desire. The next kiss was open mouthed and hard, as that desire rose. His hands moved to her shoulders and eased her denim jacket off. Her hands fell to her sides as the jacket fell to the floor.

She stood in front of him, her eyes dark with desire again. His hands moved to her waist and pulled her tank up slowly. She raised her arms and he pulled it over her head. He looked down to see her cleavage and hardened nipples beneath the lace of her bra. She lowered her arms and he caught her hands, setting them on his shirt again. He grinned at her, "no fair only one of us being partly dressed."
Just that little smile on his lips broke the pall of hurt that threatened to overwhelm them both. His joke hadn't been that funny, but Ashley giggled with relief. Her titter further banished the darkness from them, and John felt a surge of life pour through him. He reached for Ashley's hands and set them on the fabric of his partially opened shirt. He circled his fingers, until they were both grabbing the shirt. He pulled suddenly, and the shirt ripped open, buttons flying.

Ashley gasped, and then giggled. This time, he chuckled along with her. He saw a mischievous joy in her eye as she grabbed the shirt and pulled again. The last of the buttons flew off and it came open completely. She half growled, half laughed, as she reached for the collar and pulled it off his shoulders. A few more tugs and some brief wrestling saw the fabric that had once been a shirt fall to the floor.

They ended up in each others arms, kissing each other's faces, lips, necks. Their hands roamed over each other's back, each of them really feeling each other for the first time.

The thought flashed through John's mind. They were making love, really making love. He smiled broadly, and bent to pick Ashley up, intent on carrying her to bed.

But she stopped him, asking him to wait just a moment. "Just a moment," he breathed back at her.

Ashley stepped back, and while looking at him, unzipped her skirt. She pealed the garment off and lay it on a chair. She stood for a moment, looking at the way John looked at her, wanted her. She reached behind her back and unclasped her bra. She slid the straps off her shoulders and let her breasts bounce free. John inhaled at the sight of them, of her. Without waiting, she lowered her panties, then stood upright, looking at him proudly.

"You are so beautiful," he said reverently.
She didn't know what tomorrow would bring, or what the night may bring, all she knew was he was her's if only for tonight and he was letting her touch him. She wished she could see what was going on in his head, but it showed in his eyes. She stopped touching him and poured everything she had felt for years in one brief paragraph.

She looked at him as he seemed to be gathering his thoughts, she hoped her words hadn't bothered him. Her heart raced in silent wonder. She hoped he could see just how much he meant to her in this moment. She chewed on her lip, as she waited, breath Ashley she reminded herself. She could hear the pounding of her own heart.

She looked at him softly, intently. She thought to herself, let me show you I won't harm you. She knew this was alot for him to take in, so she didn't want to push him in any way. Her heart felt so much at his three words, she almost broke down and cried herself, how long had she waited to hear those words from his lips.

She sighed into his mouth when his lips were on hers. She had to admit, this kiss was one of the most intense that she had ever felt. She found her tongue searching for his own, she needed him, and she wanted to taste him in more ways then one. When she felt him move to remove her jacket, she looked into his eyes, oh the desire and want she felt was such a strong feeling.

She didn't hide the desire and need in her eyes, she had waited for this moment for such a long time. Her breath was rapid, when he slowly pulled up her tank-top. She raised her arms, to give him easier access. She couldn't deny she felt a little shy, she could feel the hardness of her nipples straining against her sheer black lacy bra.

She looked up at him and smiled as she let her arms fall to her sides, before he grabbed her hands, and placed them at his shirt again, she felt so many emotions at the same time. She could feel her face turn red, and the smile on his face was to much for her, she was so happy and it shined on her face. She couldn't stifle her giggles.

She was sure they still had a long way to go, but he was letting her in, something she had wished for so many times. Her hands were still slightly shaking, but she could tell her was putting his trust in her, and in that moment, they were one. His hand felt good over hers, and her face was heated, her breathing still heavy, and the want shined through her eyes.

When he pulled his shirt and his buttons flew everywhere, she was so full of glee. She couldn't hide her gasp, and then her laughter. But what made her happier was hearing the chuckle in his voice, it was like music to her ears. She didn't hide the admiration in her eyes for him, as she grabbed his shirt and then pulled. She wanted nothing more then for them to be naked, and pressed against each other, but there was plenty of time for that.

She wanted him out of that shirt, so she reached for the collar and tugged for the shirt and pulled it off his built shoulders. She couldn't help but laugh as he now torn shirt reached the floor of her bedroom. "I'll buy you a new one." She joked unable to hide her amusement. What happened next being in his arms, kissing him, was like a dream come true.

He felt so good, she felt so good him touching her, her touching him, the moment was so emotional and so loving. She wanted this more than she had ever wanted anything in her life, but she also wanted to show him herself, she wanted him to see just how much she wanted and ached for him. As much as she wanted nothing more than for him to take her to bed, she also wanted to give him more.

She softly asked him to wait a moment. As much as she wanted to make love to him, she wanted him to feel real love. She couldn't help but grin at his request of just a moment oh baby I am going to make this worth your while. She gently took a step back and unzipped her skirt slowly, and then watched him as it fell to the floor, she had always been shy about her body, but she wasn't going to be tonight.

She leaned down grabbed the skirt and laid it on a chair. She could tell he wanted her, and that was more than enough to calm her shy nerves away. She unclasped her bra all the while never leaving his eyes. She slowly slid the straps from her shoulders and let her perky breast bounce freely. She was a little nervous it had been a while.

She slowly slipped out of her panties, and knew she was wet and ready for him. The way he looked at her made her feel wanted and that turned her on. She blushed when he told her she was beautiful.

She walked over to him, and smiled. "Trust me." She whispered. She got down on her knees, she wanted him naked, she slowly undid the button of his jeans and then the zipper, she was holding onto hiis thighs as she looked up into his eyes with a shy smile. "I want these off." She said husky and he rised to allow her to pull them from his body, her breath caught, he was so damn sexy, she pulled his boxers from him.

"Don't move... just so me a favor and lay back." She said her heart thumping in her ears, she needed him to feel this, to feel her. She was pleased that his cock was hard and ready for her, she leaned over him, and kissed his lips, feverishly. Slowly she ran her tongue along his ear, down his neck, his collar bone, then slowly down his tight chest, she wanted to taste every bit of him, she kissed him tenderly along the way as well. Her tongue slowly moved down his chest, and then found exactly what she wanted.

She gently licked the tip of his cock, and then took him into her mouth.
In every previous sexual encounter, with anyone, he had been in charge. He had insisted on it, vehemently. In baring himself to Ashley, he was on new ground, and it both excited and terrified him. As he had watched Ashley disrobe, he was awed by her, how beautiful she was, and how strong. The girl he had known was gone, sort of, and in her place was.. a goddess.

"All acts of love and pleasure are my rituals," he remembered from the ritual, and he sensed and accepted that he could give himself to her. The pain he had felt earlier had waned, leaving an emptiness inside him that was being filled with love, and want.

He shuddered as Ashley knelt down in front of him, and removed his pants. His cock was so very hard for her, as she led him to the bed and gently pushed him onto his back. This was so new, so new to him. She climbed on top of him and leaned down to kiss him. Her hard tipped breasts brushed against his chest and he groaned. Ashley took her time, working down his body, kissing him in places he had never been kissed, her breasts caressing him as she moved.

"Ohhhhh," he sighed as she took his cock into her mouth. She bobbed up and down softly, and John swore he had never felt such pleasure.

"Its been so long," he shuddered, "sooo gooood."

It had been a long time. That, and the extraordinary emotional rollercoaster they had ridden, left him aching. He could feel his balls tighten. He panted, "Ashley, sweetie, it's so... I am..."

He had been trying to warn her, and was stunned when she just moaned and plunged his cock deeper into her mouth. He groaned loudly, and came, gush after gush of semen splashing into her throat. He could feel her swallowing and sucking him harder, eager for every drop.

His body collapsed back onto the bed, breathing hard.

Ashley released his cock and crawled up over him again. She lay down, her head on his chest. And he regained his breathe, he softly stroked her back.
She felt relieved that he was letting her take the lead, even if it wasn't what she was used to. She was so emotionally in sync with him, it was a feeling she had never really felt before, this was on a whole new and different level. She just hope he really trusted her, cause that's all she wanted from him, was his trust and his love.

She surprised herself at how open she was, she should feel some anger still, but she just couldn't, she used to be so shy about showing her body to him, never feeling like she had anything to offer him... but this was different and this was all for him. She wasn't the same girl as she was before, she was more in tune with her sexuality, and the way he looked at her, clearly made her feel sexy, how come she never felt that before.

She had so many thoughts going through her mind, thoughts of there past, how she loved him then, how she loved him now, but he shared something with her she was pretty sure he hadn't shared with many people, and she wanted to make him feel wanted, needed, loved, and safe. She thought about her wedding ring, that she had on a chain in her jewelry box, she wasn't sure what tomorrow would bring, but for tonight she was his wife in every sense of the word.

She was fumbling with his pants, damn cloths she thought impatiently. She was so turned on by him, and she wanted him to know just how much, he was still as hot as she remembered, and he was all hers. She didn't want to do anything that would jeopardize how far they had come in just a few short hours.

She was sure there were probably many more hurdles for them to overcome but for tonight none of that mattered, all that mattered was him and her. She told herself to go slow, the last thing she wanted was to freak him out, so she kissed him all over, but god how she wanted his cock in her mouth, inside of her.

It was a erotic feeling, being able to touch him, knowing what she knew, knowing he trusted her, that made her want and need him that much more.

She did not hesitate, she wanted to taste him, no correction she needed to taste him, she had dreamed of this exact scenario many times, she wondered if he even knew just how much she truly missed him. He tasted so good, and yes having his cock in her mouth turned her on as much as it did him, or at least she hoped she was pleasing him, she was a little rusty, she giggled at that thought in her head.

She moved slow, wanting to make this last, she wanted him to feel her love, her need, her want, and her admiration for him.

Part of her felt good that he had said it had been so long, the jealous part, and it only added to take him deeper into her mouth, she knew her pussy was soaked, it was aching for him, but she could wait, what she needed right now was his pleasure.

She hadn't been this aroused in a very, very long time. She focused on bringing him over the edge, she was already there, she was hot all over. She barely heard what he said, she wanted him cum deep in her throat, she wanted every part of him.

She wanted it, ached for his cum, yeah maybe she was a cum slut, but she was going to be his cum slut, she stunned herself in her thoughts, as she moaned against his cock at the thought of it, and then took him deeper into her mouth, almost begging him to cum for her. Hearing his groans, and tasting him, was so damn hot to her, and she swallowed every last drop, she was greedy for it, she really had changed, she thought to herself.

She didn't stop sucking his cock, until she was sure her mouth had milked him dry.

She was quite pleased with herself, he gave her complete control, and she was sure that it hadn't been easy for him, but he was willing to do it for her, the thought alone brought tears to her eyes.

She crawled up his body slowly, she wanted to hear his heart beat, she wanted to feel her head on his bare chest, she was so emotional. After she was sure he caught his breath she looked up into his eyes. She was almost speech less. ''Thank-you for trusting me, you don't know how much that meant to me." She said softly as a tear rolled down her cheek.

''I want you so bad, my pussy is aching for you, I am aching for you to be inside of me." She said in almost a whisper. She reached her hand down searching for his cock once more, and slowly started to stroke him.
She had simply wanted him, wanted to love him. That is all she had ever wanted. And for the first time in their marriage, for the first time in his life, he could give that to her. It was so simple, and yet it had been the hardest thing he had ever done.

But as he lay there, with this beautiful woman on top of him, her head over his heart, her hair splayed over his chest, he knew he would do it again in a heart beat.

He was still a little dizzy from his climax. Goddess, that had been intense! He had never had anything quite like it. Sure, he had fed woman his cock and face fucked more than one, but never had someone take him like that.

His hands were on her back, stroking her softly, when he heard her whisper her desire. He felt her hand on his cock, coaxing him to hardness again. From the way he was swelling, it wouldn't be long. But he ached to her too, in many many ways.

He brought his hands to her sides and gently pulled her up. Her hand slipped from his cock and she seemed confused for a moment, until he had pulled her sufficiently forward that her breasts hung down over his face. He tilted his head and kissed an erect nipple. He opened his lips and began to suckle her gently. Always the word in his head, gently. He felt her body tremble and heard her moan beautifully. One hand trailed down, over her hip and around her ass, until his fingertips met the wetness between her legs. Goddess, she was so wet!

He began to circle her sex, gently, just touching her outermost lips, feeling her, really feeling her to the first time. His cock throbbed, fully hard again, aching to feel her, to be one with her again.
She couldn't remember a time where she had ever felt this happy. She knnew that when morning came and he decided he didn't really want this with her, at least she had tonight, she had a piece of him, he had never given another person. She was on a emotional and erotic rollercoaster and she didn't want off any time soon.

Her heart was drumming in her ears, she wasn't hiding herself like she would have in the past, she was always so shy, and she was sure they still had quite a ways to go but all of her dreams were coming true right here and now, and that was all she needed and all she had ever wanted.

She was so content, but also so full of need and want, and hunger for him. She never thought in a million years they would end up here, but it was here, and if she didn't believe in fate before, she sure as hell did now, because what type of divorce didn't actually happened, she was sure it was not a normal thing to have happen, but here they were.

She was so aroused just in pleasing him, that was her ultimate pleasure, before... well she need not think about the past, the sex with him had always been good, she thought but this was on a different level. She was sure this was a little different then he was used to, she just hoped she wasn't pushing him into this, she wanted him to want this because he wanted it, not because he thought it was what he thought she needed, because she knew she would be with him regardless of the type of relationship, she wondered if he even realized just how much she loved him.

Though her thoughts were all over the place, the only thing she wanted right now was him inside of her, it had been so long... to long it was as if she waited for him in many things... she tried to be intimate with others, but she never could go through with it, considering she didn't love them.

It felt good her skin pressed against him, and his hands stroking her back, it was new and it was quite a thrill. She wanted him, and she was not going to be shy in showing him how much she wanted him, her hand finding his cock, she bit her lip in a sexy way, or so she felt it was sexy, she wasn't sure, she was to focused on him, on wanting him hard again, and wanted to feel him inside of her.

She was breathing deeply, she was crazy with desire for him, just looking into his stunning eyes, made her want him, everything about him, made her want and need him. She again was glad he couldn't get into her head, her thoughts being all over the place as they were.

As he gently pulled her up, she wasn't quite sure why. She knew there was a confused look on her face, but it relaxed instantly, when her breast were level with his face, she knew her nipples were hard as pebbles. When he kissed one of her hardned nipples, she shivered in pleasure, just from a simple kiss. She gasped however when he started suckling her nipple.

Now she was really in need of him inside of her. She didn't hide herself and or her pleasure, she wanted this, more than she had ever wanted anything in her entire life. Then he started touching her gently running his hands over her hip and around her ass, until he found her wetness, oh yes she thought she was so ready for him.

Her breathing hitched, as her excitement spiked.

He had never really took the time to know her body, it was always hard and rough, not that she had minded that either, but this was a whole new experience for her, and she relished in his touch. She needed him now so bad, she didn't want to rush this, but at the same time she needed him, she wanted him, she needed him to feel her, feel her love for him.

She looked down at him, and practically she begged him. "Please." She wasn't sure if it was a question, or a plea, or maybe a little of both.
John was intoxicated. He had never felt anyone like this. She wanted him. He could feel her want like iron filings feel a magnet. He was drawn to her desire and ached to fill it, to fill her.

When she said please, he took her shoulders again and turned them both onto their sides, then eased Ashley onto her back. He moved over her, and watched as she automatically put her arms above her head.

"No," he said softly, "Touch me, please don't stop touching me."

He closed his eyes briefly as her hands came up and settled his shoulders. He could feel his cock lying against her hips, hot between them. I raised his hips and with his hand, pushed the tip of his cock down. He gasped as the head was enveloped in heat and wetness. He pressed further and felt the tip sink into her slightly. He removed his hand and pressed.

Ashley's hands gripped him hard as his cock entered her, and a sensual growl came from her hips. John sighed deeply at the sensations. It was mind numbingly intense, so intensely erotica and so very right. I rocked his hips and sank deeper, both of them groaning together. He rocked back and forth slowly a few times, until he was completely inside her, the head of his cock pressing against her cervix. He ground against her, willing himself deeper. Both of their eyes opened wide, looking at each other, breathing out together, "I love you..."
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Ashley was feeling things she had never really let herself feel before, in the past this was so very different, and yet he was still so very farmiliar to her, he was her home, her everything. She loved that he seemed to trust her, and even more she loved that he wanted to touch her, she had always hoped for this, yet in the past she didn't think much of it, she was happy to just have him, but now that she realized just how much she had missed she didn't want the night to ever end.

She was desperate for him, she wasn't shy in pleading for him.. she hadn't wanted anyone, well she had never wanted anyone more than she wanted John. Her breathing was heavy, her heart racing in a steady anticipation in having him inside of her, she wasn't sure she could wait much longer, be patient she told herself.

She marveled in his touch, he was gentle and loving, and her's she thought to herself.. she had never loved anyone this much, and she knew she never would again. She looked softly up at him when she was on her back, as he moved over her, she licked her lips and placed her hands above her head, she wasn't sure if it was a reflex of the past, or just because she wanted him to trust her.

His words were like music to her ears, and tugged so hard at her heart she thought she would burst into tears right then and there, he wanted her she thought, he really wanted her, the moment was so emotional for her, she was sure though it was more emotional for him to over come his past.. and he trusted her.

She slowly placed her hands on his broad shoulders, her breath caught for a moment, this was so, well she couldn't really explain the moment even if she wanted to. Her eyes caught with his, her eyes heavy with want and desire... she wanted him. She was so ready for him, she could feel her own wetness between her thighs.

It had been so long, she wondered if he knew just how long, no he didn't need to know.. all that mattered now was that he was here, and he wasn't just fucking her, he was making love to her. He slowly pressed into her and she gasped lightly, the feeling was so unlike any other before, she was sure this was heaven.

She wanted his cock inside of her, no needed his cock inside of her, and was so grateful when he moved his hand and felt as he pressed more into her. She loved the feel of his muscles, when he finally sank farther into her tightness, and her hands gripped his shoulders hard, she wasn't quiet in the growl that had escaped her lips, she wanted him to know she needed more of him, she wanted more of him.

She was sure, that nothing in the world would ever measure up to this moment, measure up to hearing his sighs, to feeling his body, to the pleasure she was feeling. She wanted to feel more of him, so she ran her manicured fingernails along the tight muscles of his arms, then moved to his sides, and back up again, and she wanted to feel him deeper, she ran her nails softly along his back, all the while just enjoying this moment, she had seemingly waited forever for.

The deeper he went the more intense and the more pleasure he brought out of her, he knew exactly how to move his hips just right. The more he rocked the more, she moaned, the more she wanted to feel him as deep as he could go, she slightly dug her nails into his back as she closed her eyes, she wanted nothing more than to feel him.

She sighed deeply and, when she felt him push himself deeper inside of her, she moaned and there eyes met, and they both moaned out there love for one another, and Ashley was so very close..
Her eyes were so big and clear. He felt a part of his being enter her, just by looking into her eyes. Her breath was ragged, as he started to move his hips. She was so incredibly tight. Despite the hardness of his cock, he felt as though he had to force himself into her, to open her up, again and again, with each stroke. He moved deliberately and slowly, wanting them both to feel each inch of their pleasure.

After a dozen full strokes, Ashley cried out and John felt her pussy contract and pulse around his cock. He gripped her more tightly and continued to move in and out of her at the same pace, drawing out her pleasure. Her face was transfixed, and John was sure he had never seen anything more beautiful.

After a time, Ashley relaxed, her entire body relaxed, including her pussy. As John moved more easily in and out of her, her cunt had the feel of warm butter. If she had not sucked him off a little earlier, he would surely have cum with her. He wanted that, and he also wanted what they had just experienced. God, he wanted her, in a thousand ways, he wanted her.

She brought her hands to his face, and pulled him closer to hot, languorous kisses. If it was possibly, he felt the heat rise higher between them. Unconsciously, his hips began moving faster, and harder. Ashley groaned at him, gasping at him to fuck her harder.
Her eyes, were always so expressive, and the feelings he brought out of her was amazing, and so intense for her. She was sure it had never felt this intense in the past, so many new thoughts were running through her mind, and she never wanted anything more than this moment. As he moved his hips, and he moved inside of her, it was such a emotional, yet a moment full of pleasure.

It had been to long, she thought to herself, and it was like he was the missing piece of her. She sensed that part of him was holding back, and that was the last thing she wanted, she wanted him to know she trusted him, and that even though in the past, he had been rough, he never hurt her, quite the opposite she thought to herself, he felt so good inside of her and she wanted more.

She had never felt so damn good in her entire life. There was no way in hell she was going to last much longer, and it didn't take her very long, to cum all around his cock, in the past they had used protection, but this skin on skin was like heaven. Oh my but this was so fucking good she thought to herself, and what more is he didn't stop.. but what she wanted surprised her, she wanted to feel him cum inside of her, she had always been so safe in the past, but she felt reckless, and only wanted and needed him.

Her breathing was heavy, and she was softly moaning beneath him, she never wanted it to end, this was so different for her, so new and she wanted it craved for more.

That had been intense sheh thought to herself and she was still slowly coming down. She wanted nothing more however to cum with him, to feel him cum inside of her, god she never wanted anything more. Her thoughts were all over the place, and yet she was focused on what she wanted, what she needed.

She looked up into his eyes, and smiled softly.. yet there was so much in her eyes, so much she wanted to say, so much she needed. Her fingers started trailing along his back again, she didn't think she would ever tire of touching him, of feeling him under her gentle and loving and needing touch, she didn't want to stop didn't want this to end.

She didn't hesitate, she had hesitated to much in the past, she wasn't going to do it again, she pulled him into a deep kiss, she was ready and she wanted more, she ached and needed more... she wanted to taste him, to feel all of him. She didn't shy away from him, she breathed deeply and moaned lightly into his kiss.

When he started moving faster and harder into her, she couldn't hide her groans of pleasure, yes she wanted this, and she didn't want any part of him to hold back. She wrapped her legs tightly around him, and pulled her into her more, she knew he was holding back. She looked up at him softly yet with all the trust and love in the world.

"Don't hold back, John... I trust you, you won't hurt me, I want this, I need this, I need you.. all of you." She whispered as she looked into his eyes.
How much had the last few years changed him? Or her for that matter? The way she had welcomed him into her was breathtaking, and he had never known her to climax as quickly and as powerfully as she had. He groaned as he felt her legs wrap around his, and pull him into her, urging him on.

And she.. felt different. She was so incredibly wet and warm, so much so that he could hear the sounds of their flesh wetly sliding. His eyes widened as he realized that this was the first time they had ever played without latex.

Her words played over him. She wanted him, all of him. She wanted his cock, hard. She wanted him to climax, inside her. The thought pounded in his head as his hips moved more forcefully, driving into her. He raised himself onto his hands, his chest above her, his hips moving with longer, more powerful strokes. Her hands stroked his chest as he watched her breasts shake as he fucked her.

He felt her pussy tightening again, and saw her mouth open, gasping at him to cum with her. He couldn't have stopped if he had wanted to. "Ashley," he panted as he felt his cock fountain inside her. She writhed as her own climax took her. They both panted and groaned, their bodies grinding against each others, wringing every drop of pleasure they could, and their eyes never parting.

He partly collapsed down upon her, the lips coming together in heated kisses, each whispering, "I love you."
This was all so very new to her, and so very powerful, and she had never felt anything more special than this. Everything he was, was everything she always wanted, and she would never want to change him. She knew she had came quick and fast, but she wanted him to cum inside of her. She didnt hold back, before in the past she was shy and reserved, that Ashley was long gone and she knew exactly what she wanted.

Skin on skin was a amazing feeling, that she didn't want to stop. She wanted more, she wanted him and nothing more, he felt amazing inside of her, and the more he moved inside of her, the more she ached for him to cum with her to cum inside of her. She didnt even think about protection, she trusted him, and she knew she was clean since he was the last person she had been with.

She hoped that he knew just how much she trusted him. She also wanted him to trust her, she didnt want him to think he had to be easy with her, not that she didn't love it. She needed him to take her hard, she knew they would have to talk about that too. She had never in the past let him touch her without protection, but this was different, she craved it now.

She moaned deeply as he started to move hard against her. So good she moaned out, she knew she was close again, but she concentrated on just feeling him. She touched him gently running her hands along his chest, was it because she loved him, or was he always this hot.

She was close, but she wanted the intensity of him cumming with her, and she didn't hide it. She wanted every part of him, she needed it. She loved hearing her name on his lips, it sent her over the edge. Her orgasm hit her hard and fast, but it was so intense and so powerful. Looking into his eyes and feeling his cum inside of her, and seeing the trust and love in her eyes was the most amazing sight she had ever seen.

They found one anothers lip's, he tasted so fucking good. They pronounced there love. She looked up at him, she realized he never really held her before, really never slept with her, she knew why now, but she desperately wanted him to stay with her. "Please stay with me, hold me." She all but begged him.
As his mind cleared, he heard her ask him to hold her. It took a moment, and a bit of recollecting. He never really had. Such a simple thing, and he had never been able to do it. And now that she had given him everything, accepted him completely as he was, all she asked was this.

He smiled softly at her, no words seeming adequate. He lifted his hips and his cock slid from her, slick with their juices. He moved and settled onto his side. Sliding one arm beneath her, he folded Ashley against his chest, kissing the back of her head. He held her snugly, their bodies warm together, and a sense of peace descended upon him.

He had never experience anything quite like it, but felt like he wanted to hold her like this forever. He felt her breathing and the soft pant of her crying. He snuggled her a little tighter, whispering, "I'm not going anywhere. A man would be a fool to leave you."

And as they quieted, he knew he had been a fool, and she had given him a second chance. "Thank you," he breathed as they both fell asleep.
She was feeling a little vulnerable now, and she felt open and exposed, not in a bad way really, but it was just that. She knew she was asking for a lot, she had already felt as if she had pushed him, and the last thing she wanted was him to run off on her again. She wanted the safe feeling of his arms wrapped around her, she had always wanted that.

She knew it was such a mediocre thing to ask for, but it was what she wanted and what she needed.

His smile was sweet and sincere and it touched her in so many ways. She sighed deeply at the emptiness of his cock leaving her, it had been such a intense moment, or maybe it had been so intense because of who she was with, she wasn't sure, she was sure though that she wanted more. She watched as he moved, she loved seeing the way he moved, the way his muscles moved with him, she had never found a man as attractive as she had found John.

When he folded her into his arms, she sighed in contentment, so this was what this felt like she thought to herself, and smiled when he kissed her head lightly. She was content, and she felt loved and wanted and needed, she had wished of this moment all the time and now that it was really happening she was afraid it would all be taken away again.

Being there with him was possibly the best feeling she had ever felt, they had made love, that was new, he let her touch him, that was new, he touched her, really touched her that was new, now he was holding her, that was new.. and it scared and thrilled her all at time same time, it was dangerous to love a person this much.

She felt tears come to her eyes and she wasn't crying because she was sad, she was crying because she was happy and scared that he would run on her again. Hearing his words, helped ease her mind some, and she hoped he meant them, no she was sure he meant them. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the feeling of being held tightly in his arms.

Her breathing slowed, and she was slowly falling asleep, and she snuggled closer into him. She vaguely heard him say thank you, as she fell into one of the most peaceful sleep she had ever been in.
His usual nightmares seemed to give him the night off, and John slept deeply. He woke several times, momentarily confused to have someone in his arms. But recollection came swiftly each time, and he would smile and nuzzle Ashley until sleep took him again.

When morning came, he eventually had to get up to answer the call of nature. They had drifted apart in the last couple hours, so he was able to steal out of bed without waking her. The bathroom was at the other end of the house, next to the kitchen. He relieved himself, and upon emerging thought that he would make them both coffee. Good husbands did that sort of thing, or so he had heard.

Fortunately, it was a Keurig and she only had one kind on the carousel. He couldn't screw this up. He set the first cup to brewing and pondered. Good husband? What a thought! But she actually made him think he might have a chance. He wondered how they would do it, how he would do it. Moving, jobs... Family... They would not be happy, at first at least...

He sighed. But when the second cup was done, he set them on a tray with all the usual accompaniments. He walked carefully down the hall and towards the bedroom. As he got closer, he slowed. He heard... crying...
Ashley hadn't slept so soundly in a very long time, and she felt safe and loved and warm. She woke a few times and just marveled in the fact that he was really there and in her bed, she enjoyed watching him sleep, he was so handsome. If she could explain the feelings she felt she was sure noone would ever understand.

She never slept in, but that morning she did. She hadn't slept with someone since him, she wondered if this was the way things were supposed to be, like kismet. Her dreams were filled with love and him, and she never wanted them to go away. Then she also had nightmares of waking up and him not being there, she tossed and turned when they hit.

She woke with quite a start, and realized that John wasn't next to her.

She felt her heart ache, and she sat up, feeling sweat at her brow. Maybe she was still dreaming she thought. She pinched herself, no it hurt like hell, so she wasn't dreaming. She stumbled out of bed. Fuck, she thought, maybe she pushed him to hard. Her throat tightened. This was really happening, he really left.

Her legs were shaking, no correction she was shaking all over.

Tears came to her eyes, and her chest ached, she couldn't move, she was frozen and lost her footing falling to the floor at the front of her bed, wasn't she expecting this, wasn't this what she was afraid of. She held her hand at her throat and tried hard not to lose her mind completely. She couldn't fight it however, the dreams she had were happening, no not a dream a fucking nightmare.

What did she expect, they went to fast, she pushed him to far, she felt like the whole world was falling away and she was left in a bundle of tears and sorrow.... This was happening all over again.
John's heart sank. Why????

He tapped the door of the bedroom with his foot and stepped in. He turned his head towards the sound of crying and saw her on the floor. "Ashley, baby, what's wrong?" he asked, setting the tray on the floor by the door and then crawling the few feet to her.

She looked up at him, so many emotions on her face, then started to cry harder, opening her arms to him. He crawled into her arms, which immediately wrapped tight around him. "Baby, I'm here. Are you ok?" he asked, holding her with one arm.

He listened as she squeaked out that she thought he had left. Guilt came pounding back upon him. He had hurt her so badly before. He hugged her tighter, "no, I'm right here, and I will be here as long as you want me."

He felt her start to rain kisses on his chest and shoulder, and he breathed a sigh of relief. "And, I promise never to make coffee again," he whispered. Her little laugh was the richest reward he could have imagined.

"C'mon, back to bed," he said lightly. He got up and helped her up. Impulsively, he picked her up, cradling her. He took the couple steps to the side of the bed and laid her down. He kissed her, and smiled, "now I really need that cup of coffee. I'm going to go get them. Act surprised, ok?"