What's on Your Mind?

My daughter voted only because a volunteer election worker called. Daughter almost didn't pick the call up as she didn't recognize the number. My daughter thought since she hadn't updated her voter registration after a recent move she couldn't vote. The caller told her what she could do. My daughter voted straight blue. She called me for me to tell her good job and I'm so glad you voted. Thanks to those who make a difference, the unsung volunteer election workers .
My twin called and asked me what I thought about the midterm elections. Given that she believes in conspiracies and that Democrats are Santan's spawns I said I was disappointed that Abbott was voted in again. Sis: I wasn't disappointed at all. I thought the elections went well. There was no red wave.

No shit. But did I say that? No. Because my sister is still thinking the GOP is not batshit crazy for banning contraceptives, banning abortion (even if the mother dies), changing eligible voting to 21, thinking Jan 6 was just a protest. I could go on. Fuck it all.
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My twin called and asked me what I thought about the midterm elections. Given that she believes in conspiracies and that Democrats are Santan's spawns I said I was disappointed that Abbott was voted in again. Sis: I wasn't disappointed at all. I thought the elections went well. There was no red wave.

No shit. But did I say that? No. Because my sister is still thinking the GOP is not batshit crazy for banning contraceptives, banning abortion (even if the mother dies), changing eligible voting to 22, thinking Jan 6 was just a protest. I could go on. Fuck it all.
You have to be 22yo to vote?
Sorry, I thought I had edited the age. Why do I get the sense that I'm not pulling my weight by not cyber fucking you?
Yeah, anyway, I just read an article stating GQP are hoping to raise voting age to 22. As if gerrymandering, closing polling locations in lower income neighborhoods, voter intimidation, and removing women's rights weren't enough. WTF?

I don't know why you are not cyber fucking me.
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What's on my mind? Not understanding my marriage. How can someone say they love you, but not be willing to fix what's broken? How can that same person admit that they know what's broken, but tell you that if you loved them you would accept it and move on? Wanting to feel loved, needed, and desired as much as you put forth, but receiving no affection at all.

Sorry, but I want to be honest and that's all I think about these days.
I've had a few weeks recovery after prostate removal, continence is good and all I need to do now is read lot's of titillating stories and sexy pictures here on Lit to help reconnect/heal those traumatised but preserved nerves that used to surround my prostate so I can get hard again. This morning my glorious bride of many decades sucked away at me and although it was a limp affair, it felt like absolutely glorious therapy. (To her delight she found my tongue to be uninjured) So as per the thread, "What's on my mind?", I'm a lucky boy and eternal thanks to 21st century healthcare and the professionals who make it so.
My daughter was hysterical last night. Over the phone she was sobbing uncontrollably. Her teen daughter called the cops on my daughter and daughter's boyfriend. My granddaughter told my daughter that if she didn't stop seeing her boyfriend she would tell the cops my daughter's bf had been molesting her. My daughter: he is such a good, decent man and who would blame him for wanting to break things off. No man will ever love me or want to have anything to do with me with this kind of crap.
Yeah, anyway, I just read an article stating GQP are hoping to raise voting age to 22. As if gerrymandering, closing polling locations in lower income neighborhoods, voter intimidation, and removing women's rights weren't enough. WTF?

I don't know why you are not cyber fucking me.
Don't fall asleep,

Various pervertedness from this site and others,

Remember to pass on that info to day shift. (Work stuff, not the aforementioned pervertedness)
What a friend said to me recently, “I don’t know about England, but the Fairness Doctrine? Yeah, I want it back. Our country needs it back. Our species has not developed enough of our brain to handle all of the information that’s out there. We’re hurdling into the Information Age like asteroids out of control. We’re an Oligarchy now. A fucking government subsidized oligarch just bought Twitter and he’s hellbent on tearing it down! You need to wake up! These fucking billionaires own every politician we have.” His hearing is shot from playing in too many punk rock bands back in the day. That, and then too many years jackhammering shit without any ear protection. I had told that I saw an album at a cool little record store - a punk band from England called Fear Of Darkness that he tried to get me into years ago and it made me think of him. Now, all I’m thinking about is his crazy random rant and The Fairness Doctrine. And I want it back too.
My parents celebrated their 49th anniversary. I asked my mom what was the hardest part of her marriage. She said the first few years when they were really poor and then again when I moved out and they were empty nesters. She grabbed my hand and said “I know this is hard for you but you’ll get through this. You have to find each other again.”

So much wisdom just when I needed it.
My dad was a pharmacist and had his own pharmacy. He did well financially until he was robbed in the middle of the day. My 14 yo brother happened to be there. The robber put a gun to my brothers head and told my dad if he didn't do exactly what he was told he would blow my brother's brains out. One of our family traumas that wasn't talked about. This happened in Houston in the 70's. The gun situation is worse. Now it's the nice guys blowing up people. School massacres even. No criminal history for the most part, no addiction. Just a desire for our blood and guts. Esp in schools. Pretty exceptional.
Kinda stuck on the eroticism theme today. Love a slow and steady burn in stories and in RL, but also love going animal when it happens. Writing about certainly isn’t easy. Very hard to put into as few words as possible, so I do like to read a good story when I find one. Definitely getting more and more sapiosexual as I age, and I really like this thread for that reason.
I usually get a weird feeling when the word sapiosexual comes up. I'm not sure why that is. It could have something to do with feeling that it may be a term that most people think wtf about. Too many times I have had to google the word when it comes up.