What's on Your Mind?

A friend here in lit accidentally splashed cold water on my face yesterday. The words startled me into thinking about giving much more space than I was wanting.
I think we’re done with the traditional stressed out Thanksgiving Turkey dinner and the kitchen full of dirty dishes. Five courses of food we mostly only eat once a year, because, well it’s tradition, and I don’t even like turkey that much, let alone turkey leftovers. Hibachi is on the ballot for next year, and I think we’ll be just fine with that!
What makes you afraid? Fear doesn't leave as you age. New fears arise. Some fears remain. Some leave or decrease. I used to have a huge social anxiety issue that began when I was a kid. My main fear now is losing independence. I'm working hard af to not lose it. I'm thinking getting some pot soon may provide some sense of balance. :)
I only fear in my dreams. We've had home intruders while we were home, and I sprang into action. We've been approached in dark parking decks, and I defended us. I've been bitten by snakes, stalked by a bobcat and driven a race car at more than 160 mph. No problem.
But I wake up in cold sweats from nightmares. It happens frequently.
I only fear in my dreams. We've had home intruders while we were home, and I sprang into action. We've been approached in dark parking decks, and I defended us. I've been bitten by snakes, stalked by a bobcat and driven a race car at more than 160 mph. No problem.
But I wake up in cold sweats from nightmares. It happens frequently.
It's been my experience that men tend to have a harder time expressing/talking about feelings, esp about fear. Probably due to social conditioning. My father and ex-husband couldn't do it. My son is learning. He felt like he had to. He wants something more from relationships than he has had. Where he had to be the one in charge, in control. I think he got to the point where he said fuck it, there has to be a better way.
I have no idea, but that makes sense. Pressure and stress make people process feelings and emotions differently. I probably keep a lot inside me, which is why it comes out when I can no longer control it - in nightmares.
I have to be feeling really good to smoke pot. Otherwise, I'm a nervous wreck. I avoid it for the most part.
I don't presume to think every man on Lit is some sex-starved pervert or any woman on Lit is. I actually think most of us on here aren't perverts. I do think there are perverts on here who think everyone on Lit is as perverted as them.
I don't presume to think every man on Lit is some sex-starved pervert or any woman on Lit is. I actually think most of us on here aren't perverts. I do think there are perverts on here who think everyone on Lit is as perverted as them.
How I feel after a mutually satisfying ol session: You Got Me Singing, Leonard Cohen. :)
Who's more miserable, men or women? I tend to think it's about even. Although it does appear men are the ones who think guns are the solution.
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Who' smore miserable, men or women? I tend to think it's about even. Although it does appear men are the ones who think guns are the solution.

I think women tend to be, but I believe it manifests itself quite differently.

Although, I may agree with the even distribution to an extent. Women’s misery is often directed inward, whilst male misery is directed outward. Women hate themselves. Men often hate others. This is a general statement and not indicative of everyone, but I think it’s mostly true.
I think women tend to be, but I believe it manifests itself quite differently.

Although, I may agree with the even distribution to an extent. Women’s misery is often directed inward, whilst male misery is directed outward. Women hate themselves. Men often hate others. This is a general statement and not indicative of everyone, but I think it’s mostly true.
Thanks for taking the time to respond. I tend to think women are more vocal about what's going on with them. Men have a hard time articulating what's going on. I think at various points men and women either hate themselves or their lives, for multiple reasons. I would guess the majority of Litsters aren't here because their sex/intimacy needs rate as joyous. Maybe my question wasn't the best. I often wonder what men's inner lives are like.
I might have made a mistake ordering the Midnight Rider. I'm thinking I should have started out small and worked up. IOW, guess what's tight? No snark or pm's please. I feel like I'm a teen again trying to figure out how to insert a tampon. Wtf.
I might have made a mistake ordering the Midnight Rider. I'm thinking I should have started out small and worked up. IOW, guess what's tight? No snark or pm's please. I feel like I'm a teen again trying to figure out how to insert a tampon. Wtf.
Should have picked the 10.30 Early Night Rider!
Thanks for taking the time to respond. I tend to think women are more vocal about what's going on with them. Men have a hard time articulating what's going on. I think at various points men and women either hate themselves or their lives, for multiple reasons. I would guess the majority of Litsters aren't here because their sex/intimacy needs rate as joyous. Maybe my question wasn't the best. I often wonder what men's inner lives are like.

This is how I view things. And this will probably be unpopular. But let’s take the same scenario and look at it from a man and a woman’s perspective. Let’s take the scenario where a partner cheats on the other. This is an oversimplification, but whatevs.

The woman would probably question her self-worth and if she wasn’t enough. She’s angry at him and herself.

The man just thinks she is a cunt and he couldn’t have done anything wrong.

Is this every situation? No. But I think it does give an overview of how men and women see the world differently.