What made you laugh today?

Waking up and trying to decipher a dream I've had involving at least three Litsters. I normally have weird dreams thanks to my pain medication but this one was special.

@SassySheDevil, @Wand3rlust and @ToPleaseHim were like a bad version of Charlie's Angel's. Knocking off stores for money and fleeing whilst all wearing these ridiculous animal face paintings. In this dream - which happened in the UK but with Russian police (WTF?) - they all brought the money back to me as I was the boss. I'm sat in this dingy office with a load of automatic cash counters when the police raid the place. Before anyone can blink, the three "Angels" end up getting rid of the cops in a very violent and extremely graphic way.

I can't decide whether I need therapy or to close my eyes and hope for a part two.
Waking up and trying to decipher a dream I've had involving at least three Litsters. I normally have weird dreams thanks to my pain medication but this one was special.

@SassySheDevil, @Wand3rlust and @ToPleaseHim were like a bad version of Charlie's Angel's. Knocking off stores for money and fleeing whilst all wearing these ridiculous animal face paintings. In this dream - which happened in the UK but with Russian police (WTF?) - they all brought the money back to me as I was the boss. I'm sat in this dingy office with a load of automatic cash counters when the police raid the place. Before anyone can blink, the three "Angels" end up getting rid of the cops in a very violent and extremely graphic way.

I can't decide whether I need therapy or to close my eyes and hope for a part two.
🤣🤣 sweet. Can I take off 10% before showing you? 😈
Strangers in my fave bar.
It made me realise that my normal friend group are weirdly grumpy. They’ve forgotten how to just have fun.
Driving down the freeway in my 2 seat convertible with a Japanese maple between my seats blowing in the wind.
A friend hollering at me across her lawn that she was headed over to her neighbor's to look at his cucumber and see how it was blooming, leaving me to spread her mulch while musing over the sometimes casual Southern relationship with the plural form and also thinking that boy better have more that one cucumber he wants to show her. :sneaky: