The Chronicles of Stormmane (IC, OPEN, World of Warcraft RP)


Literotica Guru
Jun 14, 2006
The Stormmane Chronicles
Book One: The Tauren Mechanic

My name is Kausth Stormmane and I am a tauren, or rather I am half Tauren half Night Elf, from my father's side of the family. I am a freelance mechanic who travels Azeroth in search of metals, tools, gears and interesting items, while my profession as a mechanic is my main source of income am I also a skilled hunter and I love to use guns but when I need to will I use all kinds of meele weapons from small daggers to huge war hammers.

While it is not known by most so do I use my skills neither for Alliance nor Horse, I am not part of any factions of Azeroth, if I was then I wouldn't be a freelance mechanic. I have a special pass I earned from the horde and the alliance by offering them the designs for two unique war machines each of them would find useful not only for war but for peace as well. But as always is war the main topic in those pig skulls' heads.

I am a bit ashamed of this war to tell the truth, I hate how we fight over meager things with each other for reasons that had passed centuries ago. My father is a simple merchant whom my mother fell in love with, she is a hardcore hunter who loves the wild, so you can tell there's a bit of explosive chemistry between my parents. but they love each other and do not let things as petty arguing get the best of them.

Well as for me, I studied as a mechanic and miner under the teaching of a dwarven friend of my father's, it was a blast, traveling from mining coal and copper to the rare and incredible rare adamantine and mithril. I learned the arts of the hunter by my bother and she was a rough but great teacher, though I am still unsure if teaching me how to turn humanoid females into pets is an official hunter skill... probably my mother who wants grand babies as she keeps mooing about.

Because of my half elven heritage am I more humanoid built then normal taurens, though I am not complaining as it seems to attract attention from the females. But I sure do wonder why they keep eying my crotch, I am not that big of a tauren down there... But then again I haven't really measured it with another tauren, and I am sure as hell not going to do that, ever. But I am getting off tract... where was I?

Ah yes, as I stated, I am a more humanoid appearing Tauren with well versed skills in engineering, mining and hunting, I am not too bad of a cook, healer or fisherman either. My work as a freelance mechanic gives me lots of chances to check out interesting machines, constructions and more, I was even hired by one of the boss monsters in one of the dwarven ruins to check on some pipes, gears and rusting golems, it was fun but the naga sirens' eying my behind creeped me out.

So to speak am I a pretty well known person among the world and my status as a freelance makes it possible for me to keep out of any battlezone or duel, well except for when I meet one of those freaks with one or more of The Four Curses of Annoyance on them.

First comes the Curse of Lacking Language Skills, makes a person speak things that makes no sense like ROLF, LOL, Haxxor, pwned, cyber, L33T, camp and the likes. They have no proper grammar, speaks of strange things as, I am getting a taco wanna go raid, selling rusty knives for 1 G, and crap like that while just standing still and shouting it out as if they are speaking to a crowd of people. Perhaps the most annoying of the four.

The second is the Curse of Loot/Prey Stealing, people that keeps taking out the kills just as you are about to take out the beast yourself, or takes the loot of the monster you have fought hard to kill, or both, very annoying.

And the third curse is the Curse of Dueling/Guild Inviting, this curse makes people duel every person they meet, be it alliance or horse, and they keep sending letters of invitations to people they want to join their guild, every tenth second, annoying but helps when you need fire in the winter.

And lastly is the Curse of Motion Affliction that makes people move oddly, they appear to stop, stop and move repeatedly, then suddenly teleport to a different spot after five minutes of being frozen. and sometimes they even frozen while fighting a monster and afterwards there's a blink and the person is either dead or the monster is dead.

These four curses were spread worldwide by a group of hammered mages, warlocks and druids of all the ten races, they were made into the biggest joke of azeroth history and even the Burning Legion are ashamed at the fact that they could never reach such a status of asshole-ness like this group of hammered magic users.

But I am getting off track again, at the moment am I riding through the snow covered mountains of Dun Morogh, the home of the main capital of the dwarves, Ironforge. And I am here for a job offered to me by King Magni Bronzebeard himself, it concerned a newly found tunnel beneath Ironforge's tunnels where a set of dwarves and gnomes had prepared to make new homes for them, but a wall collapsed and a hidden tunnel made out of metal was found. I was offered a job to be part of the squad who would investigate the tunnel, with my engineering skills I would be able to figure out if the tunnel was dangerous or if there was some kind of trap in the tunnel.

And that brings us to today, I am riding on my trusty raptor Wildfang, a very big raptor I captured and tamed myself with a group of trolls, I was given the honour of taming this fine creature and make her into my mount as I aided them in keeping her from damaging their homes or eating their cattle. As I rode up the road up the large mountain towards huge gates of Ironforge I saw many people give me looks from glares to lusty stares, though it made me shudder as some of those last stares came from some males.

Wildfang was warped in a thick warp fur to keep her warm in these cold lands and her black and red scale hide would make it impossible for her to be stealthy so I had made a device that turned her hide into different colors, so that she would have no problem hunting while we were here. As I reached the huge gates I saw a group of dwarves and gnomes preparing to fire a giant crossbow into the mountain wall, I noticed a flaw in the design of the crossbow and decided to help them before they fired the crossbow and destroyed it, my dwarven was not all that good though so I had hard to explain it.

<D>"Ye might want de check da place uf da hook, da hold uf da left cog on da left bow an' look ath de crack in a left bow by da middle. If ye fire da bow, ye make da bow sploid like da ice piece."<D>

After leaving the flustered dwarves and gnomes, who were tormented by the chuckling guards as they indeed found the fault in their new crossbow, I rode slowly into the warm entrance of the Ironforge. It was a beautiful place for a mechanic like myself, molten lava, melted metal, rotating gears, machines and so much more, it was paradise. Now I just needed to find the place I was supposed to meet King Bronzebeard, it was in the mines, and after asking for directions five times I finally reached the mines and saw dwarven guards standing guard around King Bronzebeard while a group of professional adventurers stood there as well.

The King gave a short nod to me as I rode over to them on my beautiful raptor. "Greetings Kausth ye're welcome to our proud capital, you better have prepared because the expedition will take off after they have introduced themselves and spoken their current plants for the expedition's success."

Giving a sign of gratitude to the dwarf king I rode over to the group that would make up the expedition. They were all female I discovered to my surprise, two night elves, three humans, two draeneis, two trolls, two orcs,and two blood elves. It appeared it was the infamous Freelance Women's League, they were a guild of women made up by all manners of species, be it alliance, neutral or horde related, who worked freelance like myself, not getting involved in the war.

But then I see the yare not all females as one of the humans is a male paladin, and he was glaring at all the people whose race were part of the horde, he glared at me the hardest, probably because I was a male. I got off Wildfang and petted the churring raptor before turning towards the expedition group, not a very big one considering they normally had carriages, pack animals and twenty workers, but then again the people here were professionals so there was no need for the Alliance to waste its resources. "Greetings my name is Kausth Stormmane and I am a freelance engineer, miner and hunter, makign a living working freelance across the world. I am a nexcellent gunner and archer and I like to use explosives when there's not enough points to hit with an arrow or an arrow."

The human paladin introduced himself first with a spit at my hooves and snarled at me. "I am Jenkins Goldhair! Paladin and Sergeant in the service of the alliance, ordered her to act as an escort and supervisor so you scoundrels do not do anything to foul the discoveries of the Ironforge's past. Even though I'd rather pierce your demonic heart with a blade of justice I will keep it sheathed, for now." The rest of the expedition team groaned and palmed their faces ,apparently this pompous jackass was the regular paladin stereotype who liked to kill evil that was evil in his eyes and ask questions after said evil is vanquished.

Looking at the paladin with a raised eyebrow I speak up. "You just insulted your own alliance members i na very foul manner." Before the gaping paladin to retail I raised a hand and silenced him. "Because if you had looked at me a bit closer you might have noticed I have no pupils, and my ears are a bit longer then normal, this is because I am half night elf. So unless you wish to insult your allies because of your big mouth then I suggest you shut said mouth."

The paladin glared at me and shouted out again, thinking he had some kind of proof of my 'evil'. "Aha so you are the spawn of the foul raping of a night elf maiden and a foul demonic cow tauren! This shows your race's true color!"

Chuckling a little I poked him in the chest plate of his armor. "For your information, my night elf blood comes from my father. And it was not rape, my mother is a tauren huntress who meet him, a freelance merchant and traveler during one of her travels as an ambassador. It was love at first sight they say it, they simply started talking, liked each other mroe and more until they, a week later, were humping like rabbits and bunnies. They got married two months later when they discovered my mother was pregnant with me, and they are still happily married and I have two younger siblings, one sister and one brother, and I think my mom is excepting twins by this summer."

the pladin breaks down and huddles, curling up in a crying whimpering wreck, his views of the world shattered. "Well that's one way to get rid of an annoying person. Hey Lord Bronzebeard, our guide is broken, can we get a refund!?" The king just laughed and soon a female draenei dressed in Ironforge armor came over with a pickaxe over her shoulder and a halberd on her back.
As I walked through the gates of Ironforge I thought about the last two weeks. I had been approached by the Ironfist brother’s, Jemal and Lemaj, to travel to their hunting lodge. It was an hour or two from the city and the hunting was good there so I went with them. I’m a skinner and leatherworker so anytime I can find furs and leather to work with I’ll jump at the chance. But this trip had a bit of a snag in it. What was to be one week of hunting turned into two weeks of being snowed in at their lodge. There was plenty of food and drink for the three of use. There was fire for the fire pit. And thankfully I had listened to my friend Auria about bringing more of a certain other thing with me.

Oh, side note. Auria is a Night Elf Priestess and my best friend to. While in her studies she found a potion that blocks a woman from getting pregnant for one day. Yes, one drink from the potion in the mourning and its fun for the rest of the day. And like I said I’m glad I brought more then just the one bottle like she told me to.

And back to my thoughts. Well, the thing about the Ironfist brother’s is that they like woman of other races, mostly human long legs and all. So I spent most of the two weeks naked in bed with one or both of them. I know what some women might think long beards get in the way, but they’re great to help keep you warm after a nice long roll in the bed. So I digress, after the two weeks I am a bit soar and only wanting to sleep in my bed with out another horny dwarf wanting the next romp.

As I walked up the steps to the apartment I shear with Auria I could hear her humming to herself. It was nice to hear her happy voice again. With a smile on my face I opened the door and walked in. There was my friend sitting at the small dining table working on another one of her cloth ideas. She is a good seamstress and could make some of the best dresses for my other line of work, dancing.

She looked up when I closed the door behind me. Her glowing blue eyes, which matched her long blue hair, grow wide as she saw me.

“Cilva, your Back!”

I smiled at her and nodded. “Yes. Finally back from the frozen woods and two over sexed Dwarves.” I walked past her on my way to my room as she stood up. Now Night Elves are tall so when she stood up my head came to her shoulders. I knew what was coming next and braced for it. Auria took one step and wrapped her long lavender arms around my neck. I in turn wrapped my arms around her slender waist. From time to time I have kidded her about what it would be like if we didn’t only like men. It funny watching her face turn a dark shade of purple.

“I missed you and feared the worst had happened.” She said while still hugging my face to her small breast.

“Air!” The flowery small of her perfume made it hard to breathe when she did that.

“What?” I felt her pull back from me. Then I saw her blush as she realized what I had said. “Sorry, Cilva.”

I readjusted my outfit and looked up at her glowing blue eyes. “It’s okay.” I patted her on the side of her waist and then walked to my room. “Oh, I need rest.”

As I opened my door I hear her voice calling after me. “Please tell me what happened later and leave nothing out.”

I smiled and nodded at her again. Auria likes to live her sex life through me. You see she is painfully shy around men. So much that I think she has only been with one guy in all her years. She’s sweet but very naïve, too. I started to say something back to her but saw a letter lying on my bed. I wonder who could have sent it. Sitting my skinning gear down I picked up the letter and slow sat down on my bed. By the gods those two dwarves work me over down there. Opening the letter with my dagger I found out it was from my trainer. My first thought was that he wanted some special training again. But as I read I realized that this was something important. A tunnel had been found in a new excavated area of the mountain and he wanted me to be part of the scouting party. With a roll of my eyes I got off my bed and walked over to where my work gear was. No rest for me today.

After shouldering my pack I walked out into the dining area of our apartment and saw Auria standing by the door with her gear to. “You got a letter to?” She asked me. I nodded and walked toward the door.

As we walked to the meeting hall I told my friend some of the sexual escapade that I had from the last two weeks. I almost laughed when I looked up at her and saw that she was hanging on every word. I have got to get her laid.

As we walked into the mines I saw to my displeasure was full of women. I don’t mind women but non-human males can make a scouting trip a lot more fun. But then I saw King Bronzebeard and smiled at him. No, I’m not a gold digger but the thought of being a king’s concubine had its promises. But he just nodded at me and looked back at the human paladin. I recognized the blow hard paladin form a party that my trainer had taking me as his date. That was fun, but that is also another story. I don’t remember the paladins name but I remember the way he looked at me as I snuggled close to the Gnome that was my trainer. Some people can be smug. Not wanting to talk to the smug paladin I gently pushed Auria over to a corner away from him. As we moved away I saw one of the King’s guards wink at me, I’ll have to look him up after this is over. The other women nodded at use as we took up our spots.

We waited for a few minutes before I heard some movement coming from where we had just come. I looked up and saw a Tauren. I felt my eyes widen as I realized it was a male Tauren. He was handsome for a guy that looked a bit like a black bull. But I never heard of a Tauren with glowing eyes before. I looked over to ask Auria if she had and saw that she was working on her cloth thing again. She looked up when I cleared my throat and her mouth dropped open at the sight of the big male Tauren. “You did bring more of the potion with you?” I asked and was happy to see her nodded back at me.

As we listened to the exchange between the stupid paladin and the handsome Tauren the idea of working on relations between the Alliance and the Horde ran through my mind. Auria and I laughed as he made a fool out of the smug paladin. Brains and looks, this could be interesting.
I look at the gang who where introducing themselves to each other, and me, the blood elves began. They were twins, Feelia and Feelea Runespore, Feelia was a mage while Feelea was a warlock, they were very good looking with well shaped bodies, and much more developed in the chest then any blodo elf I had seen before, they looked to be even more then a handful for me and my hands were pretty big, their robes hugged their figres very well, well enoguh to hide their mroe revealing features but nto good enough to hide that they were very nicely shaped.

The orcs were not related but had similar names, their names were Helen and Helena, apparently their parents knew each other and gave them similar names. They were both warriors, dressed in full palte armor that covered the mhead to toe, I'd say those armors held a pair of 36D or Double D cups, they were both armed with a pair of halberds. They would becoem good back up if a fight broke out in close range.

The trolls were shamans and they were related, distant cousins, one was a bit of a pure green color while the other was more teal in color, both had red hair. Their names was Gyuma, the teal one, and Kerna, the green one. Their robes covered their bodies well and they had a pair of shaman masks on their belts, but they fileld out the robes rather well, they were not as develped as the blood elves but they could rival the orcs if they took off the armors.

The Draeneis were a surprise, they were not related but all had the same name, Samantha, so to not confuse the mwith each other they had called each other different nicknames. Sam, who was a priestess, she was the most developed of the bounce, I think those things were bigger then the blood elves'. Sammy, a rogue, more slim in built then the others and a bit short, she had a nice ass though from what I could tell from her skin tight leather armor with the ironforge brand on it, she was our guide. And finally Samantha, a mage who had the normal bookworm appearance, classes, stuffy robes that was doing it best to cover a fully developed figure. They all had curvy horns, Samantha's horns were like a rams, while Sammy's were like a red dragon's, curves and growing towards the back of her head, pointing up into the air, curved in an S like form. And Sam had a single horn in her forehead like a unicorn.

The night elves were Aurie a slim sexy priestess with one fine ass from how her robes hugged it. There was Reina a druidess with a bit more development in the chest and the rear then Aurie, she had nice abs too, as she was veary a bikini like armor, I swear those things looked ready to explode from that thin thing.

The humans were interesting, there a girl who han't introduced herself yet but she was oen sexy things, nice curves, nice chest, nice face, nice hair, I could go on all day describing her sexiness, she knew she was good looking and was getting regulary from how she winced when moving her hips, and I can tel lshe prefer non-human males from how she's eyeing the dwarven guards, and me, and I think she's bisexual from how she's eyeing the chest of those blood elves and the other busty gals. The other two humans were a pair of twins, Elena and Helena, Elena was a warrior dressed in rather tight fullplate armor while Helena was a priestess dressed in not so covering robes, they were just as wel ldeveloepd as the blood elf twins and if it wasn't for the racial differences I'd say they were quadruplets.
I couldn’t keep my eyes of the handsome Tauren while the other women were introducing themselves. Ever time he looked my way I quickly looked at the woman that was speaking at the time. I could see his muscle rippling under his black fur as he moved. He looked like he could hold a girl down and take advantage of her. But you can’t rape a willing soul and I have to say that I would be willing. The soreness in my pussy was starting to vanish as I wondered if he liked human women. Oh, by the gods I hope he does! I wonder how big his cock is. I could see a big bulge in his leather trousers with another big one below it. Big balls maybe? Mmm, I hope so.

As the other women introduced themselves I start to realize something. I looked down at my breast and then over at my friend Auria’s breast. Now I have gotten a lot of compliments about my body from the men at the tavern I dance at and the ones I’ve had sex with. And Auria’s smaller 36B breasts have gotten the share of looks, even though she hasn’t noticed or shown them to anyone of my knowledge. But I was starting to feel a bit inadequate as I looked at the breast size around me. No wonder I got so much for the leather I sell. It would take a herd of cattle to cover some of the women in here. “Must be something they ate.” I whispered to myself.

“Who ate what?”

I looked over at my friend. Those long ears can pick up everything. Leaning over I whispered to her. “I was just thinking out loud.” She gave me a puzzled look. “About the fact that were the only women here that doesn’t need the outfits specially made.”

Auria looked around with her glowing blue eyes and I stole another look at the handsome Tauren. Damn, he looks nice. I heard her giggle and turned to look at her again.

“It makes use more coin to cover them.” She said with her hand over her mouth.

I smiled and nodded. “Yes it does.”

My eyes widened as I hear the Night Elf next to Auria say her name. I nudged Auria to let her know it was her turn to introduce herself. She blushed a dark purple as she saw that everyone was looking at her. “Auria.” She bowed and I almost laughed as I saw that the men in the room raise their heads to try a get a peek of her cleavage. If she only knew.

Then it was my turn. I shook my hair back and stood up straight, the better to show off what I had up front. Then I looked right at the handsome Tauren, gave him a pretty smile. “Cilva at your service, brave hunter.” I then bowed to him making sure that my top opened a bit to let him get a good peek. As I straightened up I winked at the Tauren and smiled.

The other two human women started their intro as I looked over at Auria. One of her long blue eyebrows were up as she looked at me. “Laid it on a bit thick, didn’t you.”

I leaned over and whispered to her as I watched the Tauren. “Getting laid is what I’m trying for.” Her lavender face turned a bit purple as she smiled at me. “Anyway. I didn’t know a Night Elf and a Tauren could have a child.”

“Oh yes! I had to be careful the time I….”I heard her trail off like she didn’t mean to say something.

Turning I smiled at her. “That’s who it was. I thought you had sex before. Now I know I was right.”

She dropped her head down and smiled shyly. “We meet on the beach near Auberdine. He had brown fur and was handsome. We only did one time though. He left Darkshore soon after that and I never saw him again.”

I reached over and put my arm around her slender back. “That’s why you came across the sea, to find him.” She nodded and looked back at me. You can find out all sorts of things out during the day. My shy friend had nailed someone before we meet. I looked at the Tauren. “Maybe we can share him.” I heard her giggle again as I watched him.
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The draenei who would guide us, Sammy, spoke up as we gathered outside the newly opened tunnel. "Okay listen up girls, and boy, we're going to enter the newly found tunnel, we are going to make sure there's no danger inside, if there is we are to take it out, but if we cannot then we are to retreat and cal lfor reinforcements, anything we see are to be recorded, thus we have special crystals impelled into our equipment that records all our foundings, but we will take them off while resting as we cannot have the crystals going for more then twenty four hours or they will overheat."

I look at the crystals she hands out and I attach it to a ring on my left finger, much easier to take off that way. She then speaks up as she hands out the crystals. "We will have emergency rune stones that will teleport us to the nearest available safety zone or healer if we are mortally wounded. But if these are destroyed, fails or are unable to work, then we will have medical equipment with us. To make sure nobody gets lost from the others we will have the gems act as a chain link, nobody can walk beyond two hundred feet from each other, think of it as an invisible rope tied by our gems."

She passed me by and felt up my rear and winked at me as she walekd over to the opening of the tunnel, I chuckled and hefted my equipment. Wildfang and my pet tyrano would be placed in the stables until I returned, they wouldn't do much good in there with their large sizes, so I took Elthea, a fine nightstalker instead, her senses and size would help out.

"Okay if everybody are ready we will enter the tunnel now, be sure to have torches and other sources of light at hand, if you hear something or see something odd or suspiscious tell us, but be as silent as possible. We do not know what rests in these tunnels." Sammy said before we all walked into the tunnel, I had to say that i had been given the greatest job ever, these fine ladies didn't seem to mind my presence by the way they brushed agaisnt me as they walked past me. And I swear that I've never felt so many swollen nipples through leather and cloth brush againsy my skin in my entire life.

Heck that human rogue Cilva and her night elf priestess friend Aurie teamed up on brushign agaisnt me as they walked arm in arm and hugged their breasts into my sides, the night elf was blushing madly while the human was grinning madly, both of them were practically glowing with lust and I could feel my blood boil at the sight. Good thing we were just entering the tunnel, wouldn't have been a good thing if they did that in the middle of an open terrain.
I listened to our scout but my mind keep thinking about the handsome tauren that would be coming with use. To bad that other members of the Horde wasn’t with use, male members. I looked at the other women around me. With all the big breasted women how was I going to get him to notice me or use? I took the crystal from Sammy and looked at it. Now where was I going to put this? Looking down at my vest I decided that would be the best place for it. After that I listened to her talk about the gems. Everyone started to move toward the entrance of the tunnel and I saw my chance.

Moving toward the tauren I noticed that some of the other women had also taken to him. I moved closer but was stop as Aurie grabbed my arm. Turning to look at her and was about to tell her to stop grapping me but what I say changed my mind. The two orc women were on either side of her one had her hand behind Aurie’s back as the other talked to her. I stepped up to them and smiled.

“Aurie come on. Stay close to me.”

One of them glared at me. “She stay with us.”

I shook my head at her. “No, she’s mine.” And I grabbed Aurie’s arm pulling her to my side. She looked relieved as she snuggled against me. We turned and walked toward the opening arm and arm.

“We see, human.” The other one said as we walked away. Now I for one am not into women that much but I had to admit that the idea of seeing what their large green breast felt like did peck my curiosity. I had to keep my friend safe though so we moved away from the two orcs.

“That one squeezed my butt. And the other one said they wanted to make me their play thing.” Aurie was shaking as we walked.

“Some women like both men and women.” I looked back at the two orcs and one licked her lips at me. “Just try to stay away from them.” With that I hugged my friend closer.

We moved up to the front of the group where Kausth was at. I figured that if I got Aurie’s mind off what had happened then she would stop shaking. So as we moved closure to him I used my foot to trip her. That made the two of use brush against him. She blushed as she stepped back but I took the few seconds I had to check out his muscles. Damn he was packed. I smiled up at him as he looked at use.

“Sorry about that. Must have been something on the floor back there.” I gave him a sweat smile with a bit of flirt to it.
Chuckling I just pat them on the shoulders. "No need to worry, and I heard the two orcs, they may appear like a pair of dominatrix bitches but in truth they are as meak as humans in certain situation and covers it up with a hard personality. It's their way to keep themselves standing out in the world. I learned that from my years of trading and working with orcs." The two orc women glared at me but I let my grin grow and I slammed a hand into a rock, shattering it, while growling out in orcish, my grin remaining. "Ouughto! Kaurmbek! Kerbekauhm! Graubek! Dreuk das Hokkash!"

The two orc women back off and appeared like meager kittens from their earlier hardass attitude, orc females were both fierce and submittive by nature, it was in their genes, some of them were more dominant then others but if enough force was shown they would become meager as well. These two were no difference, they were like a pair of lionesses, wild against other lionesses of different tribes, but when a male approached stronger then them they bowed to him, and spread the legs like a pair of meager kittens. Of course not all orcs were like this but almost all female were like it.

The two orcs turned towards the human and her night elf friend and bowed to them in apology before kissing them both in a frenching manner and walked off to the others. I blinked in surprise, that was a rite of acceptance some orc tribe women used when they accepted an outsider as a fellow tribemember. "Well that's reasuring, and I mean it, some orc tribes have a rite of acceptance where they kiss an outsider to show they are accepted into their tribe, and yes even the male does it ,but on the cheek most of the time, first tiem I've seen a frenching versio nof it." I then grinned and looked at Clive and Aurie with a michievious glint i nmy eyes. "So were they any good with their tongue?"

We had reached past the tunnel and come out into a large mass of metal structures, I practically drooled at the sight fo the high and exlusive technology of these halls, there were golems, inactive though, special light torches that were still glowing, steam machines, wind mills, and much more. It was like an underground city of metal and gears, any engineers dream, but then I thought I heard something and looked sharply to the right and frowned as I saw a pair of large wings disappear into the rocky deep. "I saw something, it was big, around the size of an elephant, it had big wings, I think they were feathery but it was hard to tell." My words but the rest of the expedititon on high alert and the more meak and easily frightened members, huddled close to me, not that I minded their curvy shapes brushing my form but I think it would only make us a bigger target, so I carefully pushed them aside and told them to stay spread out but close so we won't get taken out in one group but not too spread otu so we would be easy picking one by one.
As he patted me on the shoulder I felt his fingers against my skin. Remember I have on a sleeveless leather vest. Mmm his touch felt great. I noticed that my nipples had hardened as he talked to me and my friend. I hope I can feel him touch me all over soon, I thought to myself.

Aurie and I jumped as he slammed his fist into the wall. It seemed to work, the two orc women dropped their eyes at what he said to them. Then they turned and bow to use. I was about to say something nice to them when one of them walked up to me and kissed me. I heard Aurie gasp in surprise but I didn’t look at her. I was too engrossed in the kiss of the orc women in front of me. Now I said that I only liked guys but damn this felt nice. I closed my eyes and let the moment last as I felt her tongue move into my mouth. Our tongues danced over each others for a second then she pulled back from me. I almost grabbed her for another kiss but stopped myself as she walked off.

I listened to Kausth explain what just happened to me. Looking over at Aurie I saw her lavender face had turned into a deep purple blush. She looked down at her feet to embarrassed to look at anyone. I on the other hand was thinking about the offer I had received to go to Booty Bay for a few shows at a local tavern. If every orc kissed like that, wow.

I shook my head as I heard Kausth ask a question. “What?”I saw his mischievous grin and knew what he asked. With a little smile I tilted my head and said, “Maybe.” I turned and collected the very shocked Aurie and walked away from Kausth. Stopping after a few steps I looked back at him, giving him a slow once over. “I won’t tell.” I quickly looked at the others around use. “With an audience around.” With a wink I moved my friend over to a place on the wall where she could catch her breath.

“She kissed me.” Aurie said after some deep breaths.

“Yep and the other one kissed me.” I rubbed her shoulder to comfort her. She shivered and I wondered if it was from excitement or disgust. “come on it wasn’t that bad.” Her face turned purple again as she looked away from me. Then she looked down and nodded yes. I smiled at her then looked up and saw that the rest of the group was moving on. With one hand on her back I gently pushed Aurie in front of me as we followed.

After walking for a bit we came into an area with a large mass of metal structures. I had never seen anything like it before. My mouth was open as I looked around at all the odd things in the area. I looked over at Aurie and saw that she had the same look on her face. Then I looked to see what the other members of our party were doing. That’s when I noticed that we were flanked by the two orc women. This made me feel better seeing how big their swords were.

I jumped when I heard Kausth say something. After he finished the two orcs drew their swords and moved closure to me and Aurie. The four of use moved closure to Kausth as I drew my blades and Aurie readied to cast her spells.

“Stay near Kausth, if we get in fight.” I looked around to see who said that and say the orc that had kissed me standing beside me. She smiled and winked at me then her dark eyes started scanning the area.

“Mr. Kausth.” I whispered. “Which way did it go?”
I raised a hand to keep them silent and closed my eyes, listening to the wind inside the large underground city of metal, and then I heard it, the sound of flapping wings, drawing my rifle I loaded a set of bullets into its pipes and aimed up ahead and silently waited until what had flown down came up at high speed and then went down with a slow gliding movement. The creature was large, as big as a young dragon, covered by brown feather like scales, a dragon head with a sharp beak instead of sharp teeth, two large wings of feather like scales, almost like a gryphon's excelt these feathers were large thin scales, the lower body of the creature was the body of a dragon, but there were four forearms, not just two, giving it nine limbs when including the wings and tail. The tail was long, feathery and with a long pair of sharp spikes at the end. The creature looked almost like a hybrid of dragon, eagle and crocolisk, considering the extra forearms.

It had a pray in its mouth, a mountain goat, and was chewing on it, the creature was thin and apparently hadn't eaten decently for centuries from what I knew from draconic beings. Motioning for the others to stay low I move forward, pulling out a big sack from my magical bag, it contained a big load of boar meat. I whistle to the creature and it looks sharply up at me and Iput a hand into the bag and pull out a big juicy piece of meat and offers it to it, careful to not endanger myself or frighten it. The creature looks at me in suspiscion before slowly lowering its head and snapped the meat out of my hand and eagerly showed down on the big piece of meat.

Carefully walking forward I give it a second piece of meat and soon I am petting it and giving it meat and soon it is lying down on the floor, enjoying my petting on it, tracing careful runes on the fien creature's pelt I mark it as my companion and slowly I feel a mental connection to it, I montion for my nightstalker to return to the stable and she runs off quickly, she doesn't like these tunnels. "Good boy, ouch! You're a girl I take it?" I ask with a bit of a chuckel as I rubbed my left buttocks where the creature had smacked me as I called it boy.

Motioning for the others to come here I pet the creature and puts a fine blue collar arounds its brown fur and I decided to name it Luna, as the full moon is glowing down through the openig in the ceiling and on her fine brown pelt very nicely. "She's not dangerous ladies, she's some kind of draconic creature, probably trapped here since the old city of Ironforge was abandoned, she is way too big for the opening above so she must have a hard time getting food, she seems very thin. She is now a companion of mine, and yours, and her new is from now on Luna, the moon shines very good on her don't you think?" Petting Luna I turn to look at the surroundings of the big city and mark down several interesting points we will need to investigate, but until then we had to set up a base of some sort where we could be safe to sleep, eat and plan without danger.

"Hey Clive can you look for a good place for us to make a base of some sort, we will need a secure building or well fortified spot where we are not in danger of attacks or similar and can rest peacefully. There's no real fortifications or protective buildings along the left road of this cliffside, as it leads down to the central square from what I can tell, so we will have to go upwards in search of a secure place, there should be caves, towers or barracks around here, it seems to be the military part of the town as there's a lot of rusty, old and surprisingly new looking weapons and armors around the rubble, on the stacks and on the walls."
Sorry it took so long!

I watched Kausth as he closed his eyes and listened to the cities sounds. I couldn’t hear anything myself, mostly because Aurie was whimpering behind me in fear. Sometimes I wonder how she ever made it to Ironforge, she’s scared of everything. Anyway, I strained to hear what was coming and then I heard it. It was the sound of gently flapping wings. I felt Aurie grab my arm and felt her lavender fingers tremble.

“What if it’s hungry?" She whispered in my ear.

“We’ll fight it or run away.”

“We can out run something that flies.”

I looked over my shoulder and smiled up at her. “We don’t have to out run it just everyone else.” I softly laughed as she raised one long blue eyebrow in question then her mouth frowned as she got it.

“Don’t make jokes.” She said as I turned to watch what was coming.

Well I was only joking a little. But I wouldn’t tell her. As I looked at Kausth again I saw that his rifle was up and pointing at where the thing was coming. Then something flew up in front of us. Yes, I jumped as Aurie screamed in my ear. I watched in amazement as a strange creature flew up in front of use. I had never seen anything like it before in my life. I have to admit I was just as frightened as Aurie was. I was about to ask Kausth what we should do when he motioned us to stay low. That was alright by me. I crouched lower while pulling my scared friend with me. Aurie was trembling so hard that I thought she was going to fall apart any minute.

We watched as Kausth pulled out some meat from his pouch and moved toward the beast. Even though I was a faired the thought of him pulling out another kind of me and walked toward me popped into my mind. I had never seen a tauren’s cock before. I wonder what it looked like. I licked my lips as I thought about what it would look like. Need to find that one out soon.

My thoughts of sex where interrupted by the object of my desire. He motioned us to come forward. We all walked toward him, Aurie still holding on to my arm as we moved. I looked at the creature as I step near it. It was amazing to look at, almost like someone put left over parts together to make a being.

I heard Kaush call my name and I gave him a sweat smile. “Yes.” Looking around as he talked I tried to think of where we could hold up at. He was right the left road did look the best place for a base camp. “Okay. I’ll give it a look see and come back when I find something.” As I walked away I made sure to brush against him again. I smiled up at him, “Sorry.”

Walking away I made sure that my hips were swinging enough to make him watch. That should leave him with something to think about. But as I turned I was looking at Aurie right in the chest. Looking up into her glowing eyes I could see that she was still affair.

“Can I come to?” She asked in a nervous tone.

“No. You show stay with them.” I said and pointed back to where the other were standing.

She shook her head making her blue hair wave back and forth. Her pretty lavender skin was pale with fear. “Please!”

“Okay, but stay back a bit.” With that I turned and walked away. After a few feet I turned a corner and vanished from sight. Aurie could see me if I was close to her some of the times. I looked back as she came around the corner. Her glowing eyes looked around for me then she smiled as she saw the shimmer I was giving off. With a sigh I turned and slowly made my way into the unknown.
Taking my time to check out the location we were at I hunched down and felt the earth, there had not been a foot disturbing these grounds for decades of not centuries. Perhaps our gryphon dragon here was the only one to enter and leave this place since it was buried. Either way it was a huge discovery.

(Cutting to 3rd Person's View to describe Cilva's discovery)

At the upper part of the plateu along the side of the stone wall is a well kept tower that sticks up from the stone of the moutnain wall itself. It's sturdy, circular shaped, with three floors, empty and a perfect spot to put up camp for their expidition.

(Back to first person's view)

Feeding Luna I look up to see Cliva and Aurie return from their scouting and i am curious what they had discovered, and why they were both a bit flustered.
Sorry it took so long!

As we were walking back, I couldn’t believe are luck. We had found a perfect place up on the upper part of the plateau. A tower, which would be well defensible with a water supplying pool deep in the lower level and three floors over it.

”Well, what do you think of it?” I said to Aurie. She was still looking around nervously as we walked.

”It looked okay.” She looked down at me and winced again.

I reached up to my head and rubbed at the small bump on it. As we were pocking around the outside of the tower, I had dislodged some rocks from a pile of rubble. Thank to my lavender Night Elf friend I had only received a bump on the head. Aurie had pop a Shield around me just in time to keep the larger rocks from hurting me. But the dust and smaller rock still covered me. My hair was gray and my clothes dirty from all the rock dust.

“I’m sorry I didn’t make it thicker.” She said. I watched as she looked down at her feet. I had seen that look before.

“Hey. You did your best and that’s better then anyone else could have done.” I smiled as I saw her lavender face turn a darker purple and a big smile come over her. Then I frowned. Something odd had happened when we walk through the front opening in the tower. “Did you feel a strange tingling when we walked through the front opening?”

Aurie looked over at me, a thoughtful look on her face. “Was it under were the belly button is deeper inside?” I shock my head at her. “Me too. But I have no idea what it could have been.”

I looked up ahead and saw Kausth feeding his new pet. “Let see if anyone else feel that way when they walk through it.”

I gave Kausth a sweet smile when he looked up at me. The thought of a place with enough quiet areas made me look over him more. I have to admit the idea of riding his big Tauren cock made me shiver a little. Then I saw the two Orc women standing off a bit from him. The one that had kissed me winked as she smiled at me. I quickly looked her up and down. It might be fun to see what an Orc woman was like. Her tongue had felt great in my mouth as we kissed; I hoped it would feel just as good or better in my pussy.

With a slight shake of my head I came back to what I was doing. “Hello, Kausth. I think we found some place that will work for use.” Pointing behind me I told them of the tower we had found and of the rocks falling.

As I talked my new Orc Friend walked up beside me. “It is good that the little human made it.” My eyes widened a little as I felt her strong left hand pat me on the ass. I looked at Kausth and smiled, but I knew he had to see the slight blush on my face.
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Chuckling I shook my head and patted both the orc and the human's asses swith my big hands, and a light pat fro mme was like a spanking hit for their smaller bodies. "Teasing and erotica can wait for later ladies, we have to set up camp." Moving into the tower we began to put up base, we would need to work up a good place to sleep, keep ourself in contact with the otuside and our team members, this mission could take us months if not years!

Putting up engineering gear in the tower I began to put up things we would need to survive, ovens, toilets, lamps and I even managed to make a warm bath tub out of one of the old fountains inside the center of the tower's first floor. As I looked up from my work I saw that the others were working as well, they were speaking to each other while giggling or eying me, I had no clue they were talking about me, but then again I wasn't into girl talk being a guy.

My new pal Luna was sleeping in a nest on the to pfo the tower, apparently she had made one long time ago and simply moved it there. As we finished preparing the base, putting up tools, equipment, supplies, communication, detection and other types of things it was turning into night and I noticed that many of the ladies were rather flustered, probably fro mworking in the heat so much. The thick air of this ancient city was not cold that's for sure.

Unknown to me had the girls discussed me a long time and the others had taken the orc's way and kissing each other, okay that would have been easy to spot had I not been distracted by my work with the complex Map Table I was constructing. So I, sadly enoguh, had no idea they were teaching each other the Orcish tradition of welcoming others with a kiss.

Taking my equipment and putting it on a makeshift safe I had constructed for us to keep our equipment in, I was only dressed in a loinclothe and went to take a bath, and was rather surprised when i found everybody sitting in the pool and welcoming me into the water, I sat down betwen Cyve and Aurie. "Ahhhhhh.... I haven't had a hot bath for two months... those mountains sure makes it hard ot get a good wash up." I then felt hands touching my thighs beneath the water surface and I then realized that while I was wearing a loincloth, everybody else were naked! Okaty that I COULDN'T miss.

OOC: Remember that the other females are NPCs until someone wants to take control of any of them, so feel free to control them. :)
I heard Kausth chuckle as he shook his head. I let a little yelp of surprise come from my mouth as I felt his large hand give me a spank. I looked over at the Orc girl and saw her disappointment in having to wait. I have to admit I was a little too.

I watched as Kausth walked away toward the tower. I looked down at his big hands and the thought of him spanking my naked ass as he took me made my body shiver with excitement. I didn’t care, from behind or me on top as long as I could feel his big tauren cock in while he did it.

“I’m Helen.” The Orc girl said as we walked.

I smiled at her and said, “I’m Cilva.” I looked behind me at Aurie. She had a bit of an amused look on her face. She had told me once a while back that I could make a friend anywhere even if I was in the middle of Furblog village. I remembered the story she told me of a Night Elf girl who had been captured by some Furblogs in Ashenvale Forest. It had been some kind of misunderstanding but the Night Elf girl stay with them after it was cleared up. I remember laughing at Aurie’s blushing when I asked if it was because of great sex. Imagine my surprise when She shook her head yes. Maybe someday I need to travel to Ashenvale myself. But back to the here and now. “The nervous one behind use is Aurie.” Aurie waved and gave Helen a shy smile.

Helen nodded to Aurie then looked back at me. “Maybe when this is done you too come with me to Orgrimmar.”


“Many Orc and Troll men like to have fun with pretty Human and Night Elf women. You would be very popular there.”

I could feel a bit of a tingle between my legs. I do have a thing for non-human men. “That sounds like it could be fun.”

Helen nodded toward Kausth. “You like to ride Tauren male while we down here?”

I smiled at her and nodded. “Doesn’t every woman in our group?”

“He only can take one women at a time.” I watched as she eyed me up and down. “You get lonely waiting for your turn, come see Helen. I help you out.” With that she leaned over and kissed me on the lips then walked on to catch up to her Orc friend.

“She’s going to try something soon.” I heard Aurie say as she walked up beside me.

“I hope so.” I really did hope she would.

After we arrived at the tower I watched the others walk through the front opening. I frowned as I saw that no one else seemed to feel anything funny as they walked through. Maybe it was only me an Aurie. I did see later one of the Blood elves looking at the door way but when I asked her about it she said she didn’t find anything important. From the way she smiled I think she was lying but I can’t accuse her of anything with out proof. I’ll have to keep an eye on her for now.

As we worked at setting up camp I noticed that some of the other women had started kissing the way the Orc’s had me and Aurie. I laughed as a Troll woman tried to kiss Aurie and her face turn dark purple as she tried to get away. I looked at the Troll and smiled. “She’s shy.” The Troll woman smiled then came over to me and kissed me. Once you figure out how to get around Troll tusks their not bad at the kissing. Made me wonder what the males would be like.

It had to be close to night when Aurie and me finished our part of the camp set up. We were both tired and sweaty from working. As I was straightening my back out I heard a whistled come from the stair way. Helen smiled at me and waved us to follow. We had both stripped our armor off as we worked. I followed Helen down the step and heard the fountain going before we arrived. As I came round the corner I saw some of the women sitting in the fountain soaking and talking.

“We rest now” Helen said as she started to remove her clothes.

”What about Kausth?” Aurie stammered beside me.

“He can join use too.” I said as I started to remove my clothes. I watched out of the corner of my eye as Helen undressed. Her body was more muscular then my body which looked great under her tight green skin. My eyes widened as she took off her top. Her breasts were larger then mine with dark green nipples sticking straight out. I saw a tufted of black hair over her dark green outer pussy lips. The thought of sticking my tongue in there made me wet. She looked up at my body as I finished stripping and smiled as she nodded. I looked down and saw that my dark brown nipples were hard and my light tan body was covered in sweat. I looked up in time to see Helen lick her lips as she turned to walk toward the fountain.

I looked around to see if Aurie was taking her clothes off and felt my mouth drop open a bit. Her lavender body was trim and slender. Her breasts were a little smaller then mine with cute little purple nipples poking out. I was surprised when I saw that she had no hair between her legs, it looked as smooth as the rest of her body. With two little lips that looked like a flower in the morning before it opens. She looked around nervously at the other women. So I reached out my hand and took hers as I led her to the fountain.

The water felt great on my tan skin as I slowly climbed in. Helen motioned me to come over and sit next to her. As I sat down I felt her rough hand on my thigh. I looked around and saw that some of the other women were bathing and touching each other. But as Helen’s hand started to move up the inside of my leg I saw Kausth enter the room. That took all thoughts of other women out of all of our minds.

He was only dressed in a loin cloth as he walked to the pools edge. I eyed his black hairy chest, muscle rippling under the short Tauren fur. His arms and legs looked strong and powerful. But every woman in the pool was trying to see what was behind his loin cloth. There was a nice big bulge pushing the front of it out. I tried to catch a peek as he step over the side of the pool but the cloth was in the way. I did see Aurie’s eyes widen and her mouth drop open as she watched from the other side. Later she told me that she had seen his large balls and that they were the size of her hand. Yum!

He sat down and looked round at his future play things. I reached over and started to rub his thick leg. “How about you let use bath you?” With that I saw some of the other woman moving closure. As they did I moved my hand up his leg looking for his large Tauren cock and balls.
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I have to admit that I was caught by surprise as the grinning women moved like sexy predators towards me, their hands stroking my fur, their breasts followed and they began to rub their luscious orbs along my body, washing me with their breasts. I then felt small feminine hands grope at my crotch and my ears went straight up as the sharp nailed fingers groped and fondled my balls, making my cock go up like a pole against my loincloth.

The hands then began to stroke my cock's length, teasing my sensitive tauren/elf hybrid hood with sharp nails prickling along the thick veins and then two other hands joined, followed by two more and soon I had ten hands rubbing my cock, teasing it while slowly unrolling my loincloth off my body. The ladies gasped in surprise when my giant manhood slapped up out of the water, splashing them with the water, big, swollen and leaking precum, several hands teasing it, and I was wrong to assume these hands were two per person, it was all of the women stroking my cock with one hand each, and they still couldn't reach all over it.

Groaning I let my own hands grasp and grope ass and tits as they did my cock and I let one of my hands grasp Cilva and lifted up her motuh to mine and kissed her, pressing her body against my chest, her buttocks hugging the base of my cock, the fingers of the other women also fignering the human cutie pie whenever reaching the place she had her ass on my cock. "Mmmmm this is a fine surprise, and as you were first in line it's only fair you get the first ride. It is what you wanted wasn't it? My cock in your tight little pussy." I murmur into her ear after breaking the kiss and turned her so she had her bac kagaisnt my chest and groped and fingered her body while the others caressed my cock and I licked and nibbled her skin.

I then groaned out in orgasm as the groping hands becomes too much and my cum splattered out, covering the sexy warrior ladies in front of me fro mhead to stomach. They eagerly began to clean each other up. And during this distraction I slide my cock into Cliva's cunt, oh god she was tight, it was trying to have anal sex! and yet it slide in perfectly, man she must have used speical oils to have such a tight and flexible pussy.
It was like a horny attack as me and the other women started to rub on Kausth’s tauren body. There wasn’t enough room to get both hands on him so we all had to just use one hand. I moved my hand down to see if I could find out if Aurie was telling the true about have big his Tauren balls were. I gasped when me fingers first touched them. They were huge, as big as my hand at least.

I jumped as I felt a hand on my ass and looked around to see, big surprise, Helen standing beside me. Her big green breast was rubbing against my side as I messaged Kausth’s huge balls. I then noticed that her left hand was behind me gently rubbing and working towards my pussy. Yes, I had a strong desire to tackle her right there and lick her all over. But our Tauren male needed to be serviced first.

As I messaged his large Tauren balls I looked over to see where Aurie was. I saw her across from me with a smile on her face as she rubbed Kausth’s chest. Then I noticed that the two Troll women were eying Aurie wit the same interest that Helen was looking at me with. I though about warning Aurie about that but then I decided that they wouldn’t risk hurting her and a little two on one girl sex maybe good for my friend.

I looked down at the lump in the loin cloth of Kausth just as one of the women finished rolling it away from his huge Tauren cock. I let out a gasp when his cock splashed water in my face. It was huge with think veins running down it. The head was sticking out of the water slowly leaking precum out of the big hole in the tip. I licked my lips at the though t of sucking on his cock. But what I wanted more was two feel it slid into me and his hot cum exploding down inside.

As I watched his cock being messaged I felt Kausth’s strong hand on me pulling me towards him. With his Tauren strength he picked me up and sat me down on top of his large cock shaft. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he moved closure to kiss me. I felt his large tongue against mine as we kissed. The other women finding something else to play with started to rub my back and ass. I felt Helen’s hand on my breast when Kausth broke the kiss and murmured in my ear. “Yes. Please push it in me.” I gasped out at his question.

I felt like a child as Kausth easily picked me up and turned me around. I was amazed at how strong he was. The other women’s hands never missed an opportunity to rub and finger my as he turned me around. I shivered as he placed me against his muscular chest and lick my neck with his big tongue. I swear it was the size of some guys that I had fucked before. I gasped as he nibbled my neck down to my tan freckled shoulder. I heard him groan and then the squeal of excitement from the women. I looked out and saw that the women in front of use was covered with Tauren cum. They licked each other and scooped up his cum with their fingers before licking them clean.

As I watched this I felt something touch my open pussy. Then I closed my eyes as I felt Kausth large Tauren cock slid into my Human pussy. Damn, it was huge. I was glad that I had spent the last week with those two horny Dwarves because now it didn’t hurt even though Kausth was much larger then either of them was. And also the fact that I have sex when and wherever I can get it. I felt like a glove as I tightly slid down his huge Tauren cock. I opened my eyes to see Helen standing next to me kissing me on the other shoulder as her green finger’s kneaded my breast.

As I stopped moving down of Kausth huge Tauren cock, my back against his massive fur covered chest, I saw the Blood elf that had been looking at the dorrway earlier. She smiled at me and whispered. “You should be the first to get his seed, Human. You deserve it.” I didn’t know what she meant but I didn’t care. I pulled my feet up in cast Kausth wanted to grab my thighs and waited for this Hot Tauren to fuck my tight Human pussy.

Third person.

Feelea, the Blood elf warlock, watched as the handsome Tauren took interest to the little annoying Human first. She smiled to herself as she moved closure to the two of them. Feelea had heard the Human talking to the skittish Night elf friend of hers about a potion that keep females from getting pregnant. Why did Human’s worry about such things? Have the child or find an old crone with a twig. Annoying Human!

But when she saw the glyph on the entrance to the tower she decided not to tell the human. She had read about them before. It magically neutralized any potion that some one had taken outside the tower. It was a great way to debuff invaders before they entered the tower. But it also worked on the potion that the Human took. She wondered if a Human could be bred by a Tauren, it would be interesting to find out. The thought of the Human women’s tummy growing with a half Tauren child made Feelea almost laugh. It would be fitting to the little annoying Human.

“You should be the first to get his seed, Human. You deserve it.”
I grabbed her thighs as she pulled up her arms and fucked her in the air, my big hands holding her smooth thighs, her stuffed cunt bare to the women, who all were sliding the delicate nailed fingers into her stuffed cunt, licking up the juices off their fingers. The blood and night elves were fingering each other, the twins had been pushed against each other's fronts, pressing their breasts together, while Aurie, blushing but enthusiastic, was nibbling on Feelea's neck as he hands pinched the blood elf twins' large nipples while Reina was fingering the two twins while sucking on Feelia's earlobe. The twins were surprised at first but got into it and were moaning together as they enjoyed their time with the two night elves, preparing their pussies for a certain cock.

As I slammed my cock into her womb as I held her in the air by her thighs, my mouth kissing hers, I moaned out like a bull as the women began to get more into it, their tongues licking my length and Cliva's pussy, their hands rubbing my balls and their mouths sucking on my thrusting meat and on cliva's nipples. And I feel my orgasm approach and I throw my head back and rumble with my ribcage, causing my body to vibrate, and I explode into her womb, filling her instantly to her limits and beyond, and thus the cum that didn't fit in splatter over the faces and hands of the horny women.

Carefully pulling the human off my cock I kissed her before letting the orcs take her sore body and began to caress her while kissing her mouth and sucking out the sperm from her womb. And then I find myself with a horny pair of blood elf twins who warped their big breasts around my cock and began to do a double tittyfuck while Reina and Aurie licked their pussies. After they had cleaned up my cock from sperm and pussy Feelea found herself lifted up by her own sister, who murmured into her ear with a nasty smirk. "You should be the first to get his seed, sister. You deserve it."

Apparently she had heard her sister before, and figured out her plan, and thought it fitting for her to get the next seeding of the fertile bull man, who was me. And before she could protest I had grabbed her thighs and slammed my cock into her cunt, i knew blood elves loved it rough and hard. and she buried her face i nher twin's bosom, moaning out while clutching onto the only support keeping her arching body from losing support, her sister's big bosom, making and erotic scene for me as i plowed her fields as she buried her face into her sister's breasts and groped them to keep herself upwards, making her sister moan otu as well, while Reina took care of Feelia's pussy was Aurie joining the orcs in cleaning out Cliva.