The Art Professor's Pet (closed for rockinzoe)


Literotica Guru
Jul 24, 2002
The divorce was final and 45-year-old Scott Hancock was now a free man from the claws of Amber Hancock. Walking out of the courtroom, Scott stopped at the men's restroom. Staring into the mirror, he ran a hand through his sandy blonde hair and bright blue eyes, and then straightened his shoulders on his 6' slender frame. He put a soft smile on his reflection, glad the ordeal was over.

Reflecting on his marriage to Amber of almost twenty years, he realized they were probably incompatible from the beginning but the burning love and lust had concealed their incompatibility. He was twenty at the time and she was nineteen. They were in an art class in college and though it was an elective class for her, he had a passion for art. They couldn't seem to get enough of each other and she became pregnant. They both thought their love was forever and married before their son was born.

It now seemed to Scott that once their son was born, her whole attention changed. Now reflecting on their marriage, it seemed they stayed together for the boy. When went off to college it seemed their marriage was on different paths. He remembered the night, five years ago when she asked for a divorce and the huge argument that followed. By then Scott was a well-respected professor at the college and had sold numerous paintings that brought in a nice tidy sum of money. It took five years of haggling over what the divorce settlement should be and since their son was over eighteen, he had no alimony he needed to pay.

Being single for the last five years while he fought with his ex-wife, he started an evening class for the beginner painter. During the day, he taught classes for art majors. His evening class consisted mostly of young men and women who wanted to learn the basics of painting. Occasionally an older man or married woman took his class to learn to paint in their spare time.

Tonight was the start of a new class and he was happy to see the ten people signed up. Looking over the eager faces, he always gave a brief introduction. "Good evening class, my name is Professor Scott Hancock. This is not a formal class so if you want, you can call me Scott. Over the next six weeks I will be helping you to understand the world of painting." He stopped for a moment, seeing that he had everyone's attention.

He noticed one woman in particular sitting in the front. He had seen her walk in with another woman but his eyes seemed to focus only on her. He noticed her long dark hair tied up in a pony tail, her jeans that fit tight, and a T-shirt that definitely showed off her generous chest. Looking into her eyes, it seemed they were fixated on him.

Continuing his introduction, "A little bit about my background that you may not have read in the class brochure. I have painted a number of murals around town and if you've ever been to city hall, the mural of the city at the entrance is one that I've done. I also have had the privilege of having some of my paintings hang in the art galleries around town." He saw the interested looks on their faces and then added, "I am here to help you in any way I can to become as good of a painter as you want but enough about me. I would like to get to know my students so if you would tell me a little about yourself."

Scott looked around the room, seeing the anxious looks on some of the students. His eyes are drawn to the dark-haired woman that caught his eye. "How about you miss? Tell the class a little about yourself and why you are interested in taking my class."
When you are younger nobody tells you the truth about growing up, they never tell you how boring life is!

Georgiana Kennedy (no relation) had been so full of hope and excitement as a young girl when she first met her future husband. Having been part of a large social group they had known each other for a while before that fateful game of the spin the bottle when they were early teens. From that moment on it was like their life was already decided, together they would stay whilst at college, of course he proposed as they both graduated, of course she had a beautiful white wedding as her family marvelled how lucky she had been to find the one at such a young age. The two of them were destined for great things.

Except that’s not what happened. Jack had went off to some high paying corporate job, the result of a well connected uncle, and Gi slogged her way through endless PA and secretary jobs until it was thought best she give it up to become a “Wife”

Day after day she did nothing, stayed out of the house when the cleaner was in, cooked endless boring meals, and had so many dull brunch dates she could scream.

“I’ve signed us up for that painting class.” Her friend had said in the middle of yet another brunch as the usual place. Georgiana had partially zoned out but was brought quickly back to earth with this statement.

“What I never said yes to that!” She retorted laughing slightly.

“You did, it’s only six weeks and we don’t have to complete it if you don’t like it.”
She thought about it for a moment, it would be nice to get out in the evening, for something other than a dinner.

She was incredibly nervous for the class, what do you wear? What would they do? Would the old professor take one look at her effort and declare her inept for even the most basic of artists?

Her husband Jack barely looked away from the to screen as she announced she was going out, his eyes fixed on some loud violent video game he was in the middle of. Summoning all her courage she met her friend and they went nevertheless. So it was she found herself zoning out, staring at the professor who looked nothing like the person she expected to be teaching at all. It was with a sudden jump she got up, scrambling to think of something to say

“Uh, Hi, I’m Georgiana Kennedy, no my Husbands family are not relating to ‘them’” she began, the joke missed by most of the group, “umm I’m here because she signed me up” she pointed to her partner, “I appreciate art but I can barely hold a paintbrush let alone paint with one, so this is just something fun to do.” She smiled at the professor and quickly sat down. What an idiot!
Scott smiled when the young dark-haired woman stood and introduced herself. He couldn't help but notice how her breasts pushed the soft material of her T-shirt outward. He smiled and got the inference to the famous Kennedy name but he could see some of the other students didn't or were just too nervous to laugh or chuckle.

He laughed at her reference that she was here because of her friend. He looked at her friend and saw her grinning back at her as if to silently say, 'I knew I could make you come with me.'

A soft smile spread across his face as he listened to her say she appreciated art but she could barely hold a paintbrush let alone paint with one. "Well Miss Kennedy that's why you're here .... to learn and to have fun. I don't expect you to be an accomplished artist. If you were you would be standing up here teaching the class and I would be in sitting in your seat."

There were a few chuckles from the group but Scott ignored them. "And that goes for everyone. You are here to learn some techniques and if I can be of help then I've done my job. And who knows, maybe some day one of you'll have your paintings hanging in an art exhibit."

Turning his attention back to the young woman, he saw she appeared to be embarrassed. "Miss Kennedy I will help you as much as I can to learn how to hold a brush and I think you'll find that it's not as difficult as it may seem."

He noticed she seemed to accept his comforting words and then turned to her partner. "Now Miss I'm so happy I dragged my friend with me to class ..... can you tell the class your name and why you're interested in taking my class?"
Thank god she wore make up, he had been so gentle and nice to her, her face had started off as a blush and proceeded to get redder with every second.

“Well hello, I am Alicia Albright and I…” She quickly stopped listening to her friend, studying the professor instead. Georgiana had no idea why she had expected an old white haired man in a tweed coat to be taking the class, if she really thought back her previous teachers hadn’t all been that old, but then again everyone seems old when you are a child.

The more she looked at him she realised he did look like an artist, briefly she turned her own eyes to watch her friend but quickly looked back to Mr Hancock, the way he focussed his whole attention on the person who was talking, it was both unnerving and impressive.

She listened again as her friend rounded off with “and so I figured I would design my own artwork for the dining room!”

On listening to the next person and the one after it give small uninteresting answers she realised right away they were the odd ones out, the older keen ones, how embarrassing
As he turned his attention to Alicia Albright, he put his hands partially into the pockets of his tight jeans. With his shirt sleeves rolled up half way up his arms and the top three buttons not buttoned, and a gold chain around his neck, he looked more like a casual businessman rather than an artist. At 45 he was still in pretty good shape with a flat stomach and strong arms and he knew he didn't look like most people think of a traditional artist .... scruffy beard .... unkept hair .... raggy clothes .... maybe a beret.

One thing he noted about Miss Kennedy's friend was her excited tone as she told the class about wanting to design her own artwork for her dining room. Scott kept his eyes focused on Georgiana's friend Alicia as she spoke, nodding at her comments. But he also noticed, out of the corner of his eye, how Georgiana kept her eyes on him most of the time. Occasionally she would shift her eyes to her friend but for the most part she seemed to keep them centered on him. He tried to ignore her stares thinking she was just taking it all in.

After Alicia finished, the other students told the class about themselves and why they were taking the class. It was mostly what he had heard in other classes .... want to learn something new .... having a particular project in mind .... thinking about making paintings for the family .... one person wanted to learn how to paint persons.

Scott thought of the paintings he had hanging in his private studio of nudes that he had painted over the years. Some were very erotic in nature, single women, two women, and sometimes three. Only a few people were allowed to see them. If the Board of Regents knew about the paintings, which were done privately, they may have a different opinion.
When all the students were finished, Scott smiled. "It sounds like we have a well rounded group and that's good as some of you can learn from the others. Each of you have a set of brushes and paint on your easels." He saw Georgiana kept her eyes on him as he explained the different paint brushes and what they were used for. "For starters this evening I want you to try out each of the brushes you have and paint whatever you want .... whatever comes to your mind .... it does not have to be a beautiful work of art."

Scott watched as the students picked up the brushes and began to use them. But Georgiana seemed a bit stumped. "Is there something I can help you with Miss Kennedy?"
His clothing, so casual yet smart, fit him so well. His eyes were so warm she struggled to fully listen as he spoke, he was so unlike her Husband, he was so unlike anyone else she knew.

Then suddenly everyone else was moving their brushes and shifting in their seats. Shit, she had no idea what she was supposed to be doing.

Before she even had a chance to speak to Alicia he spoke to her “Miss Kennedy” she almost corrected him with “Mrs” but didn’t, it was would seem so frumpy and formal to ask.

“Sorry was thinking about art there, what are we to do?” She nodded as he explained and picked up a brush. What on earth would she paint?

Certainly not a person, not unless it was going to be a stick person. She looked around the room, something to paint that wouldn’t make her look idiotic. Her eyes fell onto his desk, a banana, slightly past its best sat there. That would do.

As she mixed some colours she was aware of him moving to the back of the room, she could hear small comments to others as she concentrated on trying to emulate the curve, shape, colour and spots of the fruit before her.

Please let it be acceptable
Scott watched Georgiana look around the room and then seemed to spot something to paint. He didn't want to interrupt her creative juices so he left and wandered around the room. Some students had a critical eye for what they wanted to paint while others struggled to paint a reasonable object. He took his time with some of the students offering encouragement.

Since it was their first day and he didn't offer any instruction on how to lay out a project, he told them to keep going. It was not a contest to see who was the best. He wanted to see what their thought process was as they painted. He was working his way back to the front of the room and noticed Alicia was painting a swirling pattern. He assumed it was either for a wall or maybe a border along the top of the wall at the ceiling.

"Very good Alicia. I like the mixture of colors." Then he noticed the wedding ring on her left hand. He had mistakenly thought she was single but now he realized his mistake. "I think your husband will like that Mrs. Albright." He saw Alicia give him a look and then glance in Georgiana's direction.

Scott smiled and walked behind Georgiana, looking over her shoulder at the image of a banana. While it wasn't the best he had seen, it had promise. But there was something amiss with the way she was holding the brush. He reached around her, smelling her perfume fragrance as he held her wrist for a moment. He felt her push back against him and put it down as a natural reaction to him reaching around her. "When you're painting you want your index finger to be the lead." He repositioned her fingers and then noticed the wedding ring on her left hand.

There was a moment where Scott felt a bit of jealously. Here were two very beautiful married women and for all he knew they were off limits. He tried to be complimentary as he released her wrist and stood behind her. He felt it more customary to call her by her married name. "Mrs. Kennedy for claiming you just wanted to have fun, you are doing very good. Your selection of colors are pretty good and I think with some practice you'll get the hang of it."

Walking to the front of the class, he turned and saw Georgiana staring at him with those alluring eyes. "Class you are doing very well for the first night. We have about another half hour and if any one has any questions let me know. A young blonde in the back asked, "Mr. Hancock ... can we call you Scott."

He chuckled knowing he had already told the class they could call him by his first name. "Yes Virginia you may call me Scott. If you have a nickname that you want me to use. I think we artists like to be as informal as possible. ." He looked directly at Georgiana with a soft smile. "I'll be walking around and if anybody has any questions. let me know."
She had been very aware of him behind her, could smell the products he used on his skin, the fabric softener, could hear his slow calm breathing, it was quite unnerving. It was added too when he touched her hand, she had only just managed to stop herself jerking away from him as he spoke to her. Using her married name sent a strange feeling down her spine, it felt so formal, so strange to have someone use it.

Her eyes had followed him, slightly mesmerised by his presence for undescrib reasons she didn’t understand. She had nodded as he told them his name before he moved again.

”Mr Hancock, uh Scott, can I speak to you?” She asked, leaning back to catch his eye, “Firstly please don’t call me ‘Mrs Kennedy’ it’s so formal and feels very strange. Most people call me Georgiana or Gi sometimes.” She was quite serious as she spoke, her brows furrowed slightly, “and secondly are you going to actually teach us to paint in this class and set assignments? Or are we just to go free hand and making it up as we go along the whole time?” If she was to attend classes she would at least like to have made some improvements along the way, filled with false confidence she decided to tell him this too! “I mean I would like to leave these classes able to paint better than I started!”

Alicia looked over at her, suppressing a laugh slightly, surprised her friend decided to speak up so soon. Could she have built confidence so quickly or was it simply the young laidback teacher who had this affect.
Scott smiled at the dark-haired woman. "Sure," He noticed how she sat back as if to push her large breasts at him. He couldn't help but stare at them for a moment until their eyes met and she spoke.

“Firstly, please don’t call me ‘Mrs. Kennedy’ it’s so formal and feels very strange. Most people call me Georgiana or Gi sometimes.” He saw her eyebrows furrow as if thinking of something more serious. “and secondly are you going to actually teach us to paint in this class and set assignments? Or are we just to go free hand and making it up as we go along the whole time?”

Scott saw the other students nod and put his hands in his pockets as he pondered her question. Before he could answer, she added, “I mean I would like to leave these classes able to paint better than I started!”

"That's a very good question Mrs. I mean Gi." He saw her friend Alicia look at her trying to suppress a laugh. He knew from the earlier introductions; it was Alicia who conned Georgiana into taking this class. "The simple answer to your question is yes. You'll learn more about the basic techniques of painting." He stopped for a moment, looking over the class.

Painting has a few basic rules depending on if you're using oils, acrylic, water colors, and so on. But the real painting comes from here." He pointed at his head and then his heart. "Only you know what's inside yourself that you want to paint. Some painters like the abstract, other like landscape, and others like people. I for one like painting different things ..... things that interest me. For one I like painting people. I have had a few models that allowed me to paint them while they sat for me."

He heard a few giggles from some of the girls and ignored them. Looking back to Georgiana, he smiled. "I hope that helps you Gi. Yes, you'll learn the basics but in the end it's what's inside you that counts." Scott looked at his watch, seeing their time was up. "That's it for tonight. I look forward to seeing you in a few days for our next class. Your assignment is to reflect on what it is that interest you in the painting world."

As the students began to gather their belongings, Scott picked up his card and handed it to Georgiana, whispering so no one else heard him. "My number is on this card and I think I may be able to help you figure out what it is you like to paint. If you want to meet for coffee, give me a call." He was hoping to get on a more personal level with her. He knew she was married but there was something about her that intrigued him. And while she wanted to learn about painting he wanted to learn more about her.

Scott saw Alicia at the door waiting for her friend, wondering if she would question her about what they just talked about.
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