Sapphic ladies: what are little things that turn you on?


Pervy Sapphic Girl
Dec 24, 2022
For all lesbian, bisexual, pansexual, queer, curious, or even straight woman who have sapphic thoughts, what are some small little things, not explicitly sexual, that really turn you on?

I love when I can smell a woman, be it perfume, sweat from exercise or hot day, or washed hair. Being able to experience them with my sense of smell, rather than the other senses, is so exciting to me.

I also like the feel of my ear lobes being kissed or gently nibbled, so intimate, playful, sensual, and naughty all at once. Especially if I can feel her hot breath on my ear.
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Jeans and bare feet
A fingertip pushing my hair back
Just standing too close
A quiet laugh
There was a girl I worked with in an office once who slipped off her heels when at her desk. She wore tights so not truly 'bare' but it was very erotic to see her feet out in office, especially when she walked over to the printer etc.
There is, genuinely, no shortage of "little things" that can be inspiring and significant in arousing and engaging my sensual and sexual nature and desires... The biggest things for me are someone being themselves unabashedly, with the ability to communicate well (including self awareness and introspection), having an equally astounding capacity for love, a deep desire to know and be known, openness, willingness, patience, and presence... Someone being REAL and true is seriously delicious... Even the things that would be expected or anticipated things that turn me on are really governed by the truth of who a person is in FAR greater measure than any performative representation of them... Someone that equally seeks to know the guts and bones soul level of another will always be amazingly attractive to me. The superficial and temporary standards of "hook ups" or "play" hold ZERO interest or inspiration for me.
Perfume or smell def agree! I also am really attracted to (superficially) soft hair thats a little wild, good voices, women who are confident and just a bit different, kindness, intelligence ( readers are a big turn on), those who can be passionate about something (hobbies and or beliefs), and someone who isnt afraid to be silly or let go, a woman who seems to want to grow and has no problem admitting they are wrong or pointing out others mistakes without being cruel, affection, consideration.

I could go on. The older I get the more I realize that the little superficial things Im attracted to like hair or eyes or whatever, dim in the things that each person does specifically. Like you get to know someone and they twirl their hair, or bite their lip a certain way, or walk at certain times- just things that are uniquely them.Does that make sense? The gestures that make them them. Some peoples names become just a well loved adjective describing them as a person.

Ps.really good question and responses!
For all lesbian, bisexual, pansexual, queer, curious, or even straight woman who have sapphic thoughts, what are some small little things, not explicitly sexual, that really turn you on?

I love when I can smell a woman, be it perfume, sweat from exercise or hot day, or washed hair. Being able to experience them with my sense of smell, rather than the other senses, is so exciting to me.

I also like the feel of my ear lobes being kissed or gently nibbled, so intimate, playful, sensual, and naughty all at once. Especially if I can feel her hot breath on my ear.
breast are my thing i love to look at breast but i enjoy having them all over my face. lol