On A Scale Of 1-10, How Horny Are You? Version 3

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10 a frustrated 10

Stream of Consciousness:
It is my first trip out of town in a long while.
Very nice hotel at the Companies expense.
Vista view.
Boss is ever the exquisite gentleman.
Older, married, tailored suit, silk tie, sandlewood musk.
Alpha, unobtainium.
For the first time in memory, ZERO. I had abdominal surgery today, and I don't want anybody to touch me down there. Just thinking about it hurts.
For the first time in memory, ZERO. I had abdominal surgery today, and I don't want anybody to touch me down there. Just thinking about it hurts.

I hope that you'll be feeling better soon.

Me, I'm between a 5 and a 6.
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