Free MS Word Conversion Tool for Literotica Authors

And this is relevant because? You get extra brownie-points after you've passed a certain threshold? Only people with more than ten stories a year are allowed to disagree with you? The allowance of text formatting increases with the number of submissions?

FWIW, I think Keith's output is a good argument for him to keep the technical side of the process simple. For me, writing is the slow part of the work and one I don't push - if I go for a year without a new story, so be it. When I do post a story I can afford to spend some time fiddling with the format. If I was writing at the rate Keith does, I probably would be looking to streamline that formatting process.

(But I don't, so I'm not.)

I suspect there's also a generational aspect to this. I grew up with electronic communication (email and IRC) as a big part of my love life; for authors a bit younger than me, it'll be text messages and... whatever the cool kids are using now. It's natural to want to incorporate those kinds of things in our stories, and representing electronic communication is one of the most common reasons I see authors wanting fancy formatting.
That author used DIV and BR elements to right-align half of a text message conversation. I wasn't aware that LE would accept the HTML DIV and BR elements. I thought Rustyoznail wanted text justification, not right-aligned text. Justified text is like newsprint where the right-edge is even and achieved by hyphenating words and/or adding space between letters and words to equalize line-length.

I see a lot of stories with text message exchanges in them and I think many readers expect text messages to be split left and right as seen on smartphones. So, handling right-aligned text would be useful if STP can detect it from the HTML. I'll do a test.
Ah yeah, you are correct on "alignment" vs. "justification". But I think @Rustyoznail might have meant alignment - he can clarify if he likes!

I was wondering if you'd support <kbd> as used here for text conversations, but I'm not sure how that would be best specified on the Word side. Possibly something like "monospaced fonts in a story that's not all monospace"? If I was doing this regularly in Word I'd want to set up a style named "code" but I'm guessing once it's pasted into your form the style markers are lost and it only gets the interpretation of those styles? (probably mangling terminology here, apologies)

(It's not something that I expect to be doing regularly so don't trouble yourself for my sake, just if it's easy to do and might benefit others.)
FYI. I made a small change to STP.

When STP reads HTML from the clipboard, it converts some characters to HTML entities, including characters that are special in HTML (like < and >) and character codes greater than #160. Until this version, that included the ellipsis character ("…"), which became "&#8230;". Converting characters outside the extended ASCII range helps avoid some possible issues with text interpretation later in the submission process, but in this case, it worked against a verification STP does where it marks lines that do not end with sentence-ending punctuation. By leaving the ellipsis as-is until later in the process, the end-of-sentence check works for lines that end in an ellipsis.