Dump on dickhead Doms (ignore opening post, best responses wanted)


Grim Reaperess
Oct 8, 2012
Here is a place to name and shame aresholes that hide behind the title of Dom. The ones that think that title gives them the right to introduce themselves in crass and horrible ways. Don't get me wrong, I am not naive, I know that shit is going to happen here and in a way being asked in a first message if I want to be a cum target in an introductory message (true story) is very likely to happen. I also know that I am not the only person on here that gets this shit. I also know that any prick that comes on here demanding submission deserves to be fucking embarrassed. Submission is a gift to be earnt, and you don't fucking earn it by being a sleazy, gross prick.

So let's share the names of these people. To my knowledge they are often guys, but any chicks that do deserve to be embarrassed as well!
Only if you like copious amounts of butter and salt (and cum).
Oh lord. Where’s my popcorn?
I'll share.
It’s more inside of the rules section if yawl nickname um , rather then actuality post their username names. That’s if you don’t want the thread cops 👮‍♀️ shutting down your party.
It’s more inside of the rules section if yawl nickname um , rather then actuality post their username names. That’s if you don’t want the thread cops 👮‍♀️ shutting down your party.
Hell, I’m just here to eat popcorn and watch shit meltdown.
It’s more inside of the rules section if yawl nickname um , rather then actuality post their username names. That’s if you don’t want the thread cops 👮‍♀️ shutting down your party.
Well sor far it just seems to be people eating popcorn so I think my rant is safe.
Just salt and butter for sharies.
Well sor far it just seems to be people eating popcorn so I think my rant is safe.
I recall there is a thread similar in the bdsm section where they blur out the user names of numb nut Pm s , that would work here too.

Yawl should add Daddy’s and nice guys too.
Maybe a change of focus is a good idea. Instead of naming and shaming, how about suggestions for responses. I know giving these cockwits any response is entirely unnecessary, but great burns are always fun.