Bored (open to one woman)


Literotica Guru
Feb 15, 2012
(PM me if you are willing as we will go over the details.

Isaac Trenton, 26.
Short, styled blonde hair
Blue eyes
135 lbs
Ordinary writer and avid comic collector

At last, at long last I finally have my own apartment away from my parents and a stable, though not very lively job. I wont complain about it much; good people, good pay, just not what I except to do for the rest of my life. Sitting in my apartment, all by lonesome there was no wife nor girlfriend, never had one thus it was very quiet here and during a fierce rainstorm it knocked out the power and flood the streets thus being on the second floor of this apartment building I became an island in a turbulent sea.

With electronics out there was only one real way to pass the time for me. In the bed room there sat several white boxes that were labeled "comic books." Though some might look at me rather oddly that one as mature as myself would be reading such things, but with all the latest movies cvoming out the comic industry was revived but i did have the ones I grew up with, namely GiJoe but there was also Batman and now the Avengers.

Several comic book companies were in the prospect of hiring new writers and thus they posted ads in newspapers as well as the internet to submit stories and I had been meaning to get around to it and now that the storm had effectively isolated me I lit a few candles around my desk, sat down with a thick legal pad and put pen to paper and started writings. There was so much I wanted to do with so many people. I had to stay focused because my mind tended to wander greatly.

But where to begin....where to begin?
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It was a dark and stormy night....the wind was blowing so harsh that it would knock stray people over and the rain struck the naked skin so hard that it strung the naked skin and would blind the unprotected eyes...

It was a start. A writer always fears a blank piece of paper, but once the first words were commited things began to flow. There was no real general direction and though the reason was to submit this to the comic book companies that goal quickly faded the more I wrote.

The house was quiet with the power out as two men tried to get the back up generator going. Wrapped up in rain ponchos as they stood outside, struggling with the contraption the rest of their party waited for them inside, watching from the window above. They were only illuminated by the flicker of a couple of small candles. When the generator finally turned on the power came on and the people rejoiced as they now had power.

The more I wrote I realized that needed to put in a couple of comic book characters and bringing up the tip of my pen to my lips and pondering for a moment looked over at my comic book stash and it struck me,

Scarlett and Black Widow were in the living room carefully cleaning their weapons. Their faces were tired, clothes ragged, and filthy, they havent slept in two days. Around them all of the windows had been boarded up and barricaded with the only staircase to the second floor knocked down with a rope the only way up. They merely went downstairs for the extra room, to get away from the others. For two days they had been chased across the land by infected people, rabid beings that would die when shot but simple outnumbered and outmatched them. Finally they ran out of places to go except this one house by the sea. There were no radios, no communication, no boat and with the storm raging they were effectively stuck here until it passed. Foruntately they were well supplied the former owners having left their pantries full of food, but their ammunition was limited.

It was a good start.
Typing some more there was the idea of just what exactly they were running from. Zombies? Well, that has become somewhat cliched nowadays, however, the whole idea was not lost on me. There was the need to have an enemy that was different than Cobra but menacing or down right terrifying and I had already committed to a form of infected and it sank in to have infected people, but have them with the Rage virus such as the virus from 28 Days and 28 Weeks later and that was a good place and have it be a Cobra experiment that has gone horribly wrong, but that would occur later.

Then there was the need of why Scarlett and Black Widow were under the same roof even though they were technically from different worlds.

"II still don't understand why you're here," Scarlett said as she disassembled her .45 and plunged a brush down the barrel to scrub out the residue from prolonged fire.

"I can't say" was the Widow's rather harsh reply. For two days she was a concrete wall to all approaches as upstairs there were other survivors of their teams...

Other survivors?

PM me if you're interested and we can go over the details. You do not have to be well versed in comic books or these characters.
The more I kept writing the more I seemed to stay focused on Scarlett, the gorgeous redhead of GiJoe and the Black Widow, Natasha Romanova from the comics with that sleak figure and cat suit with the low opening that shows an ample amount of cleavage and seeing as it was my fantasy I could have made them bigger, for just my sake and the as the hours wore on and I became submerged in my writing I could have had Scarlett take massage oil and soak Natasha's chest, playing with the bombs and feeling their weight and then lick and smother her face with them and have what was suppose to be a serious story for work turn into a perverted boy fanfiction, after all, I was in a small apartment that was surrounded by the slowly rising water level and I was not going anywhere for awhile in this storm, why not indulge myself in a little bit of fun. It was just going to be me here.

Going back over what I wrote before I could have Scarlett's chest enlarged as well and make her a lesbian! Nay, struck that out and wrote 'bisexual' and I wrote the same of Natasha. Hehe, this is was good.
The light flickered from the comic books pile, at least from one of them. And the sound of thunder came loud... not from the outside, nt from the window, but from the pile of books... That was startling, something one might think as a dream...But it was true, and some mist rose from that pile, envelopping more and more of the room, wind rushing around the room. And in the wind, in the mist, a silhouette appeared that was there before. There she stoodm and as the mist disapeared slowly, she happened to be there for real, floating a few inches above the ground...

I was blinded and fell to the floor lifting up one hand to shield my eyes until it ceased and there, floating just off the ground was a familiar sight, but for some reason could not recall the name as the figure loomed just out of arms length. When my eyes adjusted enough to see the full figure and to look at the pile of cmic books there was a X Men at the top and my eyes glanced from the comic to the figure several times before I coughed, "S-Storm?"
I stepped down and put my feet on the floor, looking down at the guy...

"That's one of my names, yes... "

I looked around, seomthing was not normal but... But it wasn't bad. What was this place? Who was that guy? I knew that something magical had happened, but I couldn't put words on it.

"Where are we? Who are you?"
Looking at her, up and down and at the comic book stash my mind was not firing right. This had to some sort of elaborate prank, but cratching my head there as no one I knew of that would try and pull this off and with the storm raging outside my windows rattled with the approaching, intense thunder claps and flashes of light.

Standing up and looking her in the eye said calmly, "My name is Isaac Trenton. You''re inside my apartment."
Something tickled inside me when I looked at him...
Looking him up and down...
I bit my lower lip, feeling the heat grow inside me...
I stepped closer to him. "Did you brought me here?"
"I honestly don't know how you got here!" I said with a nervous chuckle as she stood neary toe to toe wth me. This was unrea. How could a comic book charcter, especially one I dd not create, come to life and be standing in my room. My mind was racing as th thunder claps seemedto becoming so close that they were almost overhead with each crack making the window panes rattle and the wind carrying the rain that it came horizonta across the ground and struck the face of the apartment.
I was standing level with him, my eyes locked to his. And i took another step closer, our bodies almost touching.
"I do not believe in fortune Isaac. I did not come in here by chance. There's a reason. "
I moved even closer, pushing myself against him. I placed my hand on his head and ran my fingers in his hair.
My eyes were as big as saucers. I could feel everything, her chest aginst mine, the hot breath as she exhaled against my face and her fingers running through my hair. It seemed so real that it had to be and aboe all the storm hat was around us was bginning o drowned out the more I looked I looked at Storm unable to speak even though I could point ou how everything seemed so wrong I could get myself to say anything after she spoke of Fortune just my body standing rigid as she ran her fingers though in a provokative way.
RUnning my hand thorugh his hair, i put the other one on his hip and pulled him towards him, grinding our groins together. I moved my face toward shis, lips parted for a kiss...
Oh my, my whole body, though normally rigid and strong felt like pudding when she drew me in for a kiss and I could feel everything as our lips came together and tasted her sweet lips and her hands as my mine lay limp at my side though I wanted to touch her I could not for the life of me summon the strength to do so as I all seemed as something out of the Twilight Zone with a comic book character coming to life, but once it settled inside that it was real I did not reject her in the slightest.

When our lips touched I could taste her and she was very sweet as her fingers were gracing over my scalp and drawing my body into her, that large chest was pressed up and they were real and once the shock of it all wore off my right hand rose up her flank and touched her hip and closed my eyes and the pen for my writing fell to the floor as the hand that was holding it ran up the other flank and held her gorgeous body.
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he finally get hold of me. Not really knowing why, I was here for a certain purpose and I needed to... to go on with this. It was a urge through my body. A warm wind, soft and gentle, began to raise in the room as our kiss get deeper. I pushed my tongue out towards him, feeling his hands hold my hips. Our bodies were enlaced now and I held him tight, one hand on his butt, the other behind his back, caressing his back...
She was touching my backside and to compliment this one hand went down and cupped her own backside which was much different as her clothing was different and our kissed was much longer this timewith us exhaling harder through our noses as the other hand reached round and rubbed the small of her slender back and having her exhale also pushed that soft chest into mine and it was oh so delicious to taste and feel Storm at the same time. A fantasy fullfilled at last!
I was feeling the desire grow inside me, something that very rarely had affected me so much and I needed to go further. I wiggled my butt under his hand, loving how he cupped it. I grabbed his other wrist and slid his hand between us, up, on my outfit, just on the curve of my breast, this needing breast that wanted to be taken care of...
Oh my, touching the breast for the first time and feeling how soft they were and then the backside was the firm with that physique and she kissed very well and I nipped her lower lip as the hands continued to touch her body as another flash of lightning followed by the tremendous thunderclap came but with my eyes closed my mind phased it out entirely as I wanted to do so many things to her but doing this all standing up was not going to allow us and taking a couple of steps began to coax Storm towards the backwall.
he moved forward, pushing me back. I let it go and finally found myself pinned against the wall. My leg was lifted, brushin against his outer hip... then the other leg. With the warm wind getting stronger, i was floating a bit, my legs parted around his hips, and our groins tightenend against each other, I could feel him so hard through our clothes. My hands moved to the front of his tshirt and I grabbe dhard and... teared it apart to expose his chest. Desire was a fire of hell inside me, burning and pushing me further.
She was feeling me, something that had never happened to me before, the way her gloved hands stroked over my skin was so much different than feeling them over my clothes and having her legs wrapped around me was driving me wild, "Storm....oh Storm..." flowed out of my lips between kisses as my hands rolled over her body and were able to grasp both breasts and squeeze them and they were so soft. I was becoming driven and my heart was climbing up into my throat the more and more we did this and I just wanted to just perform and satisfy each other not caring how she came here, all I cared was wrapped around my body.
I un cling from it, stepping down to the floor again, and turned my back to him, showing him the zipper of my outfit, of the only thing that was keepinf me away from nudity. The warm wind pulled my hair aside, giving him access to the zipper. I wanted to feel free fromt he constraining cloth, to show myself and let him have his way with me....
Reaching up slowly and the tip of the index and thumb touching the zipper and began to slowly pulled the tab down and the 'zzzzzz' as the teeth were pulled apart and showed that bareback under that skin and how much as I enjoyed that costume and yearning to see Storm bare the zipper reached the small of her back before both hands gripped the swaying hips and grinded more of my pelvis against the alive fantasy.
When he had pulled it all down, I grabbed the top of my outfit and pulle dit down. It easily fell to the floor around my feet. I leaned a bit forward, placing my hands on the wall, and turned my head to smile back at him, grinding my butt agasint his hardening cock that I felt under his boxers.
It was truely amazing to see Ororo bare for the first time. Plenty of fans have drawn and sculpted what her appearance was and now I could feel her as my hands grasped her swaying hips and was begging for me. Slidin down the hands over those round, firm cheeks and pinching them with my hands I took me firming rod and lifted the shaft above and dropped it onto one cheek and saw the riple result as skin made contact and then watched as my meat rolled off to one side. Not wanting to have a moment pass I took my rod again and ran it up between her legs and touched her hot vagina and gasped in delight, in eager anticipation.
Feeling his cock playing on me was such a turn on, arousing me completely. I wasn't able to think of anything else. Although there was nothing logical or clear nor any explanation to any of this. My arrival here, this world, the need I felt for him...
His cock between my thighs pushed me fuirther and I moand, crashing my face agasint the wall and pushing my butt back, parting my legs. it also sent a swirl of hotter wind in the room, my eyes turning to a complete white. He ran his cock along the little trimmed white pubic hair down there and along my wet hot lips. I wanted him inside me... now...