Let's hear it for the boys - Gentle FemDom in pics

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IMO, the first one sets up a much more powerful D/s scenario...in a sense it is a feminization of the male by the female as it mimics what men normally do to the female, etc. The second one appears to offer too much control and self pleasure to the sub-male...change the actions being photographed though, and it could definitely be more dominant. (nice pictures ;)
all of those would drive me wild...although the gloves looked like latex and I think satin gloves would be hotter
That's interesting, I had the thought that something like leather work gloves or heavy rubber cleaning gloves would have been more detached and thus more tortuous to the sub-male.
Is she just stretching his asshole in this one? :confused:
I saw it as an inspection process...with unknown follow-up by the one in control :eek: