Will Trump end up being a net + or -

The indictments and guilty pleas involve associates of Trump and have nothing to do with the POTUS himself
Actually they speak volumes on his ability to judge the character of people. Or say volumes about how much he cares about character.
Most likely the latter since he's a crook with no morals.

So you approve of Bill's sexual harrassments but disapprove of Trump's? :)
It's interesting that Trump doesn't care about Clinton's sexual harrasment.
To the OP, Trump obviously believes a net +, given that he said he's the greatest president in american history.
I find the whole thing fascinating in a detached sort of way.

That is probably because you are largely detached from the consequences of the Stable Genius's actions, for whatever reason. A lot of right wingers who tend to spend most of their time on the internet are in this category-- they have largely lost their connection to the natural physical environment that supports human societies. Instead, they live in a virtual world.

Look at all the people who spend enormous amounts of their time on the internet railing on and on about money and scapegoats. Contrary to right wing dogma, all problems are not solved by goosing the stock market, promoting short term economic growth, and pitting social groups against each other.

This thread's premise poses a false choice between the Stable Genius or "the status quo". There are other politicians who would upset the status quo, but not all of them have an actual grasp of both the short and long term results of their policies in the real world. And a few of them, like Trump, don't even care about the results of their actions-- it's all about their own personal gratification.

It is not unusual that a narcissistic president would become so attractive to others who are primarily obsessed with short-term self-gratification in their virtual world.
That is probably because you are largely detached from the consequences of the Stable Genius's actions, for whatever reason. A lot of right wingers who tend to spend most of their time on the internet are in this category-- they have largely lost their connection to the natural physical environment that supports human societies. Instead, they live in a virtual world.

Look at all the people who spend enormous amounts of their time on the internet railing on and on about money and scapegoats. Contrary to right wing dogma, all problems are not solved by goosing the stock market, promoting short term economic growth, and pitting social groups against each other.

This thread's premise poses a false choice between the Stable Genius or "the status quo". There are other politicians who would upset the status quo, but not all of them have an actual grasp of both the short and long term results of their policies in the real world. And a few of them, like Trump, don't even care about the results of their actions-- it's all about their own personal gratification.

It is not unusual that a narcissistic president would become so attractive to others who are primarily obsessed with short-term self-gratification in their virtual world.

Having watched the pendulum swing for a number of years I have come to the conclusion that who does what is, for the most part, is ultimately meaningless in the long run.
Having watched the pendulum swing for a number of years I have come to the conclusion that who does what is, for the most part, is ultimately meaningless in the long run.

Well, if nihilism is your cop-out, then why are you starting political threads? Is this thread just another vehicle for petty personality squabbles?

I don't buy the nihilism bit. You appear to have definite opinions, but like to duck out from defending them, because your main motivation has more to do with your past squabbles with other Litsters.
Just adding a layperson's perspective to all that:

Democrats and Republicans are obviously split on racial and budget issues.

Re racial issues: I didn't like either some of Trump's (racist) comments, but I'm not too concerned about it because he's unlikely to act on them imo. Firstly, he doesn't have a history of ominous acts. Secondly, if he were predisposed to extreme Right attitudes, there are too many checks and balances in place and Democrats are too vigilant to let him get away with it. And the same priciples apply if Democrats try to make things go too far Left.

I think that the financial aspect and whether or not he's in kohuts with Russia are far more important.
I share Dems' views in that I didn't like his unequal tax cuts (Corporations massive / the rest minimal) and I'm worried that his military spending will mean more proxy wars instead of just for defense.
But Republicans feel that in the long run, these will help America's economy and safety.

I don't have much knowledge in those areas, but I keep reading both sides' arguments and they seem equally convincing so I keep changing my mind. . So I'm quite baffled.

He has, he does, he is, and there’s currently not.
Well, if nihilism is your cop-out, then why are you starting political threads? Is this thread just another vehicle for petty personality squabbles?

I don't buy the nihilism bit. You appear to have definite opinions, but like to duck out from defending them, because your main motivation has more to do with your past squabbles with other Litsters.

I have come to terms with many issues over the years. Many here are passionate for politics (duh). Other people's views, and even their over the top views are sometimes interesting to me. Why do you feel it's necessary to make this a personal issue (squabble)?
Biggest drop in two years, call it what you will.
It's not pants-shitting time. Yet. Analysts say the markets look much like 2006, just pre-crash. Goldman Sachs now tells investors to look for trouble in a couple months. Maybe the swamp creatures know something?
I find these charts mostly unreadable. What I do see only tracks POTUS, not Congress. I've seen charts showing Gup control of White House, House, and Senate, to be the worst for market performance, 1900 to now. Best is a Dum POTUS and Gup Congress.

"Republicans say government doesn't work. Then they take control, and prove it."
--PJ O'Rourke, Gup humorist
It's not like that for everybody, coati.

I, for example have always been and still am quite apolitical in real life. But I came to realize later in life that, in order to make sense of people and systems and what happens to you in life in general , you have to go back in time and understand people's shared history and 'politics'.

Others feel deeply affected by what's happening to their countries but I'm more on the selfish side, to be honest.

Being "apolitical" and on the selfish side are probably two of the many factors that helped pave the way for a corrupt and narcissistic president.
You must mean Bill Clinton.

Whatabout Bill Clinton?

Repugnicans apparently have no idea what you have unleashed in electing the Stable Genius and then making excuses/deflecting for him after he was elected.

This goes way beyond a President lying about his sex life. That, it turns out, will be the least of the Stable Genius's stains on history.
Whatabout Bill Clinton?

Repugnicans apparently have no idea what you have unleashed in electing the Stable Genius and then making excuses/deflecting for him after he was elected.

This goes way beyond a President lying about his sex life. That, it turns out, will be the least of the Stable Genius's stains on history.

Hillary is also a corrupt narcissist. Either way, that's what we were going to get.
Hillary is also a corrupt narcissist. Either way, that's what we were going to get.

Now a "whatabout Hillary". Let's save some time and also throw in the "whatabout Obama".

You are being a good little ditto-head for Faux News. No one is perfect, but the Stable Genius is off the charts regarding corruption and damage to the physical and social environment. Way off the charts. Far beyond Richard Nixon.

Your man is getting desperate. Mueller must be on to something big if the Stable Genius and his goons are getting ready to rob the justice department of their independence.

You will be remembered as one of the people who deflected on behalf of the most destructive president in modern history, no matter how "detached" you claim to be.
Now a "whatabout Hillary". Let's save some time and also throw in the "whatabout Obama".

You are being a good little ditto-head for Faux News. No one is perfect, but the Stable Genius is off the charts regarding corruption and damage to the physical and social environment. Way off the charts. Far beyond Richard Nixon.

Your man is getting desperate. Mueller must be on to something big if the Stable Genius and his goons are getting ready to rob the justice department of their independence.

You will be remembered as one of the people who deflected on behalf of the most destructive president in modern history, no matter how "detached" you claim to be.

You don't think that the person who ran against Trump is relevant to the 2018 election? :)
You don't think that the person who ran against Trump is relevant to the 2018 election? :)
Was Romney relevant in 2014? Did McCain affect the 2010 midterms? Who paid attention to Kerry in 2006, or Gore in 2002, or Dole in 1998? Who cares about the losers? Note that HRC and Gore actually won the votes but lost the contests. We see how well THAT has gone. Amerikkka, where luzers win! What a republic!
Was Romney relevant in 2014? Did McCain affect the 2010 midterms? Who paid attention to Kerry in 2006, or Gore in 2002, or Dole in 1998? Who cares about the losers? Note that HRC and Gore actually won the votes but lost the contests. We see how well THAT has gone. Amerikkka, where luzers win! What a republic!

It's relevant to the boy's question. I'm not sure he's old enough to be posting here. Or at least his brain isn't. :)
You don't think that the person who ran against Trump is relevant to the 2018 election? :)


Only Repugnicans would think that Hillary is responsible for the crisis being created by the Stable Genius.