Will Trump end up being a net + or -


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Dec 25, 2017
On the American political process? Or will status quo rule the day?
Personally, I believe Trump has been a positive. By anything measurable, the nation is better off now than a year ago. How much of that is a continuation of his predecessor's policies and how much is his own doing is hard to say. You might call him divisive, but this is a matter of certain people attacking him for everything he says or does and even making up things to complain about. I believe three years from now, with the witch hunt having been shown to be no more than that, and his sworn enemies shown to be mostly in the wrong, Trump will be considered to have been more of a positive than a negative.
Personally, I believe Trump has been a positive. By anything measurable, the nation is better off now than a year ago. How much of that is a continuation of his predecessor's policies and how much is his own doing is hard to say. You might call him divisive, but this is a matter of certain people attacking him for everything he says or does and even making up things to complain about. I believe three years from now, with the witch hunt having been shown to be no more than that, and his sworn enemies shown to be mostly in the wrong, Trump will be considered to have been more of a positive than a negative.

What’s been made up?
You said it, “making things up”. So what where you talking about? Is that it? You don’t believe any of the women that claimed Trump assaulted them?

You don't believe any of the women that claimed Clinton assaulted them? :)
The whole Trump is a Russian agent meme, that's what.

We shall see. I’m thinking you are wrong with indictments and guilty pleas already on the books. Folks cooperating with Mueller, Trumps admitted money ties to Russia.
1st Saturday of the month is Wannabe Blurt Bitch-in-Training community service day?

He drastically reduced taxes for Corporations and only insignificantly taxes for medium-sized businesses and the rest of the population.
Which to me sounds like a callous abuse of power, but others argue that this will and had already started to stimulate economic growth.
But what do I know about commerce or economics… .

In his State of Union Speech he criticized Big Pharma and predicted that drug prices will decrease considerably.
I Do hope that it's not just empty speech.
And how will That come about?

Even JFK (remember him?) the left's 1000th point of light, new the value of giving people back their own money. :)
If politicians actually work out why people voted for Trump and why many continue to support him; and why people voted for Clinton or not - they might be able to change the minds of undecided voters.

Some people would vote for anyone with a Republican label. Others would vote for anyone with a Democrat label. That won't change.

What would change elections is choosing candidates and policies who appeal beyond the dedicated partisans.
Bill Clinton stood accused of outright rape, sexual assault and sexual harassment, yet you voted for him anyway, with total, repugnant disregard of the women he victimized. Hillary viciously acted to threaten and intimate her husband's accusers into silence by maliciously discrediting them, yet you voted for her anyway, with total, repugnant disregard of the women she victimized. Look in your mirror so you can't hide from yourself the naked fact you're simply nothing more than just another political partisan hack who also uses "women" simply for your own nefariously disingenuous purposes.

Voted for him for what, moron?

So much so vanilla is exhilarating in comparison.

What office exactly was Bill voted for after these allegations arose? I never did get my answer.
We shall see. I’m thinking you are wrong with indictments and guilty pleas already on the books. Folks cooperating with Mueller, Trumps admitted money ties to Russia.

The indictments and guilty pleas involve associates of Trump and have nothing to do with the POTUS himself. And, they are for things such as money laundering which happened long before the candidacy of Trump.

As an international businessman, The Donald has had business dealings with several foreign governments.
If politicians actually work out why people voted for Trump and why many continue to support him; and why people voted for Clinton or not - they might be able to change the minds of undecided voters.

Some people would vote for anyone with a Republican label. Others would vote for anyone with a Democrat label. That won't change.

What would change elections is choosing candidates and policies who appeal beyond the dedicated partisans.

I'm thinking more along the lines of how Washington works on a fundamental level. People are and will always be fucking idiots. :)
I'm thinking more along the lines of how Washington works on a fundamental level. People are and will always be fucking idiots. :)

From this side of the Atlantic, the way Washington works seems horribly similar to the way the European Union administration works. Both seem like something implausible out of Alice in Wonderland to normal folks.
We shall see. I’m thinking you are wrong with indictments and guilty pleas already on the books. Folks cooperating with Mueller, Trumps admitted money ties to Russia.

Manafort's "crime" was in connection to an event that predates his association with Trump by many years. Both Flynn and Papadopoulos pled to process crimes about lying to the FBI in regard to activities that were entirely legal. Carter Page has yet to be charged with any crime whatsoever. Watch the video I linked you to by Joe DiGenova, one of the ablest former federal prosecutors around. He explains those Pleas. Oh, and simply having business money ties to Russia, or doing business in Russia, is not a crime or evidence of illegal activity
Not even your poorly sourced article claims those women were paid. Who’s making stuff up now?

Lisa Bloom, their lawyer, describes how she paid the women and tries to justify it. The source is a major news network.
From this side of the Atlantic, the way Washington works seems horribly similar to the way the European Union administration works. Both seem like something implausible out of Alice in Wonderland to normal folks.

Preaching to the choir. :)