Will Trump end up being a net + or -

Tromp sure has boosted the school shootings industry.
He pretty much bailed out the gun industry, but nobody talks much about that. :)
I thought the trope was that he would pry firearms from the clutches of honest citizens. That was a major NRA shouting point. What happened?
I thought the trope was that he would pry firearms from the clutches of honest citizens. That was a major NRA shouting point. What happened?

Same thing that generally happens when progressives try to cram their progressive agenda down peoples' throats: unexpected consequences. :)
I thought the trope was that he would pry firearms from the clutches of honest citizens. That was a major NRA shouting point. What happened?

His plan to blame gun dealers for violence in Mexico, and by extension the US, fell flat when a gun dealer got Obama's BATF felons on tape. He didn't have much choice but to abandon the effort.

Also when the Democrats lost the House and Senate because of the ill-conceived Obamacare plan, any legislation on the subject that he wpuld have eagerly signed was dead.
Obama was a Kenyan and a community organizer.
I have a nice bridge to sell you. It's YUUGE!

Actually it's only moderately huge, spanning the Willamette River in Portland OR. It's a cash-and-carry deal -- you pay cash, you carry it away. Contact the city of Portland. Ask about the Sellwood Bridge. It's cheap.

When did Kenya occupy Hawai'i? I missed that one.
On the American political process? Or will status quo rule the day?

I increasingly have the sense that Trump will be the catalyst for change. What change he brings and how we feel about it will determine if it's a plus or a minus.

* potentially the failures of the predominate parties could lead to more choices by whatever names Nationalist, Centrist, Progressive and Libertarian.

* maybe the GOP Congress will get kicked out in the mid-term election, and presidential impeachment will result. Followed by ethics reform and other safeguards to prevent a repeat of the current situation.

* maybe the Russians will have a free hand in the elections, the GOP Congress will be retained and continue to refuse to serve as a check or balance against presidential and foreign power. We will have established a government of men rather than laws.

OR maybe I'm wrong, and no matter what happens we will be governed by people sponsored by or formerly employed by Goldman-Sachs, and the more things change, the more they will remain the same.
OR maybe I'm wrong, and no matter what happens we will be governed by people sponsored by or formerly employed by Goldman-Sachs, and the more things change, the more they will remain the same.
This is most likely. The major parties, private non-profits incorporated in Delaware as required in some dim corner of the Constitution, possess massive infrastructure, financed by organizations less friendly than the Girl Scouts. Running the country is brutish business, nasty business, much too important to be left to ideologues. We get what we pay for.
I find Democrats and Republicans, both to be divisive. I think it's time we force more changes, all we have a Monopoly in Politics. Our financial system is based on service due to competition, why not hold Politicians to the same standard. I personally don't think Trump isn't the reason division is happening, we've just been ignoring what's been happening for a long time.
I find Democrats and Republicans, both to be divisive. I think it's time we force more changes,
Good luck. The parties are YUUGE.

And USA history shows that political realignment needs MUCH more drastic trouble than bullshit whipped-up by rightwing demagogues seeking tyranny. The US is not now in critical shape. This isn't 1816 nor 1856 nor 1932 nor 1966. (I have reasons for picking those critical years.) MAGA luzers think the mightiest power in world history isn't great? Fucked in the head, they are.

Beware FauxNewz and alt.right crap. You are what you eat.
Good luck. The parties are YUUGE.

And USA history shows that political realignment needs MUCH more drastic trouble than bullshit whipped-up by rightwing demagogues seeking tyranny. The US is not now in critical shape. This isn't 1816 nor 1856 nor 1932 nor 1966. (I have reasons for picking those critical years.) MAGA luzers think the mightiest power in world history isn't great? Fucked in the head, they are.

Beware FauxNewz and alt.right crap. You are what you eat.

I am not for any major parties, I am for more choices and the people forcing it
I am not for any major parties, I am for more choices and the people forcing it
USA is not a small rural county. USA is the world's superpower economically, militarily, culturally, on a scale unmatched in human history. USA is Earth's third largest nation with 1/3 billion souls. USA is a hugely complicated mass of sloppily-run subsystems. Laws are the buggy operating system we run on.

Alas, courts have decided that corporations are people, that money is speech, that our democratic republic is a commodity to be traded on the open market. Parties matter less than corporate affiliation; that's Mussolini's definition of fascism. Your choices are irrelevant. The American experiment has failed.
USA is not a small rural county. USA is the world's superpower economically, militarily, culturally, on a scale unmatched in human history. USA is Earth's third largest nation with 1/3 billion souls. USA is a hugely complicated mass of sloppily-run subsystems. Laws are the buggy operating system we run on.

Alas, courts have decided that corporations are people, that money is speech, that our democratic republic is a commodity to be traded on the open market. Parties matter less than corporate affiliation; that's Mussolini's definition of fascism. Your choices are irrelevant. The American experiment has failed.

And our national police force is apparently for sale. What's next? The media? (I just cracked myself up)
Gups used to be all law-and-order and anti-commie. Now they're all owned by Putin. My, how times change. Fucking traitors.

Putin's on the phone to Tramp and an aid walks in and says in a heavy Russian accent, Hillary's on line 2.
As a Democrat...he is a net positive. America needed to show its true colors before it can ever become what our Founding Fathers dreamed of. Just as Germany had its dark period, Donald represents ours. They survived...so shall we.

Democrats claim that Adolf Hitler is the most successful politician in American history, having been elected president in 1968, 1972, 1980, 1984, 1988, 2000, 2004, and 2016.
Daniel G. Jones
Democrats claim that Adolf Hitler is the most successful politician in American history, having been elected president in 1968, 1972, 1980, 1984, 1988, 2000, 2004, and 2016.
Daniel G. Jones
Repeat that often enough and you might believe it.

Herr Goebbels practiced and praised the technique.

But recall that Mr Tromp *was* convicted of racism.