Will Trump end up being a net + or -

On the American political process? Or will status quo rule the day?

Until the entire statistly-rotted house is torn down to the very constitutional foundation to possibly be rebuilt again, the Republic will remain lost. American Idolesque "+ or -" is the "status quo".
Until the entire statistly-rotted house is torn down to the very constitutional foundation to possibly be rebuilt again, the Republic will remain lost. American Idolesque "+ or -" is the "status quo".

The system is designed to resist change.
Are you on ludes today? :)
Perhaps. Let's say a new type of politician emerges.

Really? ROTFLMFAO! And is this "new type" just going to appear out of thin air? Compared to the "type" that human history has ALWAYS produced? ROTFLMFAO!

— That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.
Fingers crossed.

There's a very active thread in the Political Forum about Trump's cut in Corporate taxes. The first pages are informative but then it's like deaf OCD-ers not hearing what the other person said and repeating the same things over and over again.

Define "very active". :)
I have an explanation for President Trump's actions:

He thinks he is President Jack Ryan in Tom Clancy's novels. Unfortunately he hasn't yet found an Arnie Van Damm to get him out of trouble...
I have an explanation for President Trump's actions:

He thinks he is President Jack Ryan in Tom Clancy's novels. Unfortunately he hasn't yet found an Arnie Van Damm to get him out of trouble...

He needs a G. Gordon Liddy or an Olie North. :)
You're fired!

It's a great honor to be selected as the pace car driver for such an American institution as the 100th anniversary of the Indianapolis 500. -- Donald J. Trump

Honestly, I originally tagged Trump the Tool simply because I hoped his...uh...unique persona/character would prove to be a perfect stick in the deep state's gears. And a year+ later, while I can think of a few things he could've done in that time that would've really defanged it, I really can't practically expect any more from what's he already done in that regard (considering how much statist he naturally has in him, too). 12+ years ago my heart/mind/soul all agreed that the Republic was lost; today - EVERYDAY now - more and more folks are realizing how dire the political circumstances truly are. Once more and more of them catch up to actual reality, only then can actual change begin: the next President is the American future's most crucial one.

That time Donald Trump nearly drove the Indy 500 pace car
Honestly, I originally tagged Trump the Tool simply because I hoped his...uh...unique persona/character would prove to be a perfect stick in the deep state's gears. And a year+ later, while I can think of a few things he could've done in that time that would've really defanged it, I really can't practically expect any more from what's he already done in that regard (considering how much statist he naturally has in him, too). 12+ years ago my heart/mind/soul all agreed that the Republic was lost; today - EVERYDAY now - more and more folks are realizing how dire the political circumstances truly are. Once more and more of them catch up to actual reality, only then can actual change begin: the next President is the American future's most crucial one.

That time Donald Trump nearly drove the Indy 500 pace car

Baby steps. :)
As a Democrat...he is a net positive. America needed to show its true colors before it can ever become what our Founding Fathers dreamed of. Just as Germany had its dark period, Donald represents ours. They survived...so shall we.
As a Democrat...he is a net positive. America needed to show its true colors before it can ever become what our Founding Fathers dreamed of. Just as Germany had its dark period, Donald represents ours. They survived...so shall we.

What about Nixon? Or do we need to go through these periods, periodically?