Why is it that....


Spinster Aunt of Lit
Nov 29, 2002
Women are more or less "required" by socitity to buy their prom/wedding/other large funtion dress which can cost hundreds to thousands of dollars for one event


Men rent their tuxes, which if bought they could use for event after event?
PoliteSuccubus said:
Women are more or less "required" by socitity to buy their prom/wedding/other large funtion dress which can cost hundreds to thousands of dollars for one event


Men rent their tuxes, which if bought they could use for event after event?

Marketing! The guys can all dress alike, but can you imagine what would happen if women rented gowns, went to a function and saw six other women wearing the same outfit??
Why I think its cool you are trying to show us yet again how women are held down by society; your theory is seriously flawed.

Economics dictate that women buy and men rent.


Because Tuxs are incredibly similar, as are mens bodies (in relation to women). So for relatively cheap one can rent tuxes that consist of wisely chosen pieces whcih coordinate. That is, its profitable.

On the other hand, womens dresses are very specific. Not mostly black, like tuxs, and the variance in style is incredible. This coupled with the wide array of female body sizes dictates that a rental situation would not be profitable.
We sorta beat that system, we go to antique shops. For prom we have a 1940's red squein gown, $50, and while there we found a lace and tat work vest from 1890 for $38. There was also this darling other dress, more Grace Kelly, but if the red one isn't altered in time she can wear it. $40.

No one else will be wearing these dresses, and they cost much much less than the other girls.

Style, class AND Brains!
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modest mouse said:
Why I think its cool you are trying to show us yet again how women are held down by society; your theory is seriously flawed.

Economics dictate that women buy and men rent.


Because Tuxs are incredibly similar, as are mens bodies (in relation to women). So for relatively cheap one can rent tuxes that consist of wisely chosen pieces whcih coordinate. That is, its profitable.

On the other hand, womens dresses are very specific. Not mostly black, like tuxs, and the variance in style is incredible. This coupled with the wide array of female body sizes dictates that a rental situation would not be profitable.

A tux costs 500, roughly, and a rental, here anyway is $120. The tux pays for itself in one prom, a friends wedding, your own wedding, an opera and a ball. After that, if your new wife doesn't feed you too well, you can go to multipile events without shelling out the cash for your tux.

Not to mention: A recent comic strip had a couple going though things and the woman went to throw away a ratty sweatshirt and the man says "No! That's my Lakers shirt! It has great sentimental value" and she pointed out she had her $5000 wedding dress, where was his tux? The point being the Lakers games SEEMED more important in retrospect than his marriage to her.

Because Tuxs are incredibly similar, as are mens bodies (in relation to women). So for relatively cheap one can rent tuxes that consist of wisely chosen pieces whcih coordinate. That is, its profitable.

This line particually points out the practiablity, as he only must accessorize the basic suit.