The reality of happy ending massage parlours (from someone who's worked in one)


Housewife With Past
Feb 20, 2023
In my bio I describe myself as being a housewife with a "past". I confess I actually signed up to Literotica after Googling the topic of happy endings for women, and came across a thread that I felt didn't quite do the subject justice.

My past goes back 22 years, when I left a reputable job as a massage therapist and beautician, to join the dark side on ‘the circuit’ (parlour).

Why? Money. If you know what you’re doing and are good at what you do there's plenty to earn. If you're crap, your earnings are in line with that.

In my nine and a bit years I bought an apartment in Melbourne Australia, paid it off in full, and purchased a 20 acre farm with a minimum mortgage. So, I consider myself very good at it.

In Australia it’s not widely known that parlours are usually Asian or Russian (or some other Eastern European) owned. As an Anglo-Saxon white girl I worked on the Russian side. Despite what you may see on TV, I found the Russian bosses to be very fair and reasonable, provided I was flexible.

There’s no straight formula, but the house will usually get 50-75% of the base (what a customer pays when they first enter, and it’s always upfront). Adjusting slightly for inflation, I would earn around $38 of the $75 paid by the customer. Not much for an hour’s work. But I got to keep 100% of the tips, which would be usually $50, sometimes more, but not often.

Obviously the $50 was for the final rub & tug - masturbation. Although I was a qualified masseuse, the ending was pretty much what customers were there for. On the odd occasion where a customer didn’t want to be finished off, or was just there for an actual (God forbid) massage, I was pretty much screwed.

It could get worse. On a quiet period, the house could put a sign out the front for $25 off. Guess who funded that $25 ……. In full! So, if I got a ‘legit’ customer, I could work the full hour for nothing.

It’s usually assumed that we would up our income by offering additional services such as the obvious oral, vaginal or anal. No way - firstly because it was against house rules, and everything was filmed. Bet you didn’t know that!

Why did the house care so much? Motorcycle gangs and other protection rackets tend to leave massage parlours alone. There’s just not enough money in them. Brothels are a different story, and word travels fast. That’s why hidden cameras get installed, simply to keep the girls (and some guys) in line.

If you're reading this and getting nervous about your previous visits, don't be. I can only speak for the parlour I worked in, but in Australia recording without consent is illegal. The business isn't planning to make money by uploading your ejaculation to PornHub :oops:

So, then how did this tale of woe become lucrative? It’s simple ….. hours don’t have to be 60 minutes. As a parlour girl, it’s in your interest to dispose of a customer as fast as possible. Sperm is money, and the faster the better.

If I can dispose of a customer in 40 minutes, I’m increased my earning time by a third. Once you get the experience, 30 minutes is possible, even 20. Why would a customer pay for 60 minutes and leave in 20? Remember the purpose behind the visit. Many men sneak out of work, or are in a different city on business. They want to cum, and after it's over they'll make every excuse to get out, even apologising!

The better you get at disposals, the more walk-ins get allocated to you, and you can even negotiate a better fee with the house.

The subject everyone wants to know about, women customers.

As a straight woman I will still always prefer massaging a female body. They’re smaller and smoother. Most women who entered our doors knew we were not a totally reputable venue, but that’s not to say most were there for sexual extras. Many just liked to have a massage without their undies on, and have their breasts massaged. Licensed massage therapists will never do this.

The problem with women customers is that an hour is actually an hour, plus time for small talk, getting prepared and getting dressed again. A woman walks through the door and the masseuses scatter! Taking on a woman customer generally means earning less money.

Did women ever want happy endings? Yes, regularly. Some were lesbian or bi. Some just wanted the empowering (I'm so woke) experience of being touched by another woman …. After which they would run off and tell their friends, producing more income reducing customers. 😁

To women reading this, I’ll frame this in a way that will make sense. If you picture a woman getting a happy ending, you probably think of me stimulating their clitoris with my fingers. Then consider this, when you masturbate do you use your fingers or a vibrator of some type?

The reality is vibrators, yet for some reason the female customer expects that a parlour girl has a magic ability to know a body well enough to produce an orgasm with her fingers. It just doesn’t happen.

Although female customers took the full hour, as I moved into my 40’s, I would get picked less and less by males. I managed to build up a solid base of regular women, but I had to lay down three solid rules.

First was to please respect my time, with an hour starting the second they entered the room and finishing with the door closing.

Second was that if they wanted ‘release’ they would need to bring their own clitoral (not penetrative) vibrator. In those days, cordless vibes didn’t work well, so they would need a smaller magic want style that could be discreet enough to fit in a handbag.

Third rule was that tips applied. I found woman to have a reluctance to paying the extra, with the view that it’s 10 minutes of massage and should be included for free.

By 2010 I had seen enough sperm, pulled apart enough labias and earned enough money to have a new lifestyle on the farm with my partner. No, he’s not a former customer and yes he does know about my previous job.

To happy ending customers, some pieces of advice.

Firstly, don’t always go for the pretty or sexy girls - I describe myself as plain and chubby, but back then I was plain and average. I would get picked last, but had a very good return of clients due to my massage technique.

Next, to males only. We always had 1-2 male masseurs who were there for guys only. Few of them were gay, but this was the only way they could make a living. If you want to be massaged by a male, just say it - nobody’s going to judge you, think you’re gay or whatever. Straight men I know have told me the best orgasms they've had was from a male. I would never have admitted this in my working days 😅

Next, orgasm is a goal, not a right. Sometimes it doesn’t work, male or female. It’s not our fault, we try our best. Think very carefully before causing a vocal scene, it may not be in your interest.

Lastly, wipe your butts. Believe it or not females are the worst offenders, but if you’re having a massage, jump into the toilet, grab some paper and wipe your bottom. Remember, I can see absolutely everything!

Hopefully I haven’t inspired a wave of massage aspirants. It’s well paying but not something I would recommend to my daughter (if I had one) 😅
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Well good for you for putting your earnings to good use! I have been to a few rub n tugs in Canada and the women in late 30’s, early 40’s, always seem to be the best at the business. I find them more patient, but as you say, able to move clients on.
Although my partner (allegedly) doesn't receive happy endings anymore, he says the best he ever had was from a women in Thailand that would have been in her 70's. He said that was why he chose her, he just knew anyone still working at that age was there for a reason. I finished at 42, and was getting very self conscious sitting next to the young & hotties, it can be quite demoralising!
Although my partner (allegedly) doesn't receive happy endings anymore, he says the best he ever had was from a women in Thailand that would have been in her 70's. He said that was why he chose her, he just knew anyone still working at that age was there for a reason. I finished at 42, and was getting very self conscious sitting next to the young & hotties, it can be quite demoralising!
Very erotic loved to experience this to be jerked off by a beautiful woman in this setting. Incredible
Although my partner (allegedly) doesn't receive happy endings anymore, he says the best he ever had was from a women in Thailand that would have been in her 70's. He said that was why he chose her, he just knew anyone still working at that age was there for a reason. I finished at 42, and was getting very self conscious sitting next to the young & hotties, it can be quite demoralising!
Thank you for taking the time to post about your experiences. Very interesting reading!
The funny thing to me about all this is I would never pay for something I could do myself. I would pay for a blow job or full sex. Maybe even a titjob. But not a hand job. Not exciting enough. But obviously I am in the minority. 😀
In my bio I describe myself as being a housewife with a "past". I confess I actually signed up to Literotica after Googling the topic of happy endings for women, and came across a thread that I felt didn't quite do the subject justice.

My past goes back 22 years, when I left a reputable job as a massage therapist and beautician, to join the dark side on ‘the circuit’ (parlour).

Why? Money. If you know what you’re doing and are good at what you do there's plenty to earn. If you're crap, your earnings are in line with that.

In my nine and a bit years I bought an apartment in Melbourne Australia, paid it off in full, and purchased a 20 acre farm with a minimum mortgage. So, I consider myself very good at it.

In Australia it’s not widely known that parlours are usually Asian or Russian (or some other Eastern European) owned. As an Anglo-Saxon white girl I worked on the Russian side. Despite what you may see on TV, I found the Russian bosses to be very fair and reasonable, provided I was flexible.

There’s no straight formula, but the house will usually get 50-75% of the base (what a customer pays when they first enter, and it’s always upfront). Adjusting slightly for inflation, I would earn around $25 of the $75 paid by the customer. Not much for an hour’s work. But I got to keep 100% of the tips, which would be usually $50, sometimes more, but not often.

Obviously the $50 was for the final rub & tug - masturbation. Although I was a qualified masseuse, the ending was pretty much what customers were there for. On the odd occasion where a customer didn’t want to be finished off, or was just there for an actual (God forbid) massage, I was pretty much screwed.

It could get worse. On a quiet period, the house could put a sign out the front for $25 off. Guess who funded that $25 ……. In full! So, if I got a ‘legit’ customer, I could work the full hour for nothing.

It’s usually assumed that we would up our income by offering additional services such as the obvious oral, vaginal or anal. No way - firstly because it was against house rules, and everything was filmed. Bet you didn’t know that!

Why did the house care so much? Motorcycle gangs and other protection rackets tend to leave massage parlours alone. There’s just not enough money in them. Brothels are a different story, and word travels fast. That’s why hidden cameras get installed, simply to keep the girls (and some guys) in line.

If you're reading this and getting nervous about your previous visits, don't be. I can only speak for the parlour I worked in, but in Australia recording without consent is illegal. The business isn't planning to make money by uploading your ejaculation to PornHub :oops:

So, then how did this tale of woe become lucrative? It’s simple ….. hours don’t have to be 60 minutes. As a parlour girl, it’s in your interest to dispose of a customer as fast as possible. Sperm is money, and the faster the better.

If I can dispose of a customer in 40 minutes, I’m increased my earning time by a third. Once you get the experience, 30 minutes is possible, even 20. Why would a customer pay for 60 minutes and leave in 20? Remember the purpose behind the visit. Many men sneak out of work, or are in a different city on business. They want to cum, and after it's over they'll make every excuse to get out, even apologising!

The better you get at disposals, the more walk-ins get allocated to you, and you can even negotiate a better fee with the house.

The subject everyone wants to know about, women customers.

As a straight woman I will still always prefer massaging a female body. They’re smaller and smoother. Most women who entered our doors knew we were not a totally reputable venue, but that’s not to say most were there for sexual extras. Many just liked to have a massage without their undies on, and have their breasts massaged. Licensed massage therapists will never do this.

The problem with women customers is that an hour is actually an hour, plus time for small talk, getting prepared and getting dressed again. A woman walks through the door and the masseuses scatter! Taking on a woman customer generally means earning less money.

Did women ever want happy endings? Yes, regularly. Some were lesbian or bi. Some just wanted the empowering (I'm so woke) experience of being touched by another woman …. After which they would run off and tell their friends, producing more income reducing customers. 😁

To women reading this, I’ll frame this in a way that will make sense. If you picture a woman getting a happy ending, you probably think of me stimulating their clitoris with my fingers. Then consider this, when you masturbate do you use your fingers or a vibrator of some type?

The reality is vibrators, yet for some reason the female customer expects that a parlour girl has a magic ability to know a body well enough to produce an orgasm with her fingers. It just doesn’t happen.

Although female customers took the full hour, as I moved into my 40’s, I would get picked less and less by males. I managed to build up a solid base of regular women, but I had to lay down three solid rules.

First was to please respect my time, with an hour starting the second they entered the room and finishing with the door closing.

Second was that if they wanted ‘release’ they would need to bring their own clitoral (not penetrative) vibrator. In those days, cordless vibes didn’t work well, so they would need a smaller magic want style that could be discreet enough to fit in a handbag.

Third rule was that tips applied. I found woman to have a reluctance to paying the extra, with the view that it’s 10 minutes of massage and should be included for free.

By 2010 I had seen enough sperm, pulled apart enough labias and earned enough money to have a new lifestyle on the farm with my partner. No, he’s not a former customer and yes he does know about my previous job.

To happy ending customers, some pieces of advice.

Firstly, don’t always go for the pretty or sexy girls - I describe myself as plain and chubby, but back then I was plain and average. I would get picked last, but had a very good return of clients due to my massage technique.

Next, to males only. We always had 1-2 male masseurs who were there for guys only. Few of them were gay, but this was the only way they could make a living. If you want to be massaged by a male, just say it - nobody’s going to judge you, think you’re gay or whatever. Straight men I know have told me the best orgasms they've had was from a male. I would never have admitted this in my working days 😅

Next, orgasm is a goal, not a right. Sometimes it doesn’t work, male or female. It’s not our fault, we try our best. Think very carefully before causing a vocal scene, it may not be in your interest.

Lastly, wipe your butts. Believe it or not females are the worst offenders, but if you’re having a massage, jump into the toilet, grab some paper and wipe your bottom. Remember, I can see absolutely everything!

Hopefully I haven’t inspired a wave of massage aspirants. It’s well paying but not something I would recommend to my daughter (if I had one) 😅
Thanks for sharing! That was an excellent read😃
The funny thing to me about all this is I would never pay for something I could do myself. I would pay for a blow job or full sex. Maybe even a titjob. But not a hand job. Not exciting enough. But obviously I am in the minority. 😀
You know I've often thought that myself, especially the females that had the vibro treatment - my feeling is that it's just about someone else doing something pleasurable to you.
Very informative! It makes a lot of sense too with expectations on both sides. I receive happy ending massages about once a week and try to cover all the bases.
I always shower every morning anyways but also shave down there completely smooth(which they seem to enjoy) I usually pay $50 for a “30 minute massage” once I’m in there they ask if I like it hard,medium or soft which I always request soft. They see that as I’d like the handjob almost right away with some pre massage touching and fondling. I lay down $40 as their tip and they’ll ask me if I want to pay extra for them to be nude as well.
I go there so often and they know what I like so most of the time it’s all unspoken. I’d recommend it for sure.
And who doesn't shower before a massage? I shower right before I do anything that might involve nudity or closeness, including doctor appointments, eye exams, dentists. and haircuts. I'm the best smelling client they get all day. 😀
The parlour I worked in didn't have shower facilities, and most clients ducked out of work or faked an excuse to be out for quite a while. I never expected freshly showered, but just some basic hygiene.
"anyways but also shave down there completely smooth(which they seem to enjoy"
You may be reading a bit into 'seem to enjoy' as shaving around your penis and balls makes no difference to the massage. I prefer a smooth penis, but that's just a sexual preference. If you really want to give your masseuse a pleasant surprise, freshly shaved or waxed legs on a male is the ultimate. Shaving hairy legs is a drag, literally. The smoother the body, the better your massage will be. My partner. has had a full body laser, and he loves it!
You may be reading a bit into 'seem to enjoy' as shaving around your penis and balls makes no difference to the massage. I prefer a smooth penis, but that's just a sexual preference. If you really want to give your masseuse a pleasant surprise, freshly shaved or waxed legs on a male is the ultimate. Shaving hairy legs is a drag, literally. The smoother the body, the better your massage will be. My partner. has had a full body laser, and he loves it!
I only say that they ‘seem to enjoy” because they comment on it specifically in a playful manner. Nothing more than that,I’m not an overly hairy guy to begin with
This is awesome. Interesting to read from a masseuse’s perspective. I enjoy the occasional “happy ending”, I used to be a regular at a place and they treated me so nice. My circumstances have changed and haven’t quite found a replacement.
My experience is not dis-similar to the OP's. I too live in Australia in but the state of NSW rather than Victoria. Rub and Tug shops (R'NT) probably outnumber Brothels by 50 to 1 but sex work in either is legal. There are two or 3 RNT 'S in every suburban shopping area in Sydney. I am not advocating the work at all in jurisdictions where it is illegal but thought I would explain how it works in NSW. I have been in the business for 16 of the last 18 years since I was a student of 18. Rates were stable for years until recently, $60 for the basic hour but now 70 to 75. During Covid there were 250,000 overseas students who stayed away. This talent pool is now trickling back but at the moment demand for girls greatly outstrips supply and the house has to give 50% + of the base rate to the girls or they tend to leave to work elsewhere.

We too make the real money on extras, and that is usually +$50 for a nude hand job +$75 to $100 for a BJ and $150 upwards for FS (full service) Younger girls can charge a little more (but not much)and Japanese and Koreans more than other Asians. Caucasians charge more again but the top money spinners are African and American Blacks (Very rare here) What extras are offered are entirely at the girls discretion. I have one client who comes every week and has never sought more than a hand job in ten years. We have never offered a $25 discount to get the punters through the door; with demand currently exceeding supply we would lose staff very quickly if we tried it on.

I now own 50% of the business with another active partner and on average our girls would see about 40 clients/week. Ownership of businesses in the Industry has become more diverse in the last few years. We generally have between 3 and 5 girls working at any time - never more. We have cctv monitoring entries and exits but not the rooms. All clients, without exception, must shower before service (and after if they wish) All new girls have to have a recent and clear STD test before starting work and renew it regularly.

Unlike the op, short timing a client is a sackable offence. We rely on 70% plus being regulars who come back again and again. Someone who is short timed might not say much but the chances of a re-booking are much less. Our clientele is mainly male, middle aged, middle management, tradie, and similar types reflecting the local area where there are reasonable disposable incomes.

When I started, my massage skills were almost non existent, but I did a trade with a Thai girl, she taught me massage and I taught her Mathematics to get through her University entrance exam!
I am stunned that adults need to be told to wipe their butts. Stunned, and grossed ou
My experience is not dis-similar to the OP's. I too live in Australia in but the state of NSW rather than Victoria. Rub and Tug shops (R'NT) probably outnumber Brothels by 50 to 1 but sex work in either is legal. There are two or 3 RNT 'S in every suburban shopping area in Sydney. I am not advocating the work at all in jurisdictions where it is illegal but thought I would explain how it works in NSW. I have been in the business for 16 of the last 18 years since I was a student of 18. Rates were stable for years until recently, $60 for the basic hour but now 70 to 75. During Covid there were 250,000 overseas students who stayed away. This talent pool is now trickling back but at the moment demand for girls greatly outstrips supply and the house has to give 50% + of the base rate to the girls or they tend to leave to work elsewhere.

We too make the real money on extras, and that is usually +$50 for a nude hand job +$75 to $100 for a BJ and $150 upwards for FS (full service) Younger girls can charge a little more (but not much)and Japanese and Koreans more than other Asians. Caucasians charge more again but the top money spinners are African and American Blacks (Very rare here) What extras are offered are entirely at the girls discretion. I have one client who comes every week and has never sought more than a hand job in ten years. We have never offered a $25 discount to get the punters through the door; with demand currently exceeding supply we would lose staff very quickly if we tried it on.

I now own 50% of the business with another active partner and on average our girls would see about 40 clients/week. Ownership of businesses in the Industry has become more diverse in the last few years. We generally have between 3 and 5 girls working at any time - never more. We have cctv monitoring entries and exits but not the rooms. All clients, without exception, must shower before service (and after if they wish) All new girls have to have a recent and clear STD test before starting work and renew it regularly.

Unlike the op, short timing a client is a sackable offence. We rely on 70% plus being regulars who come back again and again. Someone who is short timed might not say much but the chances of a re-booking are much less. Our clientele is mainly male, middle aged, middle management, tradie, and similar types reflecting the local area where there are reasonable disposable incomes.

When I started, my massage skills were almost non existent, but I did a trade with a Thai girl, she taught me massage and I taught her Mathematics to get through her University entrance exam!
That's a great insight. I've been out of the business for over 13 years, so not sure if much has changed since then. It's interesting how my venue (the only one I worked in) had a totally different stance to short hours. Thanks for sharing :)
This is awesome. Interesting to read from a masseuse’s perspective. I enjoy the occasional “happy ending”, I used to be a regular at a place and they treated me so nice. My circumstances have changed and haven’t quite found a replacement.
Not sure what part of the world you're in but in Australia it's not too hard to find :)