Partners Past? What have you been told?


My Adventures
Apr 10, 2022
Do you know about your partner's past? What have you been told? Do you believe them? Suspicious? Maybe my story will make you reflect on what you have been told.

Why do men always want to know a number? The majority of women don't keep score. It's not a game for us.

Telling my man about my past is something I have always avoided. Most guys I have dated, including my husband, have asked me about my past. I have always been very coy and played the sweet girl next door card. I have never admitted to being with more than five guys and always add that I regret not being with more women. Yes, it's laughable, but this is what guys want to hear-need to hear.

It's not because I am ashamed, but because society has preconceived ideas about experienced women. Women are not respected for being promiscuous. A polite way of expressing some men's enjoyment of promiscuity is to say that they like the ladies. They are fondly referred to as "a lady's man." There is no equivalent polite expression to describe a woman who is promiscuous. She is often referred to as a slut.

How many women have experienced slut-shaming at some point in their lives? The term "lady" is used as a form of respect that is needed because of the disrespect men often display towards women.

Well, guys, I have news for you. Women are propositioned all the time, not just in bars or online, but also in elevators, offices, trains, grocery stores, and coffee shops. The world is full of male predators. Women have their pick of men, and occasionally they take the bait. Some more often than others. Even if a woman tells you about her past, believe me, she is only revealing the tip of the iceberg.

My girlfriends and I used to laugh hysterically when we told stories about the conversations we had with our boyfriends about our past. We know exactly what you want to hear. I myself always play the innocent, sweet girl next door; the guys lap it up.

One of my good friends in college was very sweet and innocent-looking. She had sex with more men than any other girl I knew. She would have sex with two or three guys a week. We not only talked about it, but I saw it first hand. Every weekend, she would meet a handful of guys and have sex with them throughout the week. Over the course of four years of college, she went through hundreds of guys. From her appearance, you would never guess she was that promiscuous.

After she married, and we were reminiscing about old times, she mentioned that she told her husband that she had only slept with four guys before him. I couldn't believe it, but he believed her. She told me that's exactly what he wanted to hear. She was so right.

So you keep asking. You really want to know. How many men, how many times, how good were they? You ask with apprehension. Were they as big as you, you ask with apprehension? Do I still masturbate while thinking about precious sexual experiences? What was the best? And finally, how do you stack up against the competition?

So my friends, in a moment of weakness, I will answer a few of your questions as honestly as possible. Besides, many of you have already read most of my stories anyway. I'm thinking you have a pretty good idea.

So let me explain. First of all, I don't keep a tally or a journal, so I have honestly lost count. You also have to remember that we are talking about a lifetime of adventures. It all started at eighteen and continues up to the present day, which is close to... Um-mm, well, let us skip that part. Let's just say it's been many, many years.

And let me break it up into before and after my marriage, because there is a big difference.

Like most young people, I partied every weekend, and things were pretty wild. When I was young, guys used and abused me at every turn (read my many stories). I was a sheep among wolves, and they preyed on me. I was young, timid, and naive. Sex was new to me, and I had low self-esteem. I embraced the thought of being wanted, of being accepted. I also did not have the confidence to reject strong-willed men. Yes, I was weak.

During these early days, there was a fair bit of casual and random sex. I was disrespected and called many hurtful names. Young men can be very cruel.

In my twenties, I began to have real relationships. During this period, I dated about ten guys, with the occasional slip here and there. So the number of guys was low but the frequency of sex was much higher, which only makes sense being in relationships.

OK, so a number... (Note: I edited this number higher three times already). I think that pre-married, which covers about ten years, I had sex with about sixty to eighty boys or men. In addition, there were many blow jobs, hand jobs, and fumbles, but at least sixty different cocks parted my labia and entered my vagina before I married.

Don't worry, I was on birth control right from the start and many of them wore condoms! In addition to the sixty to eighty cocks that made it inside of me, there were probably another thirty or so more hard cocks that I had touched and made cum with my hands and/or mouth, but those don't count as actual sex per Mr. Clinton's guidelines.

So that averages to about seven men a year over those ten years -- not really that slutty is it? Hell, that can be a slow month for some women or men.

Again, there was a lot of alcohol, and I was often drunk and promiscuous. I'm not proud of some of the situations I got myself into, but such is life, and overall I had fun.

So after I got married, it's a different story. As you might have read in my stories, I lasted six months before slipping into the arms of another man. From there, it was all downhill. After I married, most of my relationships were exclusive affairs. Don was the longest, at around five years. That was the longest stretch of time that I was monogamous (well, excluding infrequent sex with my husband). That relationship ended up in heartache and almost cost me my marriage (that's a story for another day).

After that relationship with Don, I vowed to never get emotionally attached again. Relationships were short-to medium-term flings. There were also numerous short encounters throughout the years.

So, in total, it's safe to say that after marriage, I probably had sex with fewer than thirty men.The affairs resulted in a lot of very enjoyable sex. Being older, the sex was much more erotic and intense. I was much more confident in myself and I climaxed much more frequently than when I was younger. Plus, the relationships were strictly about dating, no drama, no expectations. Just fun and erotic sex, period.
I can't really say which was the best sex. Most of it was wonderful at the time. If you have read my stories, you know some of the more memorable adventures. I still have many more things to write about.

My favourite kind of sex has always been what I call "virgin boy sex." In my youth, I looked younger than my age, and I attracted a lot of younger guys. Taking a young man's virginity became an obsession for me (fetish maybe). The thrill of knowing I would be his first and that he would remember me for the rest of his life was an overpowering thought. I always made it special for them, and I will carry those memories to my grave. I will/have written about them.

The most intense erotic sexual encounter I had was with my future brother-in-law. Yes, my husband's older brother. During one of my husband's business trips, we found ourselves alone in the house. After a sexually charged evening, he summoned the courage to pin me up against the wall and give me the most passionate kiss I'd ever experienced. His hand travelled up my dress, and once he saw how wet my panties were, he knew he had me. I grabbed his hand and led him into the bedroom. Our clothes fell off before we even hit the bed. He pushed me on the bed and, with no foreplay at all, he implanted his large, thick cock deep inside of me. I just gasped as it parted my wet labia and stretched its way deep inside of me. The taboo of fucking my husband's older brother was so fucking erotic for both of us. He pounded me as no other man had before or after.

In return, I rode him like a possessed horny slut. It was pure animal sex.

And finally, yes, I masturbate to the memories. My brother-in-law's encounter has always been my go-to memory. I find that I masturbate more now when I read the stories I have written.

Oh, I almost forgot. Every guy that has asked me about size has received the same response: "I haven't seen many cocks, (my eye lids flutter as I gaze into their eyes), but yours is definitely the biggest and thickest I have ever seen." As ridiculously funny as that is, that's the God-honest truth...I like to make my men happy.

So let me ask you, what were you told by your significant other? And do you believe her? I can't wait to read your comments.
You can find my true stories here:

See my thread for pictures, many which relate to my stories.

Feel free to follow me.
Thank you
I loved reading this, first of all. Thank you so much for writing it.

I was a virgin when I met my wife. She was not a virgin. I have asked about her past, and she has told me "you don't really want to know". The thing, I truly DO want to know.

I asked about my size before. She said "it is perfect for me. Like God made your dick for my pussy". She initially told me I was her biggest, until one day at the gym, I was in the locker room. I came was changing, and a few guys were walking around naked. I saw I was, by far, the smallest cock there, which only made my cock get smaller. When I told her about this, she just giggled and said she would have to see for herself to find out.

I know when we first started having sex, she always called my dick her "little buddy" which makes me think she has had much bigger ones.

I would absolutely love to know how many guys she has had sex with. I would like for her to rekindle some of those old relationships and hook back up with them on a regular basis as well. But I also know, I am not like a lot of other guys. Feel free to PM me about any questions or comments
My husband asked me many times about my past. He knew I had been with numerous men before him but he had no idea of the number or frequency. I always played coy and never told him anything. “Not as many as you would think”, ”I don’t remember”, “Under 10”, “It doesn’t matter, I have you now”, and so on.
He finally gave up asking…lol…Oh if he only knew…lol

I never asked him for a number and he never talked about his past.
I think I read on here somewhere in the past week, “double a woman’s number she gives and subtract a third of the number a man gives!”🤣

My wife and I were “fairly honest” when this issue inevitably came up when we were dating. I trimmed my number by 20-25, she underreported hers by at least 10🤣😂! Probably more. I have found this out through the years as the number keeps ticking up! She‘s a horrible liar and can’t remember what she told me 5 yrs ago! Much less 30+.

I personally don’t care, in fact as I’ve stated in other threads, she’s the most sexually liberated women I’ve ever been with, and I want to thank those dudes in her past for getting her to her prime!😀

I can only hope other guys are sending me good vibes for the work I did!🤣😂😜
Thank you April602 for your insights, and stimulating stories!

I'm another one of those guys who wants to know- really wants to know the whole deal. How many guys, what was it like with them and so on. And in fairness, I offered up the same information if they wanted it. Most women didn't ask me how many women I had slept with. A couple did. I told them. It was never a big issue.

I was married twice, young. With both of my wives I was their second sex partner. I have no reason to think they were hiding anything. In years later I dated and had relationships with a number of women. I never exactly asked them how many men they had. Just in a general sense- "so, you had a few guys before me". In every case I got an answer that didn't trip my BS detector. Why would they not tell me the truth? They had no reason to lie about number of partners, performance and so on because I didn't act insecure or jealous about those things. Because I'm not. Why would I worry about the size of my wife's ex-boyfriend's cock when (assuming) he's out of the picture, and I'm with her?

The fact that my exes have by and large been open and honest with me about their previous sexual encounters has been a source of great sexual satisfaction for me. I have always enjoyed hearing about the past exploits of my ex- GFs. Exciting stuff you can use to spice up your relationships! That is, if your significant other isn't too embarrassed to enjoy some recollections of intimate moments. Everyone's different. But I think knowing the real history of your partner can help bring you closer together. And it's hot.
I got together with my wife in high school. And we come from the same neighbourhood. So I know she only had sex with one guy before. But it’s the amount of men that fucked her after we got together that’s in question.

A few years into our marriage, she cheated with another man. Over the past few years, she confessed to there being two other men she spread her legs for during that same time period. She said that’s it. But I have reason to believe there were more. I feel she was going through a phase where she was making up for limited experience before dedicating herself to monogamy with me. I hope one day she gets past what’s holding her back. And she tells me exactly how many men there were. And the details of how and where they fucked her!
Interesting topic, and very Lit-esque.

Lots of dishonesty and lying. Lovely. Firm foundations for durability. :rolleyes:

Questions that i don't need the answers to, I don't ask. Very simple, really.

So, let's be present, here, and go from here. Or you get lost - now. Either way works.

People who count should attach a meter to the genitals they want to track.
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My wife had two partners before me.

She was engaged to an Egyptian electrical engineer while at university. She even went to Egypt to meet his family. But she found the cultural differences too much to take. She would have been expected to wear traditional Muslim dress although she wasn't a Muslim, obey her husband, and effectively be her mother-in-law's slave. When she went to a teacher training college a hundred miles away, the relationship ended.

The second I knew as a mutual friend with whom she worked on producing and publishing a guidebook. He was a nerd and obsessed with being an amateur printer, wanting to be a printer as a profession. She couldn't share his enthusiasm and was drifting apart when we met. I was very different with a wide range of interests and we got on well.

As for me? I had been engaged three times before I met my wife. She knows about all of them.

The first was an office colleague. I loved her and wanted to marry her but my then job involved going and staying abroad, moving every three years. She wanted to settle down in one place and buy a home, not be frequently packing suitcases and learning foreign languages. I transferred to a London-based job where I would be in one place, but then she decided she didn't want to leave her hometown, friends, and relations and we broke up. I regretted her but our aspirations didn't match. The partner after me was a mistake - a Royal Marine who could be posted anywhere. He was, and the relationship ended. She eventually married a local photographer with his own shop in her town. She is now a happy grandmother several times over.

The second, in London, was a highly sexed woman who wanted to make love several times a week. But unlike the first, she wanted to travel the world and I was more interested in developing my career than constantly moving to a series of temporary jobs wherever we would be. She found someone else who would travel with her, divorced him after ten years going around the world, married an Australian she met in Bali, divorced him after another ten years, and is now resident in Australia, unmarried but with a stable of men willing to give her sex on demand even if she is now in her 70s.

The third was a mistake for both of us. She was part of the County set with a minor title. She was interested in horse riding including hunting and country pursuits. She was attracted to me because although resident in London, unlike her previous male friends, I could ride - almost anything that could carry my weight of 300lbs. I was also taller than her six feet and able to literally pick her up. None of her previous boyfriends had been taller than her, and none could even attempt to lift her off her feet. She considered us engaged. I didn't because our backgrounds were too far apart. She would take me to formal dances at the best London hotels, places I could never have afforded.

I went to stay with her parents for a week and we took part in a fox hunt.

She rode her own hunter. I borrowed the only local horse that could carry me - a Shire horse. She jumped hedges, fences, and gates. I had to get off, open a gate, and lead my horse through, or go through the hedge. The hunt disappeared into the far distance as my horse ambled slowly after them. I caught up with them at a country pub long after the fox had escaped.

Her father formally asked me what my intentions were. I replied that I had none. I was her 'bit of rough' and the relationship couldn't last. He was relieved because, in theory, I was just about socially acceptable (I knew what cutlery to use at a formal dinner, I could dress up in an evening suit, and had a career that might go somewhere but I wasn't really in her class). He produced his best whisky and cigars. He and I got on very well once he knew I wouldn't marry his daughter. Three weeks later we split up. She married an officer in the Household Cavalry and now her title is 'Lady' XXXX.

How do I know what happened to the three? All the break-ups were mutually agreed upon and civilized. I have kept in touch with them over the past 50+ years. After all, I loved them, they loved me, and we have stayed friends (with my wife's knowledge).

My wife also knows about her exes. The Egyptian was killed in the Arab Spring as a protestor. He left a wife and three children. The nerd? Still unmarried but now retired after being a printer for forty years.
When I was younger this might have been important. Now, it really doesn't matter since I figure anyone who is in my age range by 10 years or so, unless they were in a monastery/nunnery, is going to have a few trysts under the belt so to speak. So no, I probably wouldn't even bother to ask. By the same token, if I am asked the stock answer is "A few".

Chances are very slim that the number is going to be accurate on either of our parts anyway, so why even bother?
I think I read on here somewhere in the past week, “double a woman’s number she gives and subtract a third of the number a man gives!”🤣

My wife and I were “fairly honest” when this issue inevitably came up when we were dating. I trimmed my number by 20-25, she underreported hers by at least 10🤣😂! Probably more. I have found this out through the years as the number keeps ticking up! She‘s a horrible liar and can’t remember what she told me 5 yrs ago! Much less 30+.

I personally don’t care, in fact as I’ve stated in other threads, she’s the most sexually liberated women I’ve ever been with, and I want to thank those dudes in her past for getting her to her prime!😀

I can only hope other guys are sending me good vibes for the work I did!🤣😂😜
I think you are correct with your score card…well except for me…maybe 10 to 20x…lol
My girlfriend never talks about it, and I have no interest in asking her to do so. If she'd been a prude, our relationship would have eventually fallen apart. I'm just glad that she's always ready for lovin' and that we're both dedicated to our stable relationship.

My attitude is the same as Ron "Pigpen" McKernan's in a song he wrote called Operator:

...I don't know where she's going,
I don't care where she's been.
Long as she's been doin' it right.
I was told by my girlfriend about the relationship she had with her grandfather. Does that count?

It bothered me, a lot. But we’ve been together for 56 years since she told me about her ”past partners”.
I think my wife can count her partners on one hand. That said, as FWBs, we used to go to her apartment, close the bedroom door, strip and fuck. Now if she would do this with me, maybe there were more. I hope so.
I was told by my girlfriend about the relationship she had with her grandfather. Does that count?

It bothered me, a lot. But we’ve been together for 56 years since she told me about her ”past partners”.
Like to hear more about that story
I think my wife can count her partners on one hand. That said, as FWBs, we used to go to her apartment, close the bedroom door, strip and fuck. Now if she would do this with me, maybe there were more. I hope so.
Your wife does sound adventurous so I would guess there were more…now you just got to get it out of
I'm pretty sure that I know about everyone my wife has had sex with, men and women. We went to the same highschool, she was a year behind me but on my radar for many years before we hooked up when she was nineteen. At that time she had just ended a fling with a 52 year old guy.

To add to that we have always been very open about sex and our needs.

We decided soon after we got together that we both wanted a more open relationship. The only rule being that we would get permission from the other before having sex when the other wasn't there.

Really there is only one time that I question. She had gone out with her female friends and come home stumbling drunk. Her friend and I undressed her and put her to bed. Her friend and I soon joined her and spent the rest of the night playing. My wife woke up in the morning and joined us for another round.

To this day she says that she doesn't remember that night at all, but I suspect that she had sex with one of the guys she was out with. The guy in question had a reputation for taking advantage of drunk girls. And she knew I would have beat the shit out of him.
I've never asked because I'd rather not know. I've learned a few things because sometimes topics come up but I've never directly asked anything like that. She's never asked me either, so I consider it a fresh start for both of us lol