When Words Don’t Mean Things

Nazi - your friend, neighbor or relative who’s fun to hang out with.
At least immigrants contribute to society.
The legal ones, yes. Personally I want to set something up that for every immigrant who comes here willing to do it the right way, become a citizen, work for a living achieve the dream, we take them in, but ship out one woke whiny entitled millennial, and without all their I-devices that they use to talk about how oppressed they are, we'll give them to our new citizen.

Imagine if that happened? The GB would be free of leftoids forever.
The legal ones, yes. Personally I want to set something up that for every immigrant who comes here willing to do it the right way, become a citizen, work for a living achieve the dream, we take them in, but ship out one woke whiny entitled millennial, and without all their I-devices that they use to talk about how oppressed they are, we'll give them to our new citizen.

Imagine if that happened? The GB would be free of leftoids forever.
Oh, you're still a fucking moron.
Entitled - believing oneself to be deserving of special treatment, privileges or benefits. See Trump.

Redefining – The New Pretzel Logic of the Left​

By Brian C. Joondeph, American Thinker

The Economist:

Broadly speaking, a period of slow or negative economic GROWTH, usually accompanied by rising UNEMPLOYMENT. Economists have two more precise definitions of a recession. The first, which can be hard to prove, is when an economy is growing at less than its long-term trend rate of growth and has spare CAPACITY. The second is two consecutive quarters of falling GDP.


White House advisor Brian Deese won’t use that dreaded ‘R’ word either, declaring that the U.S. economy is in a “period of transition”. Instead of stagflation, he claims America is now in, “a period of stable and resilient growth.” The administration must have conducted focus groups who much preferred “transition” to “recession.”


What else have Democrats and the left redefined? The longstanding definition of vaccine changed during the COVID pandemic. The CDC made this change from: “The act of introducing a vaccine into the body to produce immunity to a specific disease.” Now, the word “immunity” has been switched to “protection.”


[N]ow the definition of “woman” is in question. A recent nominee to the U.S. Supreme Court, Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson, couldn’t define 'woman.' Yet she was deemed capable of sitting on the highest court.


Remember two summers ago when American city riots and rampant property destruction were described as “peaceful protests”? Or when an open southern border, through which millions of illegal immigrants pass each year, is called “secure” by the DHS chief charged with securing and enforcing our border? An ”illegal alien” is now an “undocumented worker.” “They” used to refer to a group of people; now it describes someone whose proclaimed gender is not the traditional male or female. A biological male college swimmer was nominated for NCAA woman of the year. “Pedophile” or “groomer” is now a “minor-attracted person.”
His pinkie is smarter than you are. You have to be the slowest poster on the board.
The Malheur Refuge siege was touted as a “peaceful protest,” but it started with firearm violations, poaching and arson.
The only government programs that have consistently yielded positive revenue for the government have been infrastructure programs and even those can reach a point of diminishing returns.

re. the student loan programs. The folks that pushed for that legislation pointed to the success of the post WWII GI bill. And that was a success. The big difference is that the WWII vets primarily majored in STEM fields, fields that yielded a really good income with a fair shot at innovation rewards. Those fields are still rewarding today.

The current crop are majoring in damn near anything but the STEM fields with a correspondingly lower incomes and diminishing chances of decent employment. Is it any wonder the program is losing it's ass?
You’re wrong again.
Only 2.2 million vets used the GI Bill for any college level education. The majority used it for job training (about 5.6 million).
Maybe you’ll have better luck the next time you try to make something up.