West Nile question again


Mar 20, 2002
Does the virus effect Batts as ??? does anyone know?? cause it seems all the batts in my area are gone and the bugs are taking over!!!
huskie said:
Does the virus effect Batts as ??? does anyone know?? cause it seems all the batts in my area are gone and the bugs are taking over!!!

No...the mosquitos pick it up from birds and then pass it on to horses or humans...

Horses and humans are 'dead end hosts' :eek: ... no pun intended ... just means that once the virus reaches them, it can't be passed on from that source...

The jury's still out on whether or not cats and dogs can contract it...
oops...according to the news coming out of the midwest...the jury's in on dogs...
NoOtherName said:
oops...according to the news coming out of the midwest...the jury's in on dogs...

I suspect that West Nile Virus is one of those viruses that can affect any warm-blooded creature --or at least infect them.

Any disease tht has been found in birds, humans, horses, and dogs, should be expected to spread to bats, rats, cats, predators and prey. Any warm blooded creature should be suspected of being a potential carrier.