Trump didn't say "shithole"?

Wrongway said:
If the white man had not come to North America the Indian would still be a stone age individual, without the wheel, the horse, iron, or steel. He'd still be following the buffalo, abusing his women, taking scalps, smearing himself with bear grease, knapping flint, warring with his neighbors, and doing the Corn Dance.
Who are you that you are so wise in the ways of the corn dance?
Must be a practitioner. BTW:

* If Europeans had not infested the Americas, tens of millions (on both sides of the Atlantic) would not have died of plagues.
* Scalping was introduced by the French.
* Many pre-contact American cultures were matriarchal; some still are.
* Pre-contact Americans built large cities; practiced extensive trade, conquest, agriculture, and terraforming; invented writing, accurate calendars, and zero; and bathed.
* Try knapping flint sometime. Rotsa ruck, pilgrim.
* The Corn Dance is preferable to St Vitus Dance.

I don't say pre-contact Americans weren't assholes. Assholes are universal.
The plagues would never had occurred if the new world had never been discovered?

Look, you might be entitled to your opinion, but you are not entitled to ignore history, the plagues and population rise and falls before either world was truly aware of the other. You are a study in ignorance. Were there no plagues before 1492?
The plagues would never had occurred if the new world had never been discovered?

Look, you might be entitled to your opinion, but you are not entitled to ignore history, the plagues and population rise and falls before either world was truly aware of the other. You are a study in ignorance. Were there no plagues before 1492?

When was the last (or first) plague in North America prior to the illegal immigration of the wasichu?
Who are you that you are so wise in the ways of the corn dance?

The Corn Dance, the Bear Dance, the War dance, the Scalp Dance were all common to many North America Indian tribes. The Mandans, the Sioux, The Cheyenne, The Crow, all had Green Corn, or simply Corn dances.
The plagues would never had occurred if the new world had never been discovered?

Look, you might be entitled to your opinion, but you are not entitled to ignore history, the plagues and population rise and falls before either world was truly aware of the other. You are a study in ignorance. Were there no plagues before 1492?
After Columbus' first return, a syphilis epidemic attributed to Caribbean people killed maybe 1/4 of the European populace. Meanwhile, the first Euro explorers of North America reported large native populations, which had vanished when colonizers landed a few years later. I've seen estimates of aboriginal American fatalities at 90%.
After Columbus' first return, a syphilis epidemic attributed to Caribbean people killed maybe 1/4 of the European populace. Meanwhile, the first Euro explorers of North America reported large native populations, which had vanished when colonizers landed a few years later. I've seen estimates of aboriginal American fatalities at 90%.

Which are false if that percentage includes the total population.
After Columbus' first return, a syphilis epidemic attributed to Caribbean people killed maybe 1/4 of the European populace. Meanwhile, the first Euro explorers of North America reported large native populations, which had vanished when colonizers landed a few years later. I've seen estimates of aboriginal American fatalities at 90%.

The theories of the origin of syphilis are disputed: