
UCE said:
But what I love about that look is that very exageration: it says to the world, "I am here for one thing: I am a fuck object." I love to imagine how it would be to look like any one of these ladies and go walking down the street knowing that virtually everybody who saw me knew that this was all I was, all I had made myself into: a fuck object. For a humilation freak like myself, that would be heaven!


I always thought Pamela Anderson was disgusting and the other bitch that got posted was even worse, but I can appreciate them a little more now that you said what you did UCE. I still don't think they're attractive, but I can appreciate them as grotesque exaggerations of what I would really want, and I think it would be really easy to abuse a woman who looked like that. I would still want some ass on this woman though.

UCE, I really love your ideas as a sub, I hope to meet someone like you one day. I don't know if I could handle someone like you for too long, but I would love to meet one.
Cuckolded_BlK_Male said:
I don't know about Lucille Ball, but Jenny Lopez is the finest thing walking.

J Lo

Is Halle Berry in a wheelchair?

Edit: Wow, that is a sexy picture though.
IMHO Halle Berry isn't all that attractive, and she certainly doesn't have a body to compare with J-Lo's. She's cute. And, I know that the White media unilaterally appointed Halle Berry the worlds most beautiful Black woman, but I don't see it. I regularly see better looking Sistas at the supermarket. She's rather mousey looking to me. Plus, she has a rather vacuous stupid-about-the-eyes look (kind of like Shaq) that does nothing for me either.

You're right though, J-Lo does have rivals

Body-wise: I can only think of one famous (including the non-black general public) woman whose goddess-like body sets her apart from every other mortal woman, J-Lo included ...

As Uma Thurman said in "Pulp Fiction" ... [
Serena Williams is the Super Saiyan version of J-Lo.
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Well there is no arguing about Serena: the ass is phat.

I know what you're saying about white media crowning Halle, but I still think she might be the hottest human being alive. I think it has to do with the fact that I am biracial and tend to like biracial women. Other than that she also has a perfect body and face in my opinion.

Rosario Dawson looks good too. I was trying to think of celebrities I like a lot, but come to think of it, I tend to like women in real life a lot more than celebrities. I think a lot of my personal tastes aren't fed by mass media.
Halle Berry is annoying. I like the big-assed Williams sisters. To beat one of those asses into submission would take a dose of real reality.
We'll have to agree to disagree as to Ms. Berry's alleged beauty. I think that her husband would make as cute a girl as she. And, her body is too ... how can I say this ... un-sistahly. On a Brown woman, I need to see some hips and ass ... I can't help it.

Biracial, African, basic African-American (slightly multi-racial), Morena Latina, Mediterranean, Scandinavian, etc ....

I like them all to one extent or another.
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Yeah I thought about that too Roscoe. I really don't know if I can dish out anything the Williams girls couldnt take. I'd have to hit the gym hard if I started fucking with one of those girls.
Marquis said:
... I was trying to think of celebrities I like a lot, but come to think of it, I tend to like women in real life a lot more than celebrities. I think a lot of my personal tastes aren't fed by mass media.

Me neither. Most women of colour who appear in movies and on television are the media's idea of what an attractive woman of colour looks like. If I had my druthers, every Black and/or Biracial actress in Hollywood would have an ass that sticks out so far, that you could serve high tea on it.

Similarly, there are too many boney White Chicks making movies. I'd greatly prefer to see some actresses who look like sexually mature women, and not prepubescent little boys. Sophia Loren and Rachel Welch were all woman when they were big stars. But, you don't see that type anymore. All you see now are stick-figure-women with cute faces.
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rosco rathbone said:
Halle Berry is annoying. I like the big-assed Williams sisters. To beat one of those asses into submission would take a dose of real reality.

Again, we have arrived at a harmony of opinion.

Although ... Serena might not prove so easily dominated. I think that what she needs is a very tall very large man who could make her feel like the delicate flower that she is
Cuckolded_BlK_Male said:
Again, we have arrived at a harmony of opinion.

Although ... Serena might not prove so easily dominated. I think that what she needs is a very tall very large man who could make her feel like the delicate flower that she is

That's right. I doubt if she'd be easily dominated at all. That ass looks like you could beat on it with a Louisville SLugger and do nothing more than tire out your arm. That's an ass a man could live off of for months, with side salad and root vegetables. She's built like RObt Crumb's Devil Girl, from the famous episode where Flakey Foont is fucking her from beind and her head pops out of her neck just after he blows his load in her.

As long as we are in celebrity-fantasyland though, I can't really see fucking Serena anyway but rough and casual. I bet a star athlete like her gets a lot of girly men. I'd make that bitch walk around with eyes downcast. I'd make her ask for permission to speak.
Hey cbm have you ever seen a transcription of Minister Farrakhan's famous rapdown on skinny white bitches? It's fuckin' awesome.
I can see what you all are saying about black women (although your specific choices leave much to be desired--ahem!). When I look at galleries of beautiful women, the prettiest black ebony women always seem dimmensions beyond any of the prettiest caucasion women (or asians, or even the browner races closer to black). The ebonys have got us all beat in the overall looks department, I'm afraid.

As for J Lo, methinks she is very overrated. She has nice even features, but there's nothing outstanding about them, nothing that makes your jaw hang open in surprise, nothing that makes you say to yourself, "my god, she's remarkable!." Plus her butt is flat as a pan-cake compared to that of a curvy black woman's.

I don't find many of the celeb ebony women I see as attractive, but there are really stunning black unknown models out there that are super hot. (trying to find an example to post--one minute--oh that's right. I always say that but you guys don't have to wait the minute).

This young girl blows me away, for instance. Oh to look like her!
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rosco rathbone said:
Hey cbm have you ever seen a transcription of Minister Farrakhan's famous rapdown on skinny white bitches? It's fuckin' awesome.

No I haven't. I'm no fan of Minister Farrakhan. He's a blithering idiot and an embarrassment ... kind of like The President. And while I'm not opposed to a certain amount of Black Nationalism, his bizarre brand of quasi-Islam holds no interest for me. Actually, no religion holds any interest for me, but that one is particularly silly.
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UCE said:
I can see what you all are saying about black women (although your specific choices leave much to be desired--ahem!). When I look at galleries of beautiful women, the prettiest black ebony women always seem dimmensions beyond any of the prettiest caucasion women (or asians, or even the browner races closer to black). The ebonys have got us all beat in the overall looks department, I'm afraid.

As for J Lo, methinks she is very overrated. She has nice even features, but there's nothing outstanding about them, nothing that makes your jaw hang open in surprise, nothing that makes you say to yourself, "my god, she's remarkable!." Plus her butt is flat as a pan-cake compared to that of a curvy black woman's.

I don't find many of the celeb ebony women I see as attractive, but there are really stunning black unknown models out there that are super hot. (trying to find an example to post--one minute--oh that's right. I always say that but you guys don't have to wait the minute).

This young girl blows me away, for instance. Oh to look like her!

I don't know about all of that Ebony stuff ... Why do non-Black people refer to Black women as ebony this and ebony that. Rarely have I heard anyone referring to the ivory Gwenyth Paltrow, or the Alabaster Jennifer Aniston. That has always struck me odd.

Anywho ... I agree that J-Lo isn't the finest Latina that I've ever seen. She's simply the finest very famous one. Also, I wholly disagree that she isn't stunning. She's very beautiful and her body is the finest of any A-list actress in hollywood. (admittedly she used to have a better body, but she had to skinny herself up to appeal to the White movie going public. The same thing goes for her horrible dyed hair.) If you look at older films and tv appearances of J-Lo, she was a lot thicker.

The people who control the media have a visual aesthetic that is very different than mine. J-Lo is one of the few women in the public eye that I find stunningly attractive. I could have mentioned other less famous women, but then many people reading my post wouldn't have known who I was talking about. The beautiful Rosario Dawson, for example, I'm sure many peolple have no idea who she is.

Again, I agree that most of the famous Black (or ebony as you say) women are not nearly as attractive as the Black women that I see walking in the park near my home. I think that the reason for this is obvious. The people who run the media, and consequently pick which Black women appear in it, have no idea what an attractive Black woman looks like. They choose Black women to be stars based on their euro-centric aesthetic. So, you get a crop of mediocre Black women stars who have thin lips, flat asses, no hips. Tina Turner, Grace Jones, Halle Berry, Thandie Newton etc ... With the exception of Serena Williams, who is famous due to athletic talent and so not subject to the slanted media's beauty ideal, I can't think of one famous Black woman with a big round trancendently beautiful ass. No way could that be by chance. Gorgeous Black women with round bubble butts abound, and yet none of them make it into the mass media.

The girl in the picture that you posted is kind of cute. However, she's not unusually beautiful. I'm not stunned by her looks. She awfully skinny, her boobs are smallish, she doesn't have womanly hips, and her lips are too thin. And, that weave and/or wig, has got to go.
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IMO, this is a beautiful Black woman. She should be a star!!!


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Cuckolded_BlK_Male said:
No I haven't. I'm no fan of Minister Farrakhan. He's a blithering idiot and an embarrassment ... kind of like The President. And while I'm not opposed to a certain amount of Black Nationalism, his bizarre brand of quasi-Islam holds no interest for me. Actually, no religion holds any interest for me, but that one is particularly silly.

I don't give a fuckity fuck about Farrakhan or his politricks. His contempt for skinny ass white bitches was glorious, however.
Cuckolded_BlK_Male said:
I don't know about all of that Ebony stuff ... Why do non-Black people refer to Black women as ebony this and ebony that.[/qoute]

Is it just me or are you always this grumpy of a gus, lol?

There's at least two reasons that I know of. That black style magazine, _Ebony_, has popularized the term. But I use it because I love to look at Internet porn, and on the free porno sites, black women are never called black. They're called Ebony. The only time they get the name "women of color" in the porn archives, is when they're bunched with other brown-skinned races, like Indians. Anyway, that's why I use the term: pure habit from looking at all those porn pages.

I'm currently reading that hilarious book about Atlanta that the critics panned by Tom something or another, the guy who did Electric Koolaid Acid Test, and in that book "black" people get pissed off if they're reffered to as black. There is some new name that has superceeded it. I don't remember the new name, but I'll post it here if I do.

"Rarely have I heard anyone referring to the ivory Gwenyth Paltrow, or the Alabaster Jennifer Aniston. That has always struck me odd."

No of course not but if somebody, like me, were trying to make a point that "pale skinned caucs" were prettier than any other type of women under the sun, I might very well use terms like alabaster or ivory, because I would be lauding them.

"Anywho ... I agree that J-Lo isn't the finest Latina that I've ever seen. She's simply the finest very famous one."

Ok, that we can agree on...I think. Except what about that pic you posted (think it was you) of that VERY curvy hot lady in the backseat of a car? I thought her prettier than J-Lo. But I don't know how famous she is. I'd never heard the name. Oh, yeah, here's her name. You mentioned it again later in your post. Rosario Dawson. She is exquisite. What did she star in?

"Again, I agree that most of the famous Black (or ebony as you say) women are not nearly as attractive as the Black women that I see walking in the park near my home. I think that the reason for this is obvious. The people who run the media, and consequently pick which Black women appear in it, have no idea what an attractive Black woman looks like. They choose Black women to be stars based on their euro-centric aesthetic."

I agree with this, too. Where I live, I'm surrounded by awesome looking black women, so many of whom are much better than anything I've seen in public, although a few little-know porn models come close. (I should mention that I'm also lucky to be surrounded by great looking black guys every day of the week. It's heaven here if you like, as I do, that big muscled body look and the cute little baby face perched on top of all that muscle, lol.)

You say that Tina Turner also does not have a good ass? I've looked at her legs, they're very well formed. Usually a good ass perches atop such legs, but frankly I've never looked close enough to notice. As far as those other women you listed go, you're right. They're like their white counterparts, slim, no-hipped boys with tits, a look that lots of modern men love and which I've always thought signified latent homoeroticism in such men (or at very least, a dreadful fear of the feminine).

"The girl in the picture that you posted is kind of cute. However, she's not unusually beautiful. I'm not stunned by her looks. She awfully skinny, her boobs are smallish, she doesn't have womanly hips, and her lips are too thin. And, that weave and/or wig, has got to go. "

You are so picky CBM! Look at my first girls sweet open face, her broad innocent grin, her gigantic eyes, her gorgeous skintone. That's lovely! I thought her breasts were the perfect size for her bod, which yeah, is a bit on the thin side thin--but she looks girlish and like she could grow into some hips someday. As for her hair? Who cares if its real or fake! You aren't going to fuck that part!

I don't think you and I are going to agree anytime soon on beauty. I think I put more emphasis on a woman's face than her body, and you look more at the whole package. Ok, hang on, I've got another one for you: what I like about this next model are her very strong exotic facial features and her thickness (you can see it in her thighs). Yeah, her breasts are smallish, but they don't detract from her overall beauty, to me.

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I don't think skinny women in real life are very pretty but they look quite good in photos sometimes. This next woman, who is quite skinny, appeals to me because she _almost_ has a radience about her. When you look closely at her the radience disappears, but like that first girl I posted, her initial smile could knock a person over:


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UCE, the women in the pics that you posted have cute enough faces ... they just don't have womanly bodies. They all look like 11 year old girls. That's just not my thing.
I think its kind of funny how sometimes black people will jump on non-blacks for trying to be politically correct. I always appreciate the effort. I used to have a roommate who would always say african-american until I told him it was cool, he could just say black. Before I knew it I couldn't stand to hear the word out of his mouth. It was black this and black that. It became like his favorite fucking word, he must've felt so relieved to be able to use it. Finally one day he said "whats up nigga' and I had to let him know whats up. He went back to african-american after that.

The point of the matter is a lot of black people still get offended at being called black, particularly in certain usages of the word, and I still think its a good idea to be careful about using it.

Other than that, I think the black girl you posted UCE was absolutely gorgeous. I just about fell in love with her, I must've stared at her picture for ten minutes (got any more of her?)

The girl you posted CBM, while I did not like her face that much had one of the best asses I've seen in a while. It made me think of one thing, forget hollywood, even mainstream porno doesnt have enough pretty girls with thick asses! Mayve I just don't know about porno enough.

Oh an finally, while I do agree that truly west-african looking women rarely make it in Hollywood, to say that Halle Berry has no hips or ass is a HUGE overstatement. Say you dont like her if you want, but make no mistake, the womans got an ass.
By the way welcome to Topolis UCE and Marquis. I will have to think of town functions for you. The cbm is town bluesman pro tem. I'm thinking of some position laden with power and responsibilty for UCE. MArquis I don't know yet; I just know his head is in right place after rape and ROcco Siffredi threads.
Yeah, the girl UCE posted had very fine african features but no body to speak of. UCE-i like the My Black Bride bitch. Go forth and find some pictures of her to improve morale amongst the men.
Marquis said:
I think its kind of funny how sometimes black people will jump on non-blacks for trying to be politically correct. The point of the matter is a lot of black people still get offended at being called black, particularly in certain usages of the word, and I still think its a good idea to be careful about using it.

Other than that, I think the black girl you posted UCE was absolutely gorgeous. I just about fell in love with her, I must've stared at her picture for ten minutes (got any more of her?)

Hi Marquis,

I don't mind if people call me a wop or a spic (those are derrogatory for Italian, right?) or whatever, but then again, most people don't even get the first ethnicity right: they mistake me for some other ethnic group: I get labeled east indian, American Indian, Arab, Greek, Latina, etc. etc. If it's clear somebody means well, why get upset by the name they use for your ethnic origins, as long as it isn't something horrible, like the N word?

It's happens with Eastern peoples too, though. For years I've used the term "oriental" then I got told a couple years ago that this quaint old-fashioned word is now regarded as derrogatory and that I should be saying Asian to be politically correct. I don't know what is so derrogatory about Asian (to me, the bad word was the G word), but I'm easy, I changed. :)

Please tell me which girl of mine you liked. I posted two. First, there was a thin-ish very young looking girl with a HUGE smile. The second girl had very strong and exotic facial features and thick thighs. I have more pics of both of them.
