
Nigella is very nice looking, but she ain't no Rachael Ray. Too classy, too hoity toity. Rachael looks like she could please a working man, Nigella would need an architect or some other fancy pantsed type character.
We shall have to agree to disagree, old sport. I do agree that Rachel is an attractive enough woman, in a pedestrian, workaday, sloppy Joes and hamburger-helper sort of way. But, Nigella Lawson is the sovereign alabaster Goddess of womanhood. She exudes a smoldering, earthy, passionate, feminine power, tempered by elegance, grace and decorum, as befitting the daughter of a former Chancellor of the Exchequer. In addition to which, she is stunningly beautiful, voluptuous (in a young Sophia Loren way) and British ... all plusses in my book.

About her needing an architect, I prefer to content myself with the fantasy that what she really needs is a fawning, very tall, orally attentive, computer scientist.
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I might have guessed she was posh.

She's a fine bird, guvnor but she looks like she'd call the bobbies if I whacked her.
rosco rathbone said:
Anyone watch the FOod Network?

I have a massive boner for Rachael Ray, the 30 Minute/30 DOllar Gourmet. "Is dinner ready yet, bitch?"

She is cute, but Alton Brown is the main reason to watch the channel.
rosco rathbone said:
I might have guessed she was posh.

She's a fine bird, guvnor but she looks like she'd call the bobbies if I whacked her.

That's part of her appeal. Admittedly, I'm into the ice-queens. If Martha Stewart was 15 years younger ...

Not to mention Hillary Rodham ...
Cuckolded_BlK_Male said:
That's part of her appeal. Admittedly, I'm into the ice-queens. If Martha Stewart was 15 years younger ...

Not to mention Hillary Rodham ...

hm? how does hillary fit into your gynoverse, if you don't mind me asking?
evesdream said:
hm? how does hillary fit into your gynoverse, if you don't mind me asking?

I used to fantasize about her quite a bit. All of these day-dreams involved Hillary being The supreme gynarch (of the US) in a posistion of vast authority, and me, as her Personal Assistant, having to orally service her ... usually beneath her desk, for hours at a time, while she made portentous decisions of world changing consequence. Of course she'd apply liberal corporal punishment to all of the males on her staff (presumably ... She'd divorced Bill ... as he didn't figure in any of this.) And, my fantasy Mistress Rodham would have a penchant adjusting the attitudes of male staffers, colleagues, and foreign head of state with her (you guessed it) large silicone strap-on dildo.

I'm also quite obsessed with her big butt ... but that is another story.
I always thought HRC was quite beautiful. SHe has those pie-face cheeks and cupids-bow puppetlips that remind me of my ex; upon whose Annette-Benningesque mug I am still fixated to this day. She passed those looks on to her daughter, who in my opinion is one of our foxiest young leading young people.

that's a potent fantasy. Her looks are remarkablely chameleonic. I can't erase from my mind her younger, liberated hairstyle and bookish specs - such a politically intriguing look.
She had the big ass even then ... and as another Bitch-Queen of my fantasies is wont to say ... "It's a good thing."
rosco rathbone said:
Anyone watch the FOod Network?

I have a massive boner for Rachael Ray, the 30 Minute/30 DOllar Gourmet. "Is dinner ready yet, bitch?"

Post a pic of her, Rosco. And btw, WHY do you watch the food network?
Re: hilary

evesdream said:
that's a potent fantasy. Her looks are remarkablely chameleonic. I can't erase from my mind her younger, liberated hairstyle and bookish specs - such a politically intriguing look.

You guys are so weird in this thread. Hiliary Likers??? Ugh!

I dislike Hillary's looks a lot. I always thought her face was very upleasant no matter what she did with her hair--the features didn't work right together. Her apple cheeks are too appley. The specs look was mousey, IMO. And, last but not least that poor daughter of hers got hit with an ugly stick!

Unda gives Hillary thumbs down!
Re: Re: hilary

UCE said:
You guys are so weird in this thread. Hiliary Likers??? Ugh!

I dislike Hillary's looks a lot. I always thought her face was very upleasant no matter what she did with her hair--the features didn't work right together. Her apple cheeks are too appley. The specs look was mousey, IMO. And, last but not least that poor daughter of hers got hit with an ugly stick!

Unda gives Hillary thumbs down!

There's no accounting for tastes. I, for example, can't see what anyone sees in Pam Anderson. She's so boney and trashy looking, and then she has those oft-removed and replaced plastic Franken-Titties and no ass_at_all. She's utterly skeevie looking to me. But, obviously I'm in the minority in that opinion.
I can't find any pictures of Rachael other than the little thumbnail on her food network dot com bio. Maybe you could help me, UCE. I know you are a good internet things finder.
Re: Re: Re: hilary

Cuckolded_BlK_Male said:
There's no accounting for tastes. I, for example, can't see what anyone sees in Pam Anderson. She's so boney and trashy looking, and then she has those oft-removed and replaced plastic Franken-Titties and no ass_at_all. She's utterly skeevie looking to me. But, obviously I'm in the minority in that opinion.

LOL, that's so funny you should mention Ms. Anderson. She's pretty much my ideal of sexy woman that I wished I looked like (yes, I like the bimbo look). You're right about her ass, but people don't tend to look at that part of her. Maybe it's just her makeup--few women use as much--and bimbo clothes and "big cute girlie" hair that I like. I also admired the looks of Lola Ferrari, the pornstar, when she was alive. You could almost call Pam a less busty twin sister of Lola.

Pic of Lola, for those who haven't seen her:
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That's a pretty good Rachael picture. although I like her giant freakhead hairstyle better (the one on the show).

The porno star bitch is loathesome. Fat Amanda Lepore collagen transexual lips. Yeeech.

I know a man who had sex with Amanda Lepore in the girl hole by the way. The artificial girl hole.
On second thought, Amada-an artificial female-is far more attractive than your representative PLA porno troll:
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rosco rathbone said:
... The porno star bitch is loathesome. Fat Amanda Lepore collagen transexual lips. Yeeech. ...

Though I have no earthly idea who Amanda Lepore is, I couldn't have stated my horror at the hideous appearance of the chick (Lola) in that picture any better. That look, with the plastic tits, grossly inflated lips (which don't have the surface area to be that full) and bleached hair ... what the fuck it that about??? I just don't get it. it's too alien to me.

Now Carmen Electra and J-Lo, I think that we can all agree on ...
There's something there for everyone!
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rosco rathbone said:
On second thought, Amada-an artificial female-is far more attractive than your representative PLA porno troll:

This person looks like the transsexual son --->daughter of Desi and Lucy.
I always thought Lucille Ball was one of the great underrated goddesses. Rikki isn't bad either.
rosco rathbone said:
That's a pretty good Rachael picture. although I like her giant freakhead hairstyle better (the one on the show).

The porno star bitch is loathesome. Fat Amanda Lepore collagen transexual lips. Yeeech.

I know a man who had sex with Amanda Lepore in the girl hole by the way. The artificial girl hole.

When I saw the picture of Rachael posted here I thought she was Asian. But then I got curious and checked her out on food network. She is not asian at all. What is interesting to me about her is that she is not conventionally pretty, and yet she has certain stuff that makes at least one guy (and probably you are one of millions, Rosco) get very hot for her.

Made me think about the issue of beauty vs. sex-appeal and how for me, too, they don't always come in the same person. Some women I see whom I admire for being picture perfect, like Aria Giovanni, have no sex appeal about them for me. They are just cold art objects. Other women (and of course men) who aren't conventionally attractive are very very sexy nonetheless. Now here, in this photo gallery, is a girl I think is both beautiful and sexy at the same time:

Anyone agree with me? Disagree?

Oh man, Rosco thank you! I adore this Amanda person! Thanks for the link--I'd never seen here before today. I love the fat lips. Yes the lips are fake on one. Yes the tits AND lips are fake on the other. (I don't care about the fake holes). But what I love about that look is that very exageration: it says to the world, "I am here for one thing: I am a fuck object." I love to imagine how it would be to look like any one of these ladies and go walking down the street knowing that virtually everybody who saw me knew that this was all I was, all I had made myself into: a fuck object. For a humilation freak like myself, that would be heaven!

Lucille Ball?


What the heck am I doing in a thread where everybody's tastes in women are so different from my own??? ;)
Lucille Ball?


What the heck am I doing in a thread where everybody's tastes in women are so different from my own???

I don't know about Lucille Ball, but Jenny Lopez is the finest thing walking.
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