Theater of Flesh: Open Auditions

Ivy decided that wherever she ended up leaving was probably her best option. The young creature turned around, expecting to see the door way that she came through... But met with a wall... Well that couldn't be right. There was a door just there! She had walked through it! Going against what her eyes were showing her she approached the wall to make sure there wasn't some kind of trick wall/door. Everything looked solid and sealed. What was going on?!

Ivy was starting to feel a little panicked. Should she call for help? What if Mr. D became angry at her for straying away from work to go exploring? The man only just moments ago welcomed her with open arms!... But if she didn't say anything she could be trapped in the room forever.

Maybe there was another way out that she wasn't seeing? Ivy tried to check all along the walls and the floor. She didn't find an escape but there was something under the bed... She knew she shouldn't snoop, given where that had taken her, but since she was trapped in the room she thought 'why not'?

It was an old paper box. Really old. On the outside it didn't look anything special. Inside was a bunch of bits and bobs, really random things. Bottle caps, broken rings, cards, some really old photos and playbills which looked like it was from the early years of the Theater of Fleash troupe. Ivy could imagine what it must have been like to travel from town to town. On the front of the program was the old 1930s style of carni Art. The leader looks so similar to Mr. D. That made sense though, didn't he say it was in his family for a long time?

Ivy opened the program, the paper made a sound that made her fear for a moment that it might crumble in her hands at any second. There was a lot of acts and attractions. Magic, dancing, and some other things that Ivy could tell was not meant for the eyes of children. There was a dancer in the program that was featured, she had wild red hair and in the picture she looked like she was holding flames. 'Blaze the fire dancer' was the only thing written under her image.

Zach jumped scrambling back as the woman appeared, his eyes wild with fear took her in.

"You have summoned me, my master. What is your desire?"

"Master?" Zach said shaking his head "who me?"

Zachs fear began to dissipate instead replaced by the burning curiosity that so often got him into trouble. He stepped forward taking her in unable to stop his eyes from traveling up and down her body.

"You came out of the box?" Zach stated more than asked "Which would make you a genie or a djinn of some sorts correct?"

"How long were you in there for?" Zach asked nodding at the puzzle box "I cant imagine how disorienting this is for you.... Are you okay?" He asked in genuine concern.
For Korey

Seth POV

Seth knew that he had no real reason to assume that this woman was honest, but she had a face that was easy to trust, plus he really wanted the opportunity to be real. He wanted to have an excuse to dream again.

"It's nice to meet you Korey. I'm Seth." He extended his hand with a smile, but his eyes were immediately drawn to Korey's perfectly shaped, perky breasts. A bright pink flush spread across his cheeks, when he realized that he had just introduced himself to the woman's chest, rather than looking her in the face. He quickly shifted his gaze upward to a more socially acceptable strata for communication, but the damage was already done. She would probably think he was a pervert or a womanizer, when the truth was he just wasn't accustomed to speaking to bare chested women in a casual atmosphere. He attempted to recover by looking back at the shelf he had just organized, and tried to focus on answering some of her other questions.

"I'm not in any real trouble. I'm mostly paying off old credit card debt, and student loans for a degree I never finished. So I don't really need a loan or anything, just a reliable source of income. I'd be happy to work around here just as general labor, so long as the pay is legit. I um... play guitar and sing, I don't know if that is something that you all need or anything. I used to perform when I was young. I had this idea that I was going to be a rock star."

He dared to look back at her, giving extra care to where his eyes landed.

"I never managed to make it pay, though I did get a lot of girls... back in the day... not that I... I mean, I don't anymore... get girls... or that isn't... I'm not like that." Everything that came out of his mouth was wrong and seemed to get worse with each syllable. His face got redder and redder, until he finally stalled out and quit speaking all together.

He stood a moment in embarrassed silence, and then decided to start again. "Hi Korey. My name is Seth, and I'm an absolute pig who should probably go, and drop dead somewhere."
For Zach on the roof with the djinni

"Yes, Master. I am a djinni." The woman had a strange accent not one immediately identifiable as from a specific place in the world. Her voice was a rich contralto, sensuous and soothing.

She cocked her head as if calculating, thinking. "Some eighty years or so, give or take, I have been locked in my vessel. "I am fine, thank you, Master. "Tis not so disorienting as you think. This is not the first time I have been locked away and lost or forgotten."

It was not her place to question her new master as to where she was and how he discovered the box and if he knew of a man generally known as Mr. D. Up here on the roof in this noisy city filled with humans, and their machinery, she did not sense any magic but her own.

She looked over her new master. He was young and comely and his eyes seemed gentle. Was this the kind master that D had been seeking for her all these years?

"Is my form and clothing pleasing to you? I may be whatever you choose." In rapid succession she became a short curvy redhead, a statuesque blonde, a woman with skin so black it had a blue sheen, an Asian, a Native American, then finally back to her first form. "Or does Master prefer a man?" She became a male version of herself. She/he chuckled. His voice was deeper, throatier. "Now who is disoriented?"
For D:

Stella listened soberly, surprised that D was capable of showing nervousness. She arched an eyebrow.

"Do you know what's in the box? You seem...overly worried."

The jacket tightened around her for a moment. A strange smell, like a fairground of some sort, a melange of dust, food, sweat. She heard, or imagined, tinkling laughter. Don't trust him, a man's voice whispered. He is not concerned about what happens to you. Stella shivered and swallowed hard, hoping that her discomfort was not apparent. She schooled her expression to neutral.

"I'll do as you say. I don't have any friends around here either, so I'd better get started." She cleared her throat. "I shan't keep you any longer, you must have things to attend to."
For Ivy

Silenus POV

Silenus had been sitting back in the shadows, minding his own business and watching all of the busy little apes, when he saw one girl, sneak away from the rest. She was faded, a simple form of glamor that made her almost invisible. It was an old fae trick, one that worked well on humans, but wasn't enough to fool Old Silenus who knew the trick well. He used it himself when she passed by him, close enough that he could have reached out and grabbed her, slapped a hand across her mouth, and fucked her hard, pinning her slender body against the metal grating of the catwalk. He imagined her fighting him, biting his hand in the attempt to scream, kicking and clawing against his weight, maybe even lobbing a little of her fae magic at him in her attempt to get away.

He pulled out his cock and began to stroke it in the darkness. In his fantasy he did not look like the old man, that he had been forced to glamour himself into. He stood tall, at his full 7 feet, his chest broad and muscular and covered in hair. He missed the days when he could walk among men without disguise, true to his own glorious monstrous form. Sure, he could just as easily present himself as some handsome fucking golden boy. He had that power. But fuck humans, and their fucking obsession with pretty things. He liked it better when they recoiled from his touch. Their dread, and disgust was like an aphrodisiac to him.

Silenus had already gotten off once today, a polite little fuck with the junkie whore who liked to play with knives, but rather than leaving him satisfied, the triste had only wetted his appetite, awakening dark desires that hadn't been acted upon for decades this time, ever since the boss had figured out that Silenus had been backsliding into old habits of rape and wanton murder, and had threatened to cast him out of the troupe.

The girl turned around and began backtracking, turning to explore other corners of the theater. Silenus decided to put his cock away and follow her. He had vowed not to rape again, but there were other games that he had not been strictly forbidden from playing, and Silenus was in the mood for some fun, besides the girl wasn't exactly human... so he could even get away with exposing himself to her fully.

He didn't follow directly behind her. He kept her in sight from a distance, faded from awareness. She would be able to see him easily if he passed close by her. His one advantage was that she hadn't taken any notice of him so far. He had to be careful to avoid D of course, but that was easy enough. The boss was distracted.

It was only a matter of time before the girl's exploration led her to D's private room. The idea of fucking the pretty little fae in his boss's own bed was a thrilling prospect, and a subtle little "fuck you" for all of those years of good behavior.

Silenus stood outside of the room in the empty hallway. With a subtle shift, Silenus removed the glamour that he wore around himself like an old coat, and cast his glamour over the door. Then he opened it. The girl was nervous of discovery, and when she turned to face the door she panicked. Her own fear prevented her from seeing straight past the glamour. She was reacting to the magic like a human would, testing the glamour with her eyes and hands, rather than reaching out with her deeper senses and recognizing the trickery at play.

The most basic forms of glamor were paper thin, only capable of fooling one sense at a time, but a full glamor could fool all of the senses at once. Silenus was thousands of years old, and although casting glamor was not one of the natural talents of his bloodline, he had been forced by circumstance to get very good at it over the years.

He watched as the trapped girl began looking for a different escape route, but before long she was delving into the boss's personals. Silenus couldn't have designed a better moment to interrupt her. He dismissed the glamour and clicked his goat tongue at her in a chiding manner. "Stupid girl. Mr. D had such high hopes for your future here, and how do you repay his kindness and generosity? With thieving and spying." Silenus worked hard to keep the sound of delight out of his voice... he aimed to play at serious sympathy.

The creature that stood before Ivy was definitely not human. He had a tall and massive form, and the clothing that he wore was far too small to fit him comfortably. The most striking of his inhuman features were his eyes. They were amber colored throughout except for the black pupils, which were small horizontal rectangles. They were goat's eyes in a man's face. The horns on his head and protruding ears were almost natural looking by comparison. Every part of his body, except for some of his face, was covered by thick grey and tan hair.

"I don't know what he's going to do to you when I tell him. He doesn't usually like calling the police, but since you are so young he might take pity on you and send you to jail instead of... well... punishing you in other ways. I suppose it will really depend on how much you know. He can't afford to let our secrets get out into the world you know."

Zach stumbled back a little shacking his head as she transformed rapidly before his very eyes! Actual magic! Zach had always been a believer and had seen some questionable things in his time traveling.

But this took the cake

"I would prefer you remain a woman" Zach said finally recovering "as for your form I liked the form you appeared to me in but really its whatever feels true to you"

"Eighty years?" Zach said looking back down at the box "I cant imagine being imprisoned for so long" He said his voice tinged with concern as he stepped closer to her.

"You poor girl" He said softly reaching out as if to stroke her cheek before dropping his hand.

"You say you are a Djinn? I know the folklore is it true? Three wishes and you go back in the box?" Zach asked picking up said puzzle back and turning it over and over in his hands as he studied her.
"As my Master prefers." She resumed her original look. "As far as I can remember, this is my true form when outside my vessel." Perizada explained.

"The time passes. Eighty years is not so much at all when you were created in the time before time. I may look like one, but I am not a girl." She had to admit, Mr. D had found her one who seemed to be a kind master.

"A Djinni, yes. I am called Perizada. But the tales are not all true or complete or even fully known. I do not grant wishes. All magic comes at a price. There are things I cannot do at all. I cannot kill anyone, I cannot make someone fall in love, and I cannot bring anyone back from the dead. In all else, I am yours to command and do whatever is in my power to grant you until you die, or give my vessel freely to someone else, or someone steals it and activates it. I will go back into my vessel when you tell me to do so and you will not have to activate it again--simply call for me and I will appear. Or many of my past masters have preferred me to live with them as a human would."

She paused to let him take it all in and waited for questions before she asked a few of her own. "Where are we? What city? May I ask how you came to possess my vessel?"
For Stella


"Do you know what's in the box? You seem...overly worried."

D frowned as he contemplated the best way to answer this question. He did not deliberate long. Given the circumstances, he knew that he owed this woman total honesty. "I'm old Stella, far older than I appear," there was a tired resignation behind these words, that gave a sense of the true age of the man who spoke them, "I have a remarkable memory. I know that I've encountered that box before. I know that I want it, that part of me thinks of it as my own, but I have no memory at all of what is inside it, or why I want it, or what happened the last time I saw it. This doesn't just worry me. It terrifies me. Is it possible that my fear is unjustified? Perhaps. But I don't think so. I think that box is dangerous, to Zach, to me, maybe to you too, but my instinct tells me that you have the better chance of discovering the secrets of that box safely. You saw Zach walk away with it, and you didn't feel the impulse to try and take it away from him, as I did. This gives me hope that you will be able to keep your wits about you, make rational decisions, and avoid whatever temptation or damnation that box contains."

"I'll do as you say. I don't have any friends around here either, so I'd better get started." She cleared her throat. "I shan't keep you any longer, you must have things to attend to."

D nodded, not because he could think of anything more important than the conversation that he was having with Stella, but because he had said everything he could think to say, and agreed that she should probably try to speak to Zach sooner rather than later.
"I see" Zach murmured stroking his chin and lighting another cigarette as she explained how her powers worked. It was not exactly like the folk lore and tales behind her kind however it was actual magic! He had long been searching for some thing like this, and now here it was in his lap and quite stunning to boot!

"We are in the city of New York" Zach said in regards to her questions "A nice place if a bit congested how I came to be in possession of your vessel is a little more interesting I am working at a theater thats where we are at now the owner and propieter a man named Mr. D let me look through the belongings of the late Orsino a magician who I would assume you know I found your puzzle box with his things"

"Was he your master before?" Zach asked finishing his smoke and stomping it on the ground "IF so I hope he was a kind one I have heard rumors of the mans taste and what he was truly into" Zach said his eyes looking at her with concern.
"Stupid girl. Mr. D had such high hopes for your future here, and how do you repay his kindness and generosity? With thieving and spying."

Ivy's hands quickly dropped the program and the picture of the woman it held. Her eyes naturally went to where she heart the voice, but what she saw was nothing that she was expecting. She was frozen in place, and for a moment she thought she was dreaming or rather having a nightmare.

He, this thing, continued to talk but his words were not reaching her mind. She started to stand and back up until she was against the wall. She closed her eyes and forced her nails into her palm. The discomfort showed on her face as the nails threatened to break her skin. Opening her eyes, he was still there, as large as ever! Maybe she really was digging her nails in her sleep! Why hadn't she woken up?
For Zach on the Roof with Perizada Perizada could see her new master's excitement as

Perizada could see her new master's excitement as he learned of her powers. His joy was almost childlike. His happiness made her happy as well. His next words made her weak in the knees. A fainting couch appeared and she sank into it.

"Mister D? Orsino's things?" She collected herself as memories rushed back to her. "Yes, Orsino was my previous master. I helped him achieve his reputation among the magicians of his time. I can do the same for you if you like for whatever occupation you choose. And no, I would not say he was a kind master. Those who knew him feared him more than respected him. He was a jealous brutal man. But, he is long since dead and no longer of any consequence. I do sense, Master, that you are a kind man. That seems important to you."

She looked out over the skyline and mused on the monuments of man, these edifices of glass and steel, modern temples to greed and power, cold and austere.

"Master, If I may, I would very much like to meet your Mr. D. I think it is important that he knows I am here."
"It is important to me" Zach remarked watching as she sunk down to the couch and clearing his throat "It was some thing instilled in me by my mother bless her heart she always wanted me to put good back out into the world and so I have or at least I have tried to"

Zach nodded at her request to meet Mr. D "I can take you to him if you would like?" Zach asked holding out his hand for her to take.

"Then we can see about getting you some sleeping arrangements as well" Zach told her turning to the door "I see no reason you should sleep in that box any longer even if I am your master you should be allowed to have as much of your own life as possible"
For Ivy

Silenus POV

Silenus basked in the young woman's palpable fear. His perpetually erect cock throbbed with lust, as she backed herself against the wall. The beastly man imagined himself pressing his hard body against her frail form and shredding the delicate fabric of her top, so that he could bite the raw flesh of her tits as he fucked her.

He did not advance. He calmly turned and pulled the door closed behind him. This lovely little sidhe knew a few fae tricks, but had obviously never encountered a satyr before. He had no desire to push her fear further, if he did she would most likely faint, and what was the fun in that. He took little pleasure from fucking a sleeping cunt, and if he were going to provoke his bosses wrath by committing rape, he was damn sure going to make the experience worth while. He considered jerking off as she watched in terror, but he had not yet given up hope of getting something more memorable from this encounter, so instead he pulled a crumpled pack of cigarettes, and a book of matches, out of his pocket. He lit his fag and extended the pack toward the woman, a friendly offer considering all of the things that he wanted to do to her.

He resolved not to speak again until he was spoken to, give the girl a moment to adjust. Eventually she would either panic and rush him to get to the door or grow curious enough to speak. He hoped that she would decide to fight him.
Seth and Korey

He stood a moment in embarrassed silence, and then decided to start again. "Hi Korey. My name is Seth, and I'm an absolute pig who should probably go, and drop dead somewhere."

Korey snorted with laughter. "Oh, my God. You are adorable! Please be careful around Maeve--She'll eat you alive. And you aren't a pig. Silenus--he's a pig, or more like an old goat actually."

She calmed herself and smiled at Seth. "I'm sure D could use some live music, maybe even hire more musicians for you to have a proper band. I'd love to hear you play when we have some downtime. Maybe you could come up with some music for my routine. In the meantime, it's obvious we need some muscle to help fix the place up. The pay is on time. I've been with D awhile now and never missed a check. Maeve takes care of all the administrative stuff. Have you spoken to her yet? She'll figure out your rate and put you on the payroll. And it really is okay with me if you look at my tits, as long as I can check out your butt when you walk away." She gave him an impish grin hoping to make him feel less self conscious.
Stella walked away from D, feeling a bit overwhelmed. When she'd entered the theatre, she'd felt so sure that her intuition brought her to the right place. Now every instinct told her to run.

The jacket hugged her tightly, still. She tried in vain to loosen the buttons, but every time she got one open and moved to the next, the one above was buttoned again. On its own, evidently. Well, if this was magic, it did her no good--in a sea of topless people, she remained overdressed.

She could not shake the feeling that it whispered to her, either. Even as she looked around the stage, trying to suss out where Zach had gone, the rough, sandpaper voice came in her ear. You are not needed here, Stella. You would be better off on the street. Go, before you get in too deep. There are some mazes that not even the cleverest girl can solve.

"Piss off," she said aloud, startling a random stagehand. "Not you, sorry," she apologized quickly, making her way to the backstage. She found a flight of stairs. Zach's voice echoed down, along with another, but she couldn't make out what he said. She crept up until she saw light, a crack in the door that lead to the roof. Stella peeked out, but did not open it.

A beautiful woman stood before Zach. Unearthly beautiful, really, the most gorgeous woman she had ever seen in the flesh. Stella forgot to listen for a moment, so dazzled was she. Then it was as if her mind was clouded. She heard snippets: "djinn," "Orsino," and "D."

Her mind connected the dots and she had a good guess as to why Mr. D might recognize the box. She knew enough folklore to wager the situation was fraught and complicated.

Leave them, the jacket's disembodied voice growled. It sounded angry now. Meddling girl, it said. This is not your concern.

But it was her concern, since D had charged her to keep an eye on developments. She certainly could not talk to Zach now, however, especially since it seemed they were about to come inside.

Stella dashed down the stairs, careful to make a quiet flight and remain unseen.
For Maeve

As she rode him Cole was grunting with pleasure, her ability to make such a simple act so sexually driven was making him hotter then he had been in many years. Though still young Cole had lived a full life. He had battled with his cousin and with his own demons every day of his adult life. Sex was such a demon. He hated that he loved it so much, hated that his own family had taken him to heights of pleasure, and now he was sure he would crash and burn on the way down.

He had many lovers in his time every one was an experience that he would never forget but Maeve was different she could he was sure make a man cum a bucket just by drinking a glass of water in front of him, now here she was riding his cock while chatting to a woman about his apartment. He took in her smell it was very different from Missy. He had no idea why but her scent was making his cock if possible even harder. When she asked his last name he uttered. "Bryant. Missy and Cole Bryant! God please tell me what you want to do to me. I need to hear you command me!" he said almost weeping now he wanted her so badly. He kissed at her shoulders as she slowly rode him. He thought of what Missy would do if she walked in. Join in he was sure but she would also try and hurt her for being with him. Missy often hurt the women he slept with. Though with this one he was sure Missy would not be the bully she was used to.

Missy POV.

Missy decided to try and get to know some of the people here, she knew if they were to stay on she would need to befriend these people. She saw D who was deep in conversation with a very cute woman who was looking pretty on in a black blazer. staying back and in the shadows Missy let her mind wondered as it always did to sex, she loved pussy as much as cock and was hoping this Stella was into women also. She had no desire to interrupt them as they seemed to be having an important talk she just looked on picturing Stella naked on her hands and knees while she was getting fucked hard by one of Missy's many toys!

Missy began moving her hand into her pants, her pussy was now soaked and she knew she needed another release. Though equipped Silenus was so ugly she couldn't get herself off. She opened her eyes after hearing Stella say "Piss off"... She was leaving. "Fuck!" Missy cursed her self. She had been to far back and out of sight for Stella to notice her. Then she got lost in dream land and didn't notice Stella leave. She walked up to D in stead.

"Hey D anything I can help with?" She asked in a friendly tone. She was going to be more like Cole she told herself this time they would make a real go of it!

For Korey

Seth POV

Seth felt instantly more comfortable when he heard Korey's delighted laughter. He enjoyed playing the clown, and now that he knew that he hadn't offended her, he felt much more free to just be himself, and maybe even flirt a little.

"I'd love to play for you. Anytime. I think you just convinced me to stick around and give this gig a real shot. It has to be hella better than what I've been doing. I haven't talked to Maeve yet, but I will. Do you want to come with me for that, protect me from possible assault and cannibalism? The women around here seem especially fierce, and ever since my divorce I've been a little extra skittish around women, not that you can tell or anything, given how charming I've been so far."

"It really is okay with me if you look at my tits, as long as I can check out your butt when you walk away."

"I don't mind if you check out my butt," Seth smiled with playful flirtation, "It's the walking away part that irks me. I could offer you a much better view from here."
For Cole

Maeve POV

Maeve smiled. In truth, she was struggling not to break out in delighted laughter at Cole's outburst. She managed to stop herself at a sly smile. She covered the phone with her hand, and leaned forward to whisper in Cole's ear. "Be quiet," she commanded in a lusty, teasing voice.

"Put the reservation in the name of Cole and Missy Bryant... Yes, you can bill the Theater... Alright, bye-bye now." Maeve unceremoniously dropped the phone to the floor, without bothering to check that the woman had hung up on the other end.

She caressed Cole's face, allowing her fingertips to explore the firm angle of his jaw. "Such a naughty boy! Trying to distract me while I'm on the phone! I'm going to have to punish you." She rolled her pelvis against him, riding him with more vigor.

Now that he had her undivided attention, she moaned with pleasure, her voice low and husky in her throat. She felt that she had sufficiently demonstrated her superior control, enough to allow herself to show something of the true pleasure she was experiencing.
For Missy


D watched Stella walk away and tried to refocus his attention to the theater, to all of the new people who had lived relatively safe, relatively normal lives until they happened to stumble into his twisted little corner of reality.

He wasn't overly inclined to beat himself up over the new dangers that faced these unsuspecting dreamers and outcasts. The world had always been far more dangerous than most people were inclined to recognize, and the delusion of safety could prove far more dangerous than a sudden awareness that nightmares could be real. But these gifts to Zach and Stella had been a mistake, and there was no telling what kinds of complications would arise because of it.

D noticed Missy coming toward him. He greeted her with a smile, more tired and less vibrant than his smiles prior to his conversation with Stella, but still warm and welcoming.

The rich perfume of Missy's sex preceded her as she approached, and when she stood before him he noticed the faint goat musk of Silenus on her skin. It was a subtle smell that lingered far below normal human perception - so long as Silenus was taking care to conceal it - but smell was something that D was naturally attuned to, and he could track Silenus's smell with the accuracy of a bloodhound.

"Hey D anything I can help with?"

For a moment D considered asking Missy if she would be amenable to sliding off into the shadows with him. The idea of burying his troubles under a pile of pain and sex was tempting as hell, and Missy seemed like to sort of woman who would know how to hurt a man, would take a fair amount of pleasure from doing so too. The thought of Missy pressing her knife against his skin sent an shiver of desire through his body. But that would have to wait. There was just too much going on.

"You could offer me a cigarette if you've got one." D looked around and noticed that Cole was nowhere in sight. "Where has your partner in crime got off to?"
For Ivy

Silenus POV

Silenus basked in the young woman's palpable fear. His perpetually erect cock throbbed with lust, as she backed herself against the wall. The beastly man imagined himself pressing his hard body against her frail form and shredding the delicate fabric of her top, so that he could bite the raw flesh of her tits as he fucked her.

He did not advance. He calmly turned and pulled the door closed behind him. This lovely little sidhe knew a few fae tricks, but had obviously never encountered a satyr before. He had no desire to push her fear further, if he did she would most likely faint, and what was the fun in that. He took little pleasure from fucking a sleeping cunt, and if he were going to provoke his bosses wrath by committing rape, he was damn sure going to make the experience worth while. He considered jerking off as she watched in terror, but he had not yet given up hope of getting something more memorable from this encounter, so instead he pulled a crumpled pack of cigarettes, and a book of matches, out of his pocket. He lit his fag and extended the pack toward the woman, a friendly offer considering all of the things that he wanted to do to her.

He resolved not to speak again until he was spoken to, give the girl a moment to adjust. Eventually she would either panic and rush him to get to the door or grow curious enough to speak. He hoped that she would decide to fight him.

For Silenus

Ivy's mind was convincing her that this was all a dream. Doors disappearing, an old program with what looked like Mr. D and a woman with a striking resemblance to herself, and now a terrifying goat/ram human hybrid!

He lit a cigarette and when he offered one to her she couldn't help but wish the cigarette was real. If it was a dream, there was no real risk of getting hurt but Ivy hated it when she never had control over her dreams... She moved closer, just enough to take a cigarette. She had a lighter in her pocket which she kept and lit it. It tasted real.

Taking a drag of the cigarette she couldn't take her eyes off of him. She wondered where her mind cooked up this mythical creature. Maybe it was the theater? Wait, did she dream up the whole audition? That would figure. The only real home she found would be in her dreams.

Her fear started to recede as the two of them filled the room with the scent of tobacco. "So is this the part of the dream where you lead me to the labryth or something?"
For Ivy

Silenus POV

"Labyrinth?" Silenus listened carefully, and rolled her words around in his mind, savoring the sweet implications. "Oh no, nothing like that, sweet child. This is a sex dream, don't you know?"

Silenus finished his smoke and dropped the smoldering butt to the floor, crushing it under a cloven hoof. He slowly moved toward the girl, shedding his shirt and pants as he went. His cock was inhumanly long, and his balls hung low and heavy.

He watched the girl closely, waiting to see if she might still attempt to flee or fight. "Between you an' me. I think this dream is pretty fucked up. You should probably seek professional help."
For Maeve.

Cole's mind raced. He wanted more then ever to feel her punish him. It was just another one of his hated vices. The punishments Missy had done on him had brought him to great heights of pleasure and pain. And now he was desperate to feel what Maeve had in mind. "I think your right I am a naughty boy!" Cole said and thrust his cock into her. "What are you going to do about it?" He egged her on. He was now playing a tough guy hoping she was going to fall for the baiting.

For D

Missy pulled her pack of smokes out and gave him one. "To tell you the truth I haven't seen him for a bit now. He was going to talk with Maeve. Should I be worried?" She said with a coy smile. "What's the deal with the geezer you sent me to for my... well my artificial joy! He was built well enough but awfully confident for such an ugly man! How long you known him?" She asked not really caring but wanting to possibly show that she might care, it seemed to work for Cole.

Now that she thought about it she hadn't seen Cole for a bit now. What was he up to. If things didn't pan out with the people here she would go look for him.
"Can I temp you with a line!" She said pulling out the baggie Silenus gave her.
