Theater of Flesh: Open Auditions


Really Experienced
Jun 5, 2016
Theater of Flesh: Open Auditions (Open)


The theater has seen better days, calling it old and worn down would be an understatement, but renovations are underway and the architecture seems sound enough.

A tall amazon of a woman stands by the house door with a yellow legal pad, jotting down the name and talent of each new arrival. She is dressed primly in a pin-stripe suit, tailored perfectly to fit the curve of her ample hips and bosom, her chestnut colored hair, drawn back in a tight bun.

A whiskered old man is sweeping the stage, or more accurately is using a broom to push piles of paper and crumbling grey plaster from one location on the stage to another, with very little actual progress being made. Every so often he turns a lecherous eye toward the nervous hopefuls, hungry with anticipation.

There are not many who responded to the advertisement, an odd occurrence given he size of the city, and the number of dreamers in the world who long to be stars... but perhaps not so odd given the shabby state of the building, and the sinister name of the company. Only the truly desperate and deeply naïve seemed to have answered this particular casting call.

"Welcome friends to the Theater of Flesh! I am the owner and proprietor of this little establishment. You may call me Mr. D."

The moment before the stage had been empty, but for the old sweeper and his debris. Now as if by some clever act of prestidigitation, a young man stands at the edge of the stage addressing the performers seated in the house. He has long blonde hair that hangs down in waves past his shoulders, and is dressed with ridiculous effect in a purple velvet top hat and tails.

"D. It stands for Desire, for Dreams, for Delights, for Debauchery, for Devilry, Delirium, Daring, Drunkenness, Damnation, and yes even for Death. But enough about me. I'm really looking forward to getting to know you. I've been running this show out of tents and trailers all over the country for many years, and business has never been more lucrative, so we're putting down roots, adding a few new acts, and preparing for a grand opening that will shock and amaze, seduce and offend. Our show is not for everyone, but for those who choose to hire on, the pay is handsome and the fringe benefits are... unearthly."

He jumps off the stage and addresses the next to an innocent looking young woman sitting in the front row. "I will tell you honestly, that work in this company does require a certain... let us call it moral fluidity." He takes her hand and gently raises her to her feet. "But do not imagine that we have any prejudice against inexperience. I have found that performers who demonstrate natural hesitation, shyness, even fear, are what provide our show with authenticity, the sort of sincerity that is lacking in your run of the mill kink-show or burlesque."

He lifts her hand to his lips, but rather than kissing the back of her hand, he teases her fingertips with a caress of his tongue, then pulls her close to him and whispers in her ear, "The only real requirement is willingness. Willingness to face your fears, and try things you've never tried before... on stage... with the encouragement of an adoring audience."

[[Jump in as you like... This scene could work for a large group or for an intimate few... Men, Women. If you'd like to be an established performer rather than an auditioner just PM me with details to discuss how you relate to the MCs. You can add a character profile here]].
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Korey watched Mr. D. introduce himself to the small group of auditionees. It made her smile the way he warmed them up just as he would with any audience.

She was out of sight in a box near the stage on the balcony level. The perfect location to see the new meat. No one had been hired since she came on board. It would be nice to have some new faces, then she wouldn't be the noob any more. Everyone was nice enough--treated her very well in fact, but they were a bit patronizing. Mr. D. and Maeve were rather protective of her. She wasn't a child. She was twenty-one for chrissakes, even if she did look younger.

She was a pixie of a girl, with a pixie haircut. Slim, petite, and athletic. She was the Theatre's aerialist. It was fun to be high above everyone, dangling from silks, wrapping and unwrapping herself making patterns in the air. She danced and spun with a hoop and on a pole. She did all manner of acrobatics in her routines. She especially loved making the audience gasp when it had seemed she had slipped and would fall to the floor. It was part of the routine. She always caught herself and showed everyone that she meant to do that.

She looked at the small group hoping to see more of the cute ass on one of the few men who had answered the ad.
Mr. D became so enamored with his new friend's earlobe, that he took no notice when the tall beauty from the back of the house walked down the aisle.

She stood behind him impatiently tapping a foot, as Mr. D elicited a series of nervous giggles from the young woman before him. Eventually the older woman lost patience enough to clear her throat, loudly.

"Sir," annoyance was plain in her voice. "May I remind you, that you're running an audition."

"Hmmm?" he asked, turning to her dreamily.

She thrust the legal pad under his nose.

"Ah... yes. Thank you Maeve. Have you passed out the legally bits?"

"Not yet. It's not time for that yet. You have to finish the audition process."

Mr. D nodded seriously, coming out of his brief fugue. "Right." He took hold of the legal pad and turned back to the young woman before him. "What is your name then?" He spoke with her briefly, then gestured for her to sit back down.

One by one he read the names off of the legal pad, identifying which person belonged to which name, and chatted briefly with each of them about their listed talents, and their reasons for joining the theater.

(OOC: If you are looking for a place to introduce your character IC, follow this link to Theater of Flesh: Roll Call)

"Excellent!" Mr. D exclaimed. He tossed the pad backwards over his shoulder where it landed, a jumbled mess, on the stage behind him. "You are all hired."

"What a minute! Don't you want to see our auditions?" The young woman in the front row with the lovely earlobes seemed perturbed.

"I am dying to see each of you perform, but if you haven't noticed my stage is in no shape for being performed upon. I need help getting this place in order. You are all here. You all want a career on the stage. I can offer you such a career. So lets get to work!"

Mr. D veritably skipped up the steps, back onto the stage, and seized the broom from the old man, who had stopped sweeping some time ago. "Silenus go find more brooms. We also will need trash bags, buckets, mops..."

"Is he kidding?" said an exasperated female voice from the house.

"It's a scam," an attractive young man answered, "He's hiring laborers not performers! And we probably won't be offered more than minimum wage. No one hires performers without seeing them perform first."

Mr. D turned to face the agitated group, a wounded look on his face. "I assure you my offer is legitimate. I am of the philosophy that everyone possesses artistic ability, but very few are given the opportunity to develop that ability fully. I am certain that some of you are not quite ready to debut on stage, but I'm willing to pay you for your time as you hone your skills, and develop your act. But we have no Prima Donna's here. Everyone works. Everyone who wants to perform puts in time laboring behind the scenes. Even me." A smile suddenly came to Mr. D's face as realization dawned. "But I've gotten ahead of myself again. Maeve my love, I believe it's time for the legally bits."
Maeve emerged from the side of the house. She spoke as she passed out papers to all of the auditioners. "This is our standard contract, and new hire information package. We start at 15 dollars an hour for rehearsal, and labor time... that's time that is spent actively working here in the theater. We also offer half pay, for what we consider idle time; time spent at the theater socializing, observing other performers working, or simply being on call for any work that might arise. You set your own hours. You will receive a 1000 dollar bonus at the time of your debut, plus 500 dollars for each subsequent performance in addition to your hourly wage, plus you may be given the opportunity to give private performances for elite clients, pay will be determined prior to those performance and participation is at your discretion. If you accept the position, fill out the form at the back and turn it in to me at the box office before you leave. If you stay to work you will be paid at full wage from the time you arrived for the audition. Benefit information is on page 3. If you have any questions that are not answered in the package I will be in the box office until 10." At the conclusion of her speech Maeve walked up the aisle and out of the auditorium.

Most everyone in the house began reading through the paperwork they were handed, and chatting amongst themselves, trying to decide if they would stay or go. A few walked out. A few stepped up onto the stage, where they were promptly put to work.

Mr. D gave orders as he swept, making a good deal more progress than the old man had done. He began summoning lingerers out of the wings to join the work party. "I'd be happy to offer a bonus to anyone who wants to work topless." Then in solidarity with his own idea, he began stripping above the waist. He tossed his hat, coat and shirt into an empty front row chair. He paused scanning the shadowy balcony boxes above. "Korey!" He pointed at one of the boxes. "Don't think that just because I can't see you, that I don't know you're up there! Get your cute ass down here and set a good example for the newbies!"
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"Damn," Korey muttered. D had eyes in the back of his head. And everywhere else. Nothing got past him. How did he see her up here when he was so fascinated by that one noob?

"Coming, Mother!" She stood up on the railing that went around the box, took the thick rope that was tying back the plush velvet curtain of the box and swung from it Tarzan style to grab the matching thick rope of the main curtain on the stage. She grinned hearing the gasps from below. She wrapped her legs around what she could of the curtain and hand under hand she lowered herself to the stage. She straightened and made a bow to those assembled most with mouths hanging open.

She grinned impishly, "I'm the aerialist on the bill." She bowed again. "Call me Korey." She looked at Mr. D. "Topless you said?" She pulled her tank top off and tossed it in the direction of the chair where Mr. D had thrown his.

Her body was toned with lean muscles. She was much stronger than she looked. Her breasts were on the small side, but perky with small pink nipples.

Korey found a push broom and set to work.
Mr. D laughed out loud when Korey came flying down to the stage with her usual flair. He genuinely liked her, had liked her since the first moment he met her, when she was just a kid. She was daring and almost completely without shame, qualities that he admired with a touch of narcissism. They were his qualities as well. That she was one of the most promising performers he had seen in decades was simply frosting on the cake.

Of course he had no way of knowing for certain that she had been up in the box, but he figured she had to be somewhere close by. He had seen her in the theater before the audition started, and he knew she would want to catch a glimpse of the new blood. The balcony seemed like a likely enough place for her to watch. It was pure luck that he'd picked the right box. He looked back up at the balcony boxes lining the sides of the auditorium. No, not luck. It was intuition. Of all the boxes that was the one that would give the best view of the house.

When he looked back, Korey was tossing her shirt aside. She really was stunning to look at. For a moment D found himself wondering why he hadn't tried to get her in bed yet. It certainly wasn't because of her age, every mortal in the company was a child compared to D. It wasn't that. But there was a reason.

As D pushed his broom he pondered the riddle. He had a reason for everything that he did, but sometimes his own reasons eluded him.

The front row beauty came over with a trash bag. She was topless now too, and batted her big blue eyes at him as she stooped down to bag up the pile of debris in front of his broom. He dropped his broom in order to help her. He wouldn't hesitate to take this one to bed.

Once the bag was full, he picked up the broom and offered it to the woman. Vivian was her name. "Trade me." He took her bag and carried it to the dumpster outside of the back door on the stage.

Respect. And Affection. Those were his reasons. He had sex with everyone, so that was hardly something to make a person feel special. But Korey WAS special. She was quite extraordinary in fact. NOT sleeping with her was the only way to acknowledge that she was in a different category than the others. He wondered if she had any inkling of how much he cared for her.

Coming back from the dumpster, D made a bee line straight for Korey. This was no time for a heart to heart, but he had a sudden urge to be close to her, and D's urges frequently dictated his behavior.

He came up on Korey from behind, and draped his arm across her naked shoulders. "So what do you think? Are any of them worth keeping on?"
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Seth saw Korey and Mr. D and what was going on between them. He did not want to interrupt them. Seth was going to auditions. He had guitar with him. His interview was coming up. Secretary Vivian was taking care of that. Before that he and Jennifer were saying hi to each other. After a short introduction to each other they listened to Mr. D and did not want to interrupt him.

She was 19 and listened to everything Mr. D said. The only thing she did not listen and to be exact the only time she was not paying attention is when she wanted to flirt.

Seth was listening more appropriately and concentration was the key to him while Jennifer was in a very tight attire. The bra and a little bit of it has been seen which surprised Seth. Jennifer was blonde. 19 years old with as well big boobs. Her hair moved in very flirting and seducing manner.

But attention of this pair was switching to Mr. D and Korey even though something was going on between them at the same time.

Meantime, from time to time they wanted to show that there was knowledge of art, theater and poems.

“Jennifer you look as fine as a bottle of wine.” Seth tried to show his language skills.

“Seth is strong he will be singing a song for auditions all day long.” Replied Jennifer.
Korey bumped D playfully with her hip. "You seem to have taken a shine to that one." She nodded toward Vivian. "So I imagine she's a keeper."

"That guy has a cute butt." She pointed to a shirtless man in jeans with muscles that looked like he got them from working rather than working out. "I wonder if he can dance."

She liked D a lot and not just because he and Maeve had rescued her from a tough life and kept her safe until she was old enough and pestered them enough to join the theatre.

D wasn't just her benefactor and boss, he was like a big brother to her--A brother that you got naked in front of and spoke to in sexual innuendos but didn't have sex with. Because sexy as he was, there just seemed to be something wrong about it. Maybe because he knew her when she was just a kid. No matter. Who said you have to have sex with everyone you think is hot?

"I'm just still trying to figure out why some of them walked away. I mean, where in this city are you going to get a deal like the one you offered?"
"Yes this is a very pretty crop of talent... if nothing else. Only time will tell if they truly belong here." D leaned in to speak intimately into Korey's ear, "The ones that left are probably the wise ones. When an offer seems too good to be true, it usually isn't. When the offer is true... well then, there are always hidden costs... undisclosed consequences." On the surface the words were spoken in a playful teasing tone, but they hinted at something sinister in D's personality.

Mr. D broke away and spoke the next loudly, openly to everyone listening, "We've made some amazing progress! We may have the chance to see a few performances today after all. You lot..." D waved over some of the men, including the one with the butt that Korey had admired, "If you don't mind grabbing those boxes, Korey here will show you downstairs to the property room. You don't mind do you Korey my love?"

D then made his way over to the odd pair, Cole and Missy, as he remembered from their introduction. He had a sense that they were slightly different than the rest of the new arrivals. He decided to get closer and try to figure out exactly how different they were.
Maeve slipped a bottle of Irish whiskey out of the desk drawer. She was glad to have an excuse to avoid the general commotion of the stage clean up. She enjoyed what she did as a performer, but on the whole she preferred to avoid crowds. She hated small talk, much better to get someone alone where she could start to probe the more interesting corners of their minds... and bodies. She poured a shot and tossed it back, relishing the slow burn. She shuffled through the pile of papers in front of her, but had little intention of doing any real work. She kicked off her high heels and stripped out of her suit jacket. Her only real responsibility right now was to sit here in case one of the new people had questions, no reason not to make herself as comfortable as possible.
When Cole and Missy walked into the theater they almost walked right back out. "What a fucking dump!" Missy hissed, the pair had performed in some pretty dumpy places but they were in the middle of very dumpy towns and cities.

"Oh I don't know! We've seen worse!" Cole said trying to calm his cousin. "Put that out, no smoking in here or didn't you see the sign?" Missy butted her smoke out and decided that Cole was right and she would give it a chance.

They sat near the back and heard the speech, watched as people left and some people stayed. "When do we show what we are made of cuz? And what the fuck are they doing? Cleaning? Damn son I don't think I can clean! Get naked I can do that no problem." Missy asked when the auditions ended witnessing what the people who stayed were doing.

"Not sure, the owner is walking our way though maybe we can show him and see what he says! And I doubt there is any place where you couldn't be nude!" Cole replied and then stood and extended his hand. "Hello Mr. D. I am Cole and this here is Missy." Cole introduced them. Missy was wearing a faded pair of loose fitting jeans which were covering her boots, and a tight halter top that showed off her toned body. Her arms were covered in tattoo's as was her belly and really the rest of her upper body, she had about twenty piercings in each ear and her right nostril, tongue and upper lip. She was trashy looking and resembled a porn star after a long day of power fucking. Her hair was long and dark with a single ponytail tied at the back, the sides of her head were shaved to the bone, you could tell when her hair was down it would hide it. Her nails painted black and had several rings on her long slender fingers.

Cole was a polar opposite, he was wearing a clean Tee and loose cargo shorts, ankle socks and sneakers. He had no apparent tats or piercings

His hair was short blond and styled.

"Cole chuck it!" Missy said pulling three throwing knives out of her bag. Cole smiled and took out playing cards. Pulled out four different cards. "Pick one of the cards!" She said to D. When he did Cole threw all four into the air. Like lightning Missy threw all her knives. Three of the cards fell to the ground, while the card that was chosen was stuck to a pillar thirty feet away with three knives stuck in it.

"She's pretty good wouldn't you say!" Cole said with a broad smile on his face. While Missy looked bored.

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Korey cocked her head at D. He frequently said mysterious things like that. She expected he did it on purpose to keep people off kilter. As far as she was concerned, he was a teddy bear.

"Right this way gentlemen!" Korey called out. She grabbed her tank top and slung it over her shoulder. "Watch your step!" She led them through the rabbit warren of the back stage area, down a corridor filled with half-finished flats and things that looked like they came out of dressing rooms and needed to be put back, some racks of costumes, and boxes of assorted stuff. Then down some dimly lit stairs. "Someone needs to find some light bulbs and replace the ones that have gone out." She said over her shoulder.

"Here we are." Even though this room was brightly lit, there were so many stacks and piles and racks and shelves that there were shadows everywhere. "This is where we keep the costumes, set decorations, odds and ends, all the props we need for our shows. There is a bit of order to where things go in here, just use your common sense--or ask. Obviously costumes go on the racks. Hats and accessories on the shelves above. So...dive in and empty the boxes, then you can go back upstairs and see what else needs doing."

She grabbed a tall thin box that looked like it had all manner of canes, walking sticks and a few swords and carried it to an umbrella stand in the corner and began placing them in it. It put her close to Mr. Cute Butt. She gave him a smile when she caught him looking at her.
Mr. D applauded the impromptu performance with childish delight. "Bravo friends! I'm going to guess that you've been perfecting this routine for some time. Do you have enough to fill a ten-minute slot? I'd love to feature you in the Grand Opening." He looked over each of them with an appreciative gaze. "Any objections to performing nude? It's not required of course, but most of our acts have some sort of erotic angle. Sex sells and all that..." D trailed off as his thoughts rapidly out paced his ability to speak. "Could you do larger cards? It would be less impressive on precision, but it would be helpful if the audience could see the accuracy of the selection. It's something to think about... You can call me D, by the way." He reached out to shake their hands, each in turn, and subtly leaned in toward the woman, Missy. His purpose was to get a proper smell of her. D had an instinct for recognizing non-human performers, and something about them, struck him as being "other", but he couldn't be quite certain. Most supernatural beings omitted a faint odor, not detectable by normal human senses, but dogs and cats picked up on it quite naturally, and D had a knack for smelling out magic. He chose to single out the woman in the hopes that, if she were merely human, she would interpret his proximity as harmless flirtation... if she were other she would be more likely to figure out his true motive, but then she would likely recognize that he was not human either.
Cole was happy that D enjoyed the demo. Then to answer the question. Missy spoke up. "10 minutes, fuck Cole and I have done hour long shows when we were the main attraction." She laughed. "Big cards little cards, we used to have audiences bring cards from home to prove it wasn't an illusion, that was only in the bigger cities though!"

"I will go topless but I will keep my shorts on! Missy here, being the exhibitionist that she is can go nude!" Cole added. Missy nodded. "We usually take turns throwing with the other being a human target for a part of the show. And I won't lie to you. We don't miss!"

"EVER!" Missy added. When D came in close and gave her a smell, she knew this was not normal, she wasn't put off but she knew something wasn't quite right. Though not knowing what she was but knowing she wasn't normal herself she chalked it up to it being an odd world and gave it no more thought. "D, if you get any closer we might need a room!" Missy licked her upper lip seductively. "Also what are the rules on smoking drinking and drugs. Cause I do all three?" She asked. Cole shook his head. When you looked and listened to them it was a true ying yang.

Missy smelled of the oddest combination of sulfur and sunlight... diluted... almost imperceptible amid the very human smells of salt sweat, and coppery blood... a half breed then... something that was becoming more and more common in the modern age. Most half breeds weren't even aware that they were different, or more specifically, they were aware, but lacked any sensible explanation for how or why they didn't fit in with the mortal fold. At any rate it was a conversation that could wait until later.

D raised an eyebrow at Missy's direct flirtation. "I have a room... and a bed, right here in the theater. You are most welcome to join me there anytime the urge should take you. That goes for you too Cole.

"As an employer I try to maintain an open door policy, although if you want to talk business rather than pleasure I'd advise you to see Maeve. She is my mistress of pain, and nothing strikes me as more painful than talking business.

"Regarding smoking, drinking, and drugs. Never let them interfere with a performance. You perform sober. If I catch you drunk or high on a performance night I will pull your act from the show... possibly permanently. The rest of the time, you can do what you like, but do try to be discrete. Silenus can get you anything that you need, and I prefer you conduct all of your illicit transactions through him. He can get you clean product at a lower cost than you are likely to find on the streets, and he knows how to avoid unwanted entanglements. I don't want any law enforcement or infantile gangster punks poking around my theater. It may look like shit now, but by opening night this will be palace of dark delights, and I don't mean to lose it due to reckless behavior." D realized suddenly that his speech had descended into a stern lecture... not the kind of welcome he wanted to give to this very talented pair. He changed the subject quickly.

"Do you both live here in the city?"
A gambling man

He strolled up the steps taking off his fendora and glancing up at the doors marking the entrance to the theater. He gave a low whistle taking it in and the posters hanging on the door proclaiming the acts.

"my kind of place" The magician known as Zach murmured to him self grabbing his cane. He reached out rapping on the door before he pushed the door open and let himself in. He walked in whistling at the grand setting and the stage, sure it had an underground look to it but Zachs eyes shown as he took it all in. He walked over to the stage his hands running over the chairs as he called out.

Hearing a response from the back Zach hopped up onto the stage moving into the belly of the beast. He spent a few minutes gawking and running around the room playing every bit the fan boy he had in his village with his mentor. His dreams as long as he did well in his addition and found a place here were bound to come true! He could finally make a name for himself, finally pay back-

He shook himself from the sad thoughts that particular line of thinking brought and instead hurried over to the voices he heard in another large room. He walked in nodding his head at every one gathered.

"Who is the gentleman in charge? Of this fine theater? I am the great magician Zach! I have come to inquire about performing here?" Zach said looking at each of them in turn as he tried to figure out who the main boss was.
"I might just take you up on that!" Missy said to the open bed offer he made.

Cole not wanting to see her eye fuck D any longer added to the last question. "We are looking for a place, we literally just arrived! Any idea's?" Cole asked.

"Well seeing that I'm not getting fucked anytime soon I'm going for a smoke. Later boys!" Missy said walking by them and heading to the doors to step out.

"Sorry about her she can be a little crass at times! I will keep her on the level with her partying. Though I have to tell you she's performed high a hundred times and never once has she missed. Though I perfectly understand your rules and they will be followed to the letter Mr. D!" Cole said with a weak smile. "When can we meet the others? Or how else can I help you out?"

Missy saw the man with the cane walk by while she was lighting a cigarette she smiled a sweet smile at him and mouthed a flirty hello and then went for a small walk around the neighborhood.

For Korey

Seth followed the sexy pixy of a woman down the shadowy stairs carrying a couple of boxes. The work was easy compared to his regular job. He started unloading hats and headdresses and stacking them onto a shelf with similar items. He noticed the woman close by, giving him a radiant smile. He tried to smile back, but his heart wasn't in it. He couldn't shake the feeling that none of this was real, that none of it mattered. It was a fun dream to think about... giving up his exhausting work in the warehouse to play artist in this weird theater, but he couldn't afford to dream like that anymore... could he?

He finished unloading the boxes, and had just about convinced himself to give up on the whole thing and go home. He had to be at work at 6am tomorrow, and whatever time he spent dreaming here, was time he lost to get his head right for surviving another day in the real world. But at the last moment he turned to face the pretty woman, and asked her. "Is any of this real? You're boss... he's a lunatic right? or a con-man? Please just give it to me straight. I've got child support payments, and rent, and too much debt to afford to screw around with a bunch of BS."
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D smiled, "You're welcome to crash here in the theater. Or Maeve can get the two of you a hotel room... or two. I'm working on procuring the adjacent building for housing. An offer's been made, but it may take a while to work out all of the details. You really are welcome in my bed... and that can be as kinky or as polite as you prefer. And really, you shouldn't worry about Missy causing offense, at least not to me. We've got all kinds of crass misfits and crazed deviants running around the place. It wouldn't feel like home without them."

"Hey D!" Silenus voice cut through the noise of the bustling stage. "We've got a late arrival over here!"

"Ah... I'm sorry I should probably go see to that," D said, glancing over his shoulder to see the new arrival. "Right now we are cleaning up the stage. I've got contractors coming in tomorrow to paint and repair some of the architectural damage. Work parties are a good way for the new folk to get acquainted with the regulars. We could definitely use your help. Or if you haven't signed the new hire paperwork, you could go see Maeve in the box office. She can get all of that sorted for you, and get you set up in a hotel."

"D! You deaf bastard! I said, We've got..." The old man shouted again.

D turned and interrupted Silenus with his own shouting. "I'm coming! You impatient old fuck!"

D shrugged, and gave Cole another apologetic look before walking away to meet the latest arrival.

D approached the new-comer with a smile and an outstretched hand. "I would be the man in charge of the mass chaos you see before you."
"Excellent!" Zach said moving over and shaking his hand enthusiastically "My name is Zach but you may know me by my stage names The Mysterious Stranger or the Wayward salesman I have come seeking employment with you and your theater"

He moved back looking around at every thing "I am an accomplished magician and illusionist I assure you I would be more than happy to perform if need be and give you a demonstration! I can also perform other duties as well and am versed in playing characters and different roles"

"Can I say you have a wonderful theater? I mean excellent and every one here looks so happy I know I tend to ramble when surrounded by such opulence and I do apologize for that!" He said casting his eyes back to the owner "It would be my honor if I could join you! And your entourage"
After her smoke Missy rejoined Cole in the back where many of their fellow performers were and started to help cleaning up, hearing what needed to be done the two stepped to it! Cole happy and whistling, while introducing himself to everyone. Missy was working though you could tell she didn't enjoy this part of the process, she too introduced herself, but only to people she found attractive of ones she thought might share vices with her.

Cole seeing a trend pulled off his shirt to fit in with the others. Missy did as well, both left their bottoms on. Soon Missy was going through the costumes making mental notes to wear the most whoreish outfits in there. Bustiers, thigh high boots, ass less chaps, she was picturing what she thought would really expose her very sexual attitude. While she did this, Cole was taking the mess she was making and putting them where he heard they should go!

"Cole I need a sex fix and soon! So we either take a break or I find one of these talents to sneak away! D maybe!" Missy said in anything but a hushed tone.

Cole rolled his eyes. "Missy he's our boss, at least wait till we know he wants us around. Need I remind you all we have for money is what you lifted off that man last night! Hardly enough to live on and I am done with you stealing. Maybe that Korey she's super cute!" Cole told her trying to reel her back a little. "Now please do a little work while I go and see Maeve about helping us with a place to stay for a bit! Give me your cash!"

Missy was now thinking of Korey and was going to look for her. Then looked at Cole. "Give you my cash are you fucked? How am I supposed to get a fix with out it? I'm not above fucking the old man for an eight ball you know!"

Cole shook his head and mumbled "forget it!" and walked off to see Maeve.

Stella was tired and out of options. The auditions for the Theatre of Flesh might be her last chance, she thought. She dragged her trunk behind her, knowing that it probably looked like she was homeless. Which she was, but she'd be damned if she let anyone think she was weak.

She cast her silver-grey eyes around the auditorium. Everyone looked scattered and busy--had she missed the audition? Stella twirled a piece of caramel-brown hair around her finger, her full lips turning down into a frown. That would be just her luck. Last chance, missed.

A fair amount of nudity, she noticed. Not that it mattered. She wasn't a prude and she wouldn't have been at a place called the Theatre of Flesh if she were.

Stella craned her elegant neck, looking for someone in charge. Her high waisted trousers and sheer blouse were chic enough that she didn't appear to be in dire need.

But the people who had killed Peter must be after her. She was sure of it, in fact. Her trail, completed by hopping around Europe on rail and coach, was cold enough now. She hoped. Unfortunately, Stella was broke, skint, tapped out, however you wanted to term it. Destitute.

No way for a beautiful woman alone to be--it got you into bad situations. She could only hope this wasn't one of them.
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For Zach:

D chuckled at the term opulence being used to describe the theater in its current state, but even given the threadbare carpet and the crackling plaster walls, he knew exactly what Zach meant. The theater still held some grandeur of its heyday, and that was exactly why he had chosen it.

"Thank you for the compliment, and yes, I believe I have heard of you! You were performing in Saint Louis, at the same time that my troupe toured through. I didn't actually catch your show. You know the showman's life! Always busy."

D looked around appraising the condition of the stage. The space was much improved from when they'd started the clean up.

"I think once we have the last of these boxes out of the way, we can actually get some performance work going. You're hired by the way. You can go over all of the details with my accomplice Maeve after we're done here. Do you mind lending a hand with the boxes?"

D stopped a large black man. "Hey George, you and Zach get the last of these boxes down to the prop room. Then bring him back up... we're going to have a good old fashioned magic show in a bit!"