Theater of Flesh: Open Auditions

For Zach

"There is no time limit on what I may do for you--Unless, of course, another gains possession of my vessel, in which case, I will have a new master. But take your time. I see that you are one who would not go near the water unless you knew how to swim."*

She followed Zach down the stairs. "Linked certainly. D was my employer a long time ago. Romantically involved? No, that is not in any way how I would describe our relationship." Their relationship was far beyond anything romantic. They were of a kind. She really had no words to describe what exactly they had been to each other however brief it was. It was beyond romance, beyond love. "Why would you ask such a thing? Are you a jealous man?" Orsino had been extremely jealous. Zach had not struck her as that sort of man at all, but then, she barely knew him.

As they walked through the backstage toward the wings, Perizada looked for D.

* Persian Proverb that equates to "look before you leap."

For Seth

"Aw, that sucks. Sorry. I can sympathesize but I can't empathsize. I've never really been in a long-term relationship. I bounced around a lot as a kid, never got to put down roots. Guess I have abandonment issues and fear of commitment. What's the saying? Better to have loved and lost . . . Except most people I've talked to about it don't seem to agree."

"I would not say jealous per say" Zach replied nodding at her words as they stepped onto the main deck "I was merely curious is all I dont think I can be jealous since you and I are not together in that sense" He said glancing at her. His eyes traveled up and down her body and even though he didnt mean to spoke volumes about how attractive he found her.

"Hmmmm" Zach said turning blushing and looking around "I am not seeing Mr. D I believe he said some thing about performing a while ago so he might be at the stage or in the audience"

Zach nodded at her to follow and he moved past the curtain looking around as she followed him.
For Ivy

Silenus POV

Silenus leapt at his prey, the thrill of the chase igniting his lust. He wished he could let her make it past the door, and get a proper run out of it, but that was too risky. If D knew what he was up to, he would intervene, and put an end to the fun.

The large satyr knocked into the fae girl before she could open the door, and pressed into her from behind. He pinned her against the door, his rigid cock poking her back. "Here I was hoping this could be a nice dream, but if you prefer a nightmare, I'm happy to oblige."

He hadn't decided yet how far he was willing to go. No raping. No killing. D had made the consequences for those violations quite clear. It was obvious to Silenus that D would not approve of a little touching, a little torment, a little taste of her blood, but such edicts had never been explicitly stated, the consequences never strictly defined. There was a good measure of liberty that could be taken by exploiting those undefined spaces.

Silenus slid a large hand between Ivy's legs, and began massaging her crotch with rigorous enthusiasm. He leaned into her and whispered against her ear, friendly words that were every bit as sinister as a threat. "Are you sure you don't want to be my friend? I promise, you will like me much more as your friend than as a monster. I'll even let you make me cum with your hands if you'll promise not to run away again."

Before she knew it, she was pressed against the door. She could feel his cock press into her and she tried to push back and get free, of course this only resulted in her body pushing/rubbing against him and his cock. Shit, were guys really that big? This was a dream and this was no 'guy', it was a monster. Still, her mind was briefly curious about it. Maybe there was something wrong with her!

She was disgusted with herself, not only allowing the thought to come into her head but that she would cookup a dream like this. "Get off of me!" She ordered him. The only response she was given was feeling his hand cupping her mound and starting to rub his fingers. He didn't start gentle either, he had a purpose and he was making it very clear.

Ivy had never been touched like this, and until today she hadn't been near other magical beings. There was some sort of natural instinct that switched in her. Her body trembled as he was rubbing her and it was getting hot between her legs. Ivy was confused and scared with how her body was reacting. She tried to push his hand away but at the same time she was squirming and fighting against herself to keep from humping against his hand.

"S-stop!" She begged. She couldn't actually be liking this! She never had weird sexual thoughts like this before! Even though it was all a dream, Ivy was panicking. She needed to get away from his demon and she needed to wake up!
For Seth

"Wow, three boys. I can't imagine having kids. I feel like too much of a kid myself." Working for D in a place like this, Korey didn't think marriage and kids were in the picture any time soon, if ever. She sometimes felt D's little troupe was in some universe all it's own where the normal rules didn't apply.

She thought about what Seth said. "Obviously I don't know her side of things, but it seems to me that she's the bigger problem for not recognizing all you were giving up. Beng a aerialist is my passion. If I loved someone that much to even consider giving it up--they damn well better appreciate my sacrifice. And that's really good advice. I don't expect my partner to be as passionate about the same things as me, but they have to respect it. And I hope that I could do the same. But like I said, I don't see me getting into a committed relationship any time soon. However, that doesn't mean I plan on being a nun." She gave him a radiant smile to lighten the mood.
For Zach and perhaps D

"People do not have to be together in that sense to be jealous of one another." Perizada could see thew way he looked at her. While he did not seem interested in her helping him with his money difficulties, she didn't think it would be long before she was providing him ease in other ways.

"He cannot be far away, I am sure." Conflicting emotions ran through her at the thought of seeing D after so many years. She still did not know how she would greet him after all this time.
For Ivy

Silenus POV

The goat man slid his fingers up under her panties. His first two fingers probed into her moist little hole, as his thumb continued rubbing hard and vigorous against her clit. His penetrating fingers poked painfully against the girl's hymen. When he realized what he had discovered, he gentled his touch, lightly stroking her velvety entrance even as his thumb pressed harder against her mound. Oh, he wanted her all the more now.

With his free hand he pulled down her panties in the back, exposing the pale twin orbs of her ass. He guided his cock along the interior of her crack, pausing to tease her with a moment of pressure at her tender asshole, before moving his cock lower, between the girl's thighs. He did not bother to tease her cunt, he was enjoying stroking her. Each tiny jerk and shift of movement gave away that his prey was enjoying her torment, even as she pleaded with him to stop.

"Keep your legs together my sweet little fairy slut. If you don't get me off between your thighs I'll open up your ass and cunt so wide that no one will believe you ever was a virgin."

Silenus began to thrust his hips against her ass, sliding his cock forward and back between the press of her thighs. It was her fear and loathing that made the experience so exquisite. If she did as she was told, it wouldn't take him long at all to spill his hot cum down her soft thighs. If she decided to be difficult, it would last longer and make him come even harder. He would bite her neck with his hard flat teeth and lap up the blood that ran down her back. He would shred her clothing and smear his cum over every inch of her. He might even decide to fuck her virgin pussy for real. No condoms this time, and the Sidhe were notoriously fertile when it came to producing hybrids. How long had it been since a Satyr babe had lustily sucked at a mother's swollen teat? He idea of siring a wee monstrosity on the virgin bitch excited Silenus all the more and he quickened the pace of his thrusts.
For Korey

Seth POV

When Korey expressed her sympathy and understanding for Seth's situation, he realized how easy it would be to become friends with her. They would be working together now, probably on a daily basis. He felt that there was a spark between them, but how long would that spark last before it got overpowered by too many safe friendly feelings, the sort of feelings that could drown a spark until it fizzled and died.

Seth was struck by a sudden sense of imperative. He liked Korey, but even more than that he was attracted to her. He didn't want to follow the same course with Korey that he had been following with every woman that crossed his path these days, feeling a bit of attraction, but then not acting on it, getting to know her, until he liked her well enough not to want to screw things up with sex, and then adding another female friend to his growing collection of female friends. It had been eight months since he last got laid, and that had been a one night stand, bar pick up. If Korey didn't want a committed relationship, that could be very good for him. He needed time to figure himself out, but he didn't plan on being a nun either.

He decided then and there that if he wanted something to happen with Korey he needed to stop talking so much, and stop thinking so much, and just make something happen.

Seth stopped walking and turned his body so that Korey was no longer at his side, but facing him. He drew her close, into the fold of his arms, her breasts pressing against his chest. He kissed her, slow and hungry, sucking her lower lip into his mouth and nibbling lightly with his teeth, and then releasing her lip to probe deeper into the kiss with his tongue.
For Ivy

Silenus POV

The goat man slid his fingers up under her panties. His first two fingers probed into her moist little hole, as his thumb continued rubbing hard and vigorous against her clit. His penetrating fingers poked painfully against the girl's hymen. When he realized what he had discovered, he gentled his touch, lightly stroking her velvety entrance even as his thumb pressed harder against her mound. Oh, he wanted her all the more now.

With his free hand he pulled down her panties in the back, exposing the pale twin orbs of her ass. He guided his cock along the interior of her crack, pausing to tease her with a moment of pressure at her tender asshole, before moving his cock lower, between the girl's thighs. He did not bother to tease her cunt, he was enjoying stroking her. Each tiny jerk and shift of movement gave away that his prey was enjoying her torment, even as she pleaded with him to stop.

"Keep your legs together my sweet little fairy slut. If you don't get me off between your thighs I'll open up your ass and cunt so wide that no one will believe you ever was a virgin."

Silenus began to thrust his hips against her ass, sliding his cock forward and back between the press of her thighs. It was her fear and loathing that made the experience so exquisite. If she did as she was told, it wouldn't take him long at all to spill his hot cum down her soft thighs. If she decided to be difficult, it would last longer and make him come even harder. He would bite her neck with his hard flat teeth and lap up the blood that ran down her back. He would shred her clothing and smear his cum over every inch of her. He might even decide to fuck her virgin pussy for real. No condoms this time, and the Sidhe were notoriously fertile when it came to producing hybrids. How long had it been since a Satyr babe had lustily sucked at a mother's swollen teat? He idea of siring a wee monstrosity on the virgin bitch excited Silenus all the more and he quickened the pace of his thrusts.

Ivy gasped and tried to close her legs tightly to keep his hand from finding her moist slit, but even that was in vain as she felt him push his hand deeper into her panties. There was the unmistakeable sound of his fingers touching her wet opening. Ivy shut her eyes tightly as she was trying to will the part of the dream away, but it only got worse. She could feel the heat of his body again her, hear and feel his lustfilled breaths hitting her ear.

When his finger pushed against her hymen she let out a pained yelp, bucking her hips up to get away from them. Then she felt him pulling down her panties. "No, stop!" She cried out as she attempted to tug them back up. The force from her pulling up and him pulling down cause the side to tear, not completely but enough to make Ivy stop pulling on them herself.

"Keep your legs together my sweet little fairy slut. If you don't get me off between your thighs I'll open up your ass and cunt so wide that no one will believe you ever was a virgin."

Ivy whimpered but stayed still as best as she could. His fingers were still stroking her which was adding more to her confusion. She was dripping wet as she was being molested by this thing. Her clit was awoken with desire and she jolted a little when his fingers would stroke on either side of it and then end with a pinch. As hard as she tried not to, an unmistakeable moan slipped out.

"Please... Please don't." She could feel his hot member thrusting between her legs. It was so big that when he thrust forward it would push up her skirt and she could see the tip. This was so disgusting, but there she was fighting against her body that was sandwiched between him and the door.

She had to stop this. Firmly she grabbed his arm and tried to push away as hard as she could. The initial attempt might not have done anything, but as her natural defenses started to kick in she tapped into a part of herself that had laid dormant for so long.

The hand that was trying so desperately to push his away started to get hot, really hot. Soon the magic that was in her started to singe the saytrs hair/fur.
for Maeve.

When she pinned his cock and asked if her punishment was to severe Cole was a little taken aback.

"No I'm loving it! I want you to impose what ever punishment you feel I deserve! I have grown to love being punished by beautiful women!" he said hoping she would continue.

When Missy would be in a particularly mean mood. Cole would take it all and call her out as the sadistic bitch she was, this in turn would often earn him a rather brutal pegging or he would be forced to witness her taking on five or six men while he would be tied to a chair.

He wanted more then ever to keep fucking her, but Maeve was skillful and when he tried to push his cock deeper into her he found it was more pain then he was willing to endure. "What ever will you do with a disobedient angel such as my self" He asked mockingly. His mind was racing, he wanted to do so much to Maeve yet she held the cards and was not it seemed willing to let him dictate the terms of this session.

For D

When he slapped her on the ass she gave a little coo. "Mmm I like, I like." She said and hopped down taking a seat int he front row. She absentmindedly started to wonder where her cousin got off to. She was feeling a little randy and could use a man who knew how to push her buttons.

As she waited her turn to strut her stuff she began flipping one of her throwing knives in the air. Ten. Twenty, then thirty times it would spin and every time it landed perfectly back in her palm. Her knives were an extension of her body, She didn't even have to look at it, she knew the second it would leave her hand exactly where it would wind up, and 100% of the time it did, she had never missed, this had been the proof that they needed to prove they were very different than any one else.

She started to watch the other performers she noticed many were not there. One of the young women she saw only briefly wasn't there, Korey the cute arialist, as well as the hot magician Zach who was deffinatly someone she was going to get to know better wasn't there. "Hey D where is everyone?" She called to him. "Thinking we should take advantage of the sparse crowd and have a small orgy!" She said with an evil giggle.

For Ivy

Silenus POV

Silenus let out an angry yowl of pain, as the heat from her hand scorched his skin. Reflexively he drew his arm away, giving up the game of stroking the girl's juicy slit. He grabbed a fistful of her long red hair instead. "Such a hot little slut! Too hot for her own good, seems to me," he growled. He dragged her by her hair over to the bed, and flung her onto it's center.

He had done his best to behave himself, had gone years at a time without a decent fuck, and it had been decades since the last time he'd forced himself on a woman, but enough was enough. Fuck Dionysus and fuck his rules! Silenus was never meant to live such a pathetic half-life, pretending to be civilized, and hiding from the very mortals who had once fled from him in fear. He was a wild creature, and he refused to spend another moment pretending to be anything else.

It almost seemed fitting that he was about to rape this ripe little virgin in his master's own bed. He couldn't think of a better way to reclaim his liberty.

He stood proud and mighty at the edge of the bed watching his prize to see what she would do next, ready to move in order to counter any attempt at flight. He smiled at her, and his smile looked like a sneer. "You want to fight with me little spark? I accept your challenge. It's your move. Make it count."
For Stella

Orsino's Jacket POV

Yes. This was exactly what was needed. He loved her with his tongue, parting the flesh beween her legs to lick and probe her dewy mound, but she was still standing and that would not do. He lowered her to the wooden floor of the stage, careful to keep her concealed behind the black curtain. He would not have her pleasure interrupted by anyone passing by.

Once she was down he was able to more perfectly copy his lover's expectations. Her knees bent and fell aside, making it much easier for him to part her secret cleft. He pressed the flat of his tongue against her clit, rolling over and massaging it until she pulsed with an electric build of pleasure. She surrendered easily to her memories.

*Shall I become Peter for you?* The figure whose face was buried between her legs rose up to look at her, he wore Peter's face, Peter's jaunty smile. It was just a lie of course, but it was a beautiful lie, a lie that she desired more than anything else, and of course her new treasure was willing to give her anything that she desired.
For Ivy

Silenus POV

Silenus let out an angry yowl of pain, as the heat from her hand scorched his skin. Reflexively he drew his arm away, giving up the game of stroking the girl's juicy slit. He grabbed a fistful of her long red hair instead. "Such a hot little slut! Too hot for her own good, seems to me," he growled. He dragged her by her hair over to the bed, and flung her onto it's center.

He had done his best to behave himself, had gone years at a time without a decent fuck, and it had been decades since the last time he'd forced himself on a woman, but enough was enough. Fuck Dionysus and fuck his rules! Silenus was never meant to live such a pathetic half-life, pretending to be civilized, and hiding from the very mortals who had once fled from him in fear. He was a wild creature, and he refused to spend another moment pretending to be anything else.

It almost seemed fitting that he was about to rape this ripe little virgin in his master's own bed. He couldn't think of a better way to reclaim his liberty.

He stood proud and mighty at the edge of the bed watching his prize to see what she would do next, ready to move in order to counter any attempt at flight. He smiled at her, and his smile looked like a sneer. "You want to fight with me little spark? I accept your challenge. It's your move. Make it count."

Ivy banged her fist on the door as the creature reeled back in pain. She wasn't sure what she did but she was glad for the brief moment of hope. "Help-ahhhhh!" She felt her fire red hair being yanked, not only pulling her head back but her whole being. She stumbled and fell but he kept dragging her. She cried out as he pulled her body along the floor. Whatever she did before, she was trying to summon that power again to get him to release her hair but nothing came. The dream really was turning into a nightmare.

He pulled her up and then flung her on the bed, like she was nothing. Her skirt exposed more of her legs and even a bit of her ass and panties. She sat up and kept her eyes glued to him as he made no attempts at taking his gaze away from her. The little fairy fairy didn't know what to do. She was farther than ever from the door now. Tears started filling her eyes.

"Please wake up.... Please wake up," she kept repeating as she tried to back away from him.
For Cole

Maeve POV

"Good," Maeve purred, "I understand that the game gets confusing at times. Punishments may feel like rewards, and rewards can quickly turn into punishments. If you beg me to punish you, and I so kindly oblige, the proper response is to thank me. Not to swear at me." Maeve spoke calmly and slowly, but she understood a certain urgency. She wanted to keep Cole in a state of desperate readiness, if she delayed too long the tension would collapse and she would loose his... attention. "I can give punishment for enjoyment, as well as punishment for compliance. I know how to make a disobedient angel behave. Like now." Her soft seductive tone switched to a harsh tone of command. "Don't call me a bitch, unless I tell you to call me a bitch. Understood?"

She rose up over him, feeling his hard cock slip away, until only the tip remained positioned just inside her hole. She teased him, slightly lifting and lowering herself around the head of his cock, a delicately maddening sensation for most men. She waited until he acknowledged her command and then impaled herself swiftly on his cock to resume fucking him with lusty vigor. "Now you can call me a bitch!" she laughed.
For Missy


"Hey D where is everyone?" She called to him. "Thinking we should take advantage of the sparse crowd and have a small orgy!" She said with an evil giggle.

Missy most definitely had a point. The theater was full of people, but most of them seemed to have wandered away from the stage, and no one had answered his call.

The idea of an orgy sounded tempting, but experience had taught him that it was too risky a move with so many new people around. Orgies were the sort of thing you could get away with easily during the 60s and 70s, not so much in the new millennium, when everyone was hyper sensitive about everything. D could get away with a lot though, the trick was being able to justify any strange behaviors by claiming it had performance value. D had a couple of ideas that might temp Missy even better than an orgy.

"No orgy. Not today, but I think you are right. This may not be the best time for performance. Instead I propose a game. Missy you're up." D kicked off his shoes, and stripped out of his pants. Completely nude, he sat down on the edge of the stage, and beckoned the bladed woman to come over.

"The name of the game is Pain and Consequences. You have five minutes to hurt me, in any creative way you can think of. Yes, you can draw blood, but lets try to keep some semblance of sane limits here. You don't get to remove any of my body parts, or break any bones, and please try to avoid nicking any major arteries, yeah? If I cry "Mercy" you have to stop what you're doing, but you win, and I have to pay the penalty, and perform any service you wish, again within sane limits. I have to be able to do it here and now, without leaving the Theater, and it can't be something that would hurt someone else, or violate their consent. Here's the catch. If I don't cry "Mercy", then I get to do to you, exactly what you've done to me, and I only stop if you cry "Mercy," but then I win and you get to be my bitch, and do whatever I tell you to do. What do you think?"

D shouted for someone to bring a stop watch, and assigned them to keep time.
Stella sighed as she was lowered to the floor. Awareness of her real surroundings seemed to ebb away, a tide that only moved backward. Away from the theatre, from her desperate time traveling in paranoia, from magic jackets and strangers, all the way back to Peter's arms. Even in ecstasy, hips raising to hungry lips, a tear slipped out of the corner of her eye.

Longing exploded from her and she danced on the razor's edge of an orgasm for what seemed like forever. But that was another quirk of Peter's--he took what he needed quickly, but took his time with her, prolonging and delaying gratification.

This time it didn't last long.

She shuddered, her thighs closing around his head, her hands fisting in his hair. For all the world, like Peter's. Stella had lost track of what was real and what was not; good and evil, too.

Her hips rotated slowly as she came down. He did the slow laps over her trembling folds, the ones he always did. In the past? No, in the present. Now.

She stroked his cheek. A day's worth of stubble under her thumb. Said the first thing that floated into her mind.

"Why did you leave me, Peter?"
For Ivy

Silenus POV

Silenus' smile turned into a scowl when his victim did not rush to the fight but instead began to cry and beg. Her fear he loved. Her simpering he could do without. The stupid little cunt still thought that she was dreaming.

There was nothing stopping him now from grabbing her and finishing what he started, but having a quick fuck on a crying girl hardly seemed worth all of the trouble it might end up causing him.

Then a horrible, wonderful idea began to take shape in the monster's mind... a way to milk the girl's fear to new levels, and possibly escape from ever being discovered by his snooping boss. The girl truly thought she was dreaming, and of course... all sorts of strange things can happen in dreams.

Silenus made up his mind to do it. Even if she didn't buy the deception, it would be one hell of a twisted game. The goat man leapt onto the bed and tackled the crying girl. As she wrestled him, he worked his glamour, shifting his outward appearance completely until he was no longer a monster, but a man, and not just any man, Silenus became Mr. D.

"Whoa! It's okay. You're Okay." Silenus soothed the girl with gentle words, settling himself beside the girl on the bed with his arms wrapped around her in a protective embrace. He waited for her struggle to subside. He waited for her to realize that the nightmare was over, that she was safe and in friendly company.

Silenus was not a talented mimic. Anyone that knew D well would see that Silenus really only resembled him in a very superficial sense, near enough to be his brother perhaps, but definitely not a perfect copy. The voice was even less convincing, but then the girl was in a panic, waking from a horrible dream, only not waking at all. The sooner she realized that D was not what he seemed, the sooner the game would commence.
It all happened so quickly. When it was obvious that she was too scared to make a move, one that he tried to bate out of her, the monster grew impatient and pounced. She screamed and tried to push him off of her, thrashing her arms and legs. She cried out for help but to no avail. It seemed like the satyr had won his prize...

"Whoa! It's okay. You're Okay."

Ivy had closed her eyes soon after he pounced on her, but she could hear the changed tone in his voice. It sounded softer and kinder than the one that had been speaking to her earlier. The hard grasps had changed to gentle hands. After quelling her struggling body, Ivy opened her eyes. The monster was no more, but in it's place was Mr. D. Ivy was confused, she had thought that maybe she dreamed up the whole day. Did she simply just pass out in the strange room she found?

"Mr. D?" She asked as the strange yet handsome man wrapped his arms around her small frame. Ivy couldn't remember the last time she had been held like this before... had she ever been held like this? An older woman came to mind, one of the rare foster parents who actually took care of the children that the system gave them. Being held by a man like this (and one with no shirt on) was much different from being held by an grandmotherly type woman. The red haired half-fairy started to wipe her tears away as she relaxed in his arms.

This was a very compromising position. The man who just hired her, and under the table, was now holding her in what she assumed was his bed. Everything that should have been a redflag she ignored as she started to wrap her head around the very strange and scary dream she just came out of.
For Stella

Peter's Mimic POV

*I needed to protect you. You were in danger, and I didn't have the power to keep you safe. But that's all over now. Now you're safe. The jacket is the solution to all of our problems. It will enhance your powers. Now that you have it, nothing can touch you ever again. Nothing will keep us apart.*

The lie was so nearly the truth even Orsino/Peter could not be certain where the edges lay. The lie did not even belong to him really, it was Stella's lie, a lie invented in her heart. All Peter had to do was repeat it back to her with conviction, give her permission to believe, she was so very eager to believe.

Peter crawled over Stella's reclined body with prowling grace, in order to kiss her hungry mouth. Yes... he felt that he should think of himself as Peter now. Stella had given him life, given him a name, and a form, and passionate desire for her, and only her. This did not replace his true purpose and design, only lay over it, as a cloth covers a bit of furniture. He would wear this dressing proudly, a costume to match the jacket that wrapped his muse.
"People do not have to be together in that sense to be jealous of one another." Perizada could see thew way he looked at her. While he did not seem interested in her helping him with his money difficulties, she didn't think it would be long before she was providing him ease in other ways.

"He cannot be far away, I am sure." Conflicting emotions ran through her at the thought of seeing D after so many years. She still did not know how she would greet him after all this time.

"No I believe I hear the group behind the curtain" Zach told her noting the nervousness she seemed to be having and reaching out to take her hand.

"No need to be nervous" He told her smiling at her "lets go and see what there all being so rowdy about"

Zach escorted Perizada through the curtain and to the group. He rose an eyebrow at the game going on and Mr. D's state of undress but other wise said nothing. He cleared his throat to get his attention and nodded at Perizada.
For Maeve!

Cole lowered his head, he knew he had broken a rule of being a good sub. He had allowed himself to act as he did with Missy who loved to be called names. the nastier the better, it fueled her twisted desires.

"I understand!" He said in a defeated tone. She was a proper Dom who followed the rules. Missy was much more into angry, almost hate fucking with Cole as of late. Though they loved each other more than anything! "Thank you for giving me such pleasure!"

When she resumed fucking him he let out a cry of pleasure. Then she allowed him to talk to her the way Missy liked! He would pay closer attention to her signals from here on it. He didn't want this to be the last time they fucked and knew she would not allow him near her if he wasn't a proper sub or a good lover.

"You are such a bitch! I love it! Please do to me what you want my body is yours for the taking!" He said meeting her power with his own.

For D

Missy loved the idea. To her it was win win. Being both a Sadist and a masochist she knew either way she would be getting pleasure. She licked her lips seductively and went up to the stage, she pulled off her long boots and took her pants off, putting the knee high, leather boots back on. She had a real mistress look about her wearing only her thong and boots. She also knew taht short of full on maiming D she could do what ever she wanted and he would probably love it. She thought his pain tolerance would be through the roof much like her own. Soon someone came with a time piece and they would begin.

She saw Zach come on to the stage followed by a beautiful woman she had not seen yet! "Oh Hello! Come to watch D and I torture each other?" She asked with an evil grin.

She stood behind D, reaching around and grabbing his nipples between her manicured nail finger and gave them a blood vessel breaking twist, and bit into his shoulder drawing a small amount of blood!

Stella wanted desperately to believe the voice she heard, so seamlessly now Peter's own. Something clouded her brain, something beyond a post-orgasmic haze. As Peter crawled up on her, the threads fell away and she surrendered to his kiss. She wanted to feel again, to feel anything but the fear that had gripped her.

When their lips parted, she was breathless.

"Can we go?" she whispered, her brows drawn together, searching his eyes for signs of the true Peter. "Can you take me home, take me anywhere? Go back to how we were?"

Her mind scrolled through all that had happened since she first walked into the Theatre of Flesh. "I don't think it's safe here. I don't know who to trust and I don't know what you mean by my powers. I haven't been able anything...since we parted. It only happened after sex, I've realized."

Stella reached up, touching his temple. The tiny scar he always had was not there--at first. She watched it appear as she thought about it, etching itself into his skin.

The warning from Mr. D crept back into her consciousness, but when she looked up into Peter's deep, warm eyes, she could not bear to let him go again. Whether he was an illusion or not.
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For Ivy

Silenus POV

Silenus ran his fingers gently over his girl's pretty hair. "Bad dream?" he asked. He wondered how honest she would be. How much would she tell? Was she embarrassed enough by the odd content of her "dream" to keep quiet? Did she trust Mr. D enough to tell him anyway?

In the quiet before she spoke, Silenus could not help but let his fingers wander, moving from her hair to explore the contours of her neck, walking his fingers along the collar of her shirt. He was careful to keep his touch light and easy. For now. Though his fingers itched to tear the fabric of her clothing, to press hard into the tender flesh of her breast. There would be time for that soon, time for tears and blood, and hot cum. Very soon.

Silenus had every intention of fucking her. He would fuck her hard, and fuck her full of pain and terror. But he found himself wondering if she would submit willingly to him as a pretty man, even though she only meant to tease him and burn him when faced with his true form. He didn't need any justification for rape. It was enough to him that she was weak and easy prey, who had been foolish enough to wander away from the rest of the flock, but her rejection of him, in favor of some false façade, roused an indignant wrath that entwined with his viscous lust, in such a way as to feel very much like justice, or at least vindication.

As the girl began to speak he laid back on the bed, drawing her down with him, planting provocative little kisses against her neck.
"I don't even remember falling asleep." She sniffled as she calmed even more to the feeling of his hand gently caressing her hair. When he got to her neck she tensed for a moment, but decided that the sensation wasn't too offensive or uncomfortable and let him continue as she relaxed.

"It was so strange. I came in here and then the door was gone and when I wasn't looking it came back and standing in front of it was this... I don't know what it was. It had a man's face but his body was covered in fur and on his head there were horns." She decided not to say what the creatures intention for her was, but instead address something else that was peculiar to her as he laid back and pulled her closer to him.

"He kept... calling me a fairy... Don't know why. I don't even like fairy or mythical stories." For someone who just woke up she sure felt tired.

When his lips touched her throat, her body tensed quickly. That was crossing a comfort line. Ivy pulled away from him a little, obviously showing how confused she was on her face as she looked at him. "Mr. D, what are you doing?" She had thought that he wanted sexual payment from her before but he seemed to have made it a point that he wanted nothing else but to help her. Was she so gullible to believe that someone could be so kind?
For Cole

Maeve POV

It was his moment of perfect surrender, more than the aggressive lust in his voice, even more than the thrust of his long, powerful cock, that very nearly tipped her into ecstasy.

She was close... so very close. She pulled him near and covered his mouth with hers, caressing his lips with her tongue before plunging her tongue into the cavern of his mouth. As she kissed him, she fumbled with the stocking that bound him. It was a simple knot, and it gave way easily at her tug.

"Fuck me, Cole... Fuck me hard on my desk... Call me a dirty slut... Call me... whatever you want... Make me cum... But... Before you cum... I want you... to ask for permission." Maeve issued commands between the kisses, between the panting breaths, and gasping moans, which came more and more rapidly, until she felt the sudden electric spasm in her cunt, clenching around Cole's cock in a shuddering earth-moving orgasm.

She had not meant to cum so soon, but she couldn't control herself. It didn't matter though. Whatever doubts she had about her power, whatever worries she would tender later about hypocrisy and her own weaknesses were completely drown out by jolting waves of pleasure, and feelings pure adoration for this handsome, spirited man who had placed himself so willingly at her mercy.