The 10 Kinds of Trolls You Will Encounter When Talking About Mike Brown

No bias here, guy. Never said that a cop couldn't be a victim.

I said that it's hilarious that you think Wilson could be. He is in no way, shape or form a victim. Maybe in Bizarro World, baby. Not here.

So again you must know something no one else knows. Clue us in.
Well if you think about it, many of these posters and others who share their viewpoints outside the internet, do not see people of color as humans or even worthy of living.

That is why they were so EAGER to jump on the 'He's a no good thug' racist bandwagon. You see how they flocked to these types of threads like flies on shit only to attack the victim? Any time a person of color is a victim of a crime, the first question asks 'what did he do to deserve it?' It is like a rape victim being asked 'was she dressing provocatively?' The same disgraceful posters did it for Trayvon, and now they are doing it to Michael Brown. It is disgusting and not surprising.

This belief may be far-fetched but it is the same concept of many who enjoy black on white wife cuckolding porn. They don't see the black man as a human, but as a savage fuck machine and beast laying it on a pure, virginal white angel.

But if you look at history, savagery transcends race and culture, but the black man is still stereotyped in such a way.

Go and ahead and throw the insults if you don't agree. I'm pretty used to it on the GB. Nothing but words, I couldn't care less of what some think of my opinion.

Wait a second...

Did you jump on the white cop shot an innocent Ute bandwagon?

This list says that anyone who says, at once, anyone who wait for more evidence is a troll, anyone who points out the criminal behavior is a troll and anyone who thinks that it is possible that there was an element of self-defense is a troll.

BUt, you, you make a point that I have been making on the other threads, that anyone who doubts the original story is not really a troll, but a racists who hates brown people.


It is so hard for people to fathom that there are crooked or inept cops who cause harm to innocent people? After all was it not a cop that shot a 92 year old black woman in Atlanta to death and covered it up claiming she shot at them first (later found to be untrue)? Was it not cops who shot Andrew Goodman, Michael Schwerner, and Michael Chaney, three civil rights activists in cold blood during the summer of '64? Was it not cops who beat a black man in Detroit, Malice Green to death? Was it not cops who shot Sean Bell before his wedding day?

They know who they are...racism, misogyny and homophobia are all inter-connected. Those that are racists also tend to view women in low regard and hold homophobic beliefs. For example, there is a poster on here that calls anyone who is not a straight white male, fags, niggers, and cunts for disagreeing with his opinions. That's why they foam at the mouth and become defensive when called out on their behavior. That's one of the reasons they can't stand my ass and have me on ignore.

I have seen no one on here say that there are not crooked, corrupt, or inept cops. They would be laughable as well as wrong. Unfortunately there are too many known cases. But you give a lousy example. After all the time you had to form an answer you named 6 since 1964. There are much better and numerous examples.

Sean Bell was a mess that was made worse by Sharpton paying witnesses. I can see it from both sides in this one and to me it seems a tragedy. But none of this explains why you among others wish to do to the police officer in Ferguson what you decry when it happens to a minority, and that is convict him, not just without a trial but without an investigation. You also try to use woe is me tales to excuse looting and rioting of which no excuse can be made. If you want to bitch and moan about it, wait until it is investigated and then do it. Right or wrong you will at least have some information before you lynch him. The same can be said of the ones claiming he is innocent. No one fucking knows at this point.
No bias here, guy. Never said that a cop couldn't be a victim.

I said that it's hilarious that you think Wilson could be. He is in no way, shape or form a victim. Maybe in Bizarro World, baby. Not here.

How can he not be a victim?

In rational, reasonable explanation, not fonts and gifs. I am honestly curious, because some of you people seem to be saying he is guilty of a crime and are doing so so vociferously that Jay Nixon felt compelled, sans indictment, to promise that the prosecution and sentencing would be vigorous.
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I have seen no one on here say that there are not crooked, corrupt, or inept cops. They would be laughable as well as wrong. Unfortunately there are too many known cases. But you give a lousy example. After all the time you had to form an answer you named 6 since 1964. There are much better and numerous examples.

Sean Bell was a mess that was made worse by Sharpton paying witnesses. I can see it from both sides in this one and to me it seems a tragedy. But none of this explains why you among others wish to do to the police officer in Ferguson what you decry when it happens to a minority, and that is convict him, not just without a trial but without an investigation. You also try to use woe is me tales to excuse looting and rioting of which no excuse can be made. If you want to bitch and moan about it, wait until it is investigated and then do it. Right or wrong you will at least have some information before you lynch him. The same can be said of the ones claiming he is innocent. No one fucking knows at this point.

It's their Todd Akins moment.

All you need is one to impugn and entire group if you pretty much have a political or Social Justice animus towards that group. The one lone example can justify all of your prejudices.
It is so hard for people to fathom that there are crooked or inept cops who cause harm to innocent people? After all was it not a cop that shot a 92 year old black woman in Atlanta to death and covered it up claiming she shot at them first (later found to be untrue)? Was it not cops who shot Andrew Goodman, Michael Schwerner, and Michael Chaney, three civil rights activists in cold blood during the summer of '64? Was it not cops who beat a black man in Detroit, Malice Green to death? Was it not cops who shot Sean Bell before his wedding day?

They know who they are...racism, misogyny and homophobia are all inter-connected. Those that are racists also tend to view women in low regard and hold homophobic beliefs. For example, there is a poster on here that calls anyone who is not a straight white male, fags, niggers, and cunts for disagreeing with his opinions. That's why they foam at the mouth and become defensive when called out on their behavior. That's one of the reasons they can't stand my ass and have me on ignore.

I know some guys who hold women in low regard but they are just sexist pigs. Seriously though name calling is the norm in the political threads and they carry it over to other threads too. I don't pay much attention when insults, labels and dismissive quips replace logical discourse. I should've included honest to the bit.
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From Salon:

Friday, Aug 22, 2014 07:00 AM EDT

4 worst right-wing reactions to Michael Brown’s killing and the Ferguson protests

Laura Ingraham has taken aim at demonstrators on the street, while Fox News has decided this is all Obama's fault

Evan McMurry, AlterNet

The fatal shooting of unarmed teenager Michael Brown hardly occurred in a vacuum. It hit television and Twitter just weeks after the death of Eric Garner at the hands of the NYPD, and amidst a public still stung from the protracted battle over the shooting of Trayvon Martin. Brown’s death and the subsequent protests rapidly revived a phalanx of imbecilic, racist, kneejerk reactions, some of which had just been shelved after George Zimmerman’s trial last summer. Conservative media wasted no time in making Brown’s death into grist for their mills.

1. To cover or not: While CNN and MSNBC had live, on-the-ground coverage when the protests metastasized Sunday night, Fox News trained its cameras on Mike Huckabee jamming with a country singer, followed by a rerun of Megyn Kelly interviewing Bill Ayers. By the time Fox noticed the protests, it revived of its oldest tricks: finding an African American leader to repeat its talking points back to it. Up this time were Kevin Jackson, who spouted Fox-approved rhetoric about the decay of black communities, and Martin Luther King, Jr.’s niece.

That’s not to say the other networks did all that better. It took Morning Joe a while to cover the protests in Ferguson, but perhaps it was better off not bothering. When the Beltway-fretted program finally did get around to punditing, it aired an inexplicably brief clip of a radio reporter being threatened, before defending the police officers doing the threatening, even suggesting the cops were acting out of concern for the press’ safety. This could have been refuted by reporters on the scene, which MSNBC had. Alas.

2. Smearing Michael Brown: Conservative media has never met a young black man it couldn’t retroactively enlist into the shadowy urban gangs of its fevered imagination. Enter Pat Dollard and Jim “the Gateway Pundit” Hoft, both of whom posted photos of Brown “making gang signs” (which, in fact, was nothing more than Brown “doing things with his hands,” in Asawin Suebsaeng’s phrasing). Hoft allegedthat the signs were unique Blood codes, though the worst Brown does is give the middle finger. Dollard went further: “The red gear seals the deal on proof that Brown was a member of the notoriously violent Bloods street gang,” he noted.

Then came the toxicology report indicating Brown had marijuana in his system. And never count out Pat Robertson. The 700 Club host didn’t even need a toxicology report. “Now, was he high on some kind of drugs?” Robertson asked on his show. “That hasn’t come out yet… But the next thing we understand was he was walking down the middle of the street and obstructing traffic, which says to me he probably was high on something.” As Dollard put it, “He got everything he deserved.”

3. Smearing the protestors: It only takes one bad actor in a protest for the Fox News crowd to see anarchy in the street. Conservative radio host Laura Ingraham said, “We know now that thugs are thugs,” and went on to blame the media for turning the protests into “a reality show.” “People who are going to take advantage of the situation are going to do that especially if they know that the media’s all there, right? Got the cameras on everyone. It’s become its own reality show. So, there’s going to be cameras trained on you. You’re going to be looting and you might get stopped but you probably won’t get stopped.”

Meanwhile, one of the right’s most portable complaints is why Obama/Sharpton/Jackson/et al. will not address “black-on-black crime.” There have been some great responses from Ta-Nehisi Coates and Jamelle Bouie that should (but won’t) squash this talking point for good, but in the meantime something interesting happened: the Rally for Michael Brown featured Al Sharpton and Highway Patrol Captain Ron Johnson doing the thing the right falsely claims black leaders never do: addressing the African American community about the shooting.

The result? It was as if the right didn’t hear a word of the speeches. In fact, the Fox legal analyst lambasted Ron Johnson’s impassioned speech, even accusing him of being “too close” to the community to police them: “He’s emotionally overcome by the moments and the nights he’s been subjected to. I think he’s become too close to the situation to be dispassionate and to be objective going forward.”

But the media wasn’t just vitriolic with regard to the protests. CNN international anchor Rosemary Church wondered why cops were tear-gassing protestors when they could just turn a water cannon on them. The look her cohost gave her communicated what every viewer was thinking: water cannons and African American protestors don’t exactly have a great history together.

4. Smearing Barack Obama: Fox News munchkin Todd Starnes hasn’t let a single event pass without using it to tar Obama, even if his current critique contradicts his previous one. Having spent the preceding few days sniping at Obama for not interrupting his vacation to address his various issues, Starnes pulled a sharp right last week and denounced Obama for interrupting his vacation to address Brown’s death.

“Obama sends ‘deep condolences’ to family of MO teen killed after allegedly attacking police officer,” Starnes tweeted. “No condolences for the cop.” For Starnes, this is part of a long line of Obama’s closet racism. “First Obama speaks out for the Harvard professor—then Trayvon—and now Michael Brown,” he tweeted. “I’m sensing a pattern.”

But it takes a true pro like Rush Limbaugh to ride Starnes’ crazy train to the end of the line, aka the Benghazi stop. “This is the Democrat Party, folks,” Limbaugh said on his show Tuesday. “The president of the United States is in charge of what’s happened here. I think it is time for everybody to come to grips with a simple reality. I don’t care what scandal you name —Benghazi, Fast and Furious, take your pick, IRS… This is about wiping out anybody who opposes Obama…All of this is Barack Obama. Every event, every detail, every occurrence is Obama. And the end result is the end and absence of any opposition. So that’s what Ferguson’s all about, like all the rest of this has been about.”

And that’s how you get from the shooting death of an unarmed man to a widespread concerted conspiracy by the President of the United States without leaving your radio booth.
Sounds like chapter and verse from "AJ's Guide to Exploitin' Tragedy for Political Gain".

B-b-b-but HE'S THE VICTIM!!!!

Isn't one more than enough?

Does Trayvon Martin count? He had no gun and was shot and killed by someone fancying himself a cop.

How about these figures? Or this graph?


So tell me how there aren't figures again.

I didn't say that there were not figures. I asked that they be produced to back a statement. Your first URL was closer to the point. The second and third have no meaning as to the point being discussed. The only problem with your first URL which has some good figures is that there is no way to tell which of the shootings were unnecessary. I know some were but the figures are virtually impossible to come by.
I didn't say that there were not figures. I asked that they be produced to back a statement. Your first URL was closer to the point. The second and third have no meaning as to the point being discussed. The only problem with your first URL which has some good figures is that there is no way to tell which of the shootings were unnecessary. I know some were but the figures are virtually impossible to come by.

Well part of the reason they are impossible to come by is because law enforcement protect their own. They were all justified because they were done by cops. I think when you look at the number of people killed by cops each year and the number of cops killed by people each year it becomes obvious that the majority were not justified. But there are no easily obtained facts and figures.

However the fact is that this looks bad and for those of us on this side of the equation it feels bad. It's as I mentioned before it's not JUST when we get killed. I've had cops pull guns on me for showing up to my own shop after a break in. Apparently sitting in a well lit room, in the open with a gameboy is threatening. I admit that I was bald at the time. Maybe he mistook me for this guy?


It's a lot of stuff.
Well part of the reason they are impossible to come by is because law enforcement protect their own. They were all justified because they were done by cops. I think when you look at the number of people killed by cops each year and the number of cops killed by people each year it becomes obvious that the majority were not justified. But there are no easily obtained facts and figures.

However the fact is that this looks bad and for those of us on this side of the equation it feels bad. It's as I mentioned before it's not JUST when we get killed. I've had cops pull guns on me for showing up to my own shop after a break in. Apparently sitting in a well lit room, in the open with a gameboy is threatening. I admit that I was bald at the time. Maybe he mistook me for this guy?


It's a lot of stuff.

Sean there is no doubt that cops, to a point, protect their own. There ARE factors though that go into it. No decent cop is going to protect an outright murderer. I have to disagree with your comment that "when you look at the number of people killed by cops each year and the number of cops killed by people each year it becomes obvious that the majority were not justified". Cops have training that the average criminal does not have. Plus you have the equipment such as Kevlar that helps protect the cops and the cops try to have overwhelming force on their side to prevent situations from getting to the point that shots have to be fired. You and I disagree a lot but you are not unreasonable, so I do not think that you would want the numbers to be even just to show that cops are not ever in the wrong, because it is obvious that they are. Hell cops are humans too and make mistakes or are just plain dirty. There is no way to make you feel better about what you have had happen to you. I will tell you that I had a black cop pull his gun on me, though he did not point it at me, one time when I was on my own front porch and on crutches from major knee surgery. I was wearing shorts and he could see that I had a thick compression bandage going from my ankle to my thigh. So at the distance he was from me I was no threat. My sin was taking up for a black teenager that the cop had seen in the alley behind my house. The kid was doing some work for me. I say this not to try to say that the same things happen to whites, but to show that cops do not always know what they are going into. Therefore they sometimes react more to prevent a threat than to actually combat the threat.
LOL, now there are a full slew of threads from older, paternalistic men trying to 'study' the behavior of black folks as if they know.

Amazing. :rolleyes:

They need to go get laid and STFU
LOL, now there are a full slew of threads from older, paternalistic men trying to 'study' the behavior of black folks as if they know.

Amazing. :rolleyes:

They need to go get laid and STFU

They should just go talk to smooth, he's entertaining too. Although he'll probably say go eat a dick within 5 min .
Who knows, one of them probably created smooth as a joke.

I wondered about that too, think about it for a second, both of these guys show up at the same time:

Toubab, prickly humorless white guy who cannot tolerate any criticism....
Smoothg103rd, prickly humorless "black" guy who cannot tolerate any criticism...