The 10 Kinds of Trolls You Will Encounter When Talking About Mike Brown

What about the pro-Brown troll who keeps omitting the part about him apparently breaking the cops eye socket?

Or the pro-cop troll that won't admit that a cop should be able to handle himself without fucking KILLING an unarmed person!

To say this thing isn't racial instantly makes you the Clueless Troll. Both sides seem to feel justified in their outrage, anger over what has happened which includes the aftermath. Holder is right, we are a nation of cowards when it comes to race...both sides are cowardly. Neither side wants to really analyze what their own side has done to get us to this point, we all just keep looking for a reason why it's the other sides fault. In conclusion, we're fucked.

That's a whole lot of people that you have called cowardly. The only cowardly side is the side that refuses to admit that police brutality exists.
you're not implying that I think police brutality doesn't exist, are you? not sure where you'd get that from my comment. now, to say the ONLY cowards are ones who wont admit it exists seems silly to me. while those folks are in fact cowardly, I think it's safe to say there's a few more cowards than just those folks.

That's a whole lot of people that you have called cowardly. The only cowardly side is the side that refuses to admit that police brutality exists.
you're not implying that I think police brutality doesn't exist, are you? not sure where you'd get that from my comment. now, to say the ONLY cowards are ones who wont admit it exists seems silly to me. while those folks are in fact cowardly, I think it's safe to say there's a few more cowards than just those folks.

No, I didn't imply that you didn't think police brutality exists. I disagreed on you calling both sides cowardly. The only cowardly side is the pro-cop side.
Ahhh, CNN reported it, must be fact. Before you get your "my side is right" talking points together you should know that I am not blindly faithful to the police, in this or any other situation. I'm also not a lap dog to the folks who want to act like the kid couldn't possibly have done anything wrong because he was "unarmed". If you read my comment, I am simply stating that there are folks who conveniently ignore facts when it benefits their argument. I didn't notice if this HuPo article was written before or after CNN set your record straight.

Not sure which troll it makes me but, I am firmly in the camp of once all the real evidence (not CNN) is out and available then it will be much easier to decide who the asshole is here, and the cards are rightfully stacked against the guy who shot an unarmed man.

CNN reported on Saturday there was no, zero, zip, nada injury to Officer PewPew's eye socket. You really need to update your talking points.
The "Wait for Evidence" Troll
This troll may or may not be anonymous and pretends to be focused on respecting and upholding the law. "We don't know what happened yet," they say, "wait for evidence before you lambast an officer of the law." They pretend that things like racism, police brutality, police corruption, etc. don't exist and insist that if concrete evidence is released, they will be swayed to feel "sympathy" for Mike Brown. But they won't. When evidence arises, they find objection to its relevance or veracity. They then transform into The "Mike Brown Shouldn't Have [insert human action here]" Troll, to follow.
Well God Bless America, where a group of horny folks can speak our minds and disagree! When you shoot an unarmed kid, I expect you to have a damn good reason for it, otherwise it's cowardice.

My intention with my "we're all cowards" comment was to suggest that in the larger, overall racial discussion, both black and white are cowards at times. Both guilty of not criticizing our own race when it's warranted, both guilty of not being able to handle a discussion of race without it escalating into a shouting match, or worse.

No, I didn't imply that you didn't think police brutality exists. I disagreed on you calling both sides cowardly. The only cowardly side is the pro-cop side.
Yes!! That's me! The wait for the evidence troll! Thanks. The following is a particularly stinging line that applies to both sides of this, and many other issues. "When evidence arises, they find objection to its relevance or veracity." Those who believe that their side is right will staunchly defend the cop or Mike Brown, regardless of the evidence. These people are cowards because they refuse to be willing to say, ya know what I was wrong about that guy (cop or brown). Nope, instead they have a narrative they are going to stick to, truth be damned. Sad. If ever there's a troll I would like to be, this is the one. Since I know that my judgment will be based on evidence, the line I just quoted can simply be admired for the way it can be used against either side of the argument.

The "Wait for Evidence" Troll
This troll may or may not be anonymous and pretends to be focused on respecting and upholding the law. "We don't know what happened yet," they say, "wait for evidence before you lambast an officer of the law." They pretend that things like racism, police brutality, police corruption, etc. don't exist and insist that if concrete evidence is released, they will be swayed to feel "sympathy" for Mike Brown. But they won't. When evidence arises, they find objection to its relevance or veracity. They then transform into The "Mike Brown Shouldn't Have [insert human action here]" Troll, to follow.