Syria - the day after


Literotica Guru
Feb 17, 2003
with obama dancing around like a ignorant clueless fucktard ... yet again...

what will happen the day after we strike Syria?

does obama have a plan? is the obama ready?

what will happen when Syria strikes Israel? WWIII?

obama knew about the gas, 3 days before the strike, why didn't they act then?

do you really trust obama? why is it that no one else in the wold does....
Assad will turn over all his chemical weapons to the UN.


Yes. It is a most brilliant plan; he's the new Machiavelli and Sun Tzu rolled into one.


They will be too terrified of American firepower to dare strike anyone ever again.


Because of Republican Obstructionism and the bad names they would call him, so people had to die for oil, Haliburton, Cheney, pick one.


He has, with this one bold proclamation, restored our image in the world.

All your opposition is due to knee-jerk Obamabad...
