Still the “Most Corrupt Presidency in the History of the Republic”

Perhaps if Democrats would momentarily shelve their obsession with Donald Trump, they’d comprehend the staggering abuse of power they’re defending these days.

Because much of Wednesday’s Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing with DOJ inspector general Michael Horowitz was jaw-dropping. Horowitz’s testimony, in fact, sounded little like the media depiction of the IG report only the day before. Most major outlets had stressed that the IG had found no bias in the Crossfire Hurricane investigation. But failing to uncover explicit instances of bias and exonerating the FBI aren’t the same thing.

Worse, most of the media had buried the lede. An honest headline would have read something like: “Obama’s FBI cooked up evidence to keep rickety investigation into Trump campaign going.”

From yesterday’s hearing:

Senator Ted Cruz: “A lawyer at the FBI creates fraudulent evidence, alters an email that is in turn used as the basis for a sworn statement to the court that the court relies on. Am I stating that accurately?”

Horowitz: “That’s correct.”...

A person would need to suspend his disbelief to believe that a government lawyer would risk fabricating this kind evidence in such a sensitive case without any partisan intent. By any standard, though, it is corruption. As I noted in my piece yesterday, the FBI misled a FISA court that already hands out warrants at a 99.8 percent rate — in a case against Trump that Americans were assured was an absolute no-brainer....

A flailing Senator Richard Blumenthal, forgetting the most vital rule of lawyering, tried to induce Horowitz to admit that warrants allowing the FBI to spy on one-time Trump aide Carter Page had actually yielded useful information:

Senator Blumenthal: “[FISAs] are renewed because they are producing useful information, correct?”

IG: “Or they should be producing useful information.”

Blumenthal: ”. . . they were producing useful information, correct?”

IG: “I’m not sure that’s entirely correct.”

What Horowitz did tell the Senate was that FISA warrants relied “entirely” on useless information found in the fictitious Steele dossier — a document that not only allegedly featured intelligence gleaned from foreign powers, but one that was paid for by the same political party running the DOJ and running against Trump. We know it yielded no beneficial information, because Crossfire Hurricane generated a total of zero convictions for criminal conspiracy between Trump’s 2016 campaign and dreaded Russians....

Why didn’t CNN contributor Andrew McCabe — who “handpicked” the agents involved in crafting the FISA warrants before being fired from the FBI for misconduct — ever speak up about these abuses? In 2018, the former head of the FBI James Comey, said: “I have total confidence that the FISA process was followed and that the entire case was handled in a thoughtful, responsible way. . . . I think the notion that FISA was abused here is nonsense.” Was he lying?

Now if your argument is that FISA abuse such as this goes on all the time . . . well, that too is a huge scandal for the Obama administration and the FBI. Hopefully the Republicans will change their position on surveillance powers. Whether they do or do not, however, does not mitigate the harm of this scandal.​

D. Harsanyi, The Obama’s Administration’s FISA Abuse Is a Massive Scandal, National Review (Dec. 12, 2019).


P. Williams, Secret FISA court issues highly unusual public rebuke of FBI for mistakes, NBC (Dec. 17, 2019).

Why didn’t CNN contributor Andrew McCabe — who “handpicked” the agents involved in crafting the FISA warrants before being fired from the FBI for misconduct — ever speak up about these abuses? In 2018, the former head of the FBI James Comey, said: “I have total confidence that the FISA process was followed and that the entire case was handled in a thoughtful, responsible way. . . . I think the notion that FISA was abused here is nonsense.” Was he lying?

Now if your argument is that FISA abuse such as this goes on all the time . . . well, that too is a huge scandal for the Obama administration and the FBI. Hopefully the Republicans will change their position on surveillance powers. Whether they do or do not, however, does not mitigate the harm of this scandal.[/INDENT]

Comey will be shown to have been lying in more than one case, and under oath as well. I want to see Durham nail the key principle actors on conspiracy violations of 18 USC 371, "Conspriracy Against The United States."

I guess my point is if there were some 51 errors, misrepresentations, plus a lack of exculpatory evidence, in just this one unlawful FISA and its three subsequent unlawful renewals, what are the odds the other 10,700 warrants issued to the FBI in the last 30 years are perfectly legal?:)
The alleged "most corrupt president in history," has yet to be charged with a crime by a House full of angry Democrats with stage 4 TDS.
The main corruption in the Trump administration is in the CIA, FBI, and NSA. John Brennan, Jim Comey and James Clapper.
Woodrow Wilson comes to mind as well, but Obama takes the cake.

Corruption is a matter of definition. Some would say I and others are corrupt because we write pornographic stories or post porn. pics. Some would call Clinton and JFK corrupt because they used their positions to get hot pussy. Was Obama corrupt? He took office as a man of relatively modest means and became one of the richest men in the country.
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Was Obama corrupt? He took office as a man of relatively modest means and became one of the richest men in the country.

There is no evidence of any corruption to that end. It's perfectly normal for ex-presidents to command huge speaking fees.

If you've got any evidence that they didn't come into the money honestly, I'm happy to consider it. But I've never seen you base your arguments on anything other than "DEMS ARE BADDDDD".

(You DO know, by the way, that generally speaking one doesn't pay the full price for a house? You pay a down payment, usually of 10% or so, or $1.2 million in the case you cited. That's just a few speaking engagements and some book royalties from both of them.)
If you've got any evidence that they didn't come into the money honestly, I'm happy to consider it. But I've never seen you base your arguments on anything other than "DEMS ARE BADDDDD".

(You DO know, by the way, that generally speaking one doesn't pay the full price for a house? You pay a down payment, usually of 10% or so, or $1.2 million in the case you cited. That's just a few speaking engagements and some book royalties from both of them.)

Obama's wealth accumulation is most likely legit. However, his mastery of deception is second to none. He fooled his gullible audience, he brilliantly manipulated his DOJ and FBI in his elaborate and clever plot to frame Trump. It's nothing short of a brilliant Geppetto style puppet mastery. Now, all the strings are cut, the puppet lay dying, the curtain nearly drawn as Geppetto quietly leaves the scene laying waste to all who served him and you fools revere him as your hero, the anointed one, the transparent one, the uniter in chief, so sad! Could surpass the greatest of Shakespearean tragedies.
If you've got any evidence that they didn't come into the money honestly, I'm happy to consider it. But I've never seen you base your arguments on anything other than "DEMS ARE BADDDDD".

In the absence of evidence, you see nothing suspicious or unethical? No appearance of impropriety?
If you've got any evidence that they didn't come into the money honestly, I'm happy to consider it. But I've never seen you base your arguments on anything other than "DEMS ARE BADDDDD".

(You DO know, by the way, that generally speaking one doesn't pay the full price for a house? You pay a down payment, usually of 10% or so, or $1.2 million in the case you cited. That's just a few speaking engagements and some book royalties from both of them.)

Most homeowners bought homes as you describe but, when you are as rich as the Obamas, you have other options. When I read about $400,000 speaker fees, I get suspicious.
Most homeowners bought homes as you describe but, when you are as rich as the Obamas, you have other options. When I read about $400,000 speaker fees, I get suspicious.

I think you; should you decide to look real close, would find ( to your amazement I'm sure ) the Clintons much more culpable of gaming the system. They're the 'EPITOME' of "QUID PRO QUO". They were QUID PRO QUO when QUID PRO QUO wasn't cool. With their foundation as cover, they elevated from Popper to Prince status in less than 8 short years. Millionaires several times over.
I think you; should you decide to look real close, would find ( to your amazement I'm sure ) the Clintons much more culpable of gaming the system. They're the 'EPITOME' of "QUID PRO QUO". They were QUID PRO QUO when QUID PRO QUO wasn't cool. With their foundation as cover, they elevated from Popper to Prince status in less than 8 short years. Millionaires several times over.

In this regard Hillary, at least, is probably an even bigger crook than Obama. However, she was never POTUS, and I had already mentioned her philandering husband.
In this regard Hillary, at least, is probably an even bigger crook than Obama. However, she was never POTUS, and I had already mentioned her philandering husband.

Your right ( never potus ) but close, however, one was! Senators make millions too!
Whataboutery is frowned upon now that President Trump is in office, but if President Trump had done a tiny percentage of what Obama orchestrated, he actually would be in federal prison. Imagine what would have happened if President Trump had done the following:

  • used a recession to bilk a trillion dollars from the public to stuff the pockets of campaign donors like Solyndra
  • facilitated Agent Brian Terry's murder by arming the Mexican cartels
  • targeted American citizens for assassination without a whiff of due process
  • lied to voters that their doctors would be protected and premiums reduced, while illegally funding Obamacare and covering illegal aliens' health care
  • stolen from victims of Iranian terrorism by plundering escrow accounts protected by law while handing over $1.7 billion in untraceable European currency and planeloads of American cash, releasing twenty-one Iranian convicts, and shutting down a decade-long DEA operation against Hezb'allah's double-whammy assault of smuggling cocaine into the U.S. and financing terrorism against us, all for the glory of an "Iran deal"
  • spied on reporters while putting a record number of their sources in jail
  • used the IRS as his personal gang of thugs to target conservatives before the 2012 election
  • allowed a 9-11 anniversary terrorist attack to unfold without sending reinforcements while falsely blaming the four resulting American deaths on a YouTube video and American free speech
  • sent an untold number of American veterans to early deaths through widespread negligence and corruption at the V.A.
  • protected his attorney general who lied to lawmakers on the president's behalf so persistently that Democrats joined Republicans to make him the first A.G. to be held in contempt of Congress
  • protected his CIA director, who spied on lawmakers and lied about it
  • protected his director of National Intelligence, who illegally spied on all Americans and lied about it
  • protected his heir apparent, who used an illegal and compromised email server and lied about it
  • promoted his U.N. ambassador to national security adviser for unashamedly circuiting Sunday-morning talk shows and peddling demonstrable lies to the American public
  • and all of this while betraying his oath of office by vigorously attacking Americans' constitutionally protected free speech, religion, and right to bear arms; squeezing colleges and private companies to submit to his socialist vision; and punishing his ideological foes by using a corrupt Justice Department and FBI to hunt his enemies

J.B. Shurk, The corruption of Barack Obama, American Thinker (Feb. 16, 2020).