The Five Stages of MAGA Grief


Abusive Little Bitch
Nov 22, 2013
Donald Trump's followers have suffered a severe ego wound. Their entire world is crumbling around them. For most people, politics aren't central to their identity. They can walk away from a loss at the ballot box relatively unscathed. For example, I was disappointed when Hillary Clinton lost in 2016, but it didn't crush me. Being a Hillary supporter wasn't central to my identity.

Trump supporters are different. They can't just switch their allegiance to a different Republican. Supporting anyone else is unthinkable.

Donald Trump's felony convictions are forcing them into the five stages of grief. Mostly what we're seeing on the Politics Board right now is Denial and Bargaining: The news media is lying. There's some clever technicality that proves the trial was a sham. The Supreme Court will swoop in and save him. The dangerous point comes when they move on to Anger. In the real world we may see actual violence -- attempted assassinations of the authorities holding Trump to account. But here on the Politics board we'll just see a lot more acting out -- nihilistic posts about how everything is a joke or America is completely broken.

Hopefully as soon as possible, MAGA can work through their collective anger to get to Depression and Acceptance. Then we'll see a lot of conservative posters wandering away or going silent, too beaten down and ashamed to keep up a losing fight.

Finally, once they work through their grief over Trump, they can start posting again about real political issues.
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There may be a few Timothy McVeigh acts of terrorism. These will be terrible, but they will isolate the true believing Trumpers from most Republicans and most conservatories.

The militia movement did not survive what Timothy McVeigh did.
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trumpone is a mooslim black lesbian that has successfully transitioned to a cristian str8 while male.
that's why y'all hate him.
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Will they actually be able to get through those stages? I think there's a (scary) potential they'll get stuck at one.

They’ll only get unstuck at death…. like every fanatical cultist ever.

Apocalyptic cult followers are the most likely to resort to violence. The MAGA cult has roots that go way back to the Civil War, but in recent decades has been revved up with right-wing mass media from Limbaugh to the Murdochs and now to the internet-based purveyors of hate, resentment, and chaos.

While this low-class hate movement would normally burn out under other circumstances, it is useful to certain rich and greedy influencers in the GOP who have helped to encourage and finance the hate movement in order to win elections.

The problem is that the hate movement found a savior for their narcisism with Donald Trump. He says out loud what they feel, that all their frustrations in life can be attributed to scapegoats. And if those scapegoats win elections, violence and revolution are the only remaining options.

The GOP let the genie out of the bottle, and a death cult has taken over the GOP.
Donald Trump's followers have suffered a severe ego wound. Their entire world is crumbling around them. For most people, politics aren't central to their identity. They can walk away from a loss at the ballot box relatively unscathed. For example, I was disappointed when Hillary Clinton lost in 2016, but it didn't crush me. Being a Hillary supporter wasn't central to my identity.

Trump supporters are different. They can't just switch their allegiance to a different Republican. Supporting anyone else is unthinkable.

Donald Trump's felony convictions are forcing them into the five stages of grief. Mostly what we're seeing on the Politics Board right now is Denial and Bargaining: The news media is lying. There's some clever technicality that proves the trial was a sham. The Supreme Court will swoop in and save him. The dangerous point comes when they move on to Anger. In the real world we may see actual violence -- attempted assassinations of the authorities holding Trump to account. But here on the Politics board we'll just see a lot more acting out -- nihilistic posts about how everything is a joke or America is completely broken.

Hopefully as soon as possible, MAGA can work through their collective anger to get to Depression and Acceptance. Then we'll see a lot of conservative posters wandering away or going silent, too beaten down and ashamed to keep up a losing fight.

Finally, once they work through their grief over Trump, they can start posting again about real political issues.
I think you're giving MAGA too much credit. Those might be the normal steps of grieving for normal people. But I think there are only two steps for MAGA regarding Ol' Babydoll Hands being found guilty on 34 felony charges.

1. Scream, cry, and complain on an internet bulletin board service.
2. Scream into a pillow before crying yourself to sleep.

There will never be any acceptance. They will just repeat those two steps ad infinitum.
The usual suspects are peeing their panties at the realization that they might lose the November election so they bolster their courage by making dumb proclamations on a porn board.
The usual suspects are peeing their panties at the realization that they might lose the November election so they bolster their courage by making dumb proclamations on a porn board.
You may very well vote for trump given your post history. What do you expect to see if he somehow wins the election?
You may very well vote for trump given your post history. What do you expect to see if he somehow wins the election?

Who I will vote for is irrelevant to what I believe will happen after the election. I know who I support because I believe the other team is worse. Which is something both sides of the political divide are saying even though data shows that the majority of the American people do not support the current administration's policies on most things. However, there's a faction which doesn't seem to care that they're out of step with the majority of the people. So...

I expect to see a lot of unrest from the usual suspects who seem to believe that they can rewrite history, change definitions, ignore social norms, and blame everyone else for their life's misfortunes.

I expect to see armed conflict and a lot of dying here on US soil as illogical policies and actions from the past return to bite the asses of those who created them as well as a lot of innocent people too.

I expect to see hunger and homelessness increase and social devastation rise among all levels of society.

I see a major change in social media coming.

I see a bleak picture for the US over the next 2 years regardless of who wins this November. On the plus side, when all the shouting and shooting are over, we will have a stronger nation because we will know what the limits are and where the lines are drawn. I do not believe that those limits and lines will end up anywhere close to where the progressives want them to be. In fact, it's possible that many of the "social gains" which have been achieved over the past 2 decades will be permanently lost.
Who I will vote for is irrelevant to what I believe will happen after the election. I know who I support because I believe the other team is worse. Which is something both sides of the political divide are saying even though data shows that the majority of the American people do not support the current administration's policies on most things. However, there's a faction which doesn't seem to care that they're out of step with the majority of the people. So...

I expect to see a lot of unrest from the usual suspects who seem to believe that they can rewrite history, change definitions, ignore social norms, and blame everyone else for their life's misfortunes.

I expect to see armed conflict and a lot of dying here on US soil as illogical policies and actions from the past return to bite the asses of those who created them as well as a lot of innocent people too.

I expect to see hunger and homelessness increase and social devastation rise among all levels of society.

I see a major change in social media coming.

I see a bleak picture for the US over the next 2 years regardless of who wins this November. On the plus side, when all the shouting and shooting are over, we will have a stronger nation because we will know what the limits are and where the lines are drawn. I do not believe that those limits and lines will end up anywhere close to where the progressives want them to be. In fact, it's possible that many of the "social gains" which have been achieved over the past 2 decades will be permanently lost.
i agree, assuming Trump fails in his second bid.
I expect to see armed conflict and a lot of dying here on US soil as illogical policies and actions from the past return to bite the asses of those who created them as well as a lot of innocent people too.

I expect to see hunger and homelessness increase and social devastation rise among all levels of society.

Every MAGA’s wet dream.
It doesn't matter who wins, half the country isn't going to accept the loss peacefully.

Nah. Violence is unlikely. Was there violence in 2016? No. Was there violence in 2020? One day of violence by the stupidest fringe of the Clown Show.

The overwhelming majority of Americans might complain about an election result, but history tells us they won’t be moved to violence. MAGAs dream of violence, but don’t act on it except for the looniest few.
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It doesn't matter who wins, half the country isn't going to accept the loss peacefully.
Wrong…as usual.

The only side to show they are just a group of toddlers is the MAGA group. Not a bright group as they are so completely okay with lies, even proven lies, as long as their orange Jesus says it.

Hopefully McConnell will revisit his removal vote should your hero win. Your guy was responsible for the day.
Who I will vote for is irrelevant to what I believe will happen after the election. I know who I support because I believe the other team is worse. Which is something both sides of the political divide are saying even though data shows that the majority of the American people do not support the current administration's policies on most things. However, there's a faction which doesn't seem to care that they're out of step with the majority of the people. So...

I expect to see a lot of unrest from the usual suspects who seem to believe that they can rewrite history, change definitions, ignore social norms, and blame everyone else for their life's misfortunes.

I expect to see armed conflict and a lot of dying here on US soil as illogical policies and actions from the past return to bite the asses of those who created them as well as a lot of innocent people too.

I expect to see hunger and homelessness increase and social devastation rise among all levels of society.

I see a major change in social media coming.

I see a bleak picture for the US over the next 2 years regardless of who wins this November. On the plus side, when all the shouting and shooting are over, we will have a stronger nation because we will know what the limits are and where the lines are drawn. I do not believe that those limits and lines will end up anywhere close to where the progressives want them to be. In fact, it's possible that many of the "social gains" which have been achieved over the past 2 decades will be permanently lost.
Well, thanks for the effort, even if you didn’t answer my question.
Wrong…as usual.

The only side to show they are just a group of toddlers is the MAGA group. Not a bright group as they are so completely okay with lies, even proven lies, as long as their orange Jesus says it.

Hopefully McConnell will revisit his removal vote should your hero win. Your guy was responsible for the day.

ALL politicians lie. Every dam one of them. Trying to place blame on that basis is stupid.
The usual suspects are peeing their panties at the realization that they might lose the November election so they bolster their courage by making dumb proclamations on a porn board.
It's quite amusing how they vehemently deny reality, only to deflect their own inability to grasp the truth onto the MAGA movement.
It's quite amusing how they vehemently deny reality, only to deflect their own inability to grasp the truth onto the MAGA movement.
Which reality is being denied? How you kneel in front of Putin? Are you facing him when you kneel or away from him?

The MAGA movement is more like a bowel movement, this too shall pass!
Which reality is being denied? How you kneel in front of Putin? Are you facing him when you kneel or away from him?

The MAGA movement is more like a bowel movement, this too shall pass!
A perfect opportunity for you to eat shit and die.