Still the “Most Corrupt Presidency in the History of the Republic”

#75 above.
You try so hard to demonstrate how fair and reasonable you are yet always present alternative facts and analysis of facts from demonstrably right wing and biased sources, as judged by totally independent agencies.
Your record on this site as a racist and right wing stooge is well documented. Expect to be treated as you deserve.
Ah, that ole song and dance, music to my ears, if you disagree with a socialist lefty loon you're a racist.
God that shit gets old. I think Dan and Magicmorron need to get a room!!
I always know I've presented facts the Left cannot dispute about conduct the Left cannot defend when they resort to attacking the source, rather than debating the facts.

I noticed was Hillary was not convicted of anything. That is a fact isn't it?

If I had the time ( or inclination) I am sure I could find at least 10 scandals for Trump, Obama,Bush Jr, etc etc....

It is the convictions that count, not the number of scandals, isn't it?
I noticed was Hillary was not convicted of anything. That is a fact isn't it?

If I had the time ( or inclination) I am sure I could find at least 10 scandals for Trump, Obama,Bush Jr, etc etc....

It is the convictions that count, not the number of scandals, isn't it?

Never even indicted, let alone convicted.
Dawn writes:
On September 11, 2012, four Americans lost their lives in the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya — U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens, foreign service officer Sean Smith, and CIA contractors Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods. As details about the attack emerged, the role of then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was drawn into question because of the narrative she put forward about the attack.

Clinton claimed the attack was a random outburst of violence from the Lybian people prompted by a YouTube video. Later, emails surfaced that showed Clinton had emailed her daughter Chelsea about the attacks that evening, claiming the attack was planned by al-Qaeda.

She also admitted to the Egyptian prime minister that she knew “the attack in Libya had nothing to do with the film. It was a planned attack — not a protest.”

Often disregarded is the fact that the whole Benghazi thing began as a protest to the CIA stealing Libyan arms to ship to Syria. What began as a protest was converted when a Libian "freedom fighter" said, "You call that a protest, Hold my beer!"

He then told the Libyan's who were hired to guard the Annex that it might be wise to go home and then drove a couple three Technicals, Pickups with Machine guns, thru the front gate and blew the shit out of the carefully laid plans of the CIA.

Of course Hillary was shocked to learn that sometimes the US of A can be surprised by the innovations of common gunmen.

It is not surprising that the CIA often is not mentioned when their plans end as dismal failures. Also not surprising is Rethuglicunt apologists fail to do research into the facts and just blame Hillary for lying.
#75 above.
You try so hard to demonstrate how fair and reasonable you are yet always present alternative facts and analysis of facts from demonstrably right wing and biased sources, as judged by totally independent agencies.
Your record on this site as a racist and right wing stooge is well documented. Expect to be treated as you deserve.

Please show me a even one single post by me that was "racist."
Dawn writes:

On September 11, 2012, four Americans lost their lives in the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya — U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens, foreign service officer Sean Smith, and CIA contractors Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods. As details about the attack emerged, the role of then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was drawn into question because of the narrative she put forward about the attack.

Clinton claimed the attack was a random outburst of violence from the Lybian people prompted by a YouTube video. Later, emails surfaced that showed Clinton had emailed her daughter Chelsea about the attacks that evening, claiming the attack was planned by al-Qaeda.

She [Clinton] also admitted to the Egyptian prime minister that she knew “the attack in Libya had nothing to do with the film. It was a planned attack — not a protest.

Often disregarded is the fact that the whole Benghazi thing began as a protest to the CIA stealing Libyan arms to ship to Syria. What began as a protest was converted when a Libian "freedom fighter" said, "You call that a protest, Hold my beer!"

He then told the Libyan's who were hired to guard the Annex that it might be wise to go home and then drove a couple three Technicals, Pickups with Machine guns, thru the front gate and blew the shit out of the carefully laid plans of the CIA.

Of course Hillary was shocked to learn that sometimes the US of A can be surprised by the innovations of common gunmen.

It is not surprising that the CIA often is not mentioned when their plans end as dismal failures. Also not surprising is Rethuglicunt apologists fail to do research into the facts and just blame Hillary for lying.

So, are you just wrong, or was that another example of Clinton lying?
So, are you just wrong, or was that another example of Clinton lying?

An example of Hillary talking out her ass, yep! I mean she can't admit she was fooled by the French and Italians into using American Tech to beat the Air Defences that Gaddafi had built with unlimited Eros. That's what happens to Chickenhawk Cheerleaders.:rolleyes:
#92 above
The federalist papers project. Really!
Extreme right wing bias, conspiracy theory promotion, no fact checking, alternative facts. How gullible would you need to be to accept any opinions they might present. How stupid do you need to be to present their garbage on here.

Again, Hillary, possibly one of the worst examples of American womanhood you could find, clearly to stupid to avoid getting mixed up in all manner of political disasters, investigated by federal agencies practically non stop since her husbands presidency yet no indictments, no prosecutions. Go figure.
Peeking in on DawnONight and marveling at the sweeping carnage. Three bloody miles of the vanquished left, their moldering carcasses in various stages of decay. She is the Dawn who brings the night to pretentious fools. Carry on with your grim work, wounded survivors await their final judgment.:D;)
Peeking in on DawnONight and marveling at the sweeping carnage. Three bloody miles of the vanquished left, their moldering carcasses in various stages of decay. She is the Dawn who brings the night to pretentious fools. Carry on with your grim work, wounded survivors await their final judgment.:D;)


WHISPERING DEATH :eek::cool::rose::kiss:
#94 above
Best laugh of the day.

There is no mirth in the national disgrace we know as the Democrat political left. The maintenance of our machinery of freedom is grim work. Dawn, the Boudica of her time, has stepped onto the field to engage hapless Democrats in a relentless war of ideas that has their political blood swirling around her ankles, slaying them all with the "jawbone of an ass" unceremoniously ripped from the skeleton of their dead mascot. It's brutal work, the poor bastards should never have darkened the door of the home of the brave.:D;)
Peeking in on DawnONight and marveling at the sweeping carnage. Three bloody miles of the vanquished left, their moldering carcasses in various stages of decay. She is the Dawn who brings the night to pretentious fools. Carry on with your grim work, wounded survivors await their final judgment.:D;)

Thank you.

*Takes a bow.*

Just doing my part.


Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court judge, Rosemary M. Collyer blasted the FBI for misleading the court when seeking surveillance warrants for a former Trump campaign staffer. The order was damning, accusing an FBI lawyer of a criminal act in intentionally lying to the court. It added that the court’s confidence in the FBI’s evidence was so shaken they needed extra oversight for all cases.

Judge Collyer penned the four-page order declaring: “When FBI personnel mislead NSD [National Security Division] in the ways described above, they equally mislead the FISC.” Much of the order explained the application process for obtaining FISA warrants and what happened in the case of Carter Page; in order for the public to “appreciate the seriousness of that misconduct and its implications…”

On page three of the order, the judge accused an unnamed FBI lawyer of intentionally lying to other FBI personnel and the FISC in turn, which was a criminal act:

In addition, while the fourth electronic surveillance application for Mr. Page was being prepared, an attorney in the FBI's Office of General Counsel (OGC) engaged in conduct that apparently was intended to mislead the FBI agent who ultimately swore to the facts in that application about whether Mr. Page had been a source of another government agency.​

N. Fondacaro, Top FISA Judge Accuses FBI Lawyer of Criminal Act, MRC (Dec. 17, 2019).

Reminiscent of:

Former FBI lawyer Lisa Page admitted under questioning from Texas Republican Rep. John Ratcliffe last summer that "the FBI was ordered by the Obama DOJ not to consider charging Hillary Clinton for gross negligence in the handling of classified information," the congressman alleged in a social media post late Tuesday, citing a newly unearthed transcript of Page's closed-door testimony....

Page's testimony was perhaps the most salient evidence yet that the Justice Department improperly interfered with the FBI's supposedly independent conclusions on Clinton's criminal culpability, Ratcliffe alleged.

"So let me if I can, I know I’m testing your memory," Ratcliffe began as he questioned Page under oath, according to a transcript excerpt he posted on Twitter. "But when you say advice you got from the Department, you’re making it sound like it was the Department that told you: You’re not going to charge gross negligence because we’re the prosecutors and we’re telling you we’re not going to —"

Page interrupted: "That is correct," as Ratcliffe finished his sentence, " -- bring a case based on that."​

G. Re, Lisa Page admitted Obama DOJ ordered stand-down on Clinton email prosecution, GOP rep says, Fox News (March 13, 2019).
Thank you.

*Takes a bow.*

Just doing my part.


Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court judge, Rosemary M. Collyer blasted the FBI for misleading the court when seeking surveillance warrants for a former Trump campaign staffer. The order was damning, accusing an FBI lawyer of a criminal act in intentionally lying to the court. It added that the court’s confidence in the FBI’s evidence was so shaken they needed extra oversight for all cases.

Judge Collyer penned the four-page order declaring: “When FBI personnel mislead NSD [National Security Division] in the ways described above, they equally mislead the FISC.” Much of the order explained the application process for obtaining FISA warrants and what happened in the case of Carter Page; in order for the public to “appreciate the seriousness of that misconduct and its implications…”

On page three of the order, the judge accused an unnamed FBI lawyer of intentionally lying to other FBI personnel and the FISC in turn, which was a criminal act:

In addition, while the fourth electronic surveillance application for Mr. Page was being prepared, an attorney in the FBI's Office of General Counsel (OGC) engaged in conduct that apparently was intended to mislead the FBI agent who ultimately swore to the facts in that application about whether Mr. Page had been a source of another government agency.​

N. Fondacaro, Top FISA Judge Accuses FBI Lawyer of Criminal Act, MRC (Dec. 17, 2019).

Reminiscent of:

Former FBI lawyer Lisa Page admitted under questioning from Texas Republican Rep. John Ratcliffe last summer that "the FBI was ordered by the Obama DOJ not to consider charging Hillary Clinton for gross negligence in the handling of classified information," the congressman alleged in a social media post late Tuesday, citing a newly unearthed transcript of Page's closed-door testimony....

Page's testimony was perhaps the most salient evidence yet that the Justice Department improperly interfered with the FBI's supposedly independent conclusions on Clinton's criminal culpability, Ratcliffe alleged.

"So let me if I can, I know I’m testing your memory," Ratcliffe began as he questioned Page under oath, according to a transcript excerpt he posted on Twitter. "But when you say advice you got from the Department, you’re making it sound like it was the Department that told you: You’re not going to charge gross negligence because we’re the prosecutors and we’re telling you we’re not going to —"

Page interrupted: "That is correct," as Ratcliffe finished his sentence, " -- bring a case based on that."​

G. Re, Lisa Page admitted Obama DOJ ordered stand-down on Clinton email prosecution, GOP rep says, Fox News (March 13, 2019).

As I mentioned in the other forum in regard to the FBI"s now proven perfidies vis a vis the FISC. How can we trust the findings and Wood's file content in the other 10,700 FISC warrants?

It seems to me anyone convicted of a crime or wronged by a FISC warrant search and seizure, especially involving anyone in the Obama administration, would have grounds for suit and or the initiation of Giglio investigations to determine if their rights were violated by the omission of exculpatory evidence, edits to evidence, or violations of evidentiary procedure, resulting in possible reversal of convictions, legal fees, findings against them, or compensatory damages.
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