Still the “Most Corrupt Presidency in the History of the Republic”


Literotica Guru
Oct 3, 2019
Original article and thread.

As a reminder:

On September 11, 2012, four Americans lost their lives in the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya — U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens, foreign service officer Sean Smith, and CIA contractors Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods. As details about the attack emerged, the role of then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was drawn into question because of the narrative she put forward about the attack.

Clinton claimed the attack was a random outburst of violence from the Lybian people prompted by a YouTube video. Later, emails surfaced that showed Clinton had emailed her daughter Chelsea about the attacks that evening, claiming the attack was planned by al-Qaeda.

She also admitted to the Egyptian prime minister that she knew “the attack in Libya had nothing to do with the film. It was a planned attack — not a protest.”


Operation Fast and Furious
In a botched attempt to track the buyers and sellers of illegal guns, former Attorney General Eric Holder allowed the illegal sale of around 2,000 guns for $1.5 million to people believed to be connected to the Mexican drug cartels.

Operation Fast and Furious resulted in illegal guns all over Mexico and the United States, including the guns used to kill U.S. Border Patrol agent Brian Terry. Holder tried to keep it under wraps, but a whistleblower made the information public....

Loretta Lynch and Bill Clinton’s runway meeting
While Hillary Clinton was being investigated by the FBI for her use of a private email server during her days as secretary of state, former Attorney General Loretta Lynch was overseeing the Department of Justice (DOJ).

Just before then-FBI Director James Comey was set to announce that he would not be indicting Hillary Clinton for her emails, former President Bill Clinton met with Lynch on a tarmac in Phoenix. While both sides maintain that they only met to discuss their grandchildren, many people remained suspicious.

Bowe Bergdahl
In May 2014, Obama announced that Americans had recovered Bowe Bergdahl after he had been held by the Taliban for five years....

Obama traded five prisoners from Guantanamo Bay for Bergdahl. Americans who believed the U.S. did not negotiate with terrorists were not happy to see five prisoners traded for Bergdahl.

Politifact’s lie of the year
... Throughout his campaign for the Affordable Care Act (ACA), commonly known as Obamacare, the former president promised, “If you like your health care plan, you can keep it.”

Politifact found this to be a lie, as many people were dumped from their plan after the ACA rolled out, forcing them to leave their health care plan even if they liked it.​

M. Dibble, Obama Claimed His Team Never Made ‘Mistakes of Integrity’ ― Here’s a Few He Forgot About, IJR (Mar. 7, 2019).

And let's not forget:

The Senate seat for sale scandal.

The New Black Panther Party Voter-Intimidation Scandal

Obama’s Illegal Firing of an Inspector General

The Secret Service Prostitution scandal

The Green Energy loans scandal

The VA Backlog scandal

The Sestak job offer scandal

Media spying scandals

The Iran Ransom scandal

The IRS scandal

The Trump spying /FISA abuse scandal

Original article and thread.

As a reminder:

On September 11, 2012, four Americans lost their lives in the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya — U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens, foreign service officer Sean Smith, and CIA contractors Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods. As details about the attack emerged, the role of then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was drawn into question because of the narrative she put forward about the attack.

Clinton claimed the attack was a random outburst of violence from the Lybian people prompted by a YouTube video. Later, emails surfaced that showed Clinton had emailed her daughter Chelsea about the attacks that evening, claiming the attack was planned by al-Qaeda.

She also admitted to the Egyptian prime minister that she knew “the attack in Libya had nothing to do with the film. It was a planned attack — not a protest.”


Operation Fast and Furious
In a botched attempt to track the buyers and sellers of illegal guns, former Attorney General Eric Holder allowed the illegal sale of around 2,000 guns for $1.5 million to people believed to be connected to the Mexican drug cartels.

Operation Fast and Furious resulted in illegal guns all over Mexico and the United States, including the guns used to kill U.S. Border Patrol agent Brian Terry. Holder tried to keep it under wraps, but a whistleblower made the information public....

Loretta Lynch and Bill Clinton’s runway meeting
While Hillary Clinton was being investigated by the FBI for her use of a private email server during her days as secretary of state, former Attorney General Loretta Lynch was overseeing the Department of Justice (DOJ).

Just before then-FBI Director James Comey was set to announce that he would not be indicting Hillary Clinton for her emails, former President Bill Clinton met with Lynch on a tarmac in Phoenix. While both sides maintain that they only met to discuss their grandchildren, many people remained suspicious.

Bowe Bergdahl
In May 2014, Obama announced that Americans had recovered Bowe Bergdahl after he had been held by the Taliban for five years....

Obama traded five prisoners from Guantanamo Bay for Bergdahl. Americans who believed the U.S. did not negotiate with terrorists were not happy to see five prisoners traded for Bergdahl.

Politifact’s lie of the year
... Throughout his campaign for the Affordable Care Act (ACA), commonly known as Obamacare, the former president promised, “If you like your health care plan, you can keep it.”

Politifact found this to be a lie, as many people were dumped from their plan after the ACA rolled out, forcing them to leave their health care plan even if they liked it.​

M. Dibble, Obama Claimed His Team Never Made ‘Mistakes of Integrity’ ― Here’s a Few He Forgot About, IJR (Mar. 7, 2019).

And let's not forget:

The Senate seat for sale scandal.

The New Black Panther Party Voter-Intimidation Scandal

Obama’s Illegal Firing of an Inspector General

The Secret Service Prostitution scandal

The Green Energy loans scandal

The VA Backlog scandal

The Sestak job offer scandal

Media spying scandals

The Iran Ransom scandal

The IRS scandal

The Trump spying /FISA abuse scandal


"We choose TRUTH over FACTS" - Joe Biden 2019
That's interesting. You must be pretty young.


What do you see as the corruption in W's administration that would top that chronicled above?

GWB had the most difficult presidency since WWII . 911 still affects us today. Taking Saddam Hussein and his sons out will be settled later in history. Ignorant people blame him for 911, the crash of our banking system and the destruction of the housing market. They just don't have the facts straight.
That's interesting. You must be pretty young.


What do you see as the corruption in W's administration that would top that chronicled above?

Dawn, respectfully, if you don't know what "W" did, I'm disappointed. I can't take the pain of illustrating it for you. As George said, "It'll be a long time before some smart person figures out what happened in this Oval Office".
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What do you see as the corruption in W's administration that would top that chronicled above?

So a white man can lie and lead us into two wars killing hundreds of thousands and you see nothing wrong with that?

No wonder your alts are all rape-boy apologists who get hard over the murder of children.

Sorry dawn but your racism is showing again.
So a white man can lie and lead us into two wars killing hundreds of thousands and you see nothing wrong with that?

No wonder your alts are all rape-boy apologists who get hard over the murder of children.

Sorry dawn but your racism is showing again.

"W" did FAR WORSE than that.
GWB had the most difficult presidency since WWII . 911 still affects us today. Taking Saddam Hussein and his sons out will be settled later in history. Ignorant people blame him for 911, the crash of our banking system and the destruction of the housing market. They just don't have the facts straight.

No he did push deregulation farther than it had been. And regardless of how vile Saddam and his brats were we had no real game plan and we ended up throwing the regime into chaos.

In any case trump is worse. He’s openly abusing the presidency to enrich his businesses, he keeps kids in camps his tax cuts are openly damaging the economy and his trade war is too.

Also Benghazi was bogus. Numerous republican commissions found nothing and the emails never existed
Dawn, respectfully, if you don't know what "W" did, I'm disappointed. I can't take the pain of illustrating it for you. As George said, "It'll be a long time before some smart person figures out what happened in this Oval Office".

In other words, you cannot actually identify any facts to support your assertion.

I gave you a chance to establish some credibility, and you blew it.

I'm disappointed, but not surprised.
No he did push deregulation farther than it had been. And regardless of how vile Saddam and his brats were we had no real game plan and we ended up throwing the regime into chaos.

In any case trump is worse. He’s openly abusing the presidency to enrich his businesses, he keeps kids in camps his tax cuts are openly damaging the economy and his trade war is too.

Also Benghazi was bogus. Numerous republican commissions found nothing and the emails never existed

Yeah and PEZ are vitamins!
In other words, you cannot actually identify any facts to support your assertion.

I gave you a chance to establish some credibility, and you blew it.

I'm disappointed, but not surprised.

Oh yes, I COULD, but choose not to. The wall of ignorance is impenetrable.
Oh yes, I COULD, but choose not to. The wall of ignorance is impenetrable.

That's intellectually dishonest and disingenuous. Now you're starting to sound like Dan, when an argument is too difficult to defend resort to projection, deflection Ad-hominem.
That is a cute little list of dead end 'scandals'. Just ask Trey Gowdy about Benghazi. Are conservatives so incompetent in the court room that these 'crimes' listed in the original post never amounted to prosecutions? Lol.

Meanwhile, in the real world, try to keep track of the crimes by the Trump Organization. Here's one just from today's news:

From the article:

"Trump’s businesses reported some expenses, profits and occupancy figures for two Manhattan buildings, giving a lender different figures than they provided to New York City tax authorities. The discrepancies made the buildings appear more profitable to the lender — and less profitable to the officials who set the buildings’ property tax.

For instance, Trump told the lender that he took in twice as much rent from one building as he reported to tax authorities during the same year, 2017. He also gave conflicting occupancy figures for one of his signature skyscrapers, located at 40 Wall Street."
And yet dawn doesn't see it that way, gee, I wonder why?

Poor racist dawn now even "her" alts are turning against "her".

I have yet to read ANYTHING of substance in your posts; only back-biting ridicule of others. At least Dawn/alts can frame an opinion and express it with some lucidity.
That's intellectually dishonest and disingenuous. Now you're starting to sound like Dan, when an argument is too difficult to defend resort to projection, deflection Ad-hominem.

It's not an argument. It's my opinion that GWB is the "most corrupt" President in my lifetime. I decline to waste my energy explaining my position to those I characterize as ignorant fools.
It's not an argument. It's my opinion that GWB is the "most corrupt" President in my lifetime. I decline to waste my energy explaining my position to those I characterize as ignorant fools.

Why the name calling? :confused:
Why the name calling? :confused:

Just leave me alone please. GWB will go down in history as the single most corrupt and treasonous U.S. citizen of all time, IMO. It's not a debate, and I decline to try to educate you, or anyone else, who may have an opinion divergent from my own. Please do not respond.
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Just leave me alone please. GWB will go down in history as the single most corrupt and treasonous U.S. citizen of all time, IMO. It's not a debate, and I decline to try to educate you, or anyone else, who may have an opinion divergent from my own. Please do not respond.

An open forum is not the place to spout if you don’t want people to respond.
In other words, you cannot actually identify any facts to support your assertion.

I gave you a chance to establish some credibility, and you blew it.

I'm disappointed, but not surprised.
Credibility. *chuckle*
While W was a dip shit, his place was as puppet to Darth Cheney and Neo-Cons. Trump is more common and is just out for what he believes is his Class of People. You know the class of people that let Trump strut around because he ladles all the gravy.:rolleyes: