Still the “Most Corrupt Presidency in the History of the Republic”

This is an excellent thread. Clearly Obama was and is corrupt to the core and so are his deep state swamp creatures. Thank you for putting together a short list of examples. The worse examples have not come to light... yet.

Obama this Obama that, who is he, not the Prime Minister of my country, so I don't give a shit; about him or Trump, Republicans.Democrats, same thoughts.

Fact's and truth though, I care, and you should too.
#48 above.
It's DTS, Deranged trump Syndrome.

Also this is an international forum. It invites contributors from all over the world. Further, as long as the USA presents it president as the so called "leader of the free world" and presumes to poke it's nose in wherever on the globe it thinks it can dig up dirt on political opponents, then I have a legitimate right to exercise my freedom of expression. Mind you the "leader of the free world" is a bit tenuous these days, trump has pretty much destroyed that little fiction.

I had a little laugh at your description of my country. Given that NZ (and perhaps Australia and South Korea) has been the USA's only ally to support you in every conflict you have started since the Korean War it's just a little rich. However with the new standard set by trump on how to treat your allies it's hardly surprising.

Maybe we should pull out of a lot of places, let someone else pick up the tab, bad America needs a break. We should get the fuck out of the ME and just let them kill each other, like they’ve been doing for a thousand years. And when ISIS raises their ugly head, you take care of it.
Maybe we should pull out of a lot of places, let someone else pick up the tab, bad America needs a break. We should get the fuck out of the ME and just let them kill each other, like they’ve been doing for a thousand years. And when ISIS raises their ugly head, you take care of it.

Yes you should, the USA just continued the fucked up mess the British Empire created in the Middle East prior to the US stepping in.

Now that the US doesn't need the middle east oil any more you can head home, though don't go looking for any allies from the middle east any more as a result.

As to Isis, well even if you do pull out, the US I am sure will remain Enemy #1.
Well, there is certainly a lot of international support for the idea of the USA pulling back and letting all these squabbling countries sort themselves out.
However, There will always be another country prepared to occupy the vacumn. Currently it is Russia or China. China especially in the pacific is making lots of new friends, funding infrastructure in many pacific nations. It buys a lot of support in the likes of the UN and will be invaluable when China finally makes it move against Taiwan.
As a blackmailed asset of Russia, Donald Trump is working quite successfully so far, with the help of Republican enablers, for it to be Russia.
As a blackmailed asset of Russia, Donald Trump is working quite successfully so far, with the help of Republican enablers, for it to be Russia.


Really? You're still on that?

Even Adam Schiff isn't trying to push that discredited claim anymore.
Well, there is certainly a lot of international support for the idea of the USA pulling back and letting all these squabbling countries sort themselves out.
However, There will always be another country prepared to occupy the vacumn. Currently it is Russia or China. China especially in the pacific is making lots of new friends, funding infrastructure in many pacific nations. It buys a lot of support in the likes of the UN and will be invaluable when China finally makes it move against Taiwan.

Well lets look at this this problem.

Obama got the bigger players to get a deal to slow down Iran(China, France, Russia, United Kingdom, United States together with the European Union) on it's nuclear program.

Trump gets elected, scraps the deal ( which by all reports Iran was in 100% compliance with the terms and conditions) , and now Iran is on it's way to a bomb, 10-15 earlier than it may have.

By Trump throwing away the treaty, with it's built in"cooling" down period , he has instead accelerated it. So yes with Trump at the helm of the US, I am in full favour of the US getting out of the middle east. The sooner the better. I am scared since his his complete ignorance of middle east could lead to even worse problems than now exist.

If Russia or China can get in there, and slow down Iran, who am I to complain. If the US wants to step back from being the world influence leader; well under it's current leadership, that might just be the best the world can hope for, at this place in time.
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Well lets look at this this problem.

Obama got the bigger players to get a deal to slow down Iran(China, France, Russia, United Kingdom, United States together with the European Union) on it's nuclear program.

Trump gets elected, scraps the deal ( which by all reports Iran was in 100% compliance with the terms and conditions) , and now Iran is on it's way to a bomb, 10-15 earlier than it may have.

By Trump throwing away the treaty, with it's built in"cooling" down period , he has instead accelerated it. So yes with Trump at the helm of the US, I am in full favour of the US getting out of the middle east. The sooner the better. I am scared since his his complete ignorance of middle east could lead to even worse problems than now exist.

If Russia or China can get in there, and slow down Iran, who am I to complain. If the US wants to step back from being the world influence leader; well under it's current leadership, that might just be the best the world can hope for, at this place in time.

By all reports!!! They would not allow inspections of their military facilities. Where would you hide the stuff? You're a fucking clown if you believe that shit! Maybe China and Russia have your best interest in mind LMFAO. We need to get out of the ME and let you people spend your treasure to solve it, But you won't, the minute Russia saber rattles you'll run and hide behind us. All these countries wanted a deal with Iran for greedy and self serving purposes so spare me, more TDS on steroids.
By all reports!!! They would not allow inspections of their military facilities. Where would you hide the stuff? You're a fucking clown if you believe that shit! Maybe China and Russia have your best interest in mind LMFAO. We need to get out of the ME and let you people spend your treasure to solve it, But you won't, the minute Russia saber rattles you'll run and hide behind us. All these countries wanted a deal with Iran for greedy and self serving purposes so spare me, more TDS on steroids.
Trump promised a better nuclear deal with Iran.

We’ve gone eighteen months with no deal. Kushner’s no help, Pompeo is clueless, and Trump is distracted. The only movement on this issue has been in the wrong direction.
TDS on steroids.

So you know more than the rest of the world on this eh?

According to the IAEA, Iran was in 100% compliance prior to Mr Trump ripping up the deal.

I have no TDS, he is not my president, I don't give a hoot about him. He has next to no effect on my life.

So re read my post maybe, all I am saying is, if the US wants to get out of the Middle east, fine.

Obama had a pretty good deal in the case of Iran. You didn't like the deal, no problem Trump ended it. If Iran makes a bomb, just remember it's due to Trump, not Obama.
Andriy Derkach, a member of the Ukrainian Parliament, has linked Hunter Biden to some $16.5 million in stolen money.

And members of Parliament are demanding and investigation by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and United States President Donald Trump on millions allegedly laundered by the former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych.

Former Ukrainian President Yanukovych is alleged, by the Parliament members, to have laundered $7.4 billion via Franklin Templeton Investments, a company with links to the Democrat Party.

“Last week, November 14, the Prosecutor General’s Office (PGO), unnoticed by the media, announced a new suspicion to the notorious owner of Burisma, ex-Ecology Minister Zlochevsky,” Derkach said....

“The son of Templeton’s founder, John Templeton Jr., was one of President Obama’s major campaign donors,” Derkach said.

“Another fund-related character is Thomas Donilon. Managing Director of BlackRock Investment Institute, shareholder Franklin Templeton Investments, which has the largest share in the fund. It is noteworthy that he previously was Obama’s national security advisor”...

“The subject of pressure was the $1 billion credit guarantee that the United States should have provided to Ukraine.

Biden himself acknowledged the pressure in his speech to the U.S. Foreign Relations Council in January 2018,” he said.

He also accused former Vice President Biden’s son Hunter of stealing millions from the citizens of the Ukraine. he said.​

C. Sabia, Ukraine MP Says Hunter Biden Stole Millions From Ukrainian Citizens, Federalist Papers (Nov. 20, 2019) (emphasis added).
So you know more than the rest of the world on this eh?

According to the IAEA, Iran was in 100% compliance prior to Mr Trump ripping up the deal.

I have no TDS, he is not my president, I don't give a hoot about him. He has next to no effect on my life.

So re read my post maybe, all I am saying is, if the US wants to get out of the Middle east, fine.

Obama had a pretty good deal in the case of Iran. You didn't like the deal, no problem Trump ended it. If Iran makes a bomb, just remember it's due to Trump, not Obama.

Not one western country has solve the ME fucktussle. The EU gives a half hearted attempt at times but for the most part call it what it is, They don't give a shit but are the first to criticise. To them it's a spectator sport.

If Iran makes a bomb it's because the West failed to really put the right mechanism in place to stop them. Bunch of self indulging blowhards. The West was more interested in padding their economies than to take a stand.

You're delusional, Obama didn't have all the I's dotted and Ts crossed. It's the same old UN inspection criteria used with NK, Iraq, WE WON'T INSPECT WHERE THE ACTIVITY IS HAPPENING, {military bases}, WHY? because Iran won't let us. What kind of an inspection criteria is that? Where would you hide the stuff, at military facilities. The IAEA has just confirmed what Israel's been saying all along, THEY'RE CHEATING THEIR ASS OFF! But you run around with your head in the sand just like all these other countries. This will eventually turn into another NK.
He also accused former Vice President Biden’s son Hunter of stealing millions from the citizens of the Ukraine. he said.

So you believe that Hunter Biden stole millions of whatever the Ukrainian currency is (because of a man's word with no factual evidence) but not that Brett "Beer Boy" Kavanaugh is a sexual assault perpetrator?

Sounds kind of hypocritical to me there misogynist dawn. You just outted yourself as one of bot's dude alts again, by the way.

Also, your Federalist Papers site is racist, just like you!
In only 8 years

Original article and thread.

As a reminder:

On September 11, 2012, four Americans lost their lives in the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya — U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens, foreign service officer Sean Smith, and CIA contractors Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods. As details about the attack emerged, the role of then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was drawn into question because of the narrative she put forward about the attack.

Clinton claimed the attack was a random outburst of violence from the Lybian people prompted by a YouTube video. Later, emails surfaced that showed Clinton had emailed her daughter Chelsea about the attacks that evening, claiming the attack was planned by al-Qaeda.

She also admitted to the Egyptian prime minister that she knew “the attack in Libya had nothing to do with the film. It was a planned attack — not a protest.”


Operation Fast and Furious
In a botched attempt to track the buyers and sellers of illegal guns, former Attorney General Eric Holder allowed the illegal sale of around 2,000 guns for $1.5 million to people believed to be connected to the Mexican drug cartels.

Operation Fast and Furious resulted in illegal guns all over Mexico and the United States, including the guns used to kill U.S. Border Patrol agent Brian Terry. Holder tried to keep it under wraps, but a whistleblower made the information public....

Loretta Lynch and Bill Clinton’s runway meeting
While Hillary Clinton was being investigated by the FBI for her use of a private email server during her days as secretary of state, former Attorney General Loretta Lynch was overseeing the Department of Justice (DOJ).

Just before then-FBI Director James Comey was set to announce that he would not be indicting Hillary Clinton for her emails, former President Bill Clinton met with Lynch on a tarmac in Phoenix. While both sides maintain that they only met to discuss their grandchildren, many people remained suspicious.

Bowe Bergdahl
In May 2014, Obama announced that Americans had recovered Bowe Bergdahl after he had been held by the Taliban for five years....

Obama traded five prisoners from Guantanamo Bay for Bergdahl. Americans who believed the U.S. did not negotiate with terrorists were not happy to see five prisoners traded for Bergdahl.

Politifact’s lie of the year
... Throughout his campaign for the Affordable Care Act (ACA), commonly known as Obamacare, the former president promised, “If you like your health care plan, you can keep it.”

Politifact found this to be a lie, as many people were dumped from their plan after the ACA rolled out, forcing them to leave their health care plan even if they liked it.​

M. Dibble, Obama Claimed His Team Never Made ‘Mistakes of Integrity’ ― Here’s a Few He Forgot About, IJR (Mar. 7, 2019).

And let's not forget:

The Senate seat for sale scandal.

The New Black Panther Party Voter-Intimidation Scandal

Obama’s Illegal Firing of an Inspector General

The Secret Service Prostitution scandal

The Green Energy loans scandal

The VA Backlog scandal

The Sestak job offer scandal

Media spying scandals

The Iran Ransom scandal

The IRS scandal

The Trump spying /FISA abuse scandal


Thank you for putting this partial list of Obama corruption together. I say partial list because some new things are about to hit the fan. This was a fast growing cancer that in just 8 years brought the deep state swamp to a new depth of slim. But as Mrs. Clinton would say: "What difference does it make?" IT will be fun to pull this back up and add some things to the list.
The Black Panther scandal?

3 Rapepublican investigations into it all with the same conclusion; no crime commited

The scandal there was the staggering pile of taxpayer cash that was burned for that political theatre
The deadly-but-forgotten government gun-running scandal known as “Fast and Furious” has lain dormant for years, thanks to White House stonewalling and media compliance. But newly uncovered emails have reopened the case, exposing the anatomy of a coverup by an administration that promised to be the most transparent in history.

A federal judge has forced the release of more than 20,000 pages of emails and memos previously locked up under President Obama’s phony executive-privilege claim. A preliminary review shows top Obama officials deliberately obstructing congressional probes into the border gun-running operation....

The degree of obstruction was “more than previously understood,” House Oversight and Government Reform Chairman Jason Chaffetz said in a recent memo to other members of his panel.

“The documents reveal how senior Justice Department officials — including Attorney General Holder — intensely followed and managed an effort to carefully limit and obstruct the information produced to Congress,” he asserted.

They also indict Holder deputy Lanny Breuer, an old Clinton hand, who had to step down in 2013 after falsely denying authorizing Fast and Furious.

Their efforts to impede investigations included:

  • Devising strategies to redact or otherwise withhold relevant information;
  • Manipulating media coverage to control fallout;
  • Scapegoating the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) for the scandal....
“Calculated efforts were made by senior officials to obstruct Congress,” Chaffetz fumed.

“Over the course of the investigation,” he recounted, “the Justice Department has provided false information, stonewalled document requests, produced scores of blacked-out pages and duplicate documents and refused to comply with two congressional subpoenas.”​

P. Sperry, The scandal in Washington no one is talking about, NY Post (May 21, 2016).
# 73 above.
Another right wing news source with heavily biased coverage. Even accepting that Clinton is a horrible person the quoted piece will be outright fake news bullshit.
# 73 above.
Another right wing news source with heavily biased coverage. Even accepting that Clinton is a horrible person the quoted piece will be outright fake news bullshit.

I always know I've presented facts the Left cannot dispute about conduct the Left cannot defend when they resort to attacking the source, rather than debating the facts.