Romance in Paradise (closed)

"Ah yes, our friend from the hotel. I think she fancies herself a bit of a matchmaker" I say looking into your beautiful eyes smiling. "She was quite persistent that we should be together!" I say chuckling a bit. At that point we strike a large wave which causes you to lose your balance, I reach down and catch you to keep you from falling but in turn your drink spills all over my shirt and pants.
Sorry about that. I guess I will go back upstairs till you get changed
"Then you miss the free show" I say laughing as I brush passed you on my way to my closet
Turn to start up the stairs needing to get some air. Thoughts not where they need to be she was not here for some hook up no matter what her mind and old friend thought.
I shake my head at the disappointment as you head up the stairs. Turning my back I lower my shorts and open the closet door looking for a new pair.
Getting up to where she can see the water and feel the breeze and standing there. She was not ready for somerhing like this... no matter how lonely she was... was she...? She didnt realize she was shaking a little as she stood there.
I find a pair of silver and light blue shorts that I pull on. I start to walk up the steps as I finishing tying the black draw string.

"So my dear, any particular thing or place you want to see on this tour?" I say as the breeze slightly tussles my hair.
Jumping a little drawnnfeom her thoughts.

No... just enjoying the view...

Turning she watched him and more confusion fueled her mind.

Maybe we could... go back up and raid that kitchen... feeling a little hungry...
"You read my mind!" I say laughing. "Can you find your way? I'll talk to the captain" I say as I head up to the bridge, telling him to continue to navigate and find something scenic
She made her way to the kitchen and collected up fruit and cheese and made her way with it up on deck to a little table and sat down.
Coming back down the stairs I was taken by her beauty. The way the wind flowed through her hair, her skin perfectly tanned, hell even in this heat the sweat on her body gave it a shimmer the best body lotions could not replicate.

"Ah, a healthy eater I see!" I say laughing coming down the stairs.
Thought some thing light would be better since the village is having its yearly feast to celebrate family and friends. I love how peaceful and simple this old village is... they have technology but it does not rule them
"I agree completely" I say sitting down next to you on the bench seat. "It's amazing, I haven't disconnected from the world like this I think......ever". I say as a small smile signaling my inner peace and satisfaction grows on my face. "The world really is an amazing place when you stop and appreciate it" I say, almost thinking out loud
She glanced over smiling softly as she picked up a piece of fruit to eat.

It really is...

Her eyes drifted back out over the water.
"God even the way she eats fruit is sexy" I thought to myself watching you, more amazed by your beauty than that of the sea.

"So tell me Natalya" I say reaching down to grab a strawberry "what is it that you are looking for in life?" I say sitting back, eating my strawberry with my left hand while extending my right arm across the bench seat where it goes almost behind you.
Happiness... its funny... he had been talking about going legit... for me. He wanted a family but didnt want a child to grow up in that world like he had.

She glanced back to the fruit and picked up a strawberry and ate seeming to drift into memories for a moment before looking to him.

What about you?
"A family huh?" I say gazing into the distance and smiling, the memories of past on my mind. "That would be nice I suppose." I say taking another bite.

"I'm not so sure though I would want to bring kids into my lifestyle" I say as my memories drift to my upbringing. "I only saw my father maybe one night a week when he wanted to march us out to some charity ball that he was sponsoring" I say a bit dejected. "It was always about the show and social status with him. Then soon enough we were sent to boarding school for most of the year" I say opening up to you more than I have ever opened up to anyone before.

"Sure many people think I had this great privileged upbringing and a huge head start in life and I suppose that's partly true but damn, do you think my parent's would have ever come to a la crosse match of mine?" I say as my emotions spill out. "I feel like our maids raised us more than our parents did" I say before snapping back to our conversation.

"I'm sorry, I've never opened up like that before" I say turning to look at you. "So I guess to answer your question, I don't want that. I want something between this lifestyle and everyday middle America"
It is alright people tend to do that around me. I don't know why but it is kind of comforting feels less isolated in his world.

She smiled and glanced over at him.
"Well thank you" I say returning the smile as the wind blows your hair lightly over my hand. "This is much better than our encounter at the concert last night" I say smiling, watching the Aqua blue of the ocean reflect in your beautiful eyes.
Very different... Guess the old woman was right... She usually is.

She leaned back a little as she got lost in the beautiful scenery.

She is uncanny like that to keep being right so often.
As you lean back you snuggle into my arm a bit and I'm lost in the romance of it all. I take my left hand and gently glide it over your left arm, by your bicep. Almost an instinctive reaction to your leaning into me.
She tensed a little but relaxed and accepted the innocent attention. It was nice to be near someone even if this was the last thing in the world she wanted.
"Honestly" I whisper slightly, "nothing could be better right now" I say leaning back and closing my eyes. "I'm so happy our pathes crossed"
When she is right she is right she thought about the old woman for a moment as she slightly curled into the embrace.

Yeah... It is.
As I feel you curl into my embrace I take my right arm which is draped across the back of the seat and around you and with my right index finger I start to trace lines on your right bicep. Nothing in particular, just loving the feel of your skin.

"You're an amazing woman you know that?" I whisper into your left ear