Romance in Paradise (closed)


Jun 9, 2003



She just wanted to travel free and enjoy her life she had no desire to find love or some ball and chain. Then she met him...


Stepping off the little fishing boat turned ferry to carry people to this nearly lost in time village she stood on the pier and looked around. It was perfect... technology clearly had touched this place but it was not as blatant as it was in the rest of Europe or the states. This was still untouched beautiful. It had been months since the trials and the final imprisonment of her "boyfriend" though prison had been a short sentence for him when he was found dead in his cell leaving her a very wealthy woman. She had paid her dues though and earned every dime of that fortune surviving his world and his temper now it was her time and nothing and no one was going to ruin that with love or anything.
This island oasis was perfect for him. After taking charge of the private equity firm his father started two years ago, Joe hadn't taken one day off since. It wasn't easy being a 28 year old managing director on Wall Street and this was just what he needed. All these things he thought to himself as he stepped off his chartered yacht wearing a white linen suit, white and navy blue stripped shirt underneath.

Growing up with the best schools, the son of a billionaire and graduating top of class at Yale things had always come easy to him, or that's what the outside world thought. Not realizing the constant competitive nature of his life.

Even women were never easy. Sure being voted one of the top 10 eligible bachlor's on New York didn't hurt but he had yet to meet a woman who challenged him. One who he considered an equal. Sure he had his share of hot women, women who would have been right at home on the yacht in a bikini, but he never met an intellectual equal.

Having tried and failed numerous times he was happy to take some time off and just enjoy the peace and quiet of this well deserved vacation.
She waited till the elderly couple walked over calling her by name and motioned for her to follow. They owned one of the few bed and breakfast style dwellings in this untouched retreat.

Miss... DaVeaga you arrive... we take your things and go home show you your dwellings for your stay.

She smiled to them and handed her bag to the old man who tied it to the donkeys back and motioned to see if she wished to ride up the incline city to their home. She shook her head no but did reach to pet the donkey as she spoke.

I will walk it is alright. Thank you though.

With that she turned to follow them waving farewell to the kindly boatman.
He saw her preparing to head to the B&B and was struck by her physical beauty. Her soft brown hair blowing in the warm wind, skin glistening in the sun as if she had just stepped out of a tropical bungalow. He put on his gold Oliver Peoples aviator sunglasses to mask the visual inspection of his eyes upon her beauty.

He placed his bag into the off-road Jeep that was waiting for him and smiled to himself, wondering what her story was and where she was going. "Shit" he thought to himself "this is supposed to be a vacation from everything and now here I am again, letting my mind wander". With a slight chuckle he started the Jeep and drove to the B&B where he had rented a beachfront condo.

As he was checking in and looking at the day's newspaper he looked up to see them coming up the path. He recognized the old man and woman and there, with them was the beautiful woman he had laid eyes upon. A wry smile crept across his face as he sat down on the wicker chair and read the paper. Figuring that if he could eavesdrop then he could find out more information on this brunette beauty that almost literally strolled into his life
Miss DaVeaga it is good to see you. Far too long... we... followed the unfortunate events around Callis and his legal troubles and most cruel demise.

Yes thank you I was quite surprised to find he had left it all to me and not to his first wife or brother. But... that is all past and time to reinvent my life now that I anam once more single. I gather the rooftop flat is ready?

Yes yes... Chianti...bourbon... and all your requests. Dinner we have arranged something special at the Castillo. The Castillo is hosting symphony and what they call moonlit dining and song.

I thank you that sounds wonderful but for now I would love to rest.

With that she was shown to the rooftop flat bags and all.
Having overhead this story I was even more intrigued about this beautiful creature that had strolled into my life. After seeing her leave I immediately set about making reservations for the dinner at the Castillo for the evening and finding a tailor in the city as I had no formal wear.

Making my way back to my condo I inmediately pulled out my iPad to do my research on Ms. DaVeaga to find out what I could. After reading through news clipping and newsclipping related to the trial it was time to head into town. Calling for a car service I made my way to the tailor who thankfully was able to create a simple but elegant black tuxedo, fit the white dress shirt to me and provide me with a long white tie. Afterwards I stopped by the one store in the city that was seemingly open and was able to purchase cologne.

Returning to my room I was able to prepare for the dinner and for my meeting with the lovely Ms. DaVeaga. Watching the sun set over the ocean I finally tightened my tie and made my way to the Castillo. Having known some people from previous visits I grabbed a glass of champagne and mingled with the crowd, waiting for the event to begin.
News of her former fiancee Callis McDaniels known mob powerhouse who seemed incredibly capable of getting various families and nationalities to work not only together but with other organizations that they normally would not be caught dead associating with. Natalya DaVeaga had been his longest relationship that had not been found dead in some desert or river but little was known about her other than her attachment to him.
From across the room I saw you enter and immediately felt a deep desire to know you, to be with you. This mysterious mistress of a mobster and myself, the successful banker, in many ways just as shady if not more so than your ex. After all, at least he never pretended to be an upstanding citizen.

As our eyes meet briefly for the first time I flash the smile that had been seen on the cover of Forbes and Fortune. I nod my head in your direction and tip my glass, acknowledging the eye contact between us, uncertain of what happens next.
A simple smile and nod as she walked to her table and her eyes fell on the musicians as they had already begun to play. She had found the man that nodded to her with a tip of his glass attractive but she was not here to find romance or anything remotely resembling love she just wanted to travel and enjoy her life and freedom.
"Clearly this one represents a challenge" he thought as he smiled to himself. It was the challenge he relished. Is she beautiful? Yes of course. Is she sexy? Without doubt. Does she have a sense of sophistication? In spades. All these things crossed his mind as he watched he walk to her seat. Her beautiful gown for the evening flowing as she moved, but just tight enough to show her amazing physique underneath.

More than just some "wham bam" piece of ass this was thrill he was looking for. She wasn't there to find a man, she wasn't there to get a sugar daddy. He promised himself that he was going to spend this trip alone with his thoughts recharging his batteries but she had awakened something in him. The need to win, the yearning for the competition of winning her affection. Almost as if he is the hunter and her embrace is the prize. All these promises made but he is a hunter and after all, you can't change who you are.

Given this drive to succeed he worked a deal with an acquaintance to switch tables so he could pursue this intoxicating woman. With a casual look he saw her glass was running low. He quickly went to the bar and got one glass of champagne for himself and one for her. Approaching the table he reached over her right shoulder and put the glass down near her hand on the table "you look like you are running on empty" he said as he placed the glass and smiled down at her.
A sigh as she glanced back and saw her greeter from earlier.

Wall street right... let me guess... you know who I am and what I ended up with in Callis' will and you want to encourage me to go through your firm to invest the money to line both our pockets with even more than any of his... business ventures could have net me?
He couldn't help but chuckle at that.

"You got it, I also have some great real estate to consider and a wonderful annuity that will provide you financial security for years" he said with a cocky smirk on his face. "Perhaps before we insult each other we should at least know the other's name. Joseph Strike, pleased to meet your aqcuaintance" I say smiling and extending my hand.
Fair enough.

She shook his hand.

Natalya DaVeaga.
"Lovely to meet you Natalya" I say shaking your hand firm and with confidence but not conscious not to hurt your delicate hand.

"What brings you here?" I say smiling down at you, enjoying the slight cleavage exposed by your gown.
Well if you are determined to remain standing there perhaps you should sit down so not to block others from seeing the performance.

She tried to maintain her smile but she was truly not wishing to entertain company though in her former "life" she had honed a near foolproof poker face.
I smile to myself as I pull out the chair next to and take a seat watching the performance for a few moments before leaning over to you. So as to not disturb the performance I whisper in your ear "you know, if you wanted me to sit you could have asked more politely" I say in a cocky manner. The smell of my cologne wafting over you as I lean in.
Honestly I am not here to deal with anyone. You however seem a little misunderstanding of that and far too determined for someone who just met me. So with my experience this is some long drawn out dance to gain my confidence to get to my late loves money.

The cologne was a very nice scent for him but she was determined to maintain her plan of not getting involved with anyone.
"Clearly you are unfamiliar with myself and with my work" I say a bit put off. "At the risk of being offensive I run one of the largest private equity firms in the world. I deal with Fortune 50 companies all day long an am a billionaire myself. Sorry sweetheart but your money, while I'm sure nice, is of no consequence to me" I say and then take a drink and focus my attention back to the performance, wondering if I pushed too far or if you will do as I think and rise to the challenge
Well then that leaves the cliche of wealthy man who thinks now woman can resist his charm money or cologne and simply fall for every single word and smile. Not... interested. Not some little money hungry bimbo willing to fall for anyone... especially after the world I was involved I till now. But hey I am sure there are many other women here who would be more than willing to be some air headed arm candy for your ego. Happy hunting.
"No, indeed not the 'money hungry bimbo' stereotype. You would be the 'scorned man hating lover' stereotype Natalya". I whisper towards you so as not to distract the others in the audience. "Truth is you think if I wanted the money hungry bimbo who was only good for one thing I wouldn't have three or four with me right now? No, face it, you judged me like 99% of the world judges me, without any accord for actually getting to know me." I say, my breath brushing the skin on your neck. "I would have thought with everything you've been through you wouldn't be so quick to judge others" I say before sitting back in my seat.
Judge... no just know the type... only one reason folks on your line come to people from the world I came from... bail out or crooked deals. That's the dealing I have had with folks in your world.

She shook her head this is why she wanted to be alone on her trip and not deal with people. Infuriating but not without certain ease on the eyes.
"Well then let me apologize" I say, placing my left hand upon upon your right shoulder. "Clearly someone burned you bad, and that is a pity" I say sincerely. "A pity that a woman as beautiful as yourself was burned so bad that you are as deeply scarred as you appear. Enjoy the show Ms. DaVeaga" I say as I stand to go to the bar.

Wondering what to make of this all I turn my back to the performance and rest my right elbow upon the bar, enjoying the vodka tonic that I just ordered and lamenting the possible missed opportunity.
Burned had nothing to do with it. Reality plain and simple had always beenough if money people like him stepped to the mob it was normally for crooked reasons not to flirt and make nice. He was not the first wealthy young man to approach her that is why she took this trip to get away from it all.

Farewell then.

She smiled watching the rest of the performance in blissfully peace
As the performance concluded and the crowd began to disperse it became evident that there was a warm Mediterranean rain falling outside. As my hire car pulled up to the doors to get me I spotted you making your way outside and wondering how you would get back without ruining both your dress and your magnificent hair.

"May I offer you a ride? No charge of course" I say smiling coming up behind you and opening the door to my car.
Well thank you since we are going to the same location.

Stepping I to the car and wiping a pesky raindrop from her eyebrow.