Romance in Paradise (closed)

I enter the car after you and close the door. Instructing the driver to head to the hotel I turn back to you, my hair a bit wet and tussled from holding the door open for you.

"You know I didn't know if you'd accept the ride, given the start we got off to and all that" I say sitting back in my seat and looking at you, loving how the rain has somehow given a glow and sparkle to your tanned skin.
Rain will cause strange things like that. As for our start what about it. Assumptions were made on both parts and I have no interest in romance after the death of my last love.
"Well I'm sorry to hear" I say moving the hair from my face. "That you were hurt so bad I mean. No one deserves that. But perhaps...." I say looking out the window "perhaps we have more in common than you may know. Both misunderstood, both coming here seeking escape, both tired of 'romance', whatever that means". I say turning back to you as we pull up the drive. I open the door as we pull up and hold it for you "sometimes fate has an odd way of bringing things together" I say smiling as you exit
Fate... yeah... she thought to herself walking in and to her flat. He was attractive but she did not want any possible connection that would tie her down to having to stay in one place. Another cage of attending gatherings and public celebrations or trials or whatever. She just wanted freedom and to live for herself for a change.
Thinking he did not want the night to end this way he immediately called the front desk when he got back to his suite and had a bottle of champagne and a dozen red roses sent to her room. On the note it read "We may never see eye to eye but we both appreciate the finer things in life. Thank you for a stimulating conversation, it has been awhile since I've had a challenge. Cheers, Joe"

With that he changed out of his tux and into a white t shirt, dockers and sandals. He poured himself a scotch and walked out onto his deck. The moon reflected on the water and he wondered to himself if it was possible to find an intellegent, sexy woman who was also looking for love....
The old woman brought it to her with a knowing smile.

You seem to charm your man... this good.

She sighed looking at the gifts.

I don't want to get trapped in another expectation riddled situation that will tie me down to one place I want to live and travel and enjoy life.

The old woman watched her eyes as she spoke.

So you did not find attractive... nothing at all?

Yeah he was very attractive... what are you getting at?

The old lady winked.

What is wrong with island fling... no one say marry just company while here? You think about it Callis would not want you to be all alone.
I finish my drink and with one last look at the beauty surrounding me decide to take a shower and call it a night. Leaving my glass on the railing outside I head back into my room and strip down before starting the water to ensure it's warm before I get in.

As the steam starts to build in the bathroom I enter the shower and resting both hands on the wall, allow the water to run down my back. I try to clear my mind of all the thoughts and enjoy the vacation I planned for myself but cannot help and think of her. The one who seemingly has a strong hold of me for some reason. And as I think of her I start to get hard.
As the old woman left she poured a glass of the champagne and sank into a nice hot bath. Staring out the veiled window at the mobliging. Her mind went back to the man who sent the champagne and the old woman's words. Would it really be that bad to have a fling or should she risk one of them falling in love with the other. After her bath she walked out onto her rooftop patio and stared out over the water with a sigh. Her long robe tied around her waist and her hair hanging loose around her shoulders.
I manage to calm myself and finish my shower. Toweling off with the door open I feel the cool night breeze on my naked body in the bathroom and it makes me finally relax after the day. Wrapping myself in just a towel covering my lower half I venture back out to the patio to get my glass. Not knowing that you have a full view of my patio from your flat.
She saw movement and glanced over and pondered if the old couple had made sure there was someone to catch her eye that would magically be near constantly in her sight. She watched him briefly realizing he was solely in a towel before turning her gaze back to the sky suspecting if she could see him that he could possibly see her too.
With one last look towards the ocean I bid ado to the day and to lost opportunity. I leave my patio windows open as I drop my towel and turn the tv on. The light from the tv illuminates my naked body as I crawl into bed, set the sleep timer and attempt to fall asleep.

"Tomorrow will be better" I tell myself. "Scuba diving and a nice dinner will take care of it all" I say before looking at my Panerai watch, 1am "shit, it already is tomorrow" I say.
One last glance and she walked back into the flat and curled up in bed. Time alone on the beach relaxing and touring some of the ancient sites and a nice dinner should distract her from everything.
The sound of chirping birds and a warm breeze wakens me the next morning. Getting up I pull on my dark blue swim shorts with light blue accents. I open the door to my room and welcome my breakfast. Having eaten and read the newspaper I pull on a white t shirt to go with my flip flops and head to the dive area to meet my instructor.

It happens to be right on the beach where hotel tourists are welcome.

She walked down the steps from the flat. Sunglasses blocking any evidence of where she was looking as she walked out onto the beach. Making her way to a chaise she laid back enjoying the slight shade of the umbrella and the soft breeze.
As he reached the scuba center he stopped at a table and removed his gold Oliver Peoples aviator sunglasses and then his shirt. His chiseled chest that he worked so hard to maintain shown its tan hue in the bright sunlight. He replaced his sunglassss on his face and grabbed his shirt. As he headed into the building he stopped, there she was, his muse sitting upon a chair looking immaculate as ever. Should I or shouldn't I? He asked to himself.

Throwing caution to the wind he casually walked over to her. "I'm beginning to think you are following me" I say with a smile as I walk up to your chair.
I could say the same about you.

She looked over the top of her sunglasses with a smile.
"Well look at that, she does smile!" I say returning the smile. "You should do it more often, you have a beautiful one" I say standing next to your seat, looking down towards you. Your beautiful body reflects in the slight mirror tint to my aviators.

"How was your evening?" I say, rolling my shirt in my hand.
My evening... well a charming gift arrived from someone who seems challenged by someone who is not impressed with his money or ego.

How about you?
"Wow, that persons sounds like an insecure d-bag!" I say with a cocky smile and tapping my rolled shirt in one hand. "As for myself, it was fine. A bit lonely but fine"
You... lonely... I can't believe that... why were you lonely?
"Well what you may not know about me is my preference for quality over quantity. If I don't see the return on my investment of time then to me it isn't worth it" I say as the boat for the scuba class I was supposed to go with leaves in the background.
And what return are you expecting from thst gift?

She barely noticed the boat as they talked.
"Your happiness is return enough" I say pulling up a chair to sit down next to you. "Do you mind?" I say as I pull it up
Not at all have a seat. What did you have planned today?

She smiled nodding.
"Well" I say sitting down, my chair right next to your's "I had planned on doing some scuba diving, but it appears as though it's not meant to be!" I say nodding at the boat that is leaving the dock.

"Other than that not much, I told myself that I was actually going to try to relax this week for once" I say flagging down a waitress walking by. "How about yourself?" I say looking over to you as the blonde, tanned waitress walks up in her red bikini top and white skirt.