Political Rants

Like wtf, you make claims then run away when they get blown up. Christ, answer Comshaw you fucking coward.
I've already answered at length to the point where you're either going to deal with facts or you're going to hide under your liberal talking points. At some point once all the facts are laid out, it's on the other person to deal with it or not. We are at that point.
So is there a rant about politics yet in the thread titled "political rants"?
It's because we don't believe it's the government's role to do this stuff.
I think it quite likely you have only shallow notions of the services you get that you both need and couldn't get otherwise without the government's use of efficiencies of cost and scale to serve you.
I think it quite likely you have only shallow notions of the services you get that you both need and couldn't get otherwise without the government's use of efficiencies of cost and scale to serve you.
I think it quite likely you have only shallow notions of the services you get that you both need and couldn't get otherwise without the government's use of efficiencies of cost and scale to serve you.
It was Ronald Reagan who wisely said that the scariest words out there are, Hi, I'm from the government and I'm here to help. The government was designed, particularly the US system of government with all its checks and balances, to be clunky, slow and unwieldy. That was on purpose. It was designed that way so that by the time they got around to doing anything, if they were unwise in doing it, there was a lot of time to stop it. A machine that is by design clunky, slow and unwieldy, especially once you add a bunch of unnecessary bureaucracy in the middle as our government has, is going to be the least competent in actually dealing with things like healthcare and schooling and caring for the poor and all these other add-ons that we've put on to the government that it was never designed or built to do. The private sector will always be better at these things. They will always be better because they are streamlined. In the private sector, one person can go out, start an organization and pretty quickly gain the resources and distribute those goods to the poor and help the poor. There's not a lot of paperwork and bureaucracy and clunkiness to get in the way. In the private sector, if I want to educate children I simply go out and do the work and start a school. In the private sector a doctor, and this actually is provable very directly from how the doctors used to work in making house calls and other things, could set his own rate free of government interference on how he ran his practice, were she, and could simply take care of people. The doctor didn't need to have the person have insurance. He could work out a payment plan with that person. I happen to know this from experience because this was my parents experience when I had a major injury, and we were dirt poor. The only way we would have been able to pay for what the injury cost was the payment plan that my parents set up with the doctor. The insurance would have made it impossible. The list of the services can go on and on but the point is there. The private sector is the way things are handled. It's not the government's job to do these things. The government's job is only to protect against enemies of the nation, to cover basic projects like infrastructure, and if they're wise, they will work with private sector on that since the private sector is better equipped for that kind of work, to punish evildoers in society in order that chaos doesn't take over, and to stay out of the way of those who are doing good in society and are are simply seeking to live out a goal that is consistent with life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That's it. That's all the government is supposed to do. Anything beyond that is a violation of very Constitution.
I've already answered at length to the point where you're either going to deal with facts or you're going to hide under your liberal talking points. At some point once all the facts are laid out, it's on the other person to deal with it or not. We are at that point.
You never answered Comshaw. How the fuck could you, since he asked you ran like a chicken until I bumped this thread.

There is not much in life I despise, but one like you who voices opinions as fact, then won't show the facts to back up his opinion is right close.